
    coolwater's tracks

    Bar Room Chats podcast is a podcast that concentrates on topics in the areas of entertainment, culture, politics and business.
    enBar Room Chats154 Episodes

    Episodes (154)

    Analysis of Killers of The Flower Moon_ Wit Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro

    Analysis of Killers of The Flower Moon_ Wit Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro
    This podcast talks about Killers of The Flower Mooon. This movie is a must see for those who are into history and culture. The Osage Indians story has been buried for sometime and is now being told by Martin Scorsese. Leonardo DiCapro and Lilly Gladstone brought a wide range of emotions to tthe screen in this film.

    This podcast gives some insight into what the movie means to the you.

    Process Foods

    Process Foods
    For years we have been eating processed foods, but some how we have managed to survive. The real questio, what should one do to be able to stay healthy while eating processed foods? Everyone has any answer to the health crisis but only a handful of people actually tell you how to survive being sick from an unhealthy diet.

    This podcast talks briefly, on what one needs to do, to try to stay healthy in an unhealthy food industry.

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    J Lo Ben Affleck - The Superman Concept

    J Lo Ben Affleck - The Superman Concept
    Jennifer Lopez married Ben Affleck a few days ago. She is madly in love with Ben Affleck. They were seriously dating some years ago but things went south. As a result J Lo and Ben have been married six times between the two of them. J Lo, who is a badass chick, got her heart broken by her Superman Ben Affleck. Did J Lo stay in pocket until she got her chance c to reclaim her love for Ben? Who knows.

    In this podcast, Cool Water discusses the Superman concept and how most women if not all look at a white dude like Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and any other, as powerful white alpha males . They are the supreme being, the epitome of all male species.

    Why didn't Jennifer have this same glow for Diddy, Drake, Alex Rodriguez, or any other man from another culture that she has dated. What is about Superman that got this women and others ready to pull their panties off?

    Cool Water discusses this and more in this podcast- The Superman Concept.

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    Brittany Griner A Casualty of War

    Brittany Griner A Casualty of War
    Many of you know Brittney Griner has been detained in Russia for some six to seven months. She recently plead guilty to having and illegal substance, called Hashish oil. This oil is illegal in Russia. Brittney, who is part of the WNBA basketball league goes over to Russia, to play ball, and get paid large sums of money for playing.

    Brittney just so happened to get in a jam when Ukraine started fighting Russia. This wouldn't be a problem, if the United States wasn't backing Ukraine in its war against Russia. She is no more than a Casualty of War.

    In this podcast, Cool Water discusses how Brittney has no real value to the United States. And how she, like any other person detained in a foreign country may not make it home any time soon. When your home country is supporting the enemy's rival country you gotta problem jack.

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    Inappropriate Behavior of Black Business Owners and Black Consumers

    Inappropriate Behavior of Black Business Owners and Black Consumers
    This podcast talks about the nature of the Black Consumer in support of the Black Producer. Many products are made by Black Producers, but many a times they lack the close family, friends, and local support to become a successful business.

    In this podcast, Cool Water talks about his own struggles with a new product that many find to be controversial. As a a result, of getting people to buy into the new product, he is finding that some of his closest relationships are not as supportive as he thought they would be. So, here in lies the struggles of being a black business owner trying to bring a product to market.

    He discusses his thoughts on the matter and what one needs to do to change the paradigm.

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    Snoop Dogg Analysis of Acquiring Death Row Records

    Snoop Dogg Analysis of Acquiring Death Row Records
    In this podcast, we take a deep look into the so called acquisition of Snoop Dogg acquiring Death Row records. Does Snoop have full control over the label or not? Many have speculated his ownership of the label.

    Cool Water takes a deep look into what Snoop really owns and what he doesn't own with acquiring Death Row records. He gives a candid look at how the business acquisition may have been handled. This is a serious topic, that discusses, how we look at label ownership on the future.

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    Bosie Badazz :The Death of The Alpha Male

    Bosie Badazz :The Death of The Alpha Male
    Boosie Badazz visited the Breakfast Club. He spoke candidly about his statements about the LGBTQ community and why he speaks the way he does. As the interview progressed, Boosie stood on his square, and told the Breakfast club community his thoughts on many topics which shocked the Club.

    In this podcast, we discuss The Death of the Alpha Male energy, and the men of old and how Boosie came from that ideology of strong men, and why strong men are being attacked in today's society.

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    Rise of The Asian Death of The African

    Rise of The Asian Death of The African
    The Asian community is growing in power and strength. Asians movies, tv shows, and social platforms like Tiktok, have been gaining steam over the years. The Rise of the Asians and The Death of The African is a real thing.

    Africans are being diminished all across the globe. No one is standing up to protect African people. Africans people have to take a broader look into why they are being set for genocide.

    In this podcast, Cool Water talks about why Asians are are rising in power and taking over America. And why they are becoming the new economic power in America and the world. Also, we discuss why Africans are being set for extermination and the reasons for it.

