
    Dose Of Vitamin J Show

    Engage directly with Vitamin J! DOVJS

    This podcast exists in honor and memory of Heather Davenport, Deputy Matthew Yates and Young Master Aiden Clark, three incredible humans gone WAY too soon. #HMA

    Episode one had the work before my personal descent really set in. Episodes 2-29 were written, more often just spoken direct, during the throes of hell in that same journey through madness that was my 2023.

    All episodes starting at Episode 30 represent private watershed moments as my own recovery continued forward. None of these episodes were how I planned building my Podcast brand out years ago but life can't be planned and it's finally 2024 as I type this.

    Mental Health is Human Health.

    Stay positive and Namaste from the Zen Zone.

    ****Original Description Below****

    Life itself is quite the journey isn't it? Would you please join me on my own journey as I share with you a life as unique as it is identical fueled by ancient wisdom, gratitude, understanding and of course a little humor.

    ---- DoseofVitaminJshow.com
    64 Weeks accounted for by the Davenport Duo. Namaste Humanity

    "And now we know the rest of the story" Paul Harvey

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.
    enJames Davenport86 Episodes

    Episodes (86)

    "It's Friday! Ya Made It!"

    "It's Friday! Ya Made It!"
    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Visit doseofvitaminjshow.com for more exclusive content! Always Evolving!

    This episode details the line Mr. Davenport had to balance his life upon for those 64 weeks intellectually going between being the rumors and gossip piece of shit AND being HIMSELF ALWAYS.

    I'm on the other side of it for life once more! Going forward, new episodes drop every Friday as a nod to the sweet and wonderful lunch lady of THE Ohio State Highway Patrol Academy, sweet Miss Wheezy herself who ALWAYS brightened our otherwise horrible days! Lol

    Her best wisdom for us? "It's Friday! Ya made it!"... Yes we have.

    Namaste Humanity and thank you


    Nod to Paul Harvey

    Nod to Paul Harvey
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    Remember the legendary Paul Harvey "Policeman" speech.

    I'm retired PERIOD and CHOOSE to offer the wisdom because I have no choice but to do so! It is a calling and it doesn't die just because a little 15 months or so of depression and PTSD and shitty day to day events like everyday anyway.... This is Vitamin J here!

    Namaste anyway too local, it's you! Stay positive 8,000,000,000

    64 Weeks

    64 Weeks
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    Timeless Mr. Davenport reflects on the 64 week period of being actively engaged with a mental health crisis at home and the beauty of being human life... We can grow and evolve when we choose to do so!

    Letting go is what an immature mind fears because that mind believes it has to let go of quite literally everything. That's an errant belief that causes folks more trouble than they'd ever have to tolerate by simply choosing to go about "Problem X" from a different angle, letting the lesson of mastery of said problem stay in mind, while letting the stress of said problem fade to the ether so as to ALWAYS remain present/current/relevant and accountable.

    It never had to happen like that.

    Stay tuned!

    Valentine's Day in western Clark County, OH

    Valentine's Day in western Clark County, OH
    Happy Valentine's Day! Retired and recovered, rebuilt James Davenport reflects on his life in general.

    2023 and all its disgrace is there for us all to look at and analyze and I am performing the autopsy.

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Tuesday Truths

    Tuesday Truths
    Mr. Davenport muses on the sad state of the world today, local gas stations, Depression, Police work and more in this literally freshest episode as "2023" happened and it's over. Awfully respectable of Springfield, OH leadership to sacrifice their own careers so Mr. Davenport and his stoic, badass teenage daughter can get a few more years of her childhood together.

    Stay positive!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Monday Morning Vibes

    Monday Morning Vibes
    A fresh work/school week is landing around him and retired Springfield, OH Police Officer and all around father, Vitamin J wakes up even closer to "normal" than at any previous point in the 2023 subjourney of his life.
    Musings on life itself of course, the past and not living in it, the future and not living in it and keeping the individual brain spry and engaged at all levels!

    Namaste Humanity from an evolved (retired), Police Officer (father).

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    On Social Media and Growing Up in Springfield, OH

    On Social Media and Growing Up in Springfield, OH
    As 02/10/24 proved to be a phenomenal day for progress within the Zen Zone between daughter and feral Philosopher father (the chili was excellent and Married with/Children remains hilarious), Mr. Davenport reflects on social media and growing up in Springfield, OH vs growing up anywhere else.

