
    David Boles: Human Meme

    This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are in the critical moment of human induction. David Boles is a writer, publisher, teacher, lyricist and author living and working in New York City. He has dedicated his life to founding the irrevocable aesthetic. Be a Human Meme!
    enDavid Boles680 Episodes

    Episodes (680)

    Navigating Randomness: Embracing Life Beyond Reasons

    Navigating Randomness: Embracing Life Beyond Reasons
    In a world often seeking order and meaning amidst chaos, the idea that there's a predetermined plan for each of us provides a sense of security. But what if this security is a mirage, masking the true nature of our existence? Today, we dissect this myth with logic, analysis, and real-life examples, unraveling the threads of passivity and fear that often bind us to this belief.   We will explore how embracing the randomness of life doesn't lead us into a nihilistic abyss but opens doors to resilience, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of happiness and fulfillment. We'll look at how recognizing the role of chance and choice empowers us to actively shape our destinies, appreciate our achievements, and learn from our mistakes

    Shadows and Silhouettes: Navigating the Depths of Unrequited Love and Loneliness

    Shadows and Silhouettes: Navigating the Depths of Unrequited Love and Loneliness
    In literature, unrequited love has been a driving force for narrative and character development. Consider Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." While not a classic case of unrequited love, the dynamics between Romeo, Rosaline, and Juliet echo its sentiments. Romeo's initial unreturned affection for Rosaline shapes his character, paving the way for his profound love for Juliet. This pivot from unrequited to requited love sets the stage for one of history's most renowned romantic tragedies.

    A 500-Year Journey Through Legal, Social, and Ethical Paradigms

    A 500-Year Journey Through Legal, Social, and Ethical Paradigms
    We explore how justice has been influenced by philosophical discourse, societal evolution, and technological advancements, each era adding new dimensions to this multifaceted concept. From personal moral judgments versus legal rulings to the emerging challenges of environmental justice and the digital revolution, this exploration is not just a chronicle of changing laws and theories, but a living narrative of humanity's quest to balance individual rights with the collective good, while adapting to the ever-changing tides of human civilization and technology.

    Singular Horizons: The Timeless Odyssey of Ada

    Singular Horizons: The Timeless Odyssey of Ada
    In 1929, in the heart of the American South, there lived a young girl named Ada. Ada's world was one of magnolias and moonlit porches, a place where the future seemed as distant as the stars in the night. Yet, Ada's mind was a universe of its own, teeming with questions far beyond the constraints of her time and place.   Ada was fascinated by the burgeoning fields of science and technology. She devoured books on physics, chemistry, and engineering, and her imagination was captivated by the idea of Singularity – a concept she conceived as a convergence of human intelligence and technological advancement, transcending time and space.

    The Transformation of Religious and Theatrical Spaces

    The Transformation of Religious and Theatrical Spaces
    The metamorphosis of spaces, such as the transformation of theatres into churches or vice versa, is emblematic of this deep connection. These shifts are not just pragmatic repurposings but are reflective of the symbiotic relationship between the divine and the dramatic. For instance, the Yale School of Drama's birth in a chapel, or the conversion of the Mark Hellinger Theatre into a church, highlights a fusion of dramatic storytelling with spiritual narratives.    In these transformations, we see the allure of architectural suitability and cultural significance that these spaces hold for both religious and theatrical communities. The conversions are more than utilitarian; they symbolize a mutual recognition and appreciation of the role these spaces play in communal storytelling and spiritual exploration.

    Consciousness and the Cosmic Dance on a Pinhead

    Consciousness and the Cosmic Dance on a Pinhead
    In the hallowed halls of academia, where the musty scent of ancient tomes intermingles with the crisp bite of modern technology, there lies an unassuming yet profoundly perplexing question: What is consciousness? This inquiry, spanning over 500 years, has danced on the edge of philosophical discourse and scientific investigation, a ballet of thought and theory.    In the 17th century, René Descartes, a French philosopher, famously declared "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), positing consciousness as a self-evident truth, the foundation of human existence. This marked a pivotal moment in understanding consciousness as something intimately tied to thought, an inner realm where the mind's eye observes and reflects upon its own existence.

    A Deconstruction of Ghost in the Shell"

    A Deconstruction of Ghost in the Shell"
    "Ghost in the Shell," an iconic tale of cybernetic evolution and identity, first materialized as a groundbreaking 1995 animated film, directed by Mamoru Oshii. Adapted from Masamune Shirow's manga, the film is a Japanese-British international co-production, visually melding traditional cel animation with CGI. Its narrative unfolds in 2029 Japan, focusing on Major Motoko Kusanagi, a cyborg public-security agent on the hunt for an enigmatic hacker known as the Puppet Master. The film interweaves profound philosophical themes about self-identity in an age where technology blurs the lines between human and machine.

