
    David Boles: Human Meme

    This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are in the critical moment of human induction. David Boles is a writer, publisher, teacher, lyricist and author living and working in New York City. He has dedicated his life to founding the irrevocable aesthetic. Be a Human Meme!
    enDavid Boles680 Episodes

    Episodes (680)

    Legacy of Henry the Second and Thomas Becket

    Legacy of Henry the Second and Thomas Becket
    Through the historic lens of the tumultuous relationship between King Henry II and Thomas Becket, we explore how words, when spoken by those in positions of authority, carry an immense weight that can shape the course of history. This episode is a trek through the psychological, ethical, and cultural dimensions of leadership and communication, revealing how lessons from the past remain vitally relevant in our modern, rapidly-changing world. Now we unravel the complexities of authority, the subtleties of language, and the enduring power of narratives in shaping our understanding of both history and the present.

    Human-AI Intersection: Creativity, Education, and the Future of Learning

    Human-AI Intersection: Creativity, Education, and the Future of Learning
    Let's start with history. Art, in all its forms, has been a cornerstone of human civilization. From the cave paintings of Lascaux to the masterpieces of the Renaissance, from the haunting melodies of ancient folk songs to the boundary-pushing soundscapes of modern music, art has been our companion through every stage of human development. It's how we've expressed our deepest emotions, our greatest aspirations, and our most profound questions.

    Old New Gods of War in Modern and Future Warfare

    Old New Gods of War in Modern and Future Warfare
    Take, for instance, the wars in the ancient Near East. Here, gods were directly involved in the affairs of states. The Bible tells us of King David, a figure revered and yet complex. Among his many military exploits, one curious and somewhat unsettling account is his collection of Philistine foreskins. This act, seemingly bizarre to modern sensibilities, was a brutal symbol of victory and divine favor. It's a stark reminder of how religion and violence were intertwined, with physical proof of conquest seen as a testament to divine approval.

    How Ancient Warfare Shaped Modern Medicine and Surgical Innovation

    How Ancient Warfare Shaped Modern Medicine and Surgical Innovation
    Digging into the ancient theaters of war, we find ourselves amidst a world where the art of healing was as pivotal as the art of warfare. The writings of physicians like Hippocrates and Galen are not just historical texts; they are windows into the early development of medical science, shaped significantly by the exigencies of war. In this segment, let's explore how the brutal necessity of treating battlefield injuries in antiquity laid the groundwork for modern medicine, particularly in the realm of surgery and orthopedics.

    Dissecting the True Cause and Harsh Realities of the American Civil War

    Dissecting the True Cause and Harsh Realities of the American Civil War
    Our focus is the Civil War, a pivotal event that reshaped the United States. There's a prevailing debate about the cause of the Civil War, with a stark division between those who assert it was primarily about states' rights and those who argue it was fundamentally about one thing: slavery. In this episode, we'll unravel this historical conundrum and explore why it's crucial to acknowledge that slavery was indeed at the heart of the Civil War.

    AI and Human Motivation: Exploring Cultural, Ethical, and Societal Shifts

    AI and Human Motivation: Exploring Cultural, Ethical, and Societal Shifts
    Fast forward to the 20th century, the term "Artificial Intelligence" was coined in 1956 by John McCarthy, a visionary who often gets overshadowed by more commercial names in tech history. But it was Alan Turing, a name synonymous with the breaking of the Enigma code during World War II, who laid the philosophical groundwork with his seminal paper, "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" in 1950. Here, he proposed the Turing Test - a benchmark for machine intelligence.

    Enduring Legacy of Latin and Its Impact on Modern Languages

    Enduring Legacy of Latin and Its Impact on Modern Languages
    Over 2,500 years ago, in the region of Latium near modern Rome, the Latin language began its remarkable evolution. As the language of the powerful Roman Empire, Latin was more than a mere tool for communication; it was the heartbeat of a culture that would leave an indelible mark on the world. But how does a language die, and what does it mean for a language to be considered 'dead'? We will unravel these mysteries, examining the gradual transformation of Latin as it ceased to be a native language and evolved into the various Romance languages like Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian.

