

    Two law school buddies discuss the believability of conspiracy theories ranging from aliens to Tupac.
    enCrackpot379 Episodes

    Episodes (379)

    Premium Episode: UFO Patents

    Premium Episode: UFO Patents

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    Dr. Salvatore Pais, a renowned aerospace engineer, has gained significant attention for his groundbreaking inventions that blur the lines between science fiction and reality. These patents, filed on behalf of the US Navy, describe revolutionary technologies that seem straight out of a sci-fi movie. They hint at advanced propulsion systems, anti-gravity devices, and even the possibility of bending space-time.

    As we delve into the details of these patents, we'll discuss their potential implications for the future of aerospace technology. Are these inventions the key to unlocking interstellar travel or advanced military capabilities? Could they be connected to reported sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) that have baffled experts for decades?


    enMay 29, 2023

    The Bridgewater Triangle (LIVE from Massachusetts!)

    The Bridgewater Triangle (LIVE from Massachusetts!)

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    This week we take a journey through haunted forests, UFO sightings, cryptid encounters, and ghostly apparitions.  Southeast Massachusetts is home to one of the world’s most paranormal areas, and we look at it all!

    We talk about the Native American legends and origins of the cursed land, the infamous Puckwudgie legend and sightings, zombies (WHAT?!), ghosts, floating orbs, UFO sightings, thunderbirds, mysterious black cats, a haunted swamp, and even a possible Bigfoot sighting. 

    This episode has everything, and it was a blast to record in front of a live audience! Tune in to hear all about it and maybe we’ll be coming to a city near you soon!


    enMay 22, 2023

    Premium Episode: Amelia Earhart

    Premium Episode: Amelia Earhart

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    Join us on a captivating journey as we delve into the enigmatic life and legacy of Amelia Earhart, one of history's most iconic aviators. In this episode, we explore the thrilling achievements, tragic disappearance, and enduring fascination surrounding this pioneering woman. 

    Discover how Earhart defied societal norms to become the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, shattering glass ceilings and setting new records in the male-dominated field of aviation. Unravel the mystery surrounding Earhart's disappearance during her ill-fated attempt to circumnavigate the globe in 1937. Explore the prevailing theories, investigations, and ongoing efforts to solve the puzzle that has captivated the world for decades.

    Amelia Earhart's indomitable spirit, groundbreaking achievements, and mysterious disappearance have etched her name in history. In this episode, we shed light on her groundbreaking accomplishments, her courageous spirit, and the enduring fascination surrounding her tragic disappearance. Join us as we uncover the captivating story of Amelia Earhart, a true icon of aviation and the human spirit.


    enMay 15, 2023

    The Third Man Factor

    The Third Man Factor

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    What is it? Great question! According to researchers it’s the sensation of a presence that appears to help people in extreme situations, even when they are alone. This feeling has been reported by mountaineers, explorers, and sailors alike.
    In today's episode we discuss several examples of the Third Man Factor. We examine Ernest Shackleton's experience during his Antarctic expedition in 1915. After his ship became trapped in ice, Shackleton and his crew were forced to abandon it and make their way across the ice. Shackleton reported feeling the presence of a fourth person in their group who helped them make it to safety.
    We also delve into Charles Lindbergh's experience during his solo flight across the Atlantic in 1927. Lindbergh reported feeling the presence of a co-pilot who helped him navigate through a dangerous storm. 
    We discuss several other examples as well as possible scientific explanations for this phenomenon, such as the brain's response to extreme stress and the effects of isolation.
    Overall, this episode offers a fascinating insight into the Third Man Factor and the experiences of those who have reported it. Including one of your very own podcast hosts! Don’t miss it!
    enMay 08, 2023

    Premium Episode: Oklahoma City Bombing: John Doe Number 2

    Premium Episode: Oklahoma City Bombing: John Doe Number 2

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    John Doe Number 2 was a man seen with Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrator of the infamous Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Despite the FBI's best efforts, the identity of John Doe Number 2 remains a mystery to this day.

