
    Causes or Cures

    Causes or Cures is an independent health and public health podcast hosted by Dr. Eeks. There are no corporate or academic sponsors, just a grassroots podcast rooted in curiosity and passion that tries to break down tough topics into digestible bits. Dr. Eeks works in the field of public health and health communications as a consultant & contractor. She is passionate about how science is communicated and has a penchant for using a blue-collar sense of humor as a health communications tool. On this podcast, she features experts in their field, doctors, public health experts, public figures, researchers, interesting people, "characters", and folks with compelling personal stories, with the goal of discussing hot topics in public health and wellness in a down-to-earth kinda way. Sometimes they will discuss stranger stuff too, mainly because life is short and it's fun. ;)  DISCLAIMER: Some topics are more controversial than others, so keep in mind that this is information only and not any kind of health advice. Eeks doesn't endorse any of her guests' views, and despite a strict health routine, nor does she endorse any products, supplements, oils, magic socks or potions. Causes or Cures is not a "news site." It's about having conversations, and Dr. Eeks is confident that she can have a respectful conversation with anyone, even people who think far differently than she does.(At least that's been her experience at hole-in-the-wall bars.) Some people are experts, some people are interesting or intriguing to talk to, and some people are both. The point is to not take anything here as Gospel. Sometimes Dr. Eeks' dog Barnaby makes his opinion known, but the good news is that he's a smart dog. Most importantly, she hopes this podcast encourages folks to stay curious, empathic, hopeful, compassionate, honest, open-minded and engaged. Freedom of discussion is a beautiful thing, delightfully messy, and one that many take for granted. *The views on this podcast do not reflect the views of anyone she contracts with or consults for. **You can contact Dr. Eeks (or her dog) through her blog, bloomingwellness.com. (Keep in mind that there are some blogs on there that are advertisement only. She does not review them, they are usually awful, but they help fund Barnaby's treat habit.)  Finally, thanks for listening, subscribing, sharing and supporting the show through the Support the Show Link! :) 

    en-usDr. Eeks170 Episodes

    Episodes (170)

    The Link Between Six Healthy Lifestyle Factors and Risk of Long COVID, with Dr. Siwen Wang

    The Link Between Six Healthy Lifestyle Factors and Risk of Long COVID, with Dr. Siwen Wang

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Siwen Wang about her research published in JAMA Internal Medicine on the link between pre-infection healthy lifestyle factors and risk of Long COVID. She will talk about the 6 lifestyle factors they assessed and why, how they did the study and created a "healthy lifestyle score", and how they defined "Long COVID" for the purposes of her study. Then she will discuss results, "take-home" points, and implications for a wider population.

    Dr. Wang is a medical doctor and Research Fellow at the Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

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    HyperBaric Oxygen Therapy for Better Brain Health & Healthy Aging, with Dr. Joseph Maroon

    HyperBaric Oxygen Therapy for Better Brain Health & Healthy Aging, with Dr. Joseph Maroon

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Joseph Maroon about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), what it is, and how it is administered. He will explain why he believes it is beneficial for improving brain health, particularly for helping people recover from traumatic brain injuries, strokes and PTSD. Dr. Maroon will also explain how it can be used to promote healthy aging and describe his own experience with HBOT at Aviv Clinic, as well as how he uses it with his patients.
    Dr. Maroon is a neurosurgeon, a former doctor for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Vice President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, founder of the New Global Aging Consortium, a competitive triathlete and marathoner. You can read his book Square One and learn more about him on his website here.


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    The Fungi-Killing Compounds Named after Keanu Reeves, with Dr. Sebastian Goetze

    The Fungi-Killing Compounds Named after Keanu Reeves, with Dr. Sebastian Goetze

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Sebastian Goetze on his and his team's discovery of fungi-killing compounds, which they subsequently named after the famous actor Keanu Reeves. (You can read the study here in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.)
    While the study has created a lot of buzz for being named after Keanu, in the podcast, Dr. Goetze will describe the need for anti-fungals, particularly in a world experiencing an "anitmicrobial crisis." He will walk us through how they discovered the compounds, break down the chemistry, and teach us what "gene mining" means. He will discuss how these "Keanumycins" may be beneficial for our health (and the Earth's health), the difficult process of developing an anti-fungal drug, safety issues, and answer a question a lot of folks have: why/how he and his team named the compounds after Keanu and not John Wick. He'll end the podcast by describing future avenues of research.
    Dr. Goetze is a scientist at the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology. You can learn more about him and see his publications here.

