
    Build a Badass Business with Diane Sanfilippo

    Join Diane Sanfilippo - 2x New York Times bestselling author and serial entrepreneur - for business tips, advice, and motivation for emerging or existing business owners. You'll learn practical strategies from Diane as well as hear expert interviews with those who have had similar struggles and have found success.
    en-usDiane Sanfilippo55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    #14: How to Grow Your Audience

    #14: How to Grow Your Audience

    With social media is taking over the lives of business owners and marketers alike, it's no wonder we're all forgetting that at the root of every business - big or small - are people. People are behind every account, screen name, and avatar. By meeting people face to face, you grow and build an audience that's not simply wide, vast, and large - but deeply connected. Of all the books on your shelves, if you've met the author in person, or heard them speak somewhere publicly, I'd bet money that their book is the first you'd recommend to someone over another that's similar that you may like as well. That is the power of connecting in person to grow your audience. Tune in to hear more practical tips and strategies for making this work in your business.

    #13: You are not Taylor Swift. (How to connect over the chasm.)

    #13: You are not Taylor Swift. (How to connect over the chasm.)

    When your following on social media isn't in the millions, like Taylor's or Kim Kardashian's is, how do you make sure you are *connecting* with meaning? You can't simply drop a photo to Instagram, a FB post, or a Tweet and "walk away." It's not the job of the community to simply rally around your content and share it for you to build your tribe. It's *your* job to connect in a meaningful way to help those who choose to invest their time in following what you have to say.

    #12: Q&A: Passive income, getting customers, and naming your business

    #12: Q&A: Passive income, getting customers, and naming your business

    In this episoside, I'm answering listener questions:

    Jeffrey asks-

    What different ways are there to reach a million people and generate passive income, and how would you go about it?

    I am not exceptionally educated in nutrition or fitness. I am certified as a personal trainer. I am not sure if acquiring a more thorough education is a must in order to make this work.

    Claudia asks-

    What are some of your best strategies to get customers? And do you have a specific marketing strategy--like posting to social media X amount of times a day, amount of times you      market your products, do you market in-person as much as online? Sorry, that's more than 1 question!

    It's been a slow start to sell my online programs as well as get a larger client base. Thanks!

    Sherry asks-

    I am wondering about the pros and cons of using your own name or creating a business name.

    I have a couple different websites that have their own names - one is entertainment that I do with my husband and the other is health related. I also do freelance copywriting, content, social media, and marketing consulting - I currently do that under my own name and I'm going back and forth on creating a business name for it.


    #11: Q&A - Hiring: How do you build a team?

    #11: Q&A - Hiring: How do you build a team?

    Today’s question comes from Laura, and she asks, “How do you build a team? I’m getting to the point in my business that I would love to hire someone to help me but I’m terrified of relinquishing control to someone else. Control freak, right?!” That was here words, not mine. She says, “Who did you hire first? What process did you use to build your team and find awesome, affordable help? If you have a limited budget, who are the most important people to hire?” Some background information; she says “I’m considering hiring someone to help me with some blogging, social media, and/or design work. I can’t do it all anymore.

    #10: Are you moving fast enough?

    #10: Are you moving fast enough?

    I want to touch a little bit on this concept of drive and along with that, a pace and a speed. I see this a lot, and I see it with all different types of entrepreneurs. I see it with some of the coaches I have in my sugar detox program, who are all entrepreneurs in different ways with that program. I see it with myself, I see it with my team, all of us who have this entrepreneurial spirit. We may have different levels of drive, and also a different concept of a pace or a speed at which we want to work. Something that I want to throw out there, if you’re somebody who is kind of sitting with these ideas and you just are not pushing forward, you’re just not taking steps to get them out there to execute to get things done, and you’re seeing people kind of whiz by you...

    #9: Listen, Labor, Launch: A Process for Working on Anything.

    #9: Listen, Labor, Launch: A Process for Working on Anything.

    I gave this talk at PaleoFx this year, the largest Paleo nutrition and wellness conference that exists annually. It's a fantastic event and I highly recommend attending next year. I am helping them to organize a business track since this talk was so well attended - can't wait. I'll be adding a transcript to dianesanfilippo.com sooner than later as I add podcast blog posts there. Please let me know what you think of the episode by leaving a review of the show!

    #8: Accounting & Bookkeeping Basics

    #8: Accounting & Bookkeeping Basics

    I recently sat down with my good friend Jessica Mishra who happens to be a smarty-pants CPA. Jessica is also a holistic health coach and a registered yoga teacher, so she's no stranger to running a small business as well as the nuts and bolts of keeping order with all things financial in business. Listen in and then submit any additional questions you have for Jessica via the Build a Badass Business Facebook group. We'll dive a bit deeper and answer your questions in a future, follow-up episode with Jessica. Enjoy!

    #7: Websites Part 2 - To Blog or not to Blog?

    #7: Websites Part 2 - To Blog or not to Blog?

    Deciding to blog - three factors to consider: time that you have for writing your intention for the blog the long game versus the short game If you decide to blog, elements to consider of your posts & blog: what to write about how often to write post graphics post links getting traffic to your posts blog template and design additional elements - ads, guests on your blog

    #6: Websites Part 1 - Pages You Need

    #6: Websites Part 1 - Pages You Need

    Building a website seems so daunting, but if you start at square 1 and focus on the critical first pages, it'll get easier, I promise. Brochureware sites vary a bit from blog-based sites, but everyone needs these initial pages regardless of the end-resulting site type. Home, About, Services/Products (yes, with prices), Testimonials, Contact There's more to it, of course, but that's the barebones basic list of what you'll need at first.

    #5: What to Do First - What's Burning?

    #5: What to Do First - What's Burning?

    1. What's burning? 2. If you don't have a list of ideas, where do I even start? What are the top 10 questions you get? What problems are you solving for your customers? 3. Focus on giving more than asking. When 40 hours a week in your new business isn't cutting it. Hat tip to #askgaryvee Gary Vaynerchuck "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook." 4. Doubt means don't. 

    #4: 5 Tips for Focusing

    #4: 5 Tips for Focusing

    In this episode, I get into details on some tips I have for focusing (in terms of the big-picture/what to do first/getting yourself started, not day-to-day tasks). 1. Take money out of the equation. 2. Get your home-based business out of the house. 3. Just work for one hour (at a time). 4. The 80/20 rule. 5. Have Happy Projects.  

    #2. Fear, Part 1 - Why are You Afraid?

    #2. Fear, Part 1 - Why are You Afraid?

    In this episode I talk about my own thoughts on why I didn't let other people's fears direct my path.

    I want you to ask yourself some hard questions: 
    When/where were you told you couldn't do something?
    Where does your fear come from? 
    Why are you worried?
    Who are the people who are influencing you to be afraid?
    What are they doing in their lives?
    What are you choosing to either contribute to releasing you from fear, or not?
    What is your worst case scenario?