
    David Boles: Human Meme

    This Human Meme podcast is the inflection point for what it means to live a life of knowing. We are in the critical moment of human induction. David Boles is a writer, publisher, teacher, lyricist and author living and working in New York City. He has dedicated his life to founding the irrevocable aesthetic. Be a Human Meme!
    enDavid Boles680 Episodes

    Episodes (680)

    The Powerful Force of Honor Codes in Shaping Modern Society

    The Powerful Force of Honor Codes in Shaping Modern Society
    Let's start by examining honor as a moral code. Historically, honor has often been seen as a set of ethical principles that guide an individual's actions. Take, for example, the medieval knights of Europe. Their code of chivalry was a blend of martial valor, courtly manners, and a commitment to the well-being of the community. It wasn't merely about prowess in battle; it was about living a life that uplifted others.

    Whispers Under the Bed: The Unseen Bonds of Nimble the Monster

    Whispers Under the Bed: The Unseen Bonds of Nimble the Monster
    Under Oliver's bed, in the shadows where dust bunnies danced and lost toys found refuge, resided a peculiar creature. This creature, known only to Oliver, had the gentle eyes of a deer, the soft fur of a midnight cat, and a voice like the rustling of autumn leaves. He was Nimble, the under-bed monster, and he was Oliver's secret best friend.

    From Sacred to Profane: The Dramatic Evolution of Symbols and Words Across History

    From Sacred to Profane: The Dramatic Evolution of Symbols and Words Across History
    We will share a wondering about the real meaning, and provenance of symbols and words, unraveling how their definitions transform through the lens of culture and time. In this exploration, we will discover how symbols that once held sacred or benign connotations can dramatically shift, taking on entirely new, sometimes even opposing meanings.

    Exploring the Evolution of Beauty: A Thousand-Year Journey Through Hair, Eyes, and Facial Aesthetics

    Exploring the Evolution of Beauty: A Thousand-Year Journey Through Hair, Eyes, and Facial Aesthetics
    In this exploration, we'll wander into the nuanced transformation of beauty ideals, tracing the contours of eyes and lips, the architecture of noses and cheeks, and the flowing or cropped crowns of hair that have defined eras. As we traverse through the ages, we'll see how the societal and cultural lenses have colored our perceptions of beauty, shifting from the cherubic cheeks of the Renaissance to the high cheekbones and defined eyebrows of today. We'll ponder over the high foreheads of medieval times, the elaborate hairdos of the Victorians, and the bold lip forms that have spoken volumes across generations.

    The Emotional Odyssey in Shakespeare's Sonnet 29

    The Emotional Odyssey in Shakespeare's Sonnet 29
    In this journey, we will unravel the layers of Shakespeare's exquisite verse -- "Sonnet 29" -- exploring how the Bard masterfully navigates through the turbulent seas of despair, envy, and transformation. This sonnet, a beacon in the vast ocean of literature, illuminates the profound depths of human emotion, revealing the transformative power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

    Navigating the Loss and Wonder in the Age of Enlightenment

    Navigating the Loss and Wonder in the Age of Enlightenment
    This episode examines the complex interplay between the enlightenment of the modern world and the heartbreak that accompanies the dissolution of the enigmatic and unknown aspects of our existence. Join me in unraveling these intricate themes and discovering what it truly means to live in an era where the once mystical is now understood, where the pursuit of understanding brings both clarity and a poignant sense of nostalgia for the mysteries that used to define the human experience.

    Harmony and Havoc: Unveiling the Mystical Power of Mozart's Flute and Wagner's Ring in Opera's Greatest Tales

    Harmony and Havoc: Unveiling the Mystical Power of Mozart's Flute and Wagner's Ring in Opera's Greatest Tales
    In this immersive exploration, we're not just delving into two of opera's most iconic symbols, but we're unravelling the profound narratives they weave - narratives that speak not only to the heart of opera but to the essence of our human experience. As we traverse the enchanted realms of Mozart's "The Magic Flute" and Wagner's "Ring Cycle," we find ourselves entangled in the mysteries of the magical flute and the cursed ring.

