
    CORE Knowledge

    CORE knowledge is a podcast devoted to exploring the many facets and immense potential of an old, but newly revivied energy source; Geothermal. The aim is to engage the energy, policy making and the investment communities in order to spur innovation in the geothermal space and also bring awareness to the immense potential it has to be a baseload energy source for the future.
    enNick Cestari66 Episodes

    Episodes (66)

    Iceland Drilling | Sveinn Hannesson & Daniel Drader on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Iceland Drilling | Sveinn Hannesson & Daniel Drader on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Iceland Drilling has been drilling geothermal wells for many years now, and is even taking their skillset and knowledge abroad to help in accessing this immense resource of heat beneath our feet. This episode talks all about the past, present, and future of the geothermal industry, Iceland Drilling and its role in that, as well as how we can look to continually advance and learn. 


    Iceland Drilling 


    Sveinn Hannesson 


    Daniel Drader


    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari 


    Expro | Patrick Hanson on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Expro | Patrick Hanson on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Cross pollination within the energy sector is a must in order to achieve the global targets we have set out for ourselves. As energy demand rises rapidly, the need to decarbonize increases in importance, I believe the energy sector will actually shrink. Not in production or employees, but in how many once siloed companies and industries cross over into new territory. 

    Join me as I talk with the one, the only Patrick Hanson, Senior Geothermal Development Manager with Expro about this very thing and how he is excited to be part of this future energy ecosystem. 



    Patrick Hanson


    Patrick's book recommendation 

    The subtle art of not giving an F$%!

    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari 


    Premier Resource Management | Mike Umbro on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Premier Resource Management | Mike Umbro on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    When time is spent comparing every energy source it can be missed how they complement each other and can ultimately unlock even more technologic advancement that enables decarbonization. Today's episode is to highlight some incredible energy entrepreneurs with Premier Resource Management that are trying to change this by combining solar, geothermal and storage. Mike Umbro, Partner and Head of Corporate Development gives us some insight into how this project can catapult the transition to carbon negative, renewable and resilient energy. 

    Premier Resource Management 


    Mike Umbro


    Mike's Book Recommendation 

    Governing the commons by Elinor Ostrom

    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari 


    Ecopetrol | Yeimy Baez on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Ecopetrol | Yeimy Baez on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Scaling up many of the low carbon solutions that will help to decarbonize our world need extensive investment along with support in the form of access to market. Who better than incumbent energy companies to do this? They have balance sheets, established supply chains across the entire value chain of energy, social reputations and beyond. Ecopetrol is leading the way and setting a great example. They were the first energy company to announce roadmap to lower carbon intensity and emissions by 2040. Join in on my conversation with the Vice President of Low Carbon Solutions, Yeimy Baez and learn a little more on what exactly that roadmap entails. 



    Yeimy Baez


    Yeimy's Book Recommendation 

    Love in the time of cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez 

    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    Matorka | Arni Pall Einarsson on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Matorka | Arni Pall Einarsson on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Ensuring access to food, water, and energy are some of the key objectives for the next couple decades, but doing so in a sustainable way is equally important. Geothermal can not only help address the access to energy for developing countries, but it also can play a significant role in eliminating food deserts, producing sustainable food even in climates that previously prohibited it. I sit down with Arni Pall Einarsson, Chief Commercial Officer at Matorka to talk about the fish farming industry and how they are pioneering with sustainable arctic char production utilizing geothermal. 



    Arni Pall Einarsson 


    Arni's Book Recommendation 

    Reluctant Genius by Charlotte Gray 

    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    Landsvirkjun | Bjarni Palsson on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Landsvirkjun | Bjarni Palsson on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Not that long ago Iceland was considered a developing country. Fast forward to today and it is now one of the welathiest nations on a per capita basis. One major driver of that has been their innovation around the natural resources and energy they have right under their feet; geothermal. Landsvirkjun has been developing and innovating around geothermal and the many use cases for the past 60 years. My conversation with Bjarni Palsson, Executive Director of Geothermal Development dives into how Iceland continues to innovate and share the knowledge globally to help advance the industry. 

    Bjarni Palsson 




    Bjarni's book recommendation 

    The Prize by Daniel Yergin 

    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    Green by Iceland | Nott Thorberg on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Green by Iceland | Nott Thorberg on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    How do we achieve the lofty goals set forth to reduce our global emissions and keep global warming at bay? It definitely won't happen in silos, it will take a cooperative effort, building on the backs of those gone before us, of course new innovations, new technology and a bunch of capital. The beautiful thing is that countries like Iceland who have been innovating around energy usage, efficiencies, security of said energy and general sustainability can offer so much to the rest of the world as we work towards decarbonizing the planet. I sit down with Nott Thorberg, the Director of Green by Iceland whose entire purpose is to connect, educate, and export knowledge from Iceland around the world to accelerate our transition. 