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    Decoding Havana Syndrome, a Mystery Illness Targeting the Intelligence Community, with Dr. James Giordano

    Decoding Havana Syndrome, a Mystery Illness Targeting the Intelligence Community, with Dr. James Giordano

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. James Giordano about narrowing in on the cause of Havana Syndrome, a mysterious illness targeting the intelligence community. Havana Syndrome was first identified in 2016, when diplomats and intel officers working in Havana, Cuba began experiencing a mysterious set of symptoms. Dr. Giordano was one of the experts tasked to investigate the cause of Havana Syndrome, and while other reports of Havana Syndrome have occurred in other locations, this podcast will focus on what happened in Havana in 2016.

    "Dr James Giordano is Pellegrino Center Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, and Chief of the Neuroethics Program at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC. He is Senior Bioethicist of the Defense Medical Ethics Center, and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences/Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, and is Distinguished Visiting Professor of Brain Science, Health Promotions, and Ethics at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Coburg, Germany. He is the author of over 350 peer-reviewed publications, 9 books, and 40 government reports on brain science, ethics, and biosecurity. Dr. Giordano was elected to the European Academy of Science and Arts; is an International Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK); was a Senior Fellow and Task Leader of the EU Human Brain Project; and was an appointed member of the US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections."

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    The Unseen Enemy: Navigating the Silent Epidemic of High Blood Pressure, with Dr. Jay Shah

    The Unseen Enemy: Navigating the Silent Epidemic of High Blood Pressure, with Dr. Jay Shah

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Jay Shah about why he believes that high blood pressure is a silent epidemic affecting millions of people. Dr. Shah will first describe what blood pressure is and how we measure it, what high blood pressure is, and why he believes we are experiencing a silent epidemic of high blood pressure. He will also make the case for why we should be continually monitoring blood pressure versus traditional methods of monitoring blood pressure, such as periodic visits to a healthcare provider or taking measurements at home with a blood pressure cuff. He'll explain the technology he is currently working with to do this. Finally, he'll also offer a few lifestyle tips for improving cardiac health. 

    Dr. Shah is a cardiologist who trained at Massachusetts General Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine. He founded and built the cardiovascular services at The Portland Clinic and served as the medical director of the Aortic Disease Program at The Mayo Clinic. He currently serves as the medical director for Aktiia.

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    WTF!?! How Swearing can Help Manage Physical Pain, with Dr. Nick Washmuth

    WTF!?! How Swearing can Help Manage Physical Pain, with Dr. Nick Washmuth

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Nick Washmuth about how swearing (cursing, saying "bad" words, dropping "f bombs") can be used to help manage physical pain. He discusses the theories for why swearing helps with physical pain, the evidence for it, specific case studies, and how it might be used in a clinical setting. He also describes if some swear words are "better" than others for managing physical pain and whether or not making up swear words has any benefit. In addition, he'll talk about how swearing might help build a therapeutic alliance and help with physical performance too.
    Dr Washmuth is a doctor of physical therapy and an Associate Professor at Samford University, School of Health Professions. 
    Disclaimer: If swearing disturbs you, this isn't the podcast for you. If you're fine with it...then let's f'ing go!

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    Final Choices: Exploring Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying Law (MAID), with Dr. Madeline Li

    Final Choices: Exploring Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying Law (MAID), with Dr. Madeline Li

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Madeline Li about Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying Law or MAID.  The Parliament of Canada passed MAID in 2016, allowing eligible Canadian adults to request medical assistance in dying. In 2021 the law was revised to allow for more chronic conditions to be included, and now they are in discussions to expand eligibility to those with a diagnosed mental disorder. 

    Dr. Li is a psychiatrist specializing in cancer and palliative care who also has clinical expertise in applying MAID. She has done eligibility assessments for MAID and helped develop the MAID program for the University Health Network in Toronto, Canada.

    In the podcast, she tells us more about what MAID is, how the original eligibility criteria evolved since 2016, and describes how the law is applied to people who request MAID. She discusses the reasons put forth for expanding MAID to include those with chronic conditions, including mental disorders, and how she personally feels about that. She talks about the key challenges and ethical concerns. Finally,  she offers her suggestions for improving MAID to overcome some of the challenges.