    Springfield born and raised Officers are different than Springfield working only Officers. That's not inherently good or bad it's just reality because obviously different people are... Different people.

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Return to Being on the Level

    Return to Being on the Level
    While Mr. Davenport has had an immense struggle and subjourney to get back to "on the level" as he was seen as whilst a PatrolMan for the Springfield, OH Police Division (Badge #801), he has indeed landed there in February 2024 and wakes up on Saturday 02/10/24 with a little reflection on the most recent sleep, the 15 months that were, the decades to come and how anyone else can "shed that last 800 lbs" but of course I'm taking about our self worth, opinions of who we are, what we've accomplished, where we fit in this world, if we fit in this world and so on.

    Those concerns are to be alleviated as early as possible so as to get on with one's own journey to make life on Earth a little better for us all. When those concerns are NOT alleviated.. we get years like Off--->Mr. Davenport's 2023! Depression, PTSD, 10,000 lbs on the proverbial soul... Fortunately since time is a great diet pill in this metaphor it also doesn't exist in another.. just life itself.

    That's all of us! Just life itself. Just be humans being.

    Namaste Humanity from Retired and Always Evolving Vitamin J / Off. Davenport

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    There Is No Time, Only Life

    There Is No Time, Only Life
    Mr. Davenport experienced his final, private and personal "watershed moment" on Friday 02/09/24 sometime around 0200-0300 hours. A fresh shower and a little TV later, he muses about life itself as a human being. Make note, Mr. Davenport has resumed Midnight Shift Public Service in his old age.


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    "Ya lost me. Ya lost us... BUT This Show Exists

    "Ya lost me. Ya lost us... BUT This Show Exists
    Namaste Humanity

    People get sick, people get better. In this episode I talk about stupid social media even though it has it's place, our society uses the Internet to spew often vitriolic opinions when even wonderful opinions are irrelevant because the mind is the life. The body is mere vessel.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Reviewing 2023 Memory by Memory 02/06/23-02/06/24

    Reviewing 2023 Memory by Memory 02/06/23-02/06/24
    Mr. Davenport can't nail down THE moment he fully recovered from the crisis/disgrace of 2023, but he absolutely has.

    Weaving life into each line this episode looks back at the time I told my FB friends list to add each other. PTSD/Depression is a bitch and they're MY bitch in lane where they belong behind #VJ40.

    We don't get to throw people away nor do we get to fabricate realities for each other.

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Friday Evening Musings and a Clean Bill of Health!

    Friday Evening Musings and a Clean Bill of Health!
    Productive day in my world. Best part, aside from that Zen Zone world famous Meatloaf I'm about to eat, was the clean bill of health.

    For all of my demographics, #VJ40 is a healthy 40 year old man. Imagine that!

    2023 was long and arduous. I will be peeling the curtains back on "walking through PTSD/Depression" as this show continues it's evolution with Vitamin J himself.

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    The Epiphanies of the Dreamworld

    The Epiphanies of the Dreamworld
    We're rollin!

    Woke up three times(!!! What gifts! Lol), on 02/01/24. Poked around social media a smidge in the middle of the night, planned a Home Depot trip and watched a little old and new wrasslin clips on YouTube largely keeping up with the Vince McMahon situation as well as CM Punk's injury and then of course just enjoying the silliness of the show.
    Fell back to sleep before I could head to Home Depot and woke up to a random phone call. Back to sleep then... The dream!
    The same "road" I've always dreamt of was back but this time there's a work involved vacation, interesting road work near the top of the hill and so, so much more!
    Dreams are the processing of the data at hand. Critical thinking is the processing of data at hand when conscious. Are dreams just unconscious critical thinking?
    Either way, my dream today involved a personal, private epiphany and while that's not uncommon by any stretch of the imagination, today's epiphany/dream is powerful enough to have #VJ40 completely free of the shackles of 2023 and confidently, boldly and publicly moving forward in truth no matter what blew up in the past and it ALL blew up on the past. Hence 2023 being what it was.

    Namaste/Stay positive

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    I'm Just a Dad

    I'm Just a Dad
    Another "work" day for Evolved 821J/Mr. Davenport.

    Productive and awesome day in the real world as 01/25/24 was the first day I'd actually FELT retired AND no longer weighed down by the funk of 2023.

    Update on show direction, local drama is over, global digital content creator and Philosophy is the rest of my life and I'm fully at peace with that because I have carved out MY niche in our world.

    Namaste Humanity from #VJ40

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.