
    Clever Copy Chats

    A podcast that gets back to the sticky, awkward, gloriousness of being a day to day copywriter. The woes, the ups, the bitty fist annoyance of a client that won't use track changes, the tips on how to write 5,000 words in 20 minutes because you forgot the deadline, and of course, the real bottom warming stories of great clients and amazing writing that keeps us doing the do each day. So come with me on a journey through colons and interrobangs. Through client Zooms and last-minute amends, we'll have some laughs and learn a thing or two along the way.
    en-gbKate Toon53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    Pricing and being the copywriting breadwinner (Chat)

    Pricing and being the copywriting breadwinner (Chat)

    Some writers write as a hobby.
    Some to bring in some extra, but not essential income.

    But how does being the breadwinner change all that?

    When your copywriting income is the sole or main income to support your family, how does that impact the decisions you make about pricing, clients, niching, and the day-to-day?

    Today we talk with established B2B copywriter, Amanda Vanelderen, about how she’s narrowed her focus but expanded her confidence. Tackling big brands with big budgets and barely flinching.

    She tells us how her human-first approach to clients has to lead to a comfortable flow of return business and how she maintains a business approach while still wearing Lion King pyjama pants.


    Tune in to learn:

    • Amanda’s copywriting journey
    • How she found her niche
    • How being a breadwinner has changed her approach to business
    • Amanda’s top pricing and how to be a $250-an-hour copywriter
    • Amanda’s biggest business fail
    • Amanda’s tip for established copywriters
    • What Amanda wears to write copy


    Useful Resources

    • Reddit
    • Glassdoor


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    Adding the razzle dazzle to your copy (Tip)

    Adding the razzle dazzle to your copy (Tip)

    Copy Tip Time: In these short snappy episodes I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to

    1. Hone your copywriting skills
    2. Improve your copywriting business

    Straightforward doable advice that you can implement today. Today I want to talk about: Adding the razzle dazzle to your copy.


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    Boundaries and onboarding for copywriters (Chat)

    Boundaries and onboarding for copywriters (Chat)

    Are you a people pleaser?
    Do you struggle with boundaries?

    Do you give give give until you have nothing left?

    Today we’re talking about boundaries, not just in client relationships but in the work you do for clients.

    Our guest today Joh, is an SEO keyword research expert, and could so easily slip down the rabbit hole, spending hours on research so she’s learned to place boundaries on her services.

    She’s also learning how to place boundaries on the number of clients she works with, and she has a plethora of amazing copywriting tools and some smart mental health tips to share. 

    I think you’ll find this podcast a refreshing take on what it means to be a working copywriter, the challenges, the wins and how collaboration really is the key.

    Tune in to learn:

    • Joh’s path towards being a copywriter
    • How she chose her niche, or how it chose her
    • Her biggest copywriting win
    • Her lowest career moment
    • How she onboards her clients
    • Joh’s favourite copywriting tools
    • Joh’s top advice on dealing with mental health struggles.
    • Joh’s number one tip for newbie copywriters

    Useful Resources

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    Let the client see your quirks (Tip)

    Let the client see your quirks (Tip)

    Copy Tip Time: In these short snappy episodes I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to

    1. Hone your copywriting skills
    2. Improve your copywriting business

    Straightforward doable advice that you can implement today. Today I want to talk about: Let the client see your quirks.


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    SEO Copywriting Basics (Learn)

    SEO Copywriting Basics (Learn)
    Whenever I’m in a copywriting group I see the same comments.
    “SEO ruins conversational copy.”
    “SEO ruins conversion copy.”
    “You don’t need to use keywords any more. Google will work it out.”
    “SEO copy is boring copy.”

    (Heavy sigh)

    These kinds of comments show a fundamental misunderstanding of what SEO copywriting is and how it works.
    And these copywriters who think that Google will magically work out where to rank you no matter what you write on the page, well they’re either naïve or just plain lazy.

    If anything great SEO copywriting is even more important now than it’s ever been.

    So in this podcast, I’m going to get back to basics and give you an overview of the important elements in SEO Copywriting, and a few tips on how to please humans and Google too.

    Tune in to learn:

    • What is SEO Copywriting and how does it differ SEO content writing
    • The CGF way to understand your customers
    • Why the marketing funnel and searcher intent matters
    • How to choose keywords
    • How to set up your structure
    • How long should SEO copy be?
    • Why does readablity matter?
    • Beyond copy: Layout and links
    • My SEO copywriting process
    • Important measurement metrics

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    Write skeleton drafts (Tip)

    Write skeleton drafts (Tip)

    Copy Tip Time: In these short snappy episodes I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to

    1. Hone your copywriting skills
    2. Improve your copywriting business

    Straightforward doable advice that you can implement today. Today I want to talk about: Writing skeleton drafts.


