
    Curiosity Cake

    Curiosity Cake is a podcast for adults who still have a child-like sense of curiosity about the world. Featuring laid back conversations with experts across a wide range of subjects satisfying my unending curiosity and feeding my hunger for learning To find out more visit www.curiositycake.co.uk Twitter: @curiosity_cake Facebook: @curiositycakepod
    enLee Delaney28 Episodes

    Episodes (28)

    S2E09: Science and Arts with Meredith Castles

    S2E09: Science and Arts with Meredith Castles

    Meredith Castles is a lecturer and PhD candidate at the University of Tasmania. We discuss her unique blending of the arts and sciences to communicate science to the masses. From movies and television acting to theatre, writing and currently livestreaming science entertainment content to thousands, Meredith’s arts background fuels her science research where she investigates how people can be more deeply involved in the technology designs of the future rather than removed from it.

    S2E07: I Am Juden A Story of Jewish Resistance

    S2E07: I Am Juden A Story of Jewish Resistance

    UK secondary school teacher, Stephen Uzzell, stumbled upon the name Haim Michael Klar, a Jewish man who impersonated a Nazi officer in order to help those trapped in the ghettos and concentration camps. Stephen has written the book I Am Juden as a historical novel based on the life of Klar and Jewish Resistance against the Nazis.


    Find Stephen on Twitter: @StephenUzzell2

    S2E05 Coffin Club: Disrupting the funeral industry

    S2E05 Coffin Club: Disrupting the funeral industry

    On this episode I'm talking to Kate Tym and Kate Dyer of Coffin Club. The Kates are funeral celebrants. They set up Coffin Club to educate people about the importance of organising your own funeral and that there are many ways to have a funeral. They are distrupting the traditional funeral industry along the way.

    Check out the new Curiosity Cake website:


    Curiosity Cake
    enApril 27, 2021

    S2E03: Why do people enjoy fear and horror?

    S2E03: Why do people enjoy fear and horror?

    On this episode I'm joined by sociologist Dr Margee Kerr. Margee currently teaches and conducts research on fear, specifically how and why people engage in 'scary' experiences llike haunted attractions, horror movies, and paranormal investigations.  She enjoys working as a consultant for attractions and museums and is the author of 'SCREAM: Chilling Adventures in the Science of Fear' named as a must read by the Washington Post. 

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    S2E01: Global health, chronic disease and genetics with Dr Laura Lewandowski

    S2E01: Global health, chronic disease and genetics with Dr Laura Lewandowski

    On the latest episode of Curiosity Cake I'm joined by Dr Laura Lewandowski from National Institutes of Health to discuss her work in global health, chronic disease and genetics with a particular focus on the condition Lupus. 

    You can find out more about Dr Lewandowski here: 


    Please subscribe, rate and review the show. Tell everyone you know and get in touch and let me know what you think of this episode and what else you'd like to hear.




    ICYMI: The amazing world of ants and genetics

    ICYMI: The amazing world of ants and genetics

    This is a re-upload of a previous epsiode.

    On this episode I talk to Balint Kacsoh about how he uses ants to learn about genetics and behaviour. We cover what makes an ant an ant, caste systems, colonies and more.

    The show notes for this episode feature images of all the ants we talk about: https://curiositycake.co.uk/ants



    ICYMI: Be a free range human

    ICYMI: Be a free range human

    This is a re-upload of a previous episode.

    On this episode of the Curiosity Cake Podcast I talk to author, career coach, entrepreneur and TEDx speaker, Marianne Cantwell.

    Marianne's book Be A Free Range Human is a guide to finding your really-right direction, quitting your job and growing your own thing (that fits the life you want *and* your unique personality… so you don’t have to secretly leave a piece of yourself at the door to get paid).



    ICYMI: Pain and empathy

    ICYMI: Pain and empathy

    This is a re-upload of a previous episode.

    In this episode of the Curiosity Cake podcast I talk to psychology and social neuroscience PhD researcher Helena Hartmann about her work exploring the link between our experience of pain and the experience of empathy.



