
    Customer Confidential: Untold Stories of Earned Growth

    The Customer Confidential Podcast unlocks a world of unparalleled customer and employee loyalty insights. Host Rob Markey, a Net Promoter System pioneer, uses his deep expertise and empathetic approach to challenge conventional wisdom, peel back layers of typical advice, and expose the real stories of industry transformation. Take a deep dive into discussions on CX, customer journey, customer insights, Net Promoter Score, and more. Every episode is a master class in loyalty. Guests include CMOs, CXOs, and heroes of customer-centric transformation, along with thought leaders who inspire them. Exploring organizational structures, operating models, goals, and metrics, Rob and his guests from companies such as Vanguard, American Express, and more bring to light practical marketing, product, customer experience, and technology strategies for earning customer-focused growth. This podcast is your source for untold stories of customer and employee loyalty. Challenging, insightful, and instructive—all in one place. Earned growth starts here.
    enBain & Company229 Episodes

    Episodes (229)

    Ep. 209: Kentaro Kawamori | From Carbon Confusion to Climate Clarity: The New World of Carbon Accounting and Reporting

    Ep. 209: Kentaro Kawamori | From Carbon Confusion to Climate Clarity: The New World of Carbon Accounting and Reporting

    In this episode, guest Kentaro Kawamori, CEO and cofounder of Persefoni Inc., and Rob Markey discuss the interconnection between Net Promoter Score and organizational sustainability.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Kentaro, you can find him on Linkedin.

    Bain & Company is an investor in Persefoni. Together, we’ve created a unique partnership combining breakthrough carbon footprint analytics with decarbonization strategy. To learn more about our partnership, visit our partnership page.

    Ep. 207: Fred Reichheld | Refocusing NPS for Earned Growth

    Ep. 207: Fred Reichheld | Refocusing NPS for Earned Growth

    In this episode, Bain Fellow Fred Reichheld and Rob Markey discuss how Earned Growth and operational indicators can provide both inspiration and learning to an organization. We also explore companies’ most common Net Promoter Score mistakes, and we participate in a live audience Q&A.

    Please share your feedback on the podcast here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Fred Reichheld, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    This episode was sponsored by NPSx℠, a new venture from Bain & Company that provides training, certification, technology, and community to help companies enrich their customers’ lives. Learn more at npsx.com.

    Ep. 206: Mike Salguero | A Rare Business Model, Well Done

    Ep. 206: Mike Salguero | A Rare Business Model, Well Done

    In this episode, Mike Salguero, founder and CEO of ButcherBox, and Rob Markey discuss how a purpose-driven, direct-to-consumer meat subscription service aims to improve people’s health, mitigate environmental damage, and make farming more sustainable and ethical.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Mike Salguero, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Ep. 205: Zack Anderson | Bringing the Elusive Promise of Personalization to Life

    Ep. 205: Zack Anderson | Bringing the Elusive Promise of Personalization to Life

    In this episode, Zack Anderson, chief data and analytics officer at National Westminster Bank (NatWest), and Rob Markey discuss how garnering a deeper understanding of customers’ perspectives improves a company’s data analytics and why a more streamlined approach to extracting customer information improves client satisfaction. Zack also highlights his top strategies to ensure consumers remain responsive and satisfied with a company’s offerings, approaches, and targeted communications.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Zack Anderson you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Ep. 204: Evan Siegel | Why Helping Banking Customers Change Their Mindsets Builds Lifelong Loyalty

    Ep. 204: Evan Siegel | Why Helping Banking Customers Change Their Mindsets Builds Lifelong Loyalty

    In this episode, Evan Siegel, vice president of financial services and business development at eGain, and Rob Markey discuss why customer-focused bankers need to learn how to listen to consumers’ true financial needs and wants, and why empowering consumers to take charge of their financial health wins their long-term trust.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Evan Siegel, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Ep. 203: Bryan Rutberg | Loving Your Customers Means Keeping It Real

    Ep. 203: Bryan Rutberg | Loving Your Customers Means Keeping It Real

    In this episode, Bryan Rutberg, founder and principal of 3C Communications, shares how and when to advocate on behalf of the customers you serve, and Rob Markey discusses how enhancing relationships with customers and prioritizing frontline employees' learning opportunities builds rapport vs. merely building up scores.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Bryan Rutberg, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Download Bryan’s free ebook, Love & Profit: 10 Ways to Transform Customers into Lustomers, here.