    From Poison to Pomo d'Oro: The Global Journey of the Tomato

    From Poison to Pomo d'Oro: The Global Journey of the Tomato
    Our story begins with the humble beginnings of the tomato, a fruit native to South America, and initially feared and misunderstood in Europe due to its association with the nightshade family. We'll explore how the tomato overcame its poisonous reputation to become the beloved "pomo d'oro" or "golden apple" in Italy around 1522, setting off a gastronomic revolution that changed the course of Italian cuisine forever.    As we travel through different continents, we'll see how the tomato seamlessly integrated into various cultures, becoming a staple in Middle Eastern, North African, and European diets. We'll dig into the science and art surrounding the tomato, examining its role in agriculture, literature, and even festivals like Spain's La Tomatina.

    Gumshoe Chronicles: Nocturne of the Hunter

    Gumshoe Chronicles: Nocturne of the Hunter
    In the monochrome view of the city, where shadows dance with light I, Arthur Kane walk. A lone sentinel in a world gone mad. This city, with its Art Deco spires piercing the night like accusing fingers, echoes with the haunting melody of distant jazz and the rhythmic patter of rain on cobblestones. Its air is thick with the scent of wet asphalt and the faint, lingering trace of cigarette smoke. Tonight, under the watchful gaze of a gibbous moon, I narrate a tale steeped in darkness, drenched in the intoxicating perfume of mystery and the acrid tang of fear.

    Cat Heads in Space! Episode 10

    Cat Heads in Space! Episode 10
    "Cat Heads in Space" Episode 10: "New Year, New Tails?"   In the vast, starry expanse of the cosmos, where time and space twirl in a waltz of cosmic uncertainty, our intrepid Cat Heads, Captain Whiskerfluff and Lieutenant Mittens, along with their crew, float on the edge of hope and despair. It's New Year's Day – a concept that even the space-time continuum can't ignore. But in the spaceship "Litter Odyssey," the concept of time brings both hope and an unsettling urgency,

    The Intriguing Battle Between Free Will and Predestiny in the Human Experience

    The Intriguing Battle Between Free Will and Predestiny in the Human Experience
    Are we the architects of our own fates, or are we merely actors playing out prewritten scripts? These questions challenge not only our understanding of ourselves but also shape our moral and ethical frameworks. In this episode, we'll confront the perplexing enigma of free will versus predestiny, a topic that has captivated thinkers for centuries and continues to stir profound debate in our modern world.

    Embracing the Future or Fighting the Past? The Modern Luddite's Dilemma in the Age of AI and Automation

    Embracing the Future or Fighting the Past? The Modern Luddite's Dilemma in the Age of AI and Automation
    Much like the Luddites of yore, who deftly maneuvered their looms, we too find ourselves interlacing threads of thought and technology, trying to create a history that harmonizes the past with the imminent future. In this episode, we unravel the complexities of maintaining human values in an era increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence and automated systems.

    Those Who Are Never Wrong

    Those Who Are Never Wrong
    You know the type. Those folks who will never admit they made a mistake. In this Boles.tv live stream highlight, David Boles wonders why there are some people in the world who refuse to confess an error and who are also incapable of realizing others can be right.
    David Boles: Human Meme
    enDecember 29, 2023

    Whispers of the City: The Tale of Mr. Silencio

    Whispers of the City: The Tale of Mr. Silencio
    Once upon a time, in a dense urban jungle where the buildings huddled together like frightened sheep, there lived an old man known simply as Mr. Silencio. His world was a cacophony of unending noise, where the walls were as thin as paper and secrets had no sanctuary. Mr. Silencio, with ears as delicate as butterfly wings, found even the faintest whisper to be a thunderous uproar.

    Embracing the Tension: Navigating the Collision Course of Facts and Feelings in Our Fractured World

    Embracing the Tension: Navigating the Collision Course of Facts and Feelings in Our Fractured World
    In this episode, we're setting the table with a provocative spread of ideas, exploring the intricate and often turbulent intersection between the objective realm of facts and the subjective sea of emotions. As we embark on this journey, we aim to unravel how these two forces, seemingly in opposition, shape our perceptions, interactions, and the very fabric of our community. We'll examine the power and pitfalls of empathy, the art of dialogue in bridging divides, and the crucial role of understanding in a world that's increasingly polarized. By confronting these themes head-on, we hope to offer not just food for thought but a blueprint for navigating the complexities of our modern society.