    Rewriting Destiny: Zorax the Alien's Time-Travel Quest to Prevent Hitler's Rise and Its Unexpected Aftermath

    Rewriting Destiny: Zorax the Alien's Time-Travel Quest to Prevent Hitler's Rise and Its Unexpected Aftermath
    Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of the cosmos, there lived an alien named Zorax, whose planet had been scarred by wars. Zorax, a time-traveler at heart, embarked on a quest to study histories of different worlds, hoping to prevent his home from suffering a similar fate. His travels brought him to Earth, specifically to the early 20th century, a time on the cusp of immense turmoil.

    Advertising: Strategies, Ethics, and Future Trends

    Advertising: Strategies, Ethics, and Future Trends
    Let's start with a bit of history. Advertising, in some form or another, has been around for centuries. Think ancient civilizations – they had their own ways of advertising, be it through town criers or market stalls. But it was the printing press in the 15th century that really set the stage for advertising as we know it. Fast forward to the 20th century, and we see the explosion of radio, television, and later, internet advertising.

    Elmer Gantry's Rise and Trump's Political Pandering

    Elmer Gantry's Rise and Trump's Political Pandering
    "Elmer Gantry," published in 1927, is a piercing satire of American religious fundamentalism and the hypocrisy it often harbors. Elmer Gantry, the protagonist, is a charismatic but morally bankrupt evangelist. He's a master of manipulation, using religion as a tool for personal gain and power. Gantry’s rise to prominence is not due to his spiritual convictions but rather his skill in exploiting the beliefs and emotions of others.    Donald Trump's rise in the political arena, on the other hand, is a real-life story that unfolded before our eyes. A businessman and television personality with no prior political experience, Trump climbed the political ladder with a blend of populist rhetoric, media savvy, and an uncanny ability to resonate with a significant segment of the American electorate.

    A Comprehensive Exploration of Universal Basic Income: Unveiling the Future of Economic Stability

    A Comprehensive Exploration of Universal Basic Income: Unveiling the Future of Economic Stability
    UBI has the potential to redefine our societal and economic landscapes. We'll trace the history of UBI from its philosophical roots to modern-day experiments across the globe, critically analyze its successes, and confront common concerns about its implementation. Delving into the debates around socialism, work ethic, and economic feasibility, we'll dismantle these apprehensions with evidence and logic.

    Evolution of Drama: Aristotle, Avant-Garde, and Absurdist Theatre Unveiled

    Evolution of Drama: Aristotle, Avant-Garde, and Absurdist Theatre Unveiled
    From the meticulously structured tragedies of Aristotle, emphasizing catharsis and mimesis, to the bold, rule-breaking experiments of the 1960s' Avant-Garde, and the existential, often bewildering narratives of Absurdist theatre, this narrative digs into the heart of what makes theatre a mirror and a mold of the human experience. As we unravel these threads, we discover not just the evolution of dramatic form and content, but also a reflection of the evolving human condition, revealing how each movement in theatre has left an indelible mark on the canvas of artistic expression.

    ASMR: Understanding Its Impact on Mental Health, Intimacy, and Digital Culture

    ASMR: Understanding Its Impact on Mental Health, Intimacy, and Digital Culture
    ASMR, at its core, is a sensory experience characterized by a pleasant tingling sensation that typically begins in the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. It's a response to certain triggers, often auditory or visual, and it can evoke a feeling of deep relaxation and even euphoria in some individuals. Think of it as a kind of brain massage, triggered by sounds like whispers, tapping, or the rustling of paper.

    Dreaming Giant of Echoing Valley: A Legacy of Peace

    Dreaming Giant of Echoing Valley: A Legacy of Peace
    Once, in a distant land cradled by mountains and veiled in mist, there lay the Echoing Valley, a place of profound silence and beauty. In this valley, a gentle giant named Eirwyn slumbered for centuries, his heart beating in rhythm with the earth, his dreams a canopy of peace over the land.    In the kingdom bordering Echoing Valley, there lived a cunning warlord, Lord Kazuo. He, having heard legends of the giant's immense power, coveted it for his own conquests. One fateful night, guided by greed and ambition, Kazuo led his army into the valley, determined to harness Eirwyn's power.