
    Christian Soul Prepper Podcast

    The Christian podcast for the Body of Christ. Christian Soul Prepper Podcast is here to prepare you for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. We are geared for Christian men, Christian women, and all those who love Jesus. In this podcast series, we will do in-depth Bible Studies into a wide array of important topics. Grab Your Bible and let’s dig into the word of God. - Lance McClintock  #ChristainPodcast #Jesus #Bible #BibleStudy #TeachingMinistry #Sermons 

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    Episodes (154)

    🐻Bear One Another's Burdens

    🐻Bear One Another's Burdens

    Bear One Another's Burdens: We all have to do what we all have to do, but we do not have to do it alone. We might think we are saving other parts of the body of Christ from having to deal with our issues by not sharing. This is not true, for we are spiritually connected. If the hand suffers, the rest of the body suffers too. If the body knows that the hand is suffering, than it can step up and make sure it gets the attention it needs. But if the hand plays it off as if everything is okay, when called upon to act, the hand will fail in its function for the body. So, we must stay open and connected; praying for each other, bearing each other’s burdens, and encouraging each other.  #Love #Share #Give

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    🤟The Power Of Personal Forgiveness: WW-6

    🤟The Power Of Personal Forgiveness: WW-6

    Personal Forgiveness: We really need to start with a look at what forgiveness is and how the word is presented in the Bible. Often we are led to believe that it is a unique word with one single meaning. And then we turn this word into a verb meaning to “Forgive & Forget,” seeking spiritual amnesia of wrongs and slights against us. Then if you fail to produce this amnesia, it is somehow wrong and is somehow a sin. Not to mention the directive to “forgive all” and “always forgive.” Would you be surprised to learn that the topic is a little deeper than this simplistic Sunday school philosophy? It is not without its merits, but it does lack the full understanding of God’s intention for forgiveness. 

    The easiest and most concise way I can define “Forgiveness” is in the word: “Separate”- To separate the wrong from the wrong doer; To no longer attach the act to the actor, seeing them as two separate entities; No longer belonging to each other nor having influence upon one another. Much like taking the peanut out of the shell, and throwing the shell away while keeping the nut. #Forgiveness #ForgivenbyGod #Forgave

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    👄 Big Fat Mouth Syndrome

    👄 Big Fat Mouth Syndrome

     Big Fat Mouth Syndrome: What an interesting and contrary thing we call a mouth. The great rudder of men’s souls and snitch of the heart. It can express deep love for man and God, and utterly destroy those made in His image. It can tell the truth or pervert it into deep lies. So in this discussion, we will briefly go over some of what the Bible has to say, and then have an open discussion on the topic. Hopefully we will equip ourselves along the way to tame this wild, unyielding beast. #Mouth  #controlyourmouth  #Watchyourtongue

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    🧪Can Your Minister Pass This Test? EB-30

    🧪Can Your Minister Pass This Test? EB-30

    🧪Can Your Minister Pass This Test?: We are called by God to honor those He sends to help guide us in the path of salvation. They are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring our well being. We are also told by God not to make their jobs hard. Yet, that being said, we are also called to inspect their fruits. To validate their conduct and ensure they are being faithful in their calling. We are not called to follow them down the primrose path to hell. Or, let them tickle our ears and lie to our faces. So we must be on guard and follow the guide given to us in scripture. While we read let us also inspect ourselves and see if we can pass the test: As we are all called to minister for the Lord. 

    Matthew 7:15-20 “Watch out for false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are voracious wolves.  (16)  You will recognize them by their fruit. Grapes are not gathered from thorns or figs from thistles, are they?  (17)  In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.  (18)  A good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor a bad tree to bear good fruit.  (19)  Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  (20) So then, you will recognize them by their fruit.” #TestYourMinister #MinistryTest #FalseProphets

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    ⏲Ministry Time Capsule: 1-7-20 To 1-4-24⌚

    ⏲Ministry Time Capsule: 1-7-20 To 1-4-24⌚

    Why We Share This Information: We must bring glory to God by exposing the work that has been done in His Name and the Name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Not to glorify human accomplishment, no, let it never be so. All glory goes to God. We also need to let those who wish to partner with this work know that this ministry is fertile ground and has accomplished much through faithfulness. 