    Join us as we uncover new information and discuss the ongoing search for answers in the case of John Doe Number 2. We explore the involvement of Kenney Trentadue and Juan Carlos Parraga in the case of John Doe Number 2.

    Trentadue was an inmate who died in federal custody in 1995, allegedly due to suicide, but his family maintains he was murdered as part of a cover-up related to John Doe Number 2.

    Juan Carlos Parraga, a former roommate of Timothy McVeigh, was also considered a potential suspect in the case. He was arrested in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing but later released without charges.

    We discuss the connections and possible motives of these additional individuals in the search for answers surrounding John Doe Number 2. We also examine the evidence and theories surrounding their potential involvement in the case.

    Join us for an in-depth discussion of the various potential suspects involved in this high-profile case and the ongoing efforts to uncover the truth behind John Doe Number 2.

    enMay 01, 2023

    The Oklahoma City Bombing

    The Oklahoma City Bombing

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    The Oklahoma City Bombing was a domestic terrorist attack that killed 168 people and injured hundreds more. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were convicted of the bombing, but some people believe that there was a larger conspiracy involved. Theories include involvement by the US government, the possibility of additional explosives in the building, and even a connection to the Waco Siege and the Elohim City compound.

    In this episode, we explore the basic conspiracy theories surrounding the Oklahoma City Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building., which occurred on April 19, 1995. We delve into the key people and places involved in the event and discuss the various conspiracy theories that have arisen over the years. Join us as we attempt to unravel the truth behind one of the most devastating attacks in American history.

    Join us as we delve into the conspiracy theories surrounding the Oklahoma City Bombing and attempt to separate fact from fiction.


    enApril 24, 2023

    Premium Episode: PumaPunku and SanXingDui

    Premium Episode: PumaPunku and SanXingDui

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    Pumapunku and Sanxingdui are two ancient archaeological sites shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Pumapunku, located in Bolivia, is believed to have been built by the Tiwanaku people over 1,000 years ago. Sanxingdui, located in China, dates back over 3,000 years and is thought to have been built by the Shu culture.

    In this episode, we explore the fascinating mysteries surrounding the construction and origin of these two sites. Pumapunku's complex stonework and precise engineering have led many to believe it was built by an advanced civilization or even extraterrestrial beings. Sanxingdui's stunning bronze artifacts and unusual sculptures have also sparked speculation about the culture that created them.

    We delve into the theories surrounding the construction and purpose of these sites, including the possibility of ancient aliens, lost civilizations, and advanced technologies. We also discuss the challenges archaeologists face in studying and preserving these ancient sites.

    Join us as we uncover the enigmatic histories of Pumapunku and Sanxingdui and the enduring mysteries that continue to fascinate and perplex scholars and enthusiasts alike.


    enApril 17, 2023

    The Travis Walton Abduction: Fire in the Sky

    The Travis Walton Abduction: Fire in the Sky

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    Travis Walton's abduction is one of the most famous and controversial alien abduction cases in history. On November 5th, 1975, Walton and his co-workers were on their way home from a logging job in Arizona when they saw a bright light in the distance. As they approached the light, Walton claims he was struck by a beam and lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found himself aboard a spacecraft with alien beings surrounding him.

    In this episode, we delve into the details of Travis Walton's abduction and the aftermath that followed. We examine the evidence and arguments for and against the authenticity of his experience. We also explore the impact this event had on Walton's life and the broader UFO community.

    Despite the skepticism surrounding his story, Walton has maintained his account of the events that took place that night. His story has inspired numerous books and even a Hollywood movie, further fueling the debate over the existence of extraterrestrial life and the possibility of their interactions with humans.

    Join us as we explore one of the most captivating UFO encounters in history and the enduring legacy of Travis Walton's abduction.


    enApril 10, 2023

    Premium Episode: Pat Tillman

    Premium Episode: Pat Tillman

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    In this episode, we explore the controversies surrounding the death of Pat Tillman. After leaving his NFL career, Tillman enlisted in the U.S. Army after the 9/11 attacks, only to be killed in Afghanistan in 2004. However, conspiracy theories suggest that his death wasn't accidental.

