
    David Boles: Human Meme

    This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are in the critical moment of human induction. David Boles is a writer, publisher, teacher, lyricist and author living and working in New York City. He has dedicated his life to founding the irrevocable aesthetic. Be a Human Meme!
    enDavid Boles680 Episodes

    Episodes (680)

    Unraveling the Complexities of Factitious Disorder

    Unraveling the Complexities of Factitious Disorder
    Factitious Disorder, a complex mental health condition, stands as a testament to the intricate and often perplexing nature of human psychology. It's a condition where a person deliberately and artificially induces or fabricates symptoms of illness in themselves. Historically, this disorder has been known by various names, most notably as Munchausen Syndrome, named after Baron Munchausen, an Eighteenth century German nobleman known for his penchant for fantastical stories.

    Cat Heads in Space! Episode 17: "Mothers and Stew, Love Anew"

    Cat Heads in Space! Episode 17: "Mothers and Stew, Love Anew"
    In the vast expanse of space, aboard the S.S. Feline, our intrepid Cat Heads float, pondering the mysteries of the universe. But today, something extraordinary is about to unfold.    The stars are like the scattered litter of the cosmos, each a fragment of the unknown...    And speaking of unknown, why is there a spaceship shaped like a giant yarn ball approaching us?

    Freud's Three Caskets Across Ages and Cultures

    Freud's Three Caskets Across Ages and Cultures
    Our focus centers on Sigmund Freud's interpretation of the "Three Caskets" motif from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice." We'll take a look into how Freud's psychoanalytic lens sheds light on the choices represented by the gold, silver, and lead caskets and what these choices reveal about human nature and desire.    But we won't stop there. We'll extend this analysis to see how these age-old concepts resonate with today's digital culture, especially in the world of memes. Memes, in their essence, are the folklore of the digital age – snapshots of our collective psyche, revealing our hidden fears, desires, and the humor that binds us. Through this lens, we'll examine how the caskets represent different facets of our online behavior and interactions.

    Understanding the INTJ Personality: Masterminds of Strategy and Creativity

    Understanding the INTJ Personality: Masterminds of Strategy and Creativity
    Today, we wander into the enigmatic and complex world of the INTJ personality type, a rare blend of intellectual prowess and structured imagination. Often termed the 'Rational Mastermind', INTJ  people are a fascinating study in contrasts: strategic yet creative, future-oriented yet adaptable, and logical yet imaginative. This exploration takes us deep into the psyche of INTJ folk, unveiling the nuances that define their interaction with the world and their internal processes.    From their strategic planning and unique creativity to their interaction with social dynamics and personal growth, we unravel the layers that make the INTJ both intriguing and misunderstood. This journey not only highlights their distinct traits but also examines the challenges they face in a world that doesn’t always align with their unique perspective. Join us in this insightful exploration of one of the most compelling personality types, where we seek to understand the masterminds of strategy and creativity in their full complexity.

    The Mystical and Cultural Significance of Numbers: From Lucky 7 to the Esoteric 11

    The Mystical and Cultural Significance of Numbers: From Lucky 7 to the Esoteric 11
    We will now share a pathway through the fascinating world where numbers transcend their mathematical identity to become symbols of collective human beliefs, cultural narratives, and mystical meanings. In this exploration, we dive into the luck and divinity associated with the number 7 in American culture and the Book of Revelation, contrasted with its perception in other cultures. We examine the prosperity linked to the number 8 in Chinese numerology and its starkly different connotations in Western contexts.

    Valentine's Legacy: Althea and Caelum's Eternal Love

    Valentine's Legacy: Althea and Caelum's Eternal Love
    Once, in a time not unlike ours, a quaint village lay nestled in the embrace of ancient hills, where myths whispered with the wind and reality danced with fantasy. It was here that the story of two souls, Althea and Caelum, unfolded—a tale that sought to unravel the provenance and meaning of love.    Althea, a weaver of unparalleled skill, was known for her artistry that captured not just images but emotions. Her threads seemed to pulse with life, weaving tales of joy, sorrow, and love. Caelum, a humble apothecary, was her counterpart, creating potions that could heal the body and, some whispered, touch the soul.

    The Enduring Power of Liberal Arts Education in the Modern World

    The Enduring Power of Liberal Arts Education in the Modern World
    The Liberal Arts, historically regarded as the education befitting a free person, encompass a diverse range of disciplines – literature, philosophy, history, arts, languages, and social sciences. These fields are often unjustly critiqued in our technology-driven era, seen as luxurious relics without practical application. Yet, this perception is not just short-sighted; it's a fundamental misunderstanding of the intrinsic value and versatility these disciplines offer.

    Harmony in Twilight: The Uniting Tale of the Shadeborn and Shadowfolk

    Harmony in Twilight: The Uniting Tale of the Shadeborn and Shadowfolk
    In a world where light and darkness danced in a perpetual waltz, there were two distinct peoples: the Shadeborn and the Shadowfolk. The Shadeborn lived beneath the sprawling branches of the ancient Whispering Trees, where gentle shade caressed the land. Their homes were woven from leaves and branches, allowing the soft, dappled sunlight to speckle their lives with ever-changing patterns. They thrived in this tranquil, sun-kissed environment, cultivating lush gardens and singing with the birds that perched on their windowsills. Their culture was one of serenity and reflection, their art and music mirroring the subtle shifts of light and darkness in their world.