    Ep. 202: Carolyn Saunders | Customers Want to Be Heard: Can You Use Feedback to Build Relationships?

    Ep. 202: Carolyn Saunders | Customers Want to Be Heard: Can You Use Feedback to Build Relationships?

    In this episode, Carolyn Saunders, former senior vice president, Consumer & Small Business (Retail), International Banking, for Scotiabank and current Bain external advisor, and Rob Markey discuss how enhancing relationships with customers and prioritizing frontline employees’ learning opportunities builds rapport vs. merely building up scores.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Carolyn Saunders, you can find her on LinkedIn.

    Ep. 201: Nate Henderson | From Paper to Pixels: How 3-D Instructions Are Transforming Customer Experience

    Ep. 201: Nate Henderson | From Paper to Pixels: How 3-D Instructions Are Transforming Customer Experience

    In this episode, Nate Henderson, BILT’s founder and CEO, and Rob Markey discuss how to make a great customer experience an empowering experience, how to raise Net Promoter Score℠, and how BILT leverages analytics to improve customer sentiment.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Nate Henderson, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Ep. 200: Ilenia Vidili | Customer-centricity Can Make the World a Better Place

    Ep. 200: Ilenia Vidili | Customer-centricity Can Make the World a Better Place

    In this episode, Ilenia Vidili, a customer-centricity adviser and author of Journey to Centricity, and Rob Markey discuss why connecting to customers means understanding what they value. When companies use their voice to stand up for something they truly believe in or to advance and improve society, customers notice.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Ilenia Vidili, you can find her on LinkedIn.

    Order Ilenia's book here.

    Ep. 199: Jon Picoult | Great Customer Experience Begins with Knowing What Customers Value

    Ep. 199: Jon Picoult | Great Customer Experience Begins with Knowing What Customers Value

    In this episode, Jon Picoult, founder and principal at Watermark Consulting, and author of From Impressed to Obsessed: 12 Principles for Turning Customers and Employees into Lifelong Fans, and Rob Markey discuss why creating fewer problems for consumers drives more value interactions and how to deliver a cost-effective experience customers value long term.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Jon Picoult, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Order Jon's book here.

    Ep. 198: Barbara Higgins | Lighting a Path to Success in Low-Engagement Industries

    Ep. 198: Barbara Higgins | Lighting a Path to Success in Low-Engagement Industries
    In this episode, Barbara Higgins, former chief customer officer of Duke Energy, and Rob Markey discuss what customer loyalty in the utility industry looks like as well as Barbara's strategies and techniques to cultivate lasting trust.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Barbara Higgins, you can find her on LinkedIn.

    Ep. 197: Jason Guardino | Compassion in Healthcare: Feeling Cared For Can Be as Important as Being “Cured”

    Ep. 197: Jason Guardino | Compassion in Healthcare: Feeling Cared For Can Be as Important as Being “Cured”

    In this episode, Dr. Jason Guardino of The Permanente Medical Group and Rob Markey discuss how healthcare organizations like Jason’s are helping physicians and care facilities create meaningful and valuable patient experiences that promote better care outcomes.

    If you’d like to provide feedback on the show, please fill out our survey here.

    If you’d like to learn more about Jason Guardino, you can find him on LinkedIn.

    Ep. 196: Trier Bryant and Kim Scott | A Conversation About Bias: How Leaders Can Help Employees Become Bias Disruptors

    Ep. 196: Trier Bryant and Kim Scott | A Conversation About Bias: How Leaders Can Help Employees Become Bias Disruptors
    In the workplace, biased language and treatment can often slip by without consequence, leaving those discriminated against feeling powerless or unheard. But Just Work cofounders Trier Bryant and Kim Scott believe integrating bias disruptors in the workplace can help all who experience or observe bias speak up and address it in the moment.