    Green by Iceland 


    Nott Thorberg


    Nott's book recommendation 

    Changing on the Job by Jennifer Berger

    JRG Energy 


    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari


    Baker Hughes | Kamila Piotrowska on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Baker Hughes | Kamila Piotrowska on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Some of us dive deep into political issues and policy while others of us steer clear of all things related to politics. Well, when it come to reaching net zero by 2050 goals, we all need to be active in our governments from state/local level all the way to country leadership. Policy will shape how we arrive or don't arrive at net zero. Today's episode focuses of course on policy from a geothermal perspective, how we have made progress, but also how we still have a long way to go and what needs to be done moving forward across the globe to make way for the geothermal renaissance. 


    Kamila Piotrowska 


    Baker Hughes 


    Kamila's Book recommendation 

    Gorillas in the mist by Dian Fossey 

    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    Geothermal Rising | Bryant Jones on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Geothermal Rising | Bryant Jones on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    This week we are at CERA week and just in awe of the amount of interest and air time for geothermal and central to this renaissance of sorts is Geothermal Rising the largest trade organization representing the industry around the globe. I had the pleasure of snagging Bryant Jones the newly appointed Executive Director for GR and discussing with him the momentum we are seeing, what needs to still be done, and how Geothermal Rising is going to work to continue advancing geothermal at a rapid pace. Incredibly insightful conversation that you do not want to miss!

    Bryant Jones 


    Geothermal Rising 


    Bryant's Book Recommendation 

    Our Hidden Powers by the Baseload Capital team


    JRG Energy 


    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari 


    Calpine | Rob Parker, Peter So, and Danielle Seperas on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Calpine | Rob Parker, Peter So, and Danielle Seperas on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Is Geothermal as exhaustive as the reports say? Can it power the future as a baseload energy source? Does America even produce any? What exactly is it? These are some questions you may be asking yourself when it comes to geothermal, and they are valid since historically geothermal hasn't been very good at engaging stakeholders outside of the industry. Today, we sit down and talk about the Geysers geothermal field, a 725 MWe field that is made up of over 13 power plants and 300 wells, so in short it is incredibly complex and is part of the US's leading 3.6 GW of geothermal production. In today's discussion, Rob Parker, VP of Operations at the Geysers talks about how geothermal has always been part of the energy mix and doesn't always get the love in future projections but believes there is a long future ahead for the Geysers and geothermal as an industry. 

    Rob Parker


    Danielle Matthews Seperas


    Peter So




    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari


    QHeat | Erika Salmenvaara on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    QHeat | Erika Salmenvaara on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    You may have heard of a Ground Source Heat pump in passing or maybe you even have one at your home. Well today we are going to be taking a deep dive into yes, Geothermal for heating and cooling, but an extremely innovative and new approach to making it more efficient and energy dense. Hailing from the real estate sector, Erika Salmenvaara jumped over to work in Geothermal as she saw firsthand the challenges of providing energy to real estate developments. Qheat is on a mission to provide sustainable, efficient power to real estate investments so that they can take advantage of the taxonomy in the EU, but also decarbonize and incentivize buyers.  Grab your headphones, sit in your favorite chair or relax on your commute into work and soak in the knowledge Erika drops in this one. 



    Erika Salmenvaara 


    Erika's book recommendation 

    Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman 

    JRG Energy 


    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    GreenFire Energy | Joseph Scherer on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    GreenFire Energy | Joseph Scherer on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    GreenFire Energy's CEO Joseph Scherer is no stranger to CORE Knowledge. I had the chance to sit down with him at this year's Geothermal Rising Conference to talk about some of their recent investments from the likes of Baker Hughes and Vallourec to name a few and the new projects in their pipeline. Their closed loop technology is helping to revitalize geothermal fields and increase longevity of these assets, increasing cash flow and reducing emissions. Come join the conversation. 

    GreenFire Energy 


    Joe Scherer


    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari 


    KS Orka | Riza Pasikki on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    KS Orka | Riza Pasikki on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    KS Orka is a leader in Geothermal production in Indonesia and on the forefront of innovating and delivering on the goals set to bring another 3 + GW of geothermal in the next decade. One way they are doing this is by phased development versus the traditional method. At the Sorak Marapi field there is a contract signed with the state-owned power company to deliver up to 240 MW but in order to improve economics and have flexibility, KS Orka is developing the field in five 45-50 MW phases. A truly fascinating discussion with a leader in the industry, Riza Pasikki CTO of KS Orka. 


    Riza Pasikki


    KS Orka 


    Book Recommendation 

    Loves his job! Malcolm Grant - Geothermal book

    JRG Energy 


    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    El Salvador Ambassador to the UK and Ireland | Vanessa Interiano on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    El Salvador Ambassador to the UK and Ireland | Vanessa Interiano on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    IRENA just hosted the second High Level Global Geothermal Alliance Conference in El Salvador, and it was quite the spectacle. Today's episode is just that, High Level as I sit down with El Salvador's Ambassador to the UK and Northern Ireland. El Salvador is leading in a lot of ways and this event was an amazing chance to bring together leadership from all over the world to talk about geothermal finance, challenges, and lessons learned. Experiencing Geothermal and making it a human connection is important for raising up the next generation of Geothermal leaders. Taking home, a bag of coffee that was roasted using Geothermal energy is an example of just that. 