    The Complex Legacy and Future of Eugenics in the Modern World

    The Complex Legacy and Future of Eugenics in the Modern World
    This episode aims to foster a critical understanding of how the past informs our present and future, especially in the realm of genetic science and ethics. We'll confront challenging questions about the potential misuse of genetic technologies and the importance of ethical safeguards to prevent a recurrence of history's darker chapters. Join me in this reflective exploration, where we seek to learn from the past and envision a future that upholds the dignity and diversity of human life.

    History and Future of Slavery: Economic, Social, and Ethical Dimensions

    History and Future of Slavery: Economic, Social, and Ethical Dimensions
    In this episode, we will struggle together through the murky corridors of history to unearth the origins of slavery, examining how this abhorrent practice has morphed across cultures and epochs.   We'll also grapple with the paradoxes of its economic incentives, the social and cultural underpinnings that have sustained it, and the philosophical conundrums it presents. As we navigate this challenging terrain, we'll also cast our gaze forward, contemplating the potential future of slavery in a world that continues to wrestle with its legacy.

    Human Meme Special Edition: Google Gemini Music

    Human Meme Special Edition: Google Gemini Music
    Today, we are celebrating the release of Google's new AI Bot: Gemini. Our test of Gemini today was musical. We asked Gemini to create the lyrics for two songs for us this morning. What you will hear is based on a single prompt. No revision. No human interference. This is AI, at it's best, at work. The first song is a little Sugar Pop ditty about this Human Meme podcast. The second song, is a Swampy Blues tune about the same topic -- this Human Meme podcast! The lyric results were so stunning -- and leaps and tops above what Google Bard could ever create -- that we decided to offer this off-schedule edition of the Human Meme podcast for you right now!

    How a Writer and Editor Overcame Bias to Inspire a Literary Renaissance

    How a Writer and Editor Overcame Bias to Inspire a Literary Renaissance
    In a quaint, bustling town known for its vibrant literary scene, there lived a diligent writer named Thomas and his editor, Mr. Eldridge. Thomas, a man of simple but profound thoughts, wrote stories that mirrored the quiet beauty of everyday life. Mr. Eldridge, on the other hand, had a peculiar habit of reading between the lines a bit too fervently, often finding meanings that were never intended by the author.    Their story begins with the submission of Thomas's latest work, a gentle tale about the friendship between a young boy and his dog. To Thomas, it was a story about loyalty and the purity of a child's heart. However, Mr. Eldridge, with his overactive imagination, insisted that the story was riddled with inappropriate undertones and refused to publish it.

    Revelation: Unveiling Hope Amidst the Apocalyptic Vision

    Revelation: Unveiling Hope Amidst the Apocalyptic Vision
    The Book of Revelation, a moog of prophecy and apocalyptic visions, stands as a testament to the enduring human quest for meaning in the midst of chaos. Written during a time of intense persecution for early Christians, it offered a message of hope and divine justice, a stark contrast to their reality under Roman oppression. But its significance extends far beyond its historical context.    Today, we arc into the symbolism, dualistic themes, and the vivid imagery of Revelation. From the foreboding Four Horsemen to the promise of a new heaven and new earth, every symbol and narrative arc speaks to the fundamental human experiences of fear, hope, and the search for moral clarity in a complex world.

    The Quest for the Golden Keywords

    The Quest for the Golden Keywords
    Once in the digital kingdom of Weblandia, there was a thriving website named EverGrow. This site was a vast repository of knowledge, stories, and resources, but it was lost in the endless sea of online content, rarely discovered by the citizens of Weblandia.    The ruler of EverGrow, a wise and savvy content creator named Alex, was determined to make his website visible to all in Weblandia. He knew that the key to this visibility lay in the mystical art of SEO - Search Engine Optimization.

    The Depth of 'Expect Horses, Not Zebras' in Life and Decision-Making

    The Depth of 'Expect Horses, Not Zebras' in Life and Decision-Making
    The provenance of this saying -- “When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don't expect to see a zebra.” -- lies in the mid-20th century. Dr. Theodore Woodward, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, used this phrase to teach medical students the principle of searching for the most common and likely diagnosis when faced with a set of symptoms, rather than jumping to rare and exotic conditions. It's a principle grounded in probability and practicality, an anchor in the turbulent seas of medical diagnosis where myriad possibilities can often cloud judgment.

    The Complex Truth About Lies: Unraveling Deception in Society and Culture

    The Complex Truth About Lies: Unraveling Deception in Society and Culture
    In this episode, we will explore the multifaceted nature of lying. From the personal fears that drive individuals to deceive, to the strategic manipulations of governments, we'll examine the motives and consequences behind the lies that shape our world. As we navigate through tales of deceit, we'll also contemplate the ethics of lying. Is a lie always morally reprehensible, or can it sometimes be a tool for greater good?    Our exam will take us through historical examples, like the Treaty of Tordesillas and the deception of Nazi Germany, illustrating the profound impact of falsehoods on our history and morality. We'll also consider the concept of the "good lie," with stories of courageous deceit from the Underground Railroad to protectors in World War II, challenging our perceptions of truth and justice.

    Young Willa Cather: Writing the Braided Prairie

    Young Willa Cather: Writing the Braided Prairie
    Not too long ago, but in a place far away in the rolling prairies of Nebraska, a young girl named Willa Cather grew up under the vast, open skies. Her life was not just a story of growing up in the American heartland, but a journey into the heart of storytelling itself.   Willa's early days were filled with the kind of adventures that would one day find their way into her books. She often wandered through the fields, her imagination as boundless as the prairies themselves. These wanderings were not just walks through grass and wildflowers, but journeys through time and space in her mind. She would imagine pioneers and adventurers, much like the characters in her future book, "O Pioneers!"