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    A COVID-19 Vaccine You can Drink?! The Story of QYNDR, with Dr. Kyle Flanigan

    A COVID-19 Vaccine You can Drink?! The Story of QYNDR, with Dr. Kyle Flanigan

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Kyle Flanigan, CEO and co-founder of US Specialty Formulations about his company's work on creating a COVID-19 vaccine you can swallow. Basically, a vaccine you drink instead of a shot in the arm. He will discuss his company's vaccine platform, called QYNDR, and how it produces oral vaccines. He'll tell us what an oral vaccine is and how it differs from the traditional vaccines we are used to, including differences in immune response, storage, accessibility and scalability. Dr. Flanigan will walk us through how they are testing the vaccine, the funding requirements involved, early results from an early-stage trial in New Zealand, safety concerns, and what's in store for the future.

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    The US Army's Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F): Enhancing Soldier Readiness & Lethality, with Col Michael McGurk (Ret)

    The US Army's Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F): Enhancing Soldier Readiness & Lethality, with Col Michael McGurk (Ret)

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Col Michael McGurk (Ret), Director of Research for the US Army's Center for Initial Military Training, about the Army's Holistic Health and Fitness System, or H2F. Col McGurk was instrumental in the development of the system and directs test implementation, standards and evaluation of H2F components for the US Army.  You can read his bio here.
    In the podcast he will discuss what H2F is, describe its components (physical, mental, sleep, nutritional and spiritual readiness) and link each component to the broader picture of holistic health. He'll explain why there was a need for H2F and relate it to soldier health and readiness. He'll tell us about H2F Human Performance Teams and plans for the Soldier Performance Readiness Center. Col McGurk will also discuss the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), one component of H2F, why it replaced the Army's Physical Fitness Test (APFT), some of its initial challenges, and how the Army is overcoming those challenges. Finally, he'll discuss how they are measuring outcomes and success rates for each of the H2F components, as well as  ongoing and future research.

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    The Price of Insulin: Who is to Blame for the High Cost? With Dr. Karen Van Nuys and Dr. Neeraj Sood

    The Price of Insulin: Who is to Blame for the High Cost?  With Dr. Karen Van Nuys and Dr. Neeraj Sood

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Karen Van Nuys and Dr. Neeraj Sood about the pricing of insulin in the United States. It's no secret that insulin is unaffordable for many Americans who need it. This discussion will center around how the price of insulin is set, all the players involved, and who is to blame for the high price of insulin in the US. We will explore who benefits the most from increasing insulin prices, whether or not the Inflation Reduction Act will make a significant difference, and what can practically be done to make insulin more affordable for more Americans.
    Dr. Van Nuys is the executive director of the Value of Life Sciences Innovation program and a fellow at the USC Schaeffer Center. She is also a research assitant professor at the USC Price School of Public Policy.  You can learn more about her work here.
    Dr. Sood is a professor at the USC Price School of Public Policy with joint appointments at the USC Keck School of Medicine and USC Marshall School of Business. He is also a senior fellow at the USC Schaeffer center and you can learn more about his work here.

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    Vaccine Nation Unveiled: Diving Into America's Changing Relationship with Vaccines, with author and medical historian Dr. Elena Conis

    Vaccine Nation Unveiled: Diving Into America's Changing Relationship with Vaccines, with author and medical historian Dr. Elena Conis

     In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Elena Conis, author of the book Vaccine Nation, America's Changing Relationship with Immunization. Dr. Conis will describe her interest in this topic and why she decided to write the book. She will discuss how the history of vaccination in the USA (particularly from the 1960s and onward) ties into the prevailing culture, societal beliefs and movements, political initiatives, an evolving body of epidemiological and scientific research, and biotechnological breakthroughs. She'll describe how and why the American public's views on vaccination changed over time, as well as shifts in regulatory power when it comes to things like mandates. She'll discuss anti-vaccination sentiment and vaccine skepticism, when and why they spiked in the population, and how they impacted  political and scientific agendas and vice versa. 

    Dr. Conis is a writer, historian of medicine, and an associate professor at the graduate school of journalism in the department of history at the University of California, Berkley. Previously she was a professor of history at Emory University and an award-winning health columnist for the Los Angeles Times. You can learn more about her here and order her book Vaccine Nation here.

