
    Conscious Brainwash

    Control Your Brain or Someone Else Will

    Pankaj Sharma and Shaanvir Thiara jump into all types of topics looking to develop a strong foundation of 'The Self' so that one can be in control of their reality at even the more corpuscule levels.

    Conscious Brainwash is a community of youthful entrepreneurs striving to inspire and motivate the new generation of adults looking to define themselves in their own and unique way. Pankaj and Shaan introduce ideas, philosophies, and concepts to promote self mastery qualities in all individuals. Whether you are host or guest, the process is all encompassing involving all spokes on the wheel. Learning to un-learn, let’s find out what that means.
    enConscious Brainwash28 Episodes

    Episodes (28)

    Recharged & Refuelled

    Recharged & Refuelled
    Pankaj & Shaan had taken a little hiatus from the podcast for the past year and have recently got to talking about bringing things back! Over the past month the team has worked to begin recording podcasts with guests and prepping new material to bring too light, and we couldn't be more excited.

    It has been a challenging time for many (including us) so giving the team some time to rebuild and come back stronger than ever seems to have been the best move for the podcast.

    We look forward to allowing you guys the insight into the guys lives and moving forward into beautiful and impactful conversations as the months roll on!

    Journey to Our True Self With Atin Gupta

    Journey to Our True Self With Atin Gupta
    Atin Gupta is a wonderful human who inspires people around him to look inward for all the solutions to various challenges we all face in life.
    Atin shares how even after achieving all the materialist success he felt exhausted and unhappy which led him to turn inwards.
    Since then he has been diving into self exploration journey via various mindfulness practices like meditation , yoga , cold showers , Vipasana meditation to name few.
    We are so honoured to have his as guest where and share his wisdom with all of our CB community members.

    Life Kit

    Life Kit
    The Season Finale
    During the course of the first season Pankaj and Shaan have touched on the Life Kit in each episode. The Life Kit is what they believe can be utilized in each persons life, no matter where you live, how old you are, or what your life situation looks like.
    The ability to fight anxiety, relieve stress, combat depression and lift yourself into the world of positivity is truly challenging... without a Life Kit.
    Tune into this episode and catch a well rounded understanding of what it means to have a Life Kit and utilize it in your own life.
    Not only do the boys dip into what the Life Kit is, but they also reflect on what it was like shooting the first season and they share their thoughts with the audience. They also dig into a little of why they chose their mysterious title and why podcasting is part of their personal journey.