
    Coach Glass Podcast

    The Coach Glass Podcast will help you take your coaching skills, fitness, personal brand and life to the next level. Every week you will enjoy Jason Glass's unique brand of Edutainment (Education through Entertainment). Join the community and get inspired! Maximize your potential and those around you! Dream Big & Over Deliver!
    enJason Glass565 Episodes

    Episodes (565)

    CGP Ep512 Road to COMEDY

    CGP Ep512 Road to COMEDY

    Most people avoid pain and suffering at any cost. Others chase it! Skin your knee skateboarding? You either quit or you climb back up the staircase and give that rail another try. Stand in front of 150 drunk comedy fans and bomb? Normal, psychologically balanced individuals would walk off with their tail between their legs, never to grace the stage again. But a comic has a different reaction. There is a dark hole inside them that needs to be filled. Like the adrenalin rush of landing a 12-stair backside smith grind, landing a joke briefly quenches the comedian's thirst for killing on stage. I get asked a lot about what it is like to do stand-up and how I got started. Coming off an incredible weekend of comedy at the World Famous YukYuks I thought I would share my Road to COMEDY. Want to journey down this lonely highway of bombs and laughs yourself? Get a helmet and some knee pads. It's going to be a bumpy ride. 2024 Coach Glass Mentorship Applications are now Open! Fill in the application here: https://forms.gle/UWXfCbahoeSexqtCA Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors who have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    CGP Ep511 Create Rooms of Excellence

    CGP Ep511 Create Rooms of Excellence

    Wouldn't it be amazing to have someone's undivided attention while you are doing something that is important to you? If they were 100% present and supporting you while you try to execute? They weren't distracted by their phone or boring you with their problems while you are focused on your own? Of course, the answer is YES!!! No replace yourself in this scenario with your client. You know the one that pays you, puts food on the table and allows you to do what you were put on this earth to do. Yeah, that one! Don't they deserve this little ounce of respect that you have the capacity to deliver? In today's episode, we share how to do exactly that! Deliver!! The secret is creating rooms. Rooms that block out the outside world and allow you to be 100% present with every client, loved one or even yourself....when you need it most. 2024 Coach Glass Mentorship Applications are now Open! Fill in the application here: https://forms.gle/UWXfCbahoeSexqtCA Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors who have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enFebruary 05, 2024

    CGP Ep510 Integrating Performance Habits

    CGP Ep510 Integrating Performance Habits

    How you plan your practice could be more important than the practice itself. If you want to increase your performance you need to identify what needs to be fixed and then create a habit that will ensure it becomes part of your practice. Too many of you are allowing outcomes to dictate what gets your focus. You may start your session wanting to work on one thing and at the end you are at the bottom of a rabbit hole you never intended. Use my system for integrating performance habits. 1. Identify an area that needs attention. 2. Design a solution with specific, detailed and objective outcomes. 3. Visualize what it will feel like to complete the plan. 4. Start! This may seem simple because it is. But only if you complete each step. Most of you will skip the most important one! #3. Listen to this week's podcast and get started. 2024 Coach Glass Mentorship Applications are now Open! Fill in the application here: https://forms.gle/UWXfCbahoeSexqtCA Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors who have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    CGP Ep509 Future of Super Speed with Michael Napoleon

    CGP Ep509 Future of Super Speed with Michael Napoleon

    Want to know the future of speed in the game of golf? Team @superspeedgolf have been on the forefront of the speed industry for over a decade. They push the limits of what is possible with science based products that work. This episode we have Super Speed creator Michael Napoleon on the show. He shares with us how the future of speed training couldn't be more important than it is right now! Golf is trying to roll back the ball and rob players of distance. Super Speed is off setting that by improving the training protocols and systems that make players faster. Enjoy this episode and then head straight to https://superspeedgolf.com/glass and order your speed tools and use the code "glass10" This week's podcast will give you a positive kick in the keister. 2024 is your year if you accept the challenge. Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    CGP Ep508 Stoked for Change

    CGP Ep508 Stoked for Change

    Happy New Year! Some of you have already failed at your resolutions. Others of you are days away. Not doing this or reducing that doesn't work. Creating what you want to do instead of what you want to stop doing is a 1000% more effective approach. This is how it works: "I want to play the best golf of my life in 2024. To do this I need to commit 20 minutes each day to my body and skill development. As a byproduct, I will drink less, lose weight and create healthier routines." Or at least you will give yourself a chance! Life is impermanent and always changing. You can't predict or control everything in your life. That is what makes it so exciting. But not having any plan is leaving your entire future to chance. When I look back at the goals I had for 2023 they seem almost obvious. The funny thing is, what I wrote down in January of 2023 seemed impossible at the time. They all became a reality. Sure.... some other challenges, successes and failures came out of nowhere throughout the year. But the things I focussed on happened. The checklist items were scratched off each week which culminated in forward movement toward my DreamBIG. What is your DreamBIG? Commitment to your career, your hobbies, your health, your relationships or giving yourself a chance at your personal greatness? Or something bigger? This week's podcast will give you a positive kick in the keister. 2024 is your year if you accept the challenge. Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    CGP Ep507 DO LESS