    I also wish to kind of crack the lid on the ministry and talk about some things we never talk about. To help the body to truly understand what is really being accomplished for the kingdom of God. And in what manner it is being accomplished. We are doing this as a time capsule episode, so that years later we can look back and see what God has accomplished since the creation of this episode. 

    We are told by Jesus to count the cost ahead of time before committing to serving Him. We must plan with wisdom and intelligence and make an informed commitment. So too do they who wish to partner with us, through donating to fund this outreach ministry  #MinistryTimeCapsule #PraiseReport #Brotherlance

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    📢God: Revealer Of Truth, Mysteries & Arcane Knowledge - Getting To Know God Part 7

    📢God: Revealer Of Truth, Mysteries & Arcane Knowledge - Getting To Know God Part 7

    God: Revealer Of Truth, Mysteries & Arcane Knowledge: Many liars, charlatans, hucksters, con-artists, Children of Satan, Perverter’s of truth and destroyers of understanding declare that God has hidden from man the truth. Satan is using these willing puppets and makes them dance with lies like marionettes.  For a small nominal fee, the secret things can be revealed by the satanic stooges.  All you must do is deny your soul, part with your wallets, and disconnect from reason and understanding. Then, having paid such a high price for these lies, you would become so invested that to deny the fable would be insult to your own brilliance and sacrifice. What a monumental waste of time. Our God, the one true God, the God of the Bible YHWH, the Father of Jesus, declares the truth, mysteries, and arcane knowledge to His children. He is not hiding the facts and He is not keeping secrets for those things that pertain to this life. Our God is the revealer of truth to all who are called and willing to listen. It is in His character to do so, and He has not changed. Rest assured, your Father God is ready to share the secret things hidden from the eyes of this world.  #Truth #Mysteries #Knowledge

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    🧱 Getting To Know God: Part 6 - What Does God Expect From Us?

    🧱 Getting To Know God: Part 6 - What Does God Expect From Us?

    IN Christianity, it’s very easy to get self-absorbed. God gave Jesus for me, Jesus died for me, I get redemption, I become Holy, I am the apple of God’s eye, He’s coming back for me, I’ll put on immortality, I’ll live forever, I get blessed, etc, etc, etc.. You get the picture. Yes, every one of those statements is true in context. But, it really misses the point. Often the blessing is pushed harder than the source, and people seek the blessing more than the One who blesses. The gift of immortality becomes more of a self-centered endeavor, completely overlooking why we will become immortal. Modern church is selling the “get rich quick” gospel, instead of sacrifice and obedience. They talk more about what God can do for you (appealing to your selfish side), than what you can do for God. It teaches self-esteem without humbleness and meekness. Basically, you get a whole lot of icing but no cake. This produces a “what’s in it for me mentality.” As long as I’m getting what I want, I will come. But hey, one slip up and I’m out of here. The reason for this is because that is what most Christians get sold on when entering the church. “Hey, God will give you the warm fuzzies, you’ll feel better, and He will bless you.” This is all true, but once again, it is only half the truth. Church and everything Christianity is, is about God and Jesus first. But in our “lukewarm” state, we have made it all about us. How can my needs be met? Instead of, me meeting the needs of God and man. What can God do for me? Instead of, what can I do for God? I want this, instead of asking what God wants. Well, I think that’s a great question. Let us see what God wants and observe His expectation of His children. #BibleStudy #KnowGod #WhatGodWants

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    🤑 God Wants You To Be Rich! 💲 EB-29

