
    Build a Badass Business with Diane Sanfilippo

    Join Diane Sanfilippo - 2x New York Times bestselling author and serial entrepreneur - for business tips, advice, and motivation for emerging or existing business owners. You'll learn practical strategies from Diane as well as hear expert interviews with those who have had similar struggles and have found success.
    en-usDiane Sanfilippo55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    #34: 3 Reasons To Learn New Skills

    #34: 3 Reasons To Learn New Skills

    1. Every time you take this approach and have a new skill that you learned or take the time to learn a new skill, you feel more and more confident that you won’t fail when you try to learn something else that’s new.
    2. Have faith in yourself that even if you screw it up the first time, you will figure it out, find the solution, fix it, and move on.
    3. Building this foundation of skills will really take you to that next level; that you have that power and that control to get something done right now.

    #30:Work just one time to create multiple forms of content [Periscope]

    #30:Work just one time to create multiple forms of content [Periscope]


    1. How to repurpose your content to use across multiple platforms
    2. How to record video on iMovie, strip out the audio and use it on a podcast
    3. Boil down bullet points and create a shareable to be used on Instagram or a long form post on Facebook
    4. Save and reuse content on Periscope (camera roll or katch.me)
    Listener Questions: 
    5. How to re-watch Periscope videos
    6. Does the ScreenFlow also work to record the podcast on Mac?
    7. What podcasting software do you use, or like for editing?

    Join the FaceBook group to get in on the conversation : Facebook, Build a Badass Business

    And come follow me on Periscope! I've been posting videos often, and would love for you to hop on and interact with me, LIVE! Download the free Periscope app, then find me by searching "Diane Sanfilippo." Replays available after at : Katch.Me

    #29: How to handle criticism

    #29: How to handle criticism

    Enjoy this Q&A episode where I address: 

    1. How to handle criticism from people who think you are working too hard. 
    2. The value I place on being in control of my day. 
    3. How to up the level of your business (hint: get out there and meet people). 
    4. How exchanging time for dollars won't necessarily translate into earning a solid living. 
    5. Perfection. Don't be an entrepreneur if you don't want to put out something imperfect. 

    Join the conversation on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/badassbusiness/

    Submit your questions to the show here: https://balancedbites.wufoo.com/forms/build-a-badass-business-podcast-questions/

    #28: How much time should you spend on social media? (Recorded live from Periscope!)

    #28: How much time should you spend on social media? (Recorded live from Periscope!)

    Back with another episode recorded LIVE from Periscope! The audio isn't amazing on this, but I promise it'll improve with future live from the 'Scope recordings. We didn't have any furniture in the house on this day, so it was echoing in the room! Plus, I've got a new mic I'll be trying out.

    In any event, enjoy this Q&A episode all about how much time to spend on social media in the early stages (or any stage, really) of your business!

    Join the conversation on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/badassbusiness/

    Submit your questions to the show here: https://balancedbites.wufoo.com/forms/build-a-badass-business-podcast-questions/


    #27: Get comfortable with change.

    #27: Get comfortable with change.

    This episode was originally created in tandem with a LIVE Periscope broadcast! If you'd like to interact with me live, simply download the free Periscope app and follow me there @dianesanfilippo - see you on the Scope! #dianescopes #badassbusiness

    (Please excuse the loud echo in this episode as we had just moved into a new apartment and there was no furniture yet in the room to help absorb the sound! Most episodes are have way cleaner sound.)

    As an entrepreneur, if there's one thing you need to be okay with, it's CHANGE. In this episode, I talk all about change, redirecting when things don't go as planned, and charging ahead when something doesn't work out the way you expected it to.

    #26B: [Interview] Business integrity with Erich Krauss, owner of Victory Belt Publishing

    #26B: [Interview] Business integrity with Erich Krauss, owner of Victory Belt Publishing


    1. Business is not just business
    2. How to sell a book once it’s published [9:17]
    3. Publishing a book [12:38]
    4. Make decisions carefully [18:18]
    5. Starting slow is key [23:51]
    6. Finding your drive [29:51]
    7. Partnerships in business [36:31]

    As long as you stay true to your moral code, work hard, the money will come, but you can’t do it for the money.

    Anyone getting into business has to be willing to suffer greatly, but that suffering is going to make them a better person

    It’s very easy, with one decision,To take your whole company in a direction you never saw it going, and it can be made with one decision. So be very careful how you run things.

    If the drive is not there for the daily grind, you’re not going to make it in that business.

