
    Christianity Without the Crap - Podcast

    A lot of people think that Church is BS. They think we’re full of it. They think that Christians, Christianity and Church is a load of crap, that Christians are negative, out of touch, judgmental, small minded, mean spirited, politically driven and decidedly hypocritical. We embrace a fresh faith, leaving behind the hard line “you're wrong - we’re right” attitude, the “your sin is worse than my sin” delusion, the medieval paradigm of hell, the contrived emotionalism, the anti-science bias, and the political one-sidedness. This podcast will give a place to debate old and new ideas within Christianity in a respectful environment. Every week Mark and Tammy will discuss a culturally relevant but controversial topic; Mark from the perspective of a ex-pastor and Tammy from the perspective of a disillusioned church-goer with a scientific background. Our goal is to foster an environment of questioning and learning using an open mind so listeners develop an intellectually credible faith that aligns in their heart, soul and mind.
    enMark Traylor75 Episodes

    Episodes (75)

    Bonus Episode! Chat with a Gay Listener

    Bonus Episode! Chat with a Gay Listener

    This week we follow up on episode #34, "OK with Being Gay" by talking to one of our gay listeners, Jeremy, who provides some firsthand insight based on his experiences with the church and his family members. It's our first ever Bonus Episode!

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    # 34 "OK with Being Gay - What the Bible DOESN'T say about Homosexuality"

    # 34 "OK with Being Gay - What the Bible DOESN'T say about Homosexuality"

    Christians are always telling us that the Bible is "clear" that homosexuality is an especially awful sin. But that claim doesn't hold up under scrutiny. The Bible has very little to say on the subject, and we mean, like, VERY little. And what it does say is far from what we've been told.

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    #33 This and That

    #33 This and That

    This week Mark and Tammy share a "pretty big" announcement, have a fun and insightful interview with a listener, discuss some thoughtful listener emails, and bask in the glow of some glowing reviews! 

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    #32 Make Amends

    #32 Make Amends

    A lot of us are stuck spiritually because we harmed someone & didn't make it right. This can also happen to a nation. When something evil happened but we don’t want to make amends and then we try to pretend that its all in the past, everybody gets hurt all over again. 

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    # 31 Mario Pile - A Wise Man Talks About Race

    # 31 Mario Pile - A Wise Man Talks About Race

    This week we hear from Mario Pile, who has some very wise observations about racial barriers and misunderstandings. Mario is an African American who has spent a lot of time thinking about how to communicate his message with White Americans in a way that builds harmony and understanding. A great interview!

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    #30 "We Need To Talk" (Part 2 on Racism in America)

    #30 "We Need To Talk" (Part 2 on Racism in America)

    Tammy and Mark continue their series about racial issues, this week discussing the hate mongering and naked racism that has found expression in recent days, analyzing labels and stereotypes, and encouraging each of us to find a new dream for unity. 

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    #29 "We Need to Talk" (Race in America week 1)

    #29 "We Need to Talk" (Race in America week 1)

    This week we welcome Tammy back from her Summer break with a little light topic... racial inequity, and what Christians should be doing about it. This is the first in a series of podcasts we're doing on race in America during this contentious time, as blatant racism is resurfacing in ugly ways.

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    #28 Mad & Madder Makes You Dumb & Dumber

    #28 Mad & Madder Makes You Dumb & Dumber

    Can you be good and mad? Which is to say, is it possible to be mad without being bad? In this episode we talk about how to do mad well, instead of just being one more angry voice in a sea of angry voices.

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    #27 Chuckles and Meatloaf

    #27 Chuckles and Meatloaf

    Have you ever faced a challenge that you thought was going to be super hard, and it was even harder than you thought, but then it turned out to also be the greatest thing in your life? Thats what happened to Julie when she found out that she was going to have twins with downs syndrome. It's brought so much joy to her family, and to thousands of others.

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    #26 "Foxianity - How Fox News co-opted Christianity"

    #26 "Foxianity - How Fox News co-opted Christianity"

    How is it that so many Christians have come to embrace the most mean spirited and hyper partisan policies and politicians? Jesse Dollemore helps us understand the profound role that Fox News has played in driving Evangelicals further to the right, and further away from the words of Jesus.

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    #25 "God Can't"

    #25 "God Can't"

    Is it possible that there are things God can't do? Theologian Tom Oord thinks so, and it might explain a lot. This radically different idea is a giant departure from how most people think about God, but it may give a whole new understanding of injustice, unfairness and pain. GREAT INTERVIEW!

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    Email: cwoc.mark@gmail.com



    #24 "Something Fishy Going On"

    #24 "Something Fishy Going On"

    It's easy to get all judgy about people at the bottom of the economic ladder. But the people who make these judgements demonstrate an unsophisticated and naive understanding of human failure and loss, and the complex factors that keep people in poverty. 

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    #23 "How Hell Messes with Your Head"

    #23 "How Hell Messes with Your Head"

    Belief in the Christian orthodoxy about Hell messes with our heads in profoundly negative ways. The traditional understanding of Hell feeds our worst tribal instincts, desensitizes us to human suffering, corrupts our understanding of justice, and makes our present world a worse place to live.

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    #22 "The Evolution of Hell (hell part 2)"

    #22 "The Evolution of Hell (hell part 2)"

    Our modern conception of Hell first emerged from Dark Age Medieval politics, and NOT from the Bible. In this episode we discuss out how this ridiculous notion came about, and how it only got worse as time went on and new generations discovered it's powerful ability to manipulate others. 

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    #21 "What the Hell? (part 1)"

    #21 "What the Hell? (part 1)"

    What if everything they told us about Hell is wrong? What if the current orthodoxy about Hell has less to do with the Bible, and more to do with the politics of the Dark Ages? And what if the Bible actually teaches something much more hopeful? It might just change everything.

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    #020 "Abortion"

    #020 "Abortion"

    Can you really call yourself pro-life if you only protect life inside the womb, and then advocate for policies and politicians that make it hard for people outside the womb to survive? On the other hand, pro-choice advocates can’t allow themselves to be so angered by the hypocrisy on the right, that they become distracted from engaging with the fundamental moral problem that abortion poses.

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    #019 "I Can't Get No Satisfaction"

    #019 "I Can't Get No Satisfaction"

    Human Beings are chronically dissatisfied. And it makes us miserable. We know what we want, but we so often have no idea what we really need. Satisfaction is not about acquiring the right things, it's about acquiring the right desires. 

    Donate at:www.patreon.com/christianitywithoutthecrap

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    #018 "Now Is All We've Got"

    #018 "Now Is All We've Got"

    Some christians freak at the idea that we could ever learn anything from studying eastern religion. They've been taught to believe that it's all satanic. But that kind of thinking is sad, small, paranoid and pathetic. The truth is that there are many parallels between eastern religious philosophy and the message of Jesus.

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    #017 "What Smart Pastors Won't Tell You About Community"

    #017 "What Smart Pastors Won't Tell You About Community"

    The consumer mindset is destroying community in America and in the church. We may go to the same building on Sundays, just as we go to the same gym, chiropractor or grocery store. But that doesn't make us a community. We're just fellow consumers, looking for the best service, the coolest brand, the most comfortable experience. Pastors know that sooner or later, something is going to make you mad, or something won't be good enough, and you're going to leave.

    #016 "Is Christianity Bad For Women?"

    #016 "Is Christianity Bad For Women?"

    Has Christianity been bad for women? Well, yeah... duh! A lot of the blame can be laid on the Apostle Paul. But Jesus had a different attitude about the value and contributions of women. So why did the church end up following Paul's lead instead of Jesus'?

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