    Curiosity Cake is on Podchaser: https://www.podchaser.com/CuriosityCake

    Get in touch with Curiosity Cake on Twitter: @curiosity_cake

    ICYMI: Nuclear Fusion- the future of sustainable energy?

    ICYMI: Nuclear Fusion- the future of sustainable energy?

    This is a re-upload of a previous episode.

    In this episode Nick Walkden delves deep into the past, present and future of nuclear fusion. We discuss how fusion works, the science behind the Tokamak, the challenges for using fusion as a commercial sustainable energy source, and the advances in other areas of science being driven by work in fusion.

    Nick is a Plasma Physicist, has a PhD in Physics from York University. He has spent his career at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, part of the UK Atomic Energy Authority.


    Curiosity Cake: a podcast about ideas for curious minds with big appetites. I talk to the best minds from academia and elsewhere to bring you accessible and engaging conversations across a wide range of topics with no prior knowledge required.


    ICYMI: A no-nonsense guide to nutrition

    ICYMI: A no-nonsense guide to nutrition

    This is a re-upload of my second episode titled No-nonsense Nutrition released in July 2020.

    In this episode I talk to Maeve Hanan of Dietetically Speaking, a registered Dietitian and nutritional consultant. 


    Maeve explains her idea of nutri-bollocks: bad science and guidance in nutrition. She tells us how to spot nutribollocks, and how we can figure out who to trust when it comes to nutrition information.

    Maeve graduated with a First Class BSc Honours Degree in Dietetics from the University of Ulster Coleraine (Northern Ireland), has experience in Dietetics within the NHS and has written for a number of popular nutrition blogs as well as acting as consultant for journalists and media.

    Maeve has just released a book called Your No-Nonsense Guide to Eating Well 

    Crystals and Coronavirus with Dr Sam Horrell

    Crystals and Coronavirus with Dr Sam Horrell

    On this episode I’m discussing crystallography and the coronavirus with Dr Sam Horrell.

    You can find shownotes and images here: https://curiositycake.co.uk/crystals-and-coronavirus

    Sam is a structural biologist at the Diamond Light Source particle accelerator in Oxfordshire, England, and contributes to our understanding of the structure of Coronavirus with the Coronavirus Structural Task Force




    Is there a connection between scientific fact and spiritual wisdom?

    Is there a connection between scientific fact and spiritual wisdom?

    On this episode I talk to philosopher Dave Ellis of Bangor University. We discuss whether there is a connection between scientific fact and spiritual wisdom and if there is room for spiritual language in science.

    If you like Curiosity Cake please tell your friends and leave a review on Apple Podcasts or other podchaser apps.



    What do we know about the stars in our solar system? With Lisa Harvey-Smith

    What do we know about the stars in our solar system? With Lisa Harvey-Smith
    On this episode I’m exploring the stars of our solar system with Professor Lisa Harvey Smith. We talk about the sun, red dwarves, cannibal stars, black holes, supernovae, big stars, small stars and stars near and far. Lisa is an Astronomer, Author & Broadcaster. You’ll possibly know her from the Stargazing Live TV shows in the UK and Australia among other media appearances. She is currently a professor at the University of New South Wales, and is the Australian Government's Women in STEM Ambassador.



    Do vigilantes only exist in comic books?

    Do vigilantes only exist in comic books?

    On this episode I’m talking vigilantes with anthropologist and comic book fan Gavin Weston of Goldsmiths University, London.

    Gavin’s main area of interest is the anthropology of violence and vigilantism, and explores the intersections between anthropology, popular culture and violence 

    Gavin’s latest book Anthropological Controversies: The ‘Crimes’ and Misdemeanors that Shaped a Discipline.(written with Natalie Djohari) explores the history of anthropology through controversies within the subject.

    What is a Free Range Human?

    What is a Free Range Human?

    On this episode of the Curiosity Cake Podcast I talk to author, career coach, entrepreneur and TEDx speaker, Marianne Cantwell.

    Marianne's book Be A Free Range Human is a guide to finding your really-right direction, quitting your job and growing your own thing (that fits the life you want *and* your unique personality… so you don’t have to secretly leave a piece of yourself at the door to get paid).