    🤑 God Wants You To Be Rich!  💲 EB-29

    God wants you to be rich. Rich beyond your own limited imagination. God wants you to overflow with unlimited, never ending, relentless blessings. So much so, THAT you could not make a building big enough to contain all that God wants to give you. A blessing so great that every desire of your heart will be fulfilled, and no pleasure restrained. This is what we will cover: how to ensure that this will happen for you. I will show in the Bible the key to unlock for you these blessings and much, much more. It all starts with knowing how to start with the right employer. So without delaying these blessing any longer, we will get starting and reaping the magnificent overflow of riches of the kingdom of heaven.  We will cover how to pick the right employer, the right bank, and the right occupation- With much more! So, Download This Teaching Right Now! #Rich #Getrich #wealth 

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    📜The Beatitudes: The Real Meaning!

    📜The Beatitudes: The Real Meaning!

    The Beatitudes: I recently came across a very powerful perspective on the Beatitudes. I was watching a  teaching series called “Total Onslaught” By Professor Walter Veith from Amazing Discoveries Ministries. Why I differ on some points, I found the series exceptional and well thought out, explained, and Bible-based. Without endorsing everything he said, I can say that you would have to try very hard to finding a greater amount of truth explained in such a wonderful way. In that series, he explained The Beatitudes with a novel and special perspective. A way in which I have never heard or considered before and I must say that I agree with him. So, I wanted to share this insight God gave him and then expand the premise even more. 
    Let’s start with reading the “Beatitudes” from Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”:
    #Beatitudes #Bible Study

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    🦃 Thanksgiving : Unlocking The Power Of An Attitude Of Gratitude

    🦃 Thanksgiving : Unlocking The Power Of An Attitude Of Gratitude

    Thanksgiving is upon us. It is my favorite holiday of the entire year. This week for Bible Study, we will be giving thanks to our wonderful Father God and Savior Jesus. So, without much fanfare, here are some Bible verses about being thankful and giving God “Thanks”-giving. I have also formatted a quick questionnaire to help us think of the wonders God has done on our behalf this year. We will go over them during the Bible Study. Then, we will end with key concepts to keep our hearts right!
    #thanksgiving #thanksgivingmovie #thanksgivingbreak 

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    Colossians 2:6-7 “You received Christ Jesus the Lord, so continue to live as Christ's people. Sink your roots in him and build on him. Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with Thanksgiving.” 

    Psalms 26:6-7 “I will wash my hands in innocence. I will walk around your altar, O LORD, so that I may loudly sing a hymn of Thanksgiving and tell about all your miracles.” 

    Psalms 95:1-3 “O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with Thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.”

    Psalms 100:4-5 “Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endures to all generations.” 

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    🔥🔥Getting To Know God: Part 5 -What Does God Look Like? Continued.

    🔥🔥Getting To Know God: Part 5 -What Does God Look Like? Continued.

    This Is What God Looks And Sounds Like! Focus Verse: John 1:18 “No one has seen God at any time. The one and only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him.” This seems like a strange focus verse for a 2nd study on what God looks like. Yet, in time, it will become apparent for all to see why we are using this verse. In Part 1 of “What Does God Look Like”, we used the scriptures own description to reveal a shadow of God’s true beauty. In Part 2, we will focus on The New Jerusalem, God’s voice, what His presence does to the earth, how no one can see God, and then how, if you have seen Jesus, you have seen what God looks like. Ending with the Bible’s description of what Jesus now looks like in Heaven. So, let’s get started!
    #God #YWHW #Love

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    🔥Getting To Know God: Part 4 -What Does God Look Like?

    🔥Getting To Know God: Part 4 -What Does God Look Like?

