
    Christianity Without the Crap - Podcast

    A lot of people think that Church is BS. They think we’re full of it. They think that Christians, Christianity and Church is a load of crap, that Christians are negative, out of touch, judgmental, small minded, mean spirited, politically driven and decidedly hypocritical. We embrace a fresh faith, leaving behind the hard line “you're wrong - we’re right” attitude, the “your sin is worse than my sin” delusion, the medieval paradigm of hell, the contrived emotionalism, the anti-science bias, and the political one-sidedness. This podcast will give a place to debate old and new ideas within Christianity in a respectful environment. Every week Mark and Tammy will discuss a culturally relevant but controversial topic; Mark from the perspective of a ex-pastor and Tammy from the perspective of a disillusioned church-goer with a scientific background. Our goal is to foster an environment of questioning and learning using an open mind so listeners develop an intellectually credible faith that aligns in their heart, soul and mind.
    enMark Traylor75 Episodes

    Episodes (75)

    #52 Wise Words We Need To Hear Again

    #52 Wise Words We Need To Hear Again

    In light of the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests, we wanted to re-broadcast an interview we did a year ago with Mario Pile, an African American who’s thought a lot about how to speak to white people in a way that they can hear, and start to understand, what it must be like to be black.

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #51 A Talk with a Future Bad-A** Pastor

    #51 A Talk with a Future Bad-A** Pastor

    So, Ashely wants to be a pastor. What is she thinking? Well, she’s thinking she can change the world, and we’re thinking she’s right! Join os for this fun interview with this bright enthusiastic, progressive, insightful and all around Bad-A** female.

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #50 So What's Gonna Change?

    #50 So What's Gonna Change?

    Following the economic crises of 2008, people were talking about the need to re-evaluate our priorities & economic drivers. But as we recovered, we returned to the same old economy, the same old rat-race, the same old inequities, with the same old winners and the same old losers. Now as we’re suffering another crisis, we’re hearing the same kind of talk. But will we really change this time?

    #49 Big Generous Hearts vss Small Stingy Hearts

    #49 Big Generous Hearts vss Small Stingy Hearts

    The Covid-19 crises is bringing out the very best in some, and the very worst in others. How can we be at our best during this pandemic? What do we need to keep in mind if we’re OK financially? And what do we need to keep in mind if we’re struggling. Perspective is everything when times are crazy.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #48 Fearless (corona-edition)

    #48 Fearless (corona-edition)

    Everyone is freaked out by the growing pandemic, and justifiably so. But some of us may be coping better than others. There are spiritual and philosophical perspectives that can help us manage the understandable anxiety we’re experiencing as we face the challenges of the coronavirus.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #47 In Defense of Sadness

    #47 In Defense of Sadness

    There’s big pressure in the christian world to be happy and joyful and chirpy… But it’s often fake. Is there an upside to being down? Is it possible that sadness adds value and perspective to our lives? Is there a difference between being sad and being depressed? 

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #46 Lefties & Righties Talk It Out

    #46 Lefties & Righties Talk It Out

    Tammy & Mark talk to a couple of “right leaning” friends in an effort to model a positive conversation among people who disagree. We talk about tough issues, discuss basic paradigm differences between left & right, and still like each other at the end of the conversation! In fact, we appreciate each other more.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com          cwoc.tammy@gmail.com

    # 45 Hear Yourself Think

    # 45 Hear Yourself Think

    #45 Hear Yourself Think

    A lot of people believe a lot of crazy stuff. Conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated claims have proliferated like never before, and otherwise intelligent people are buying it. Insanity has gone mainstream. How has this happened? And how do we fight it? Dave & Erin Ninehouser are on the frontlines, and they have some great advice.

    watch their videos…



    #44 Revenge - Biting the Dog

    #44 Revenge - Biting the Dog

    Humans seem to be hardwired for retaliation. It’s instinctual to hit back.  But revenge rarely ends up being as satisfying in real life as it is in the movies. Mark & Tammy discuss the recent tit-for-tat between the US & Iran, the death penalty, and most importantly... our own petty impulses to get even

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #43 David Keck - "From Hate Crimes to Better Times"

    #43 David Keck - "From Hate Crimes to Better Times"

    In October of 2014, David Keck was viciously attacked in his own apartment and left for dead. Eighteen hours later, he was found in a pool of blood, and presumed dead… until his foot moved. His journey of recovery has been impossibly hard, and completely transforming. Check out this inspiring story of one of our listeners!

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com        cwoc.tammy@gmail.com

    #42 The End of the World

    #42 The End of the World

    For 2000 years Christians have taught that the end of the world is near. But now that the end of the world may truly be at hand, it’s religious conservatives who don’t believe it, and refuse to repent.   How will we behave in the climate crisis?

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #41 No Room in the Inn; The Immigration Episode

    #41 No Room in the Inn; The Immigration Episode

    There was famously “no room in the inn” for the Holy Family.  Still today, so many refugees are left out in the cold. Things were hard for your immigrant ancestors. There’s never a shortage of mean spirited fear mongers. But every good thing you have, you have because a great nation eventually accepted your ancestors. Is this still a great country?

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #40 Bring On The Dark

    #40 Bring On The Dark

    Winter is the dark time of year. We assume that light is good and darkness is bad. But God made the dark too.  Darkness and light exist in balance. They’re dancing. Darkness is the cradle that holds the light in place, and creates the medium that enables us to travel to the light.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    39 Thanksgiving and the Art of Complaint

    39 Thanksgiving and the Art of Complaint

    There’s no question that it’s mentally & spiritually healthy to count our blessings. But many are surprised to hear that the Bible also makes a strong case for complaining. There’s a right way & a wrong way to complain. One way provides emotional release & social connection, but the other leaves us chronically gloomy & dissatisfied.

    #38 Adult Conversations About Adultery

    #38 Adult Conversations About Adultery

    Adultery is extremely common, but poorly understood. Almost everyone condemns it, but lots of people are doing it, including people who never thought they would. Sometimes it happens to good people in good marriages. So what’s going on?

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    Bonus Episode; A Sex-Ed Story

    Bonus Episode; A Sex-Ed Story

    This week we’re providing a little bonus material that was edited out of our last Episode entitled “How Christians Ruined Sex”. Tammy tells a story about her daughter’s Jr. High sex-ed class. We also have some listener feedback on their experiences of purity culture.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #37 How Christians Ruined Sex

    #37 How Christians Ruined Sex

    How did Christian attitudes about sex get so weird, paranoid, neurotic, repressive, and unhealthy? We’ll look at how the poisonous purity culture has hurt so many people emotionally, spiritually and sexually.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    CWOC Shorts: Tammy Shares A Problem

    CWOC Shorts: Tammy Shares A Problem

    Our listeners have been so open with us about their lives and struggles, and we want to do the same. In this episode Tammy shares about a tough problem her family is facing. This is our first ever "CWOC Shorts" episode.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #36 Why Single Doesn't Have To Suck

    #36 Why Single Doesn't Have To Suck

    In the US & around the world, more and more people are going solo, and loving it. This despite the fact that our culture, and particularly christian culture, continues to stigmatize and stereotype single people as "incomplete". If you're alone... you're not alone.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com


    #35 "A Reckoning"

    #35 "A Reckoning"

    How do you know if you’re standing on the right side of history? There’s probably a lot of complicated ways to answer that question, but here’s one simple way... History is never kind to mean people. Nor to the people who enable them. A reckoning is coming.

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com