    In this episode, Kim, Trier, and I discuss how bias disruptors can contribute to a just work environment and what leadership can do to root out and recognize bias.

    Ep. 195: Trier Bryant and Kim Scott | A Conversation About Bias: How Leaders Can Make Employees and Customers Feel Safe and Heard

    Ep. 195: Trier Bryant and Kim Scott | A Conversation About Bias: How Leaders Can Make Employees and Customers Feel Safe and Heard

    Bias. We all have it. We form quick assessments of someone’s character off of their appearance alone, for instance. But those quick assessments can undermine customer and workplace relationships. What if more people were aware when bias was creeping into their perspective?

    In this episode, Kim, Trier, and I discuss what a “just” work environment looks like—one in which bias, prejudice, and bullying are addressed early on. And we explore how proactive leaders who encourage all employees to speak up when they see or experience bias, discrimination, or bullying can jump-start this shift.

    Ep. 194: Todd Yellin | From Red Envelopes to Red Carpets: Netflix’s Todd Yellin Talks Innovation and Personalization

    Ep. 194: Todd Yellin | From Red Envelopes to Red Carpets: Netflix’s Todd Yellin Talks Innovation and Personalization

    Since its somewhat humble beginnings mailing DVDs back-and-forth with customers in red envelopes, Netflix has evolved into an iconic digital insurgent known not only for its seamless entertainment experience, but also for its award-winning studio and production output. 

    In this episode, Todd Yellin, vice president of product at Netflix, shares his perspective on Netflix’s history, a few of the company’s latest developments, and how customer analytics and feedback enables the company to keep raising the bar and improving the value it delivers to customers.

    Ep. 193: Fred Reichheld | Customer Love: Go Big, or Go Home: Understanding the Power of “Big NPS”

    Ep. 193: Fred Reichheld | Customer Love: Go Big, or Go Home: Understanding the Power of “Big NPS”

    It seems obvious: When customers feel loved and appreciated by a company, they stay longer, buy more, and enthusiastically return. But how do you get boards and shareholders to abandon quick profits and invest in the long-term goal of customer satisfaction?

    In this episode of the podcast, Fred Reichheld, a Bain fellow, creator of the Net Promoter System, and author of the new book Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers, shares how leaders should be using NPS correctly to succeed in the long run.

    Ep. 192: Fred Reichheld | Customer Love: Not Always Easy, But Always Right

    Ep. 192: Fred Reichheld | Customer Love: Not Always Easy, But Always Right

    “Love” isn’t a word you often hear in business. It seems to run counter to the calculated numbers and tedious plans crafted in many boardrooms. But in his new book Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers, Fred Reichheld, a Bain fellow and creator of the Net Promoter system of management, makes it clear: Loving your customers is the key to continued success.

    Ep. 191 Darci Darnell | Ping-Pong Tables Don’t Inspire Employees, Real Autonomy Does

    Ep. 191 Darci Darnell | Ping-Pong Tables Don’t Inspire Employees, Real Autonomy Does

    It’s trendy right now for leadership teams to craft lofty statements of purpose. But Darci Darnell, a Bain partner and coauthor of the new book Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers, says the organizations that succeed in inspiring their teams with the company’s sense of purpose don’t just craft these mission statements, they help employees understand their role in these missions.

    Ep. 190: Maureen Burns | In Business, Good Guys and Gals Really Do Finish First

    Ep. 190: Maureen Burns | In Business, Good Guys and Gals Really Do Finish First

    Despite the pressing challenge of digital native insurgents, incumbent companies have struggled to shift to a customer-centric strategy, fearing shrinking shareholder returns and being weighed down by operational hurdles. However, Maureen Burns, a Bain Partner and coauthor of the new book Winning on Purpose: The Unbeatable Strategy of Loving Customers, says there is no tradeoff between doing well for shareholders while still delivering for customers.