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    Paws for Parkinson's: How Dogs are Trained to Help Detect Parkinson's Disease, with Dr. Mandy Gulla

    Paws for Parkinson's: How Dogs are Trained to Help Detect Parkinson's Disease, with Dr. Mandy Gulla

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Mandy Gulla about the PADs for Parkinson's Program, the first program of its kind in North America that teaches dogs how to detect an odor associated with Parkinson's Disease. 
    In the podcast, she will provide an overview of Parkinson's Disease, talk about a dog's sense of smell and how good it is, and discuss when they first discovered an odor associated with Parkinson's Disease. She will discuss how the program trains the dogs to detect the odor, their accuracy rate, more specifics about the dogs that join the program, the importance of early detection, and the overall goals of the program.
    Dr. Gulla is a holistic physician and founder and medical director of the Living Medical Arts Center that serves the San Juan Islands. Her dog Piglet is one of the biodetection dogs in the PADs for Parkinson's Program.

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    Crisis and Community, The Amish Response to the COVID-19 Era, with Dr. Rachel Stein

    Crisis and Community, The Amish Response to the COVID-19 Era, with Dr. Rachel Stein

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Rachel Stein about the Amish community and the COVID-19 pandemic.  Dr. Stein is an Associate professor of Sociology and Anthropology at West Virginia University. Her research focuses mostly on community building and health in Old Order Amish Communities. You can learn more about her here.
    She will discuss how she became interested in studying the Amish, specifics about the Amish community (their values and way of life), how the Amish responded to the pandemic and any risk-reduction strategies they used. She will discuss their excess death rate during the pandemic, their views on preventive medicine and vaccination in general, and then their views specifically on the COVID-19 vaccine. She will talk about where and how the Amish obtain health information compared to mainstream society and any issues with what people call "misinformation." Finally, she'll discuss their lifespan and specific attributes the Amish community values that might give them a health advantage over mainstream society. 

    Thanks for listening! :)

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    Surviving the Cosmos: Can We Truly Live on Mars Considering Human Health? With Space Medicine Expert Dr. Thais Russomano

    Surviving the Cosmos: Can We Truly Live on Mars Considering Human Health? With Space Medicine Expert Dr. Thais Russomano

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with  Dr. Thais Russomano about human health in space. Dr. Russomano will discuss changes that occur to the human body when in space; health concerns and differences between living on Mars vs living on the Moon; how medicines might behave differently in space; diagnostic tools needed in space; long-term health surveillance; and how clinical trials "in" space could be conducted. Finally, she will discuss her thoughts on if humans could truly live on Mars one day and how that would happen from a health perspective.

    Dr. Russomano is an internationally recognized expert on space medicine. She is a  medical doctor and a doctor (Phd) of space physiology. She's worked as a space scientist at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine in Germany and founded the Microgravity Center, an international reference center to study human space physiology, which she headed for years. She's been a professor of space physiology at King's College in London and a visiting professor at several other universities in different countries. She's written numerous publications on space-related health issues, and she is co founder and director of InnovaSpace. You can read more about her and her work here. 

    You can contact Dr. Eeks at bloomingwellness.com.
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    Steps of Longevity: Mapping the Optimal Number of Steps for Lowering Risk of Death, with Dr. Borja del Pozo Cruz

    Steps of Longevity: Mapping the Optimal Number of Steps for Lowering Risk of Death, with Dr. Borja del Pozo Cruz

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Borja del Pozo Cruz, PhD, about his and his team's study recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine on the association between daily steps/step intensity and new cases of cancer, cardiovascular disease and death.  (To date, it is the largest population sample and analysis of adults wearing an accelerometer.)
    In the podcast, Dr. Pozo Cruz will discuss his current research interests and why he is interested in the link between number of daily steps and health. He will explain how he and his team conducted the study and what they were measuring, including daily step counts, cadence-based metrics, and stepping intensity. He'll discuss their findings related to number of daily steps and association with cancer, cardiovascular disease and death, and if there were any differences noted among age groups. He'll answer the question, "Is there a magic number" of steps we should be taking to reduce our risk of disease and death. Finally he'll discuss limitations, potential individual and public health implications based on his findings and where he's taking his research next.
    Dr. Borja del Pozo Cruz is a scientist, professor and senior researcher with the Department of Sport Sciences and Clinical Biomechanics at the Center for Active and Healthy Aging at the University of Southern Denmark.

