

    Two law school buddies discuss the believability of conspiracy theories ranging from aliens to Tupac.
    enCrackpot379 Episodes

    Episodes (379)

    Premium Episode: Project Blue Beam

    Premium Episode: Project Blue Beam

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    Join us this week as we unravel the enigmatic Project Blue Beam. Explore the fascinating history, delve into the science behind it, and dissect the web of conspiracy theories that have shrouded this alleged plan for decades.

    Learn the origins of Project Blue Beam, its purported aims, and the mystery surrounding its connection with NASA and the United Nations. Discover the alleged steps, including fake earthquakes, three-dimensional holographic projections, and telepathic communication, all designed to manipulate beliefs on a global scale. We'll also critically analyze the evidence both for and against Project Blue Beam, shedding light on the logical inconsistencies and the lack of credible sources.

    Tune in for a deep dive into one of the most captivating and controversial conspiracy theories, and gain insights that will leave you questioning the boundaries of belief and skepticism.


    enOctober 16, 2023

    UFO Disclosure Timeline: from 2017 through August 2023

    UFO Disclosure Timeline: from 2017 through August 2023

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    This week we delve into the mind-boggling series of events that have brought us from the groundbreaking New York Times article in 2017 to the latest developments in August 2023.

    In 2017, The New York Times published a game-changing article revealing the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and the government's undisclosed efforts to study UFOs. Investigated by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, the story also featured unreleased videos that sent shockwaves through the world.

    Fast forward to 2023, where we explore developments like the declassification of videos captured by Navy pilots and the establishment of permanent UAP task forces within government agencies. Learn about the courageous whistleblowers who've come forward with shocking information and the congressional efforts to accelerate UAP disclosure.

    This episode uncovers it all, from UFOs shot down over Alaskan waters to mind-bending theories on the nature of these phenomena. Discover the latest updates and controversies in the world of UFOs and UAPs. Don't miss out – tune in and stay informed on this enigmatic topic that has captured the world's imagination. Subscribe now to [Your Podcast Name] and be a part of the UFO disclosure conversation!


    enOctober 09, 2023

    Premium Episode: The Voronezh UFO Sighting and Petrozavodsk Phenomena: What Do We Know?

    Premium Episode: The Voronezh UFO Sighting and Petrozavodsk Phenomena: What Do We Know?

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    On September 27, 1989, a group of children playing in a park in Voronezh, Russia, claimed to see a UFO land and aliens emerge. The incident made headlines around the world, and remains one of the most well-known and well-documented UFO sightings in history.

    In the first half of today's episode, we'll take a closer look at the Voronezh UFO incident. We'll examine the evidence, hear from witnesses, and discuss the different theories about what may have happened. We'll also explore the cultural significance of the incident, and its impact on our understanding of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

    In the second half of today's episode, we'll discuss the Petrozavodsk Phenomena. In September 1977, a series of strange and unexplained phenomena occurred in the city of Petrozavodsk, Russia. Residents reported seeing mysterious lights in the sky, hearing strange noises, and experiencing other unexplained events. The Petrozavodsk Phenomena became one of the most well-known and well-documented UFO sightings in Russian history.

    What's happening in Russian skies? Tune in to find out!


    enOctober 02, 2023

    The Betz Sphere: Unearthing a Cosmic Mystery

    The Betz Sphere: Unearthing a Cosmic Mystery

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    In today's episode, we explore the intriguing tale of this polished steel ball found by the Betz family in 1974 under rather odd conditions. Was it a gift from aliens, a covert government gadget, or just a piece of industrial machinery?

    Come along as we recount the fascinating series of events post its discovery – from its unexplained movements to its baffling response to music. We’ll dig deep into the comprehensive scientific investigations done on this enigmatic object and the surprising outcomes that even had experts puzzled.We'll dive into the leading theories about where it came from and the ongoing debates about the Betz Sphere!

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    enSeptember 25, 2023

    Premium Episode: Gum, Chipotle, and the Cheese Cartel: A Three Course Conspiracy

    Premium Episode: Gum, Chipotle, and the Cheese Cartel: A Three Course Conspiracy

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    This week we delve deep into the world of food conspiracy theories that will leave you questioning the truth behind your favorite treats. 

    Join us as we uncover the secrets behind three intriguing conspiracies: Palestinian aphrodisiac gum, Chipotle's stock market manipulation, and the enigmatic Swiss Cheese Cartel. From alleged international intrigue to corporate sabotage, these stories will keep you on the edge of your seat!