    This Is What God Looks Like? “We are not unlike Him in appearance. We are like the shadow of His glory. He has a form like ours, but is also spirit- a spirit that is a consuming fire. Yes, He has a head, hands, feet, arms, and legs, but this is where the comparison stops for us. His skin, if you will, looks like swirling marble as Jasper and is reddish brown like Carnelian stone. From the waist up, He appears as gleaming metal with fire enclosed in it all around. From the waist down, His legs and feet are like pillars of fire. In His hands are light that shoot forth like lighting. His face shines brighter than the sun. And His eyes look like flames of fire. His hair is shining white like wool or fresh snow in the sunlight. He chooses to clothe Himself in a brilliant white robe that is like light itself. The snow white train of the robe swirls around on the ground and fills the entire temple. When He speaks, it’s as if you’re hearing the roaring of a lion, and rushing waters, and thunder rolling through a storm. Whenever He moves, the smoke of His glory goes before Him and behind and around Him. And no man has ever seen His face and lived.

              His throne sits atop a blue sapphire stone that is as pure and clear as the sky. The base of His throne has wheels that look like they are ablaze. The throne itself is made of sapphire and also looks like it is on fire. And an emerald green rainbow arches over His throne reaching from one side to the other. There are two creatures that stand above Him on each side, each having six wings which are not unlike the wings of a bird. They cover their faces with two wings, then they cover their body with another two wings, and finally they cover their feet with the last two. They forever say to each other, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of Your glory!” The room is filled with smoke and the brightness of a rainbow shining every color through the smoke. Finally, and I believe the most revealing, is He has all the host of heaven beside Him on His left side and on His right side.”  #God'sApperance #burningfire #God 

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    ✨Getting To Know God: Part 3 -The Fatherhood Of God

    ✨Getting To Know God: Part 3 -The Fatherhood Of God

    In Part 3 of “Getting To Know God” we will reveal the Fatherhood of God. We use Jesus as our proof of concept and case study. It is through Jesus that we are assured of the Fatherhood of our God. We find the blueprint of our redemption in the life and death, then resurrection of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Hopefully by the end of this study, you will witness a mighty miracle, a change in events, and the completion of a grand goal set by God and Jesus.
    Focus Verse: Psalms 53:2 “God looked down from Heaven on the sons of mankind to see if any was discerning, who was seeking God.” #godourfather #fathergod #daddygod

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    👟 Getting To Know God: Part 2 -His Actions

    👟 Getting To Know God: Part 2 -His Actions

    In  Getting  To  Know  God Part  1   we  started  unwrapping  the  character  traits  of  the God  we  love,  and  Who  loves  us.  We  will  continue  the  journey  of  exploration  of  our Heavenly  Father.  Again,  these  facts  will  not  provide  the  relationship  we  seek,  but  it will  tell  us  about  the  One  we  are  seeking  a  relationship  with.  In  this,  we  find encouragement  and  motivation  to  press  on  to  know  God.  He  wants  us  to  know  Him and  be  known  by  Him.  So,  be  encouraged  and  start  the  lifelong  process  of  getting  to know your  Heavenly  Father-  He  is  waiting  for  you!  Let’s  look  into  His  actions!   #Gettoknowgod #godislove #FatherGod

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    🤗 Getting To Know God: -His Character

    🤗 Getting To Know God: -His Character

    We will cover many things about God in this study. Yet, to truly know God, it takes experience and time. What this study sets out to do is to frame the Character and Personality of God. This way, you can better approach a relationship with God based upon the knowledge of who He is and how He desires to be understood. Much like when you introduce someone to a friend of yours. You would say something like “they are really easy going and funny.” Then, you would have a better idea of what to expect. And when things seem to unfold in a way you weren’t expecting, you could go back to information previously given to interpret reality. Like, in our example of our fake friend being funny. If that person said something and you didn’t know how you should take it, you could think back and say, “Oh yeah, they said that this person was funny.” Then you can interpret the interaction based upon the information given about their character. This is what I want to do in the next couple of studies. To truly know God, it will take time and experience. To know what kind of God you are having a relationship with, it takes the following information.  #KnowGod #KnowGodNow #KnowGodBetter

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    🍞The Lord's Supper & Passover: Explained WW-5

    🍞The Lord's Supper & Passover: Explained  WW-5

    Today, we will be learning about the power of the Lord’s Supper. We will unlock the connection of the Passover and foot washing, as it pertains to the Lord’s Supper. Often called the “meal that heals”, it can also be the meal that can inflict sickness and even death. We will tread very carefully through the facts and seek the full blessing of this sacred rite. When performed with a humble heart before God, it is one of the most powerful weapons of our warfare that we can utilize for our victory. So, without further delay, let’s look deep into this amazing blessing.  #Passover #Communion #LordsSupper

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    💡13 Things To Pray For Daily & Things To Remember!