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    Getting Off The Nipple of Social Media Giants and Internet Gurus

    Getting Off The Nipple of Social Media Giants and Internet Gurus
    I recently was sat down by Facebook for policy violations. As I was unable to perform my duties on Facebook, I realized that I needed to get off the nipple of the social media giants. I also learned that some of these gurus are time wasters, because they don't have a real interest in your success, as much as they are about them putting another notch on their belt.

    In this podcast, Cool Water discusses how one needs to look at situations like this and excel. If you are kicked off social media platforms like Facebook, its not the end of the world, its really just the beginning.

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    The Destruction of Black Wealth and Celebrity Life

    The Destruction of Black Wealth and Celebrity Life
    Recently, rappers DMX, Black Rob, and Shock G passed from health complications. The question that most people asked, was did they leave any wealth? That answer is a no.

    Most artist die broke due to the trickery of the music business, film, and television. Black celebrities and the destruction of black wealth is a serious issues. In this podcast, cool water discusses the topic of the destruction of black wealth and the reasons for it.

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    Black Folks and The Lack of Internet Reciprocity

    Black Folks and The Lack of Internet Reciprocity
    This podcast talks about, black people's lack of understanding about the term internet reciprocity. Many black folks don't understand the science of the internet. The internet is a give give give, and then you receive, type of relationship. Black folks have not mastered of the art of reciprocity online.

    In this podcast, we take a deeper look into this type of behavior.





    Fear and A Lack of Knowledge: During The Pandemic Will Get You Killed

    Fear and A Lack of Knowledge: During The Pandemic Will Get You Killed
    In this podcast, we talk about how a lack of knowledge and fear could be your demised. I tell a story of a family member who got sick with covid.
    As a result, I had a run in with another family member in the nursing community who lost her damn mind, because I gave my cousin some information he could use.

    The lack of knowledge brought about an unwanted crisis. Take a listen

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    Internet Hustling

    Internet Hustling
    This podcast talks about how some companies use deceptive business practices to get you to do business them. Also, how some companies may be in the business of stealing your intellectual property. I have this experience recently happen to me with an internet domain company looking to piggy back off one of my domains.



    You Gotta Fuck Up Before You Come Up

    You Gotta Fuck Up Before You Come Up
    This podcast talks about how you have to fail in order to see success. Many people look at failure as a bad thing. But, many of your most successful people failed a thousand times before they saw huge success. The blessing is in you falling flat on your face, which allows you to evaluate yourself and your business, in order to see success.




    You Got To Know Your Value

    You Got To Know Your Value
    This podcast talks about knowing your value. You have to know the value of the work you do and what you are worth to other people. You can measure your value in time and dollars. This podcast will give you a quick story about business dealings that I have encountered.




    Kick Ass Habits and Money

    Kick Ass Habits and Money
    I was watching a video by Kindle Guru Ty Cohen on How To Become Successful Fast . In the video, he details some things that must occur in order for you to see success fast in your business.

    After watching the video, I also felt like not only do you have to have the work ethic to hit your goals, but you need to also develop the consistent habit of doing the work.

    You must develop the habit of completing many task daily. Success comes in small numbers before you see the big wins in your business.

    In the video Successful Habits and Money, I detail what I think you need also to see success fast.

    A lot of times success is just a fingertip away, but because you don't have the discipline to achieve it, you never realize your goals.



    Ice Cube Cocktails with The Queens and The Ignorance of Black America

    Ice Cube Cocktails with The Queens and The Ignorance of Black America
    In This Podcast:

    In this podcast, we will be discussing the ignorance of Black America and why the Queens of Cocktails, felt as if black women were separate from black america. And why Claudia Jordan was quoted on Roland Martin's Daily Digital Show as saying " I don't think Ice Cube is against black people." When you hear these statements you have to questioned the mindset of black folks in america.

    The Queens hosted by Vivica Fox, Claudia Jordan, Lisa Raye, and Syleena Johnson talked about Ice Cube's Contract with black america. Cube responded "Aren't black women a part of black america?" Well, you all can write a section." At that very moment, the women got quite and throw off the work as problematic.

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    Ice Cube vs. The Black Bourgeoisie

    Ice Cube vs. The Black Bourgeoisie
    In this podcast, we will discuss why the elites, black folks in general, and black celebrities don't like what Cube is doing. 

    Ice Cube has continued to stay in the news for pushing his black agenda. Ice Cube has pushed his contract for Black America into the mainstream. He has been on the mainstream news circuits like Roland Martin’s Daily Digital Show, Chris Cuomo of CNN, Boyce Watkins Show, and other shows like it. He has continued to push the agenda of Black America through his contract. But in the process of all this he is catching more hell from black folks who are devoted Democrats by blood. Ice Cube is the last of The Black Prophets.

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