    Whether you're a foodie or just curious about the mysteries surrounding your meals, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to explore the hidden layers of the food industry's most perplexing secrets.


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    enSeptember 18, 2023

    9/11: The Collapse of Building 7

    9/11: The Collapse of Building 7

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     9/11 has its share of conspiracies, but none are quite as suspicious and mainstream as the collapse of Building 7. It collapsed even though it wasn’t hit by an airplane, it fell with perfect precision, and there were some suspicious tenants who had office spaces within it. Join us this week as we peel back the curtain on one of the biggest conspiracy theories we’ve ever tackled!

    This episode aired originally as a Patreon Premium Episode during Season 5

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    enSeptember 11, 2023

    Premium Episode: The Oahspe Bible: A Secret History of the Universe?

    Premium Episode: The Oahspe Bible: A Secret History of the Universe?

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    The Oahspe Bible, written by Dr. John B. Newbrough in 1881, claims to be a revelation from God. It offers a unique perspective on the history of the universe, the nature of reality, and the purpose of human life. The Oahspe Bible has been the subject of much speculation and controversy. Some believe it to be a genuine revelation from God, while others believe it to be a hoax. 

    In this episode, we explore some of its unique and distinctive aspects, including its descriptions of the various realms and dimensions of the afterlife and universe. We'll also talk about its history, its beliefs, the conspiracy theories that surround it, and the mysteries that it still holds.


    enSeptember 04, 2023

    The Egyptian Pyramids: History, Science, Conspiracy Theories, and Mysteries

    The Egyptian Pyramids: History, Science, Conspiracy Theories, and Mysteries

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    The Egyptian pyramids are some of the most iconic and mysterious structures in the world. In this episode, we explore the history, science, conspiracy theories, and mysteries surrounding these ancient wonders.

    We'll start by taking a look at the history of the pyramids. When were they built? Who built them? And why? We'll also discuss the scientific evidence that has been gathered about the pyramids, including their construction techniques and their astronomical alignments.

    Next, we'll take a look at some of the wild theories that have been proposed about the pyramids. Were they really just tombs for the pharaohs? Or were they something more? We'll also explore some of the mysteries that still surround the pyramids, such as the curse of the pharaohs and the alignment of the pyramids with the heavens.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone who is interested in the Egyptian pyramids or ancient mysteries!

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    enAugust 28, 2023

    Premium Episode: Triangle UFOs: The History, Facts, and Mystery

    Premium Episode: Triangle UFOs: The History, Facts, and Mystery

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    Triangle UFOs are one of the most commonly reported types of UFOs, and they have been a source of fascination and speculation for decades. In this episode, we explore the history of triangle UFO sightings, from the early reports in the 1940s to the recent wave of sightings in the 2000s. We also discuss key facts about triangle UFOs, such as their size, shape, and behavior. And finally, we take a look at David Marler's book, "Triangle UFOs: The Evidence," which is one of the most comprehensive studies of this phenomenon.

    We explore relevant historical information about triangle UFOs, such as the early reports in the 1940s and the recent wave of sightings in the 2000s. It also includes key facts about triangle UFOs, such as their size, shape, and behavior. Additionally, the description mentions David Marler's book, "Triangle UFOs: The Evidence," which is one of the most comprehensive studies of this phenomenon.


    enAugust 21, 2023

    Mike Clelland: Owls, Ufos, and The Unseen

    Mike Clelland: Owls, Ufos, and The Unseen

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    This week author, blogger, podcaster, artist, and all around great guy Mike Clelland joins us in the studio to talk about his new book The Unseen. It’s his first novel, but it sticks to traditional themes of high strangeness, the unexplained, and of course owls! You won’t want to miss this episode he breaks down common themes he  sees in his research, the inspiration for writing about owls, and his take on the UFO Hearings in Washington DC. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride! 

    To learn more about Mike Clelland and to read his blog, check out his website: https://mikeclelland.com/ 

    You can buy his new book here and at your local bookstore: https://www.amazon.com/Unseen-Mike-Clelland/dp/B0C5G9NGWZ 


    enAugust 14, 2023

    Premium Episode: Do Twins Share a Telepathic Connection?

    Premium Episode: Do Twins Share a Telepathic Connection?

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    Twins are often said to have a special connection, one that goes beyond the usual sibling bond. Some people believe that twins can even communicate telepathically, sharing thoughts and feelings without speaking.

