
    Christianity Without the Crap - Podcast

    A lot of people think that Church is BS. They think we’re full of it. They think that Christians, Christianity and Church is a load of crap, that Christians are negative, out of touch, judgmental, small minded, mean spirited, politically driven and decidedly hypocritical. We embrace a fresh faith, leaving behind the hard line “you're wrong - we’re right” attitude, the “your sin is worse than my sin” delusion, the medieval paradigm of hell, the contrived emotionalism, the anti-science bias, and the political one-sidedness. This podcast will give a place to debate old and new ideas within Christianity in a respectful environment. Every week Mark and Tammy will discuss a culturally relevant but controversial topic; Mark from the perspective of a ex-pastor and Tammy from the perspective of a disillusioned church-goer with a scientific background. Our goal is to foster an environment of questioning and learning using an open mind so listeners develop an intellectually credible faith that aligns in their heart, soul and mind.
    enMark Traylor75 Episodes

    Episodes (75)

    All Good Things Must Come to an End (Final Ep.)

    All Good Things Must Come to an End (Final Ep.)

    It’s been one of the great joys of our lives to be the hosts of the Christianity Without the Crap Podcast. But alas, all good things must come to an end. We’re feeling both sad and grateful, but we feel great about how this podcast has helped so many rethink their spirituality, escape the gravity of negative religion, and realize they are not alone in their “heretical” thoughts. Love you all! 

    #69 AWOL!

    #69 AWOL!

    It’s been over a month since our last episode… so what’s up? Mark and Tammy have been on a completely unplanned but incredibly exciting hiatus. Find out what’s been going on and what’s to come for CWOC!

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #68 Christianity & Shame / Joined at the Hip

    #68 Christianity & Shame / Joined at the Hip

    Christians did not invent shame. But we may have perfected it. Which is really too bad, because Jesus whole deal was the repudiation of shame. Yet the teaching of the church has inspired deep shame in millions, and it can be tough to root out.

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #67 How To Have An Enemy w Melissa Florer-Bixler

    #67 How To Have An Enemy w Melissa Florer-Bixler

    Many feel that empathy is the key to loving enemies… But does empathy really change the systems that create enemies? It’s the systems & structure of society that put us at odds, & those systems hurt our enemies too. Loving our enemies means fighting to free us all.

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #66 Lost In Translation. One Wrong Word Poisoned the Well

    #66 Lost In Translation. One Wrong Word Poisoned the Well

    The word “homosexual” did not appear in our Bibles until 1946. (wait… what?) That word is a mistranslation of the original greek, & resulted in the marginalization & persecution of millions. Rocky Roggio’s new movie is an attempt to expose this intentional error.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #65 Religious Trauma with Brian Peck

    #65 Religious Trauma with Brian Peck

    Religion is supposed to be a source of strength & healing, and often it is. But for millions, religious communities, families & teachings have generated trauma & lasting pain. Brian Peck is a therapist who helps those who’ve been harmed by religion find freedom & peace.

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #64 Goodness Still Grows with Amy Peterson

    #64 Goodness Still Grows with Amy Peterson

    Despite everything, there are still people who believe that Christianity has something good to offer. Amy Peterson is one of those people. Her book “Where Goodness Still Grows” brings a fresh new perspective to some old virtues in a way that can revitalize our faith.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #63 Apocalypse How? Good Times & End Times w Keith Giles

    #63 Apocalypse How? Good Times & End Times w Keith Giles

    Evangelicals tell a pretty wild tale about the End Times. But where’s that come from? Keith Giles explains that the whole story about 666 & the beast & the antichrist, all coming to get you, represents a gross misinterpretation and misappropriation of scripture.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #62 Do Dogs go to Heaven? (spoiler... yes!)

    #62 Do Dogs go to Heaven? (spoiler... yes!)