    Various conspiracy theories suggest that the U.S. military and government were involved in a cover-up regarding Tillman's death. Some speculate that friendly fire was intentional because Tillman was growing disillusioned with the war, while others believe that he was assassinated for his plans to speak out against the war.

    We dive into the details of these conspiracy theories and examine the evidence and motivations behind them. We also discuss the impact of Tillman's death on his family and the public perception of the war in Afghanistan.


    enApril 03, 2023

    LBJ Killed JFK

    LBJ Killed JFK

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    In this episode, we investigate the conspiracy theory that Lyndon B. Johnson, former Vice President of the United States, was responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    We begin by examining the evidence presented by proponents of the theory, including claims of LBJ's motive for the murder and alleged connections to key figures involved in the assassination. We also explore counter arguments from critics of the theory.

    We then take a closer look at the historical context of the era, including tensions between the Kennedy and Johnson camps, the broader history of political assassinations, and the social and political climate of the time.

    Finally, we discuss the lasting impact of this conspiracy theory on American politics and culture, and examine the reasons why some people continue to believe it to this day. We also highlight the potential dangers of conspiracy theories and the importance of critical thinking and evidence-based reasoning in evaluating such claims.

    Join us as we explore the controversy and intrigue surrounding one of the most enduring mysteries in American history.


    enMarch 27, 2023

    Premium Episode: UFOs in Brazil: The Varginha Encounter (2 of 2)

    Premium Episode: UFOs in Brazil: The Varginha Encounter (2 of 2)

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    This week we dive back into the Varginha UFO incident, sometimes referred to as Brazil’s Roswell, and discuss what science and medical professionals saw and encountered. We discuss eye witness reports from doctors and scientists who directly interacted with the creature from the UFO crash. 

    According to eyewitnesses, the creature was about 5 feet tall, had a large head, red eyes, a slender body, and grayish-brown skin with a texture similar to that of a reptile. According to the witnesses, the creature appeared to be injured or ill and was unable to move.

    The local authorities were notified, and a team of military and civilian officials reportedly responded to the scene. They captured the creature and took it to a local hospital for examination. Although government and military officials denied any knowledge of the incident and dismissed the reports as a hoax or a misidentification of a known animal, we have shocking eyewitness accounts of what happened inside the hospital.

    Despite the official denials, the Varginha incident has become one of the most famous alleged UFO encounters in Brazil and has gained worldwide attention. The incident has been the subject of numerous investigations, documentaries, and books, and it continues to be a topic of debate and controversy among UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike.


    enMarch 20, 2023

    UFOs in Brazil: The Varginha Encounter (1 of 2)

    UFOs in Brazil: The Varginha Encounter (1 of 2)

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    The Varginha UFO incident is a topic that has intrigued conspiracy theorists and paranormal enthusiasts for decades. In January 1996, several residents of Varginha, Brazil reported seeing strange creatures in the city. 

    The incident has been the subject of much debate and speculation, with some believing that the government is hiding the truth about extraterrestrial life. The story has gained international attention; and while some believe that the Varginha UFO incident is evidence of extraterrestrial life, others argue that it was a case of misidentification or a hoax. Regardless of what actually happened, the incident continues to captivate the imagination of those interested in the paranormal and conspiracy theories. 

    Tune in this week to hear about what some have called Brazil’s Roswell! 


    enMarch 13, 2023

    Premium Episode: Dowsing

    Premium Episode: Dowsing

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    In this episode, we'll explore the fascinating world of dowsing, a method used to locate underground water sources, minerals, and other objects. Dowsing is a simple technique that involves using a dowsing rod or pendulum to detect the presence of water or other objects.

    We'll also talk about how dowsing can be used in modern-day applications, such as finding lost objects or improving the quality of water sources, and even some less than shady military purposes it’s been used for.