    💡13 Things To Pray For Daily & Things To Remember!

    13 Things To Pray For Daily & Things To Remember. It is very easy to just get into a routine or habit in our walk of faith. We can slowly drift away from the narrow path and find our faith shipwrecked, wondering what happened to us. This is why Part 1 of the “Pilgrims Guide To Not Get Lost” was so important. We covered many important aspects and tactics to stay the course and not get lost in our faith. In Part 2 of the Pilgrims Guide, we will cover even more things to pray daily. We included a couple in the last study, yet there are many more to cover. We will end this study with a new list of things we are told to remember and not forget. Through daily “Prayer and Remembrance” we will steady our heart, soul, and mind on the goal of our faith. Empowering ourselves to arrive successfully at the destination of our hope. #Prayer #biblestudytools  #biblestudy 

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    Christian Soul Prepper Podcast
    en-usSeptember 14, 2023

    🤝God Is Love: How Do You Love Like God? WW-4

    🤝God Is Love: How Do You Love Like God? WW-4

    God Is Love: 1 Corinthians 13:13 “But now faith, hope, and love remain—these three. The greatest of these is Love.” When we think of God, it’s kind of hard to fathom having the power to do whatever you want, however you want. With unlimited power, and no one being able to resist your every whim. So, it can be equally as difficult to understand that God purposely and willingly limited Himself to a set of guidelines. He chose self-control and directives that expressed certain characteristic of Himself that He wanted His creation to focus on. In this, God chose LOVE to be the chief expression of who He is. Then, He went about defining the definition of Love. He did this by again setting up limitations and guidelines- “rules” if you will, on how Love presents itself. What Love does and what Love never does. Then He enacted the creation plan to express this Love to His Children. With this understanding, we will start to dive into the topic of God, Love, and why obedience is so important to truly love! #Godislove #Love #Iloveyou

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    🗺 The Pilgrims Daily Guide To Not Get Lost!

    🗺 The Pilgrims Daily Guide To Not Get Lost!

    As we come closer to the end of time, it will become harder to stay faithful. The temptations will get greater, and the desires of the world will rage against righteousness. Our own need for security and the security of our families with become an every present oppression against faithfulness. We have unlimited spiritual resources at our fingertips right now. We also have pastors and leaders readily available for council. This will not always be this way. Darkness will come upon the earth and every Christian must be ready to stand on their own without a pastor, or even a Bible. Only the faith we’ve invested in and the words of God we have hidden in our hearts. This is why I made this study. We don’t know what tomorrow holds, or who we’ll be able to help or get help from. So I wanted to create a basic guideline on how to stand strong- a roadmap to faithfulness. If we can remember these guidelines, we will be much stronger to stand alone in the days of trouble.  #staythesame #runtherace #faithfullness

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    🔥HELLywood - Entertainment Conspiracy: EB28

    🔥HELLywood - Entertainment Conspiracy: EB28

    We live in what is called the “Screen Age.” We all have TV screens, phone screens, watch screens, computer screens, and movie screens. There is a screen in every direction all pushing “entertainment.” Interestingly enough, the entertainment industry seems to be the biggest arm of outreach for the schemes of the Devil. Even more impressive than that, is that those whom the devil wants to destroy off the face of the planet are actually funding these operations. Like the saying goes, “give the devil an inch, and he will become a ruler”. So, let’s cover this very important topic and learn how to guard against the entertainment conspiracy. 

    Watch The Video https://youtu.be/_OoS1KOYCbM

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