    Many believe that humans are the only creatures to have a soul, that we’re the point & pinnacle of creation, & that other creatures only exist to be the extras in our movie. But this is bunk. It’s a mentality the causes untold suffering, and destroys the planet.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #61 Different Not Less - Autism and the Church

    #61 Different Not Less - Autism and the Church

    Evangelicalism doesn’t have the best reputation for including people who are “different”. An institution that values conformity leaves a lot of people behind. As an academic and a person with autism, Erin Burnett has both studied and lived this, and we’re honored to interview her. Check her out at  http://erinburnettauthor.co.uk/ramblings-autistic-christian/


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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    # 60 Christianity Conquest and the Ongoing Colonizing of Minds

    # 60 Christianity Conquest and the Ongoing Colonizing of Minds

    From the 16th through the 20th Centuries, the great nations of Europe, and later the United States, conquered & colonized the world, looting resources, destroying cultures, enslaving populations & carrying out genocide, all under the pretext “saving” the “savages”. Evangelicals think this is a bygone era. They dont realize how this heritage continues to influence them in dark ways.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #59 A Time to Heal

    #59 A Time to Heal

    The election is over, and we have a new president (whew!) But we continue to be starkly divided. Can we heal in that environment, without putting on an avoidant, phony, superficial “niceness”?  Maybe… but progressives need to find new ways to interact with conservatives.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #58 What's Up With The Enneagram?

    #58 What's Up With The Enneagram?

    Is the Enneagram thing just a Christian fad? Or is there something timeless about the enneagram that can help us better understand ourselves and others? Featuring special guest Gina Gomez. (https://ginagomez.co)

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com          cwoc.tammy@gmail.com

    #57 Cindy Wang Brandt- Dont Screw Up Your Kids!

    #57 Cindy Wang Brandt- Dont Screw Up Your Kids!

    Cindy Wang Brandt helps parents heal from their religious trauma, so they can raise children with a healthy spirituality. She helps parents avoid screwing up their kids with negative religion! Even if you don’t have kids, this episode will help you understand your own upbringing and spiritual trauma.


    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #56 So, What's Good about Christianity?

    #56 So, What's Good about Christianity?

    We all know that Mark and Tammy talk alot of smack about Christianity and Christians. But can they see anything good about it after 2000 years of Christians screwing it up? Can we throw out the bathwater without throwing out the baby?

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #55 Ryan Bell - Life After God

    #55 Ryan Bell - Life After God

    We’re back from our Summer Break! And we’ve got a great Interview to start our new season. Ryan Bell is a former pastor turned atheist, with a story of transition that’s fascinating and informative. Even if you’re not an atheist, there’s much to learn here about the process of breaking away from fundamentalism and toxic religion.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    CWOC Short - One Protestor's Story

    CWOC Short - One Protestor's Story

    Mark does a short interview with a short protestor! But her compassion towards a counter-protestor leaves her standing tall. This is a fun one!

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    BONUS! A Moderate Speaks! (finally!)

    BONUS! A Moderate Speaks! (finally!)

    This week we hear a response to episode #53 “Moderates Where Are You?” Our good friend Jesse Fadle gives us some insight into the complexities, risks and conflicting instincts that make it difficult for moderates to know what to do or say when the world gets crazy. And he tells us why he thinks more moderates may finally be finding their voice.

    Donate at: www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    # 54 Looking Back To Look Ahead

    # 54 Looking Back To Look Ahead

    We can’t believe we’ve been doing this podcast for 18 months! it’s been so exciting to watch it grow, and to connect with our listeners. Mark and Tammy reflect on where we’ve been, what we’ve learned, how we’ve grown, where we need to improve, and where we’re going from here!

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #53 Moderates, Where Are You?

    #53 Moderates, Where Are You?

    Moderate christians don't have a voice in the public square for one simple reason… They’ve chosen to remain silent. if you’re a moderate christian, we feel like your voice sorely missed right now. You're in a position to help soften the views of people on both sides of the divide. But it feels like you dont wanna show up.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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