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    Hygienic Chow: Dog Bowl Cleanliness and the Intersection with Human Health, with Dr. Emily Luisana

    Hygienic Chow: Dog Bowl Cleanliness and the Intersection with Human Health, with Dr. Emily Luisana

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Emily Luisana about her recent study on dog bowl and dog food hygiene and the link to human and dog health published here.
    In the podcast, Dr. Luisana will discuss how she became interested in this topic and provide an overview of the potential bacteria/viruses that may grow on dog bowls and the potential impact for dog and human health. She'll discuss results from her survey that assessed how many people knew about the FDA's pet dish cleaning recommendations as well as the most common current practices for handling/storing dog food and cleaning dog bowls. She'll describe results from a survey to assess bacterial growth on dog dishes among groups, one of which used the FDA guidelines, and discuss differences. Then she'll offer general guidance and a bit of nutritional wisdom for dogs.
    Dr. Luisana is a practicing veterinarian and board-certified clinical nutritionist for veterinary medicine. You can read more about her here.

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    The Global Burden of Cancer that is Attributed to Risk Factors, with Dr. Christopher Murray

    The Global Burden of Cancer that is Attributed to Risk Factors, with Dr. Christopher Murray

    In this podcast, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Christopher Murray about his recent article published in The Lancet (2022) titled The Global Burden of Cancer Attributable to Risk Factors, 2010-2019, a Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. This is the largest effort to date to determine the gobal burden of cancer due to risk factors. He will discuss what the global burden of disease study is, how he and his team estimated the burden of cancer, the risk factors and the assessment framework used to link specific cancers to specific risks, what percentage of cancer is attributed to risk factors, what the greatest risks are, differences in high income vs low income countries and public health implications.

    Dr. Murray is Chair of Health Metrics Sciences at the University of Washington and Director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). He also leads the Global Burden of Disease collaboration ( a systemic effort to quantify the comparitive magnitude of health loss due to diseases, injuries and risk factors.)He is both a physician and a health economist and his work has led to innovative methods for strengthening health measurements, analyzing the performance of health systems and producing forecasts for the future state of health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House, European Commission, WHO EURO and Africa CDC have used IHME forecasts and policy scenarios as sources of evidence.

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    Talking about That Time of the Month, with DIVA CEO Carinne Chambers-Saini

    Talking about That Time of the Month, with DIVA CEO Carinne Chambers-Saini

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Carinne Chambers-Saini, CEO of DIVA and founder of the DIVA menstrual cup about how the mainstream dialogue around menstruation has changed over the years, what menstrual inequity and period poverty is, how the DIVA Cup works and its benefits over pads and tampons, anything we have to worry about with the DIVA Cup, and finally how she implemented a "menstrual health leave policy" at her company and how folks responded.

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    The Link between Psilocybin, Weight Control & Energy Balance, with Dr. Christoffer Clemmensen

    The Link between Psilocybin, Weight Control & Energy Balance, with Dr. Christoffer Clemmensen

    In this episode of Causes or Cures, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Christoffer Clemmensen about his research on the psychedelic drug, psilocybin,  and its connection to weight and energy balance. This podcast will mostly cover his animal study published here in Translational Psychiatry. As there is renewed interest in psychedelics and, of course, the ongoing obesity epidemic that is increasing around the globe, this is a doubly timely topic.
    Specifically, he will discuss psilocybin, how it works in the body, its relation to "cognitive flexibility", and how it might be used for obesity. He will explain the results of his animal study involving psilocybin, the dosing riddle,  and why he feels it should next be studied in humans.
    Dr. Clemmensen heads the Clemmensen Group studies at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research. His research focuses on the biological regulation of body weight and aims to develop new therapeutic approaches for obesity and its metabolic consequences. You can learn more about him and his lab here.
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    Evidence for an Emerging Epidemic of Cancer in Young People, with Dr. Shuji Ogino

    Evidence for an Emerging Epidemic of Cancer in Young People, with Dr. Shuji Ogino

    In this Causes or Cures episode, Dr. Eeks chats with Dr. Shuji Ogino about his recent paper published in Nature Reviews, Clinical Oncology, titled "Is early-onset cancer an emerging global epidemic? Current evidence and future implications."
    In the podcast, Dr. Ogino discusses what "early onset" means, what types of cancer are showing up earlier in people less than 50 years of age, and the evidence and data that supports this trend. He discusses how exposures early in life and in utero may be contributing to early-onset cancer in young people ( in their thirties and forties), and the specific risk factors that have been linked to early-onset cancer.  He talks about why molecular pathological epidemiology is important for future analysis of this trend and what we need to do to slow this emerging epidemic from an individual perspective, a public health perspective, and a research one.
    Dr. Ogino, originally from Japan, is chief of the program in Molecular Pathological Epidemiology, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Professor of Pathology at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. He is also a professor in the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.  You can learn more about him here.

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