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    Scaling your copywriting business with(out) stress (Chat)

    Scaling your copywriting business with(out) stress (Chat)
    What are your copywriting ambitions? Do you dream of running an agency?
    Working with big brand clients, with lush, juicy budgets?
    Being able to hire your dream time of bright minds?

    Today’s guest Sarah Spence has done it all. While making two humans and dealing with a clutch of mental health challenges.

    She’s an amazingly smart cookie who’s scaled a remote team and taken on the kinds of projects that would keep me up at night/
    And she’s not scared to admit that sometimes they keep her up at night too.
    Toon in to find out how Sarah realise the world would wait for her to find her copywriting feet, and how when she did, she began sprinting to success. Tune in to learn:
    • Sarah's copywriting journey
    • Her biggest win and worst fail
    • Her favourite copywriting tool
    • How she manages her team
    • Her view on content marketing: Pillars Clusters Waterfalls
    • How she deals with imposter syndrome and self doubt
    • Her tips for newbie copywriters

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    Neurodiversity and copywriting | How to manage your brain (Chat)

    Neurodiversity and copywriting | How to manage your brain (Chat)
    Large projects give me the heebeejeebees.
    Working with government agencies leaves me cold.
    And managing a huge team of sub contractors, ick!
    And doing all that with ADHD, that’s got to be challenging right?

    Well yes and no.
    Matt Fenwick has taken his recent diagnosis of ADHD and sought the positive, using it to realise his big picture strengths and the gaps in his knowledge. He’s also worked on his mindset and learned how to switch off the voice of doubt, to focus on the work and push forward with large-scale projects.

    Today we’ll learn how Matt manages to work with subcontractors, master huge projects and find an escape when he needs it.

    Tune in to learn:

    • Matt's copywriting journey
    • His biggest win and worst fail
    • Why he's not threatened by AI
    • His favourite copywriting tool
    • How he manages self-doubt
    • His tips for copywriters

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    You are not your copy (Tip)

    You are not your copy (Tip)
    Copy Tip Time: In these short snappy episodes I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to
    1. Hone your copywriting skills
    2. Improve your copywriting business
    Straightforward doable advice that you can implement today. Today I want to talk about: Not being too attached to your copy.

    And how you can learn to take feedback a little less personally.

    Parenting and copywriting: how to remove the guilt (Chat)

    Parenting and copywriting: how to remove the guilt (Chat)
    Have you made small humans? Do you find it impossibly hard to juggle parent life and copywriting life? I started my copywriting business when my son was still in my tummy and that first year was a doozy, and I spent the next 7 years definitely struggling with mum-guilt, balance and getting the work done. Well, our guest today, Angela Denly, doesn’t claim to have it all worked out but she’s certainly got a great mindset on how to run a happy copywriting business and spend time with her kids. We also touch on retainers, dealing with self-doubt and Angela’s favourite copywriting tool.

    Toon in to destress about parent guilt and learn how to manage your copywriting business without pulling your hair out.

    Tune in to learn:

    • Angela's copywriting journey
    • Her biggest win and worst fail
    • Her favourite copywriting tool
    • How she manages self doubt
    • How she juggles family life, work and her expectations
    • Her tips for newbie copywriters

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    Welcome to the Clever Copy Chats Podcast

    Welcome to the Clever Copy Chats Podcast
    I know. I know. There are a gazillion copywriting podcasts out there.

    I've made a few hundred or so episodes myself, but honestly, most leave me wanting. They're all so dry, so earnest, so teachy.
    All mega famous copywriters dispensing blobs of copy knowledge down from their lofty plinths.

    Most of the folk interviewed aren't even copywriters anymore, they've moved on to being course creators and moguls.
    So I wanted to create a podcast that gets back to the sticky, awkward, gloriousness of being a day to day copywriter.

    The woes, the ups, the bitty fist annoyance of a client who won't use track changes, the tips on how to write 5,000 words in 20 minutes because you forgot the deadline, and of course, the real bottom warming stories of great clients and amazing writing that keeps us doing the do each day.

    So come with me on a journey through colons and interrobangs.

    Through client Zooms and last-minute amends, we'll have some laughs and learn a thing or two along the way.

    Grab a coffee and join me on Clever Copy Chat.