    CGP Ep507 DO LESS

    The King of OverDeliver is telling you to DO LESS. Do less in your workouts, do less in your career, do less in your relationships, do less in your life and you will get MORE! I am not talking about being lazy. Ohhh no far from it. I want you to do less but deliver more. More quality, more depth, more of you! You are enough just the way you are. Watch what happens when you try less and allow the real you to be truly seen. Powerful stuff folks. Just listen. Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enDecember 20, 2023

    CGP Ep506 Too Hip to Surf

    CGP Ep506 Too Hip to Surf

    Surf injuries and Overdelivering while you are not 100%. All this plus more in this episode of the Coach Glass Podcast. Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enNovember 27, 2023

    CGP Ep505 Shanghai Coach

    CGP Ep505 Shanghai Coach

    Teaching the next generation of great coaches is a job I take seriously and I am extremely grateful for. Being able to see the world and have new experiences is an incredible bonus. Shanghai blew my mind. The people I met and the crazy things we did are all shared in detail in this episode. Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enNovember 18, 2023

    CGP Ep504 Going Back to Bali

    CGP Ep504 Going Back to Bali

    This episode is all about my adventures in Bali. The lessons I learnt from surfing waves that were way over my head will help you create your next DreamBIG and OverDeliver on it. Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enOctober 31, 2023

    CGP Ep503 Super Speen Tyler Standifird

    CGP Ep503 Super Speen Tyler Standifird

    Everyone wants more speed in their game. Well... this guy has dedicated his life to exactly that. Making you swing faster. Dr. Tyler Standifird is a researcher, professor, product developer and coach. His systems and protocols are based on science. This is why SuperSpeed hired him to help them become the number one company in speed development. The gems he shares in this episode will have you maxing out your driver distance and arm you with nuggets you can share at the 19th hole while you are collecting your cash! I love chatting with Tyler and you will enjoy listening as well. Check out @SuperSpeed for all the fantastic products we share in this episode. Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    CGP Ep502 The Ultimate Assessment with Dr Jenn Reiner-Marcello

    CGP Ep502 The Ultimate Assessment with Dr Jenn Reiner-Marcello

    This is a special Perform Better Series episode with my performance teammate Coach Jenn Marcello. Jenn ( @drjreiner) has helped me problem solve the unsolvable with my pro athletes. When I come across a movement pattern or compensation that I can't wrap my head around, I call Jenn! Jenn is a certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and certified strength coach. Lethal combination when maximizing athlete's potential. Jenn works primarily in baseball but consults for many different organizations and sports. Hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did. To get more information on this topic check out her @Perform_Better presentation at performbetter.com Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. Plus all our new sponsors like @superspeed and @forwellness.

    CGP Ep501 Glass & Gill Show

    CGP Ep501 Glass & Gill Show

    It's that time again folks....time for another Glass & Gill Show!!! Lance Gill is the Swiss Army knife of golf performance coaching. He is also my twin brother from another mother. In this epic episode we go DEEEP into golf performance coaching, the rise of Lucas Glover and so much more. Listen and enjoy! Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. Plus all our new sponsors like @superspeed and @forwellness.

    CGP Ep500 The BIG One

    CGP Ep500 The BIG One

    CGP Ep500 It's The BIG One! DreamBIG Feb 24th, 2014: I want the Coach Glass Podcast to get to 500 episodes and have over 1 Million Glistener downloads. Crazy dream, but we were able to OverDelivered on it. I have goosebumps right now at the thought of it. I remember it like it was yesterday. My guts were churning as I pressed "publish" and sent the first episode into the etherwebs! CGP Ep1 Start of Something BIG was a hit. I had no idea how far it would take me and the wild ride it would be. So many great guests, touching stories, inspirational moments and way too many sound effects. In this epic episode we go DEEEP into the highlights from the past 9 years of podcasting. I want to thank all my Glisteners for making this possible. You kept me turning on the mic week after week, fuelled by your kind emails and social media shares. I am honoured to be your Coach! What's next for the Coach Glass Podcast? You will have to listen to find out!!!! Want to start something BIG for yourself? Then get a copy of my book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book I want to thank all my sponsors that have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. Plus all our new sponsors like @superspeed and @forwellness.

    CGP Ep499 Stop Grinding

    CGP Ep499 Stop Grinding

    We are in a GRIND culture. Do more, optimize this, maximize that, and fit in as much of it as you can! What are we grinding for? Success? Money? Fame? Do you even have an outcome in mind or are you just GRINDING? A wise man once said, you need to train like a technician and play like an artist. There is nothing wrong with working hard but don't work hard when you are expressing your skills that you worked so hard for! The greats work hard on what they have control over and then trust that the work they did was enough and just let it flow. I am encouraging you to do the same. Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" http://forwellness.com/discount/GLASS25 Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better TPI is back LIVE! Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands.