    Vanessa Interiano 


    Book Recommendation 

    The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    JRG Energy 


    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari 


    GreenFire Energy | John Muir and Andy Van Horn on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    GreenFire Energy | John Muir and Andy Van Horn on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Sometimes we pay more for things even when there isn't much of a difference in benefit, but when it comes to reliable electricity there is a cost of paying less or having unreliable energy sources providing majority of the electrons. In comes Geothermal, a premium energy source that all stakeholders should be willing to pay a premium for. It gets slighted when compared to wind and solar on an LCOE basis as they are not apples to apples, it has poor messaging and ultimately is the dark horse in this race to net zero. It is clean, reliable, baseload always on, dispatchable and flexible power that can supplement wind and solar, act as a battery, make our grids more resilient and ultimately save all stakeholders from utilities to consumers money and clean up the air as we do it. Tune in to hear a little about GRC and what GreenFire is doing to bring this premium energy source to market. 


    Greenfire Energy 


    John Muir


    Andy Van Horn


    Book Recommendations

    Scale by Geoffery West and The Drunkard's walk by Leonard Mlodinow 

    JRG Energy 


    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari 




    Baseload Capital | Kristina Hagstrom-Ilievska on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Baseload Capital | Kristina Hagstrom-Ilievska on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Impressions are important whether it is your first interview, first date, first day at a new job, or as a new company entering the market. In all of the scenarios above, one thing is the same across each; first impressions go a long way either good or bad. So wouldn't you work as hard as possible to make sure your message resonates with all stakeholders involved. For the Geothermal industry, although not a new industry is at a crucial turning point where messaging will be key in engaging potential customers, investors and maybe most importantly the community. I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Kristina Hagstrom-Ilievska, CMO for Baseload Capital and is honestly leading the way in this arena and doing some amazing things for the future of the industry. 

    Baseload Capital 


    Kristina Hagstrom-Ilievska 


    Kristina's Book Recommendation 

    How to win friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie 

    JRG Energy 


    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    Cornish Lithium | Lucy Crane on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Cornish Lithium | Lucy Crane on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    A geologist by training, Lucy Crane found her way into Geothermal almost by accident and now has an incredibly important role being the ESG & Sustainability manager for Cornish Lithium. The need for clean power and sustainable Lithium production for future EV demand is massive, but we need to ensure we have buy in from all stakeholders, establish proper governance and make sure the environment and community is better for it. A tall task indeed, but so very important as we navigate this energy transition and focus on transparency and truly creating a sustainable world. Cornish Lithium is a fascinating company, extracting Geothermal brines to use for direct heat and then extracting Lithium to use for domestic Lithium production sustainably. 

    Cornish Lithium 


    Lucy Crane


    Lucy's Book Recommendation 

    Volt Rush 

    JRG Energy 


    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari


    Transitional Energy | Salina Derichsweiler, Ben Burke & Johanna Ostrum on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Transitional Energy | Salina Derichsweiler, Ben Burke & Johanna Ostrum on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    This week we get to chat with yet another amazing startup that is changing the energy landscape in the name of Geothermal. Transitional Energy is taking a Go Now approach and working to decarbonize the Oil and Gas industry and provide a distributed energy system. Salina, Ben and Johanna are leaning on their multiple decades of experience in the Oil and Gas industry to create a unique solution to change the energy landscape and make Geothermal a major part of energy mix. 

    Transitional Energy 


    Book recommendations 

    Ben: Tom Wolf's The Right Stuff, Johanna: Good Strategy/Bad Strategy, Salina: Tiny Habits and Bill Bryson's At Home

    JRG Energy


    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    Geothermic Solution | Ghazal Izadi on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Geothermic Solution | Ghazal Izadi on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    This week's episode takes us to the West Coast where Geothermic is developing an innovative solution called GeoHeat which is a closed loop technology leveraging existing technologies and refining/improving them in order to harvest sustainable, reliable, always on heat. My conversation with Ghazal Izadi, Vice President of Reservoir Management and Market Strategy explores the Geothermal market from her experience at Baker Hughes to now on the forefront of developing an innovative solution to solve the world's energy needs. 



    Ghazal Izadi


    JRG Energy


    CORE Knowledge 


    Nick Cestari 


    Ministry of Energy and Mines Colombia | Monica Gasca Rojas on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Ministry of Energy and Mines Colombia | Monica Gasca Rojas on CORE Knowledge Podcast

    Colombia has ramped up the amount of renewable energy on the grid significantly over the past few years and is continuing to work diligently to create an environment ripe for developing increasing amounts of renewable energy projects. They have established protocols for Geothermal exploration and development in order to help encourage de-risking and execution of baseload power projects. Monica Gasca Rojas, advisor to the Minister of Energy and Mines in Colombia gives us an overview of their strategy and goals for the next 3-5 years for increasing the renewable energy generation on the grid. 

    Ministry of Energy and Mines Colombia 


    Monica Gasca Rojas


    Monica's Book recommendation 

    Creativity Inc 

    JRG Energy 



    CORE Knowledge


    Nick Cestari 