    The Healer in the Shadows: Victor's Quest for Redemption in the World of Vampires

    The Healer in the Shadows: Victor's Quest for Redemption in the World of Vampires
    Among the stars, he created a new race - the Healed. These beings, once crippled by ailments, now soared with vigor unknown to mortal kind. Their gratitude towards Victor was immeasurable, and they adopted his vision as their own. They, too, began to seek the afflicted, offering the same gift that had been bestowed upon them.     Word of this mysterious benefactor spread, a tale of a shadow who whispered hope to the hopeless. But in the hearts of those who clung to daylight, fear took root. They saw not a savior, but a specter, snatching away the sick, leaving behind only stories of the night.

    How Jazz, Blues, and Rock and Roll Redefined the Rhythms of Rebellion

    How Jazz, Blues, and Rock and Roll Redefined the Rhythms of Rebellion
    This exploration is not merely an academic foray into the notes and rhythms that define Jazz, Blues, and Rock and Roll; it is a deep dive into the very essence of these styles and their profound impact on cultural and social landscapes. Each genre, while distinct in its sound and origin, shares a common thread of rebellion and expression, weaving a rich tapestry of musical innovation and cultural transformation. Let's delve into this symphony of sounds, exploring the confluence and divergence of these genres that have shaped not only music but also the narrative of societal change.

    Timeless Laughter: Exploring Humor in the Human Condition

    Timeless Laughter: Exploring Humor in the Human Condition
    We'll explore the evolution of humor, from medieval slapstick to modern satire, and examine how our laughter not only connects us but also reflects the times we live in. So, settle in as we embark on a jaunt filled with self-deprecating jokes, the art of comedic timing, and the timeless joy of shared laughter. Let's laugh together at the quirks, the contradictions, and the delightful oddities of the human condition.

    Exploring the Evolution of Human Communication: From Cave Paintings to Social Media and Beyond

    Exploring the Evolution of Human Communication: From Cave Paintings to Social Media and Beyond
    Our exploration spans the rich history of languages, the eloquence of art and music as universal mediums, the enduring power of the written word, and the dynamic arena of non-verbal cues and symbols. We struggle into how mass media has shaped public opinion and how personal narratives in blogs and vlogs fulfill our innate desire to share and connect.

    A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Tinnitus: Causes, Management, and Psychological Impact

    A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Tinnitus: Causes, Management, and Psychological Impact
    Tinnitus is characterized by the perception of noise or ringing in the ears when no external sound is present. This condition is not a disease but a symptom, indicating an underlying issue in the auditory system. The causes are diverse, ranging from exposure to loud noise and age-related hearing loss to earwax blockage and changes in ear bones. Globally, millions report some form of tinnitus, making it a prevalent yet personal experience.

    Enduring Legacies: Exploring the Timeless Nature of Nature, Culture, and Human Spirit

    Enduring Legacies: Exploring the Timeless Nature of Nature, Culture, and Human Spirit
    As we embark on this journey, we will uncover how natural phenomena like the Grand Canyon and ancient bristlecone pines exhibit endurance in their purest form, untouched by human hands. We'll examine the biases in human preservation, where the grandiose and luxurious often overshadow the mundane yet integral aspects of past civilizations. This exploration goes beyond the tangible, venturing into the abstract realms where ideas, beliefs, and artistic expressions transcend generations and cultures.

    The Terrifying Truth Behind the Ghost of Alcatraz

    The Terrifying Truth Behind the Ghost of Alcatraz
    Amidst these stone walls and iron bars, a spectral legend was born – the Ghost of Alcatraz. This ghost was not a malevolent spirit but a peculiar entity. Described as a shadowy figure, cloaked in the mists that often engulfed the island, he moved silently through the corridors. His face was never clearly seen, giving him an ethereal, elusive presence. His origins were as mysterious as his actions – some said he was a former inmate, others whispered he was an ancient guardian of the island, bound to its rocky shores.

    The Sewer Sovereign: Unveiling the Rat King of New York's Underworld

    The Sewer Sovereign: Unveiling the Rat King of New York's Underworld
    The Rat King, a figure shrouded in the myths of the urban underworld, possesses a visage and form that are as unique as his dominion. His face, a gewgaw of the rough life beneath the city, carries the marks of his reign in the sewers. His eyes, small and beady, shine with a sharp intelligence, glinting like precious stones in the dim light of his kingdom. These eyes, ever watchful, miss nothing – a testament to his cunning and awareness.

    Revolution or Regression? The Untold Story of American Children's TV from the 1950s to the Streaming Era

    Revolution or Regression? The Untold Story of American Children's TV from the 1950s to the Streaming Era
    From the black-and-white simplicity of the 1950s to the complex digital age of today, we will explore how children's programming has evolved, shaped societal norms, and responded to technological advancements. This exploration is not just a trip down memory lane but a critical analysis of how these changes reflect and influence our culture, education, and the very essence of childhood.