    Decades of scientific research on twins have yielded a vast array of possibilities, including the idea that twins may share a telepathic connection. Some notable studies have suggested that identical twins are more likely to experience having the same thoughts or feelings at the same time. Other studies have found that identical twins are better at guessing each other's answers to questions than fraternal twins. However, other studies have found no correlation between twins and parapsychological abilities.

    The results of twin research are still being debated, and more research is needed to determine whether or not twins do share a telepathic connection. However, the research that has been done so far suggests that there is something unique about the twin bond that deserves further study. Regardless of what scientists think, this stuff is absolutely fascinating! 

    enAugust 07, 2023

    The Longyou Caves and Nan Madol: Two Mysterious Ancient Wonders

    The Longyou Caves and Nan Madol: Two Mysterious Ancient Wonders

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    In the 1960s, a group of farmers in China were digging for water when they made a startling discovery: a vast network of underground caves, carved by hand out of solid rock. The Longyou Caves are now considered one of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th century, but their origins and purpose remain a mystery.

    In Micronesia, another mysterious ancient wonder lies hidden beneath the waves: Nan Madol. This artificial island complex is made up of hundreds of basalt columns, arranged in a labyrinthine pattern. Nan Madol is thought to have been built by the Saudeleur dynasty, but its exact purpose and timeline of construction are unknown.

    In this episode, we explore the history, theories, and legends of the Longyou Caves and Nan Madol. We'll discuss the challenges of building these ancient sites, and we'll consider the different possibilities for their purpose.

    enJuly 31, 2023

    Premium Episode: Jimmy Hoffa

    Premium Episode: Jimmy Hoffa

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    In this episode, we take a deep dive into the life and disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, one of the most controversial labor union leaders in American history.

    Hoffa was the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters from 1957 to 1971, and he was known for his ties to organized crime. In 1975, he disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and his body has never been found.

    We'll discuss the possible murder suspects in Hoffa's case, including mobsters, union rivals, and even the FBI. We'll also explore the historical context of Hoffa's disappearance, and we'll consider the possibility that he may still be alive.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone who's interested in true crime! So sit back, relax, and join us as we explore the life and disappearance of one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures in American history


    enJuly 24, 2023

    The Allagash Abductions: Camping with Aliens

    The Allagash Abductions: Camping with Aliens

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    On August 11, 1976, four men were camping in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway in Maine when they reported seeing a UFO. The men were Chuck Rak, Charlie Foltz, and twin brothers Jack and Jim Weiner. 

    The four had been canoeing on Big Eagle Lake when they saw a bright light in the sky. The light was moving erratically and seemed to be following them. The men stopped paddling and watched the light. They said that it was about the size of a football field and was a bluish-white color. It was also silent. After a few minutes, the light landed on a nearby island. The men said that they saw a beam of light shine down.

    The men's story was widely reported in the media and became known as the "Allagash Abductions." Despite the lack of clear evidence, some people believe that the men were telling the truth about their experience. Others believe that they were mistaken or that they made up the story. 

    In this episode, we will explore the Allagash Abductions in detail including the key facts of the sighting, and the different theories about what happened. We will also hear from the men themselves, who share their own personal accounts of the experience. What did they see that day? You decide!



    enJuly 17, 2023

    Premium Episode: Haunted Campgrounds: True Stories of Paranormal Activity

    Premium Episode: Haunted Campgrounds: True Stories of Paranormal Activity

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    Are you a fan of ghosts? Do you love camping? If so, then WE have an episode for YOU. In today’s episode, we'll explore three of the most haunted campgrounds in the world! Join us as we explore firsthand paranormal accounts and learn about the history of paranormal activity at each location.

    First up is Lake Morena County Park in San Diego County. It’s said to be haunted by a ghostly woman in a white dress. Some people have also reported hearing heavy footsteps in the woods.

    Antietam Creek Campground in Sharpsburg, Maryland, is located just a few miles from the site of the Battle of Antietam. The campground is said to be haunted by the ghosts of soldiers who fought and died there. Some people have reported seeing ghostly soldiers walking the grounds, and others have heard the sounds of gunfire and cannon fire in the night.

    Holy Ghost Campground in Tererro, New Mexico, is said to be haunted by the ghosts of Spanish missionaries and Native Americans who were killed there. Some people have reported seeing ghostly apparitions, and others have heard strange voices.

    Aokigahara Forest in Japan is also known as the "Suicide Forest." It's said to be one of the most haunted places in the world. Some people have reported seeing ghostly figures, and others have heard eerie sounds.