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enJuly 30, 2023

    CGP Ep498 DreamBIG Feeling

    CGP Ep498 DreamBIG Feeling

    As a performance coach, I get asked regularly, "What is your number one tip that helps the great become world-class?" Well, I wrote an entire book on the subject. First, they need to DreamBIG and picture what they want to achieve. Then they need to believe it can come true. They need to go to bed each night and wake each morning with their DreamBIG coming true in their mind. Then they need to get off their ass and get the work done! Sounds simple because it is. The problem is that many people can design their dream big, but when they picture it coming true they have a little voice in their head that says, "Yeah right! Who do you think you are?" This episode is all about overcoming this obstacle and allowing you to believe. Truly believing isn't a thought but a feeling. Enjoy! Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" http://forwellness.com/discount/GLASS25 Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better TPI is back LIVE! Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be at Long Beach and Chicago Summits in 2023!

    CGP Ep487 Learn To Perform Better

    CGP Ep487 Learn To Perform Better

    I just got home from Perform Better Long Beach and was blown away by the experience. Maybe it's because my sinuses are filled with salt water but my mind is spinning! It was our first time back in the LBC since the pandemic. The coaches were fired up and the presenters brought out both guns for this event. If you want to see what got me so jazzed (1950's term) you will have to listen! Shout out to all the Glisteners and coaches who picked up a copy of my DreamBIG book and got it signed. Loved hearing your stories and learning more about your bizzzznesss! Thanks to all the speakers and special shoutout to @coach_ctaylor @dragonmasterbri @dkleck12 @bmarcello @drjreiner @robertyang @todddurkin @coachpetertwist @jimmiller_155 @themartinrooney @rocky_snyder for bringing their energy to the sessions I attended. All @perform_better ALL SUPERSTARS! Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" http://forwellness.com/discount/GLASS25 Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better TPI is back LIVE! Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be at Long Beach and Chicago Summits in 2023!

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enJuly 08, 2023

    CGP Ep496 Flip The Script

    CGP Ep496 Flip The Script

    Don't follow the herd. It's time to flip the script! They zig you zag. They go right you go left. They wear baseball caps you Hank Lebioda that shizzznick and put on a visor! I wrote a chapter in my book DreamBIG OVERDeliver BeUNDENIABLE about this topic because it's that HUGE! No one notices when you copy the latest trend. BE THE TREND! Don't be different just for the sake of being different. It has to be authentic to you. BUT OWN IT! Jump in with both feet and never look back. Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" http://forwellness.com/discount/GLASS25 Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better TPI is back LIVE! Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be at Long Beach and Chicago Summits in 2023!

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enJune 22, 2023

    CGP Ep495 Open to Never Forget

    CGP Ep495 Open to Never Forget

    The Canadian Open was one I will never forget. This episode is a classic mix of stories, drama, comedy, football tackles, baseball and a ton of golf. Just listen! Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" http://forwellness.com/discount/GLASS25 Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better TPI is back LIVE! Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be at Long Beach and Chicago Summits in 2023!

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enJune 15, 2023

    CGP Ep494 Elastic Eccentric Loads

    CGP Ep494 Elastic Eccentric Loads

    I experiment in my gym each week with different ways to load the body in an attempt to make it Xplode! Add a load to the body and the body will adapt to that load. But no all loads are created equal! You have different ways for the body to handle the load. Different types of contractions to manage the loads. Concentric (yawn), Isometric (double yawn) and most exciting, Eccentric (Gahhdouche). Eccentric contractions are where the muscle is actively lengthening. Think about slowly lowering a mountain climber on a rope. The rope is getting longer but it is always under tension. This illicit incredible adaptation in the muscle fibers. This makes you LoadXplode faster. Want to hear some of my favourite Eccentric exercises? Wanna hear how I add elastic components to the eccentric training? Hmmm.....well....do you? Well listen up Sonny Boy! Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" http://forwellness.com/discount/GLASS25 Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better TPI is back LIVE! Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be at Long Beach and Chicago Summits in 2023!



    It is time for you to GET STOKED! Who says that work isn't supposed to be fun. Who says that training has to come with a turd sniffer scowl on your face? When is the last time you did something just for the stoke of it? I bet when you were a kid, teenager or during your college years you would do things just because it stoked you. Then you get job, responsibilities and create a serious world of consequence. "It is time to get serious about your future!" You grind and you work your fingers to the bone. You do this so long that you forgot about the things that made you stoked to be alive. ENOUGH! It is time to GET STOKED again. Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: https://www.jasonglasslab.com/dreambig-the-book @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" http://forwellness.com/discount/GLASS25 Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better TPI is back LIVE! Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com Want to buy some equipment? Of course, you do! Perform Better @perform_better http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. I will be at Long Beach and Chicago Summits in 2023!

    Coach Glass Podcast
    enMay 19, 2023