    Join the conversation on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/badassbusiness/

    Submit your questions to the show here: https://balancedbites.wufoo.com/forms/build-a-badass-business-podcast-questions/



    #26A: [Interview] Business integrity with Erich Krauss, owner of Victory Belt Publishing

    #26A: [Interview] Business integrity with Erich Krauss, owner of Victory Belt Publishing

    1. Introducing Erich Krauss [2:34]
    2. Transitioning to paleo publisher [8:11]
    3. Focusing on the client [16:46]
    4. Hustle and grind [25:02]

    Erich Krauss is the owner and President of Victory Belt Publishing, but his position in life wasn't always on top. He started with modest aspirations to be a writer, and did become one, only not in the genre he expected sa first. His dream to be a writer led him down a path to learning the ins and outs of the publishing industry, which, to his surprise, wasn't quite what he expected. 

    When Erich discovered that, in the majority of cases, authors barely makes any money from the sales of a book (and that the books are often edited and changed to not be exactly as the author wanted or intended) he decided to take matters into his own hands to start a company with different values - focused on the authors. 

    His story is inspiring and motivating as Victory Belt has become the #1 Paleo publisher there is today. The company is also the publisher with the highest ratio of New York Times bestsellers - often with multiple books on the list at once, crushing the competition.

    Join the conversation on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/badassbusiness/

    Submit your questions to the show here: https://balancedbites.wufoo.com/forms/build-a-badass-business-podcast-questions/

    #24: Why not you?

    #24: Why not you?

    Getting a business started, creating a blog, offering a service, or doing something that'll put you "out there" in front of people often brings up a sense of, "why me?" or "who am I to do this, it's already being done by ________." The truth is, there's almost nothing anyone can or will do that's completely new. The truth is, that what's new about what each of us will do is our own take on that thing, that work, that topic. Our unique experiences and perspective make us who we are, and, in turn, make the work we do unique, and worth sharing. So, why not you? 

    Get the full transcript, show notes, links, and more at www.dianesanfilippo.com

    Join the conversation on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/badassbusiness/

    #23: Q&A: Overpriced services, commissions vs pay-per-click ads, food critic blogging, and certifications before nutrition coaching

    #23: Q&A: Overpriced services, commissions vs pay-per-click ads, food critic blogging, and certifications before nutrition coaching

    In this episode, I answer questions about pricing your services (and what to do when other think they're overpriced), options for earning money from ads on your website, how to start blogging as a food critic, and thoughts on getting certified before you start coaching people on nutrition.

    #22: Hustle is an investment in your future.

    #22: Hustle is an investment in your future.

    To any of my entrepreneurs out there, some thoughts for your Monday... This weekend, I talked about HUSTLE over on Periscope. Watch it here - http://katch.me/balancedbites/v/8d6d1c0f-5a0d-3bc4-a908-efbbf2b1a7e0

    Please don't misunderstand my take on hustle for a dismissal of quality time with friends and family. Or time taken for your health as in meal prep or exercise/movement.

    Hustle is what divides the time that everyone has outside of those things to choose to use in various ways. Some choose to watch television, or surf the web, or get extra time socializing, partying, what have you. If you have a family to take care of, certainly your time for these things is even shorter, which is why focus when you are spending time on your business is even more critical. 

    When you are starting a business or are in the early stages before you have hit whatever level of success you are seeking, if you want to achieve things, you don't have the luxury of extra time to relax. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. 

    I've never met a successful entrepreneur who says, "Yeah, I took it slowly and, wow, things blew up so fast for me it was easy! I'm so glad I didn't work too hard in the beginning. Make sure you have balance from the beginning like I did..." If you ever meet someone saying that, don't buy whatever they're selling because it's a pile of B.S.

    Can someone find success slowly, over time, with more "balance" in their lives? Sure. But is it at the pace most new business owners are hoping for? Heck no. And that approach, more often, leads to discouragement in the progress of a business or even more money lost because things didn't move quickly enough.


    When what you don't have is money or a thriving business to look back at and say, "this is my future and I am secure financially," your HUSTLE is what you are investing for future gains. AND IT WILL WORK. But only if YOU WORK.

    #21: How to get comfortable with social media, eBook publishing, Twitter, and blogging.

    #21: How to get comfortable with social media, eBook publishing, Twitter, and blogging.

    In this episode, I talk about getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, naming brands on your blog, publishing an eBook, and getting Twitter to work for you. Join the FaceBook group to get in on the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/badassbusiness/

    And come follow me on Periscope! I've been posting videos often, and would love for you to hop on and interact with me, LIVE! Download the free Periscope app, then find me by searching "Diane Sanfilippo."

    Replays available after at http://katch.me/balancedbites