    So if you're looking for a spine-tingling listen, be sure to check out today’s episode!

    enJuly 10, 2023

    Ghostwriter: Wright the Polaroid Ghost

    Ghostwriter: Wright the Polaroid Ghost

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    Join us this week as we step into the haunting world of Wright the Polaroid ghost! 

    In the early 1990s, the ghostly presence of Wright was first discovered through a series of Polaroid photographs taken by the inhabitants. As word spread about the mysterious ghost, paranormal investigators flocked to the home, aiming to unravel the truth behind Wright's existence. They conducted numerous investigations, employing advanced equipment and psychic mediums to capture evidence and communicate with the ethereal entity.

    Over time, a historical narrative surrounding Wright began to emerge. Photographs of Wright and eyewitness accounts became the subject of intense debate within the paranormal community. Skeptics questioned the authenticity of the images, while believers were convinced of the spirit's presence. Despite ongoing investigations and research, the true identity and motives of Wright the Ghost remain elusive to this day.

    The story of Wright continues to fascinate both paranormal enthusiasts and curious onlookers, captivating the imaginations of those who seek to unravel the secrets of Glassell Park's haunted house. Trust us, this is one you don’t want to miss!

    enJuly 03, 2023

    Premium Episode: Forrest Fenn's Treasure Hunt: The Controversy and the Mystery

    Premium Episode: Forrest Fenn's Treasure Hunt: The Controversy and the Mystery

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    In 2010, Forrest Fenn, a wealthy art dealer and adventurer, published a poem in his memoir that hinted at the location of a hidden treasure chest filled with gold, jewels, and artifacts. The poem has since inspired thousands of people to search for the treasure, which is estimated to be worth millions of dollars.

    In this episode, we'll explore the history of Forrest Fenn's treasure hunt, the key facts about the treasure and the poem, as well as the stories of some of the people who have been searching for it. We'll also discuss the controversy surrounding the hunt, and whether or not the treasure has actually been found.

    Whether you're a fan of treasure hunts, history, or just good stories, this episode is for you. So sit back, relax, and join us as we explore the mystery of Forrest Fenn's treasure hunt.


    enJune 26, 2023

    Decoding the David Grusch UAP Report: Unveiling the Truth about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

    Decoding the David Grusch UAP Report: Unveiling the Truth about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

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    Join us this week for an exciting discussion on the latest UFO and UAP disclosure news! We're diving headfirst into the captivating world of unidentified aerial phenomena, exploring the groundbreaking revelations brought to light by David Grusch.

    In this episode, we'll deep-dive into the David Grusch UAP disclosure report and uncover its significance within the realm of UFO research and disclosure efforts. Prepare to be amazed by Grusch's impressive credentials as a renowned UFO researcher, highlighting his expertise and unwavering dedication to unraveling the truth about UAPs. We'll also hear firsthand testimonies from individuals who have corroborated Grusch's report. Get ready to gain insights into the profound impact this whistleblower report had on the field of UAP research.

    Make sure to tune in this week as we embark on a riveting journey through the Grusch UAP disclosure report, where truth and intrigue intersect. This is an episode you won't want to miss!


    enJune 19, 2023

    Premium Episode: The Death of President Kaczynski

    Premium Episode: The Death of President Kaczynski

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    Join us as we uncover the shocking events surrounding the alleged assassination of Polish President Lech Kaczyński and its profound impact on Poland and the international community. 

    On April 10, 2010, tragedy struck as President Lech Kaczyński's plane crashed near Smolensk, Russia, claiming the lives of all 96 individuals on board. What was meant to be an ordinary official trip to commemorate the Katyn Massacre turned into a devastating incident, shrouded in conflicting narratives and conspiracy theories.

    In this episode we delve into the lingering doubts and unanswered questions surrounding the crash, shedding light on ongoing debates and the relentless pursuit of truth. We examine the series of events leading to the untimely death of Lech Kaczyński, unraveling the intricate web of circumstances surrounding his alleged assassination. Additionally, we explore the various theories that have emerged, speculating on who might have been behind this tragic event. With modern day implications this is one you won't want to miss!


    enJune 12, 2023

    Owls, Aliens, UFOs, and Synchronicity

    Owls, Aliens, UFOs, and Synchronicity

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    Originally recorded as a Premium episode on Patreon, we make one of our favorite episodes available to all! 
    What do owls, aliens, UFOs, and synchronicity all have in common? No, seriously, we're asking you because we still have no idea! This week Tim and Zach talk about the odd occurrences in and around UFO sightings and abductions and why owls always seem to play such a large role in both. This one is wild, don't miss it!
    enJune 05, 2023