    Join us as we delve into the history of dowsing, explore the different types of dowsing tools, and discuss the scientific research behind this technique.


    enMarch 06, 2023



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    In this episode, we explore the fascinating world of glitter and its many uses. From crafts and DIY projects to makeup and fashion, glitter has become a ubiquitous element in many aspects of our lives. But who is buying all the glitter, and what is it being used for?

    We dive into the data and discover that the majority of glitter sales come from the crafting and beauty industries. However, the use of glitter extends beyond just these areas, with industries like textiles, food, and even automotive incorporating glitter into their products.

    We also take a closer look at the environmental impact of glitter, including the microplastics it creates and its potential harm to marine life.

    Finally we dive into all the possible industries that might be buying up all the glitter. Is it the defense industry, food and cosmetics, or something more sinister. 

    Tune in this week to find out!

    enFebruary 27, 2023

    Premium Episode: Ouija Boards

    Premium Episode: Ouija Boards

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    Ouija boards are a type of board game typically used as a tool for communicating with the spirit world. The board itself is usually a flat board with letters of the alphabet, numbers, and other symbols printed on it, along with a planchette, which is a heart-shaped or triangular device with a small window in the center. The players place their fingers on the planchette, which then moves around the board to spell out words, phrases, or answer yes-or-no questions.

    While many people believe that Ouija boards can be used to communicate with spirits, some people use them as a form of divination or to contact deceased loved ones. 

    A simple board game or a powerful tool to communicate with spirits? Tune in this week to hear real Ouija stories and how these interesting “games” rose to prominence. 


    enFebruary 20, 2023



    Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, was a 16th-century French physician and astrologer. He is widely famous for his book "Les Prophéties," which consists of a collection of 942 quatrains (four-line poems) that are said to predict future events. Although many of Nostradamus' predictions are open to interpretation, some have been linked to significant events in history, such as the French Revolution, the rise of Napoleon, and the 9/11 attacks.

    Nostradamus was born in 1503 in the town of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in southern France. He received a medical degree from the University of Montpellier and later became a physician, treating patients during outbreaks of the bubonic plague. In addition to his medical work, Nostradamus was known for his interest in astrology and the occult, which led him to create his predictions for the future.

    Despite the mystique surrounding Nostradamus and his prophecies, many of his predictions are vague and lack specificity, leading to multiple interpretations. Some believe that Nostradamus had a gift for seeing into the future, while others view his predictions as nothing more than clever wordplay and superstition. Regardless of one's beliefs, Nostradamus continues to be a topic of fascination and discussion hundreds of years after his death.

    On the thirteenth of February in 23

    Two scholars from a land of lakes

    Discuss my history and prophecies

    A pot with a crack, their voices sound 


    enFebruary 13, 2023

    Premium Episode: Deja Vu and The Feeling of Being Watched

    Premium Episode: Deja Vu and The Feeling of Being Watched

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    Have you ever experienced deja vu? Have you ever had the feeling that you were being watched? Of course you have! I don’t need to tell you that it feels like you’re having a paranormal occurrence each time this happens. This week Tim and Zach break each of these down separately and try to figure out what’s happening, if it can be explained by science, and whether deja vu or the feeling of being watched is actually a sign you have paranormal abilities!

    enFebruary 06, 2023

    Hunter Biden's Laptop

    Hunter Biden's Laptop

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    Hunter Biden’s Laptop has become a symbol on the right of rampant corruption within the Biden administration and a catchphrase on the left of the GOP’s paranoia and willingness to believe anything.  The truth, perhaps, lies somewhere in the middle. Join us this week as Tim and Zach peel back the layers of conspiracy and political intrigue and dive into the heart of what’s sure to be one of the biggest hot button topics of the next several years.

    enJanuary 30, 2023

    Premium Episode: Heaven's Gate

    Premium Episode: Heaven's Gate

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    This week Zach and Tim talk about the Heaven’s Gate suicide cult. They dive into the history of their charismatic leader and what the cult actually believes, including but not limited to: UFO’s and their own offbrand denomination of Christianity. You won’t want to miss this one, as we guarantee that even if you remember this happening in the late 90s, you probably don’t know half of this wild story.

    enJanuary 23, 2023