
    Dose Of Vitamin J Show

    Engage directly with Vitamin J! DOVJS

    This podcast exists in honor and memory of Heather Davenport, Deputy Matthew Yates and Young Master Aiden Clark, three incredible humans gone WAY too soon. #HMA

    Episode one had the work before my personal descent really set in. Episodes 2-29 were written, more often just spoken direct, during the throes of hell in that same journey through madness that was my 2023.

    All episodes starting at Episode 30 represent private watershed moments as my own recovery continued forward. None of these episodes were how I planned building my Podcast brand out years ago but life can't be planned and it's finally 2024 as I type this.

    Mental Health is Human Health.

    Stay positive and Namaste from the Zen Zone.

    ****Original Description Below****

    Life itself is quite the journey isn't it? Would you please join me on my own journey as I share with you a life as unique as it is identical fueled by ancient wisdom, gratitude, understanding and of course a little humor.

    ---- DoseofVitaminJshow.com
    64 Weeks accounted for by the Davenport Duo. Namaste Humanity

    "And now we know the rest of the story" Paul Harvey

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.
    enJames Davenport86 Episodes

    Episodes (86)

    Wind Down in the Zen Zone

    Wind Down in the Zen Zone
    A special "goodnight" from Mr. Davenport as he has fully embraced being a private citizen again in 2024. He had been in literal, official, government sponsored public service since 2008 and always worked with the public anyway because of course.. we are "the public" lol..

    The recovery is complete and I stand to tell the world all about the journey! Our First Responders deserve so very much more than we give them and it all stems back to what we think about ourselves here in the dark, alone at night. No need for a boss or supervisor. Just be...

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Wednesday wakeup/Afternoon Musings

    Wednesday wakeup/Afternoon Musings
    Never preparing for 2023 to be what it was, Mr. Davenport wakes up reflecting on that subjourney within his overall life journey and shares gratitude that while he hadn't prepared specifically for PTSD/Depression.. he WAS prepared in his prior preparation and understanding of life itself preparing him for most anything.
    It's Wednesday 01/24/24! Mr. Davenport is in a restful, retired man mood this afternoon, but always... In service. And respect to Andy Kaufman!

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Tuesday Night 01/23/24 Musings

    Tuesday Night 01/23/24 Musings
    Retired Mr. Davenport winds down his evening with mobile phone word games and a little TV. ANOTHER in a string of watershed days in Mr. Davenport's successful journey through madness as seen in real life and on FB in 2023. From WWE to Netflix news to IRL fatherhood tasks and seeing an old work Peer in Cassanos Pizza for our dinner.

    Tuesday 01/23/24 was a wonderful day for #VJ40

    Stay positive anyway!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    01/23/24 - Tuesday Morning Musings

    01/23/24 - Tuesday Morning Musings
    After a third high quality sleep in a row, VJ40 wakes up on an otherwise random Tuesday with a fresh appreciation for his life as is, and a continued inspiration for life in general. Additionally, the CM Punk-Cody Rhodes work from Raw last night was phenomenal.
    Topics include weather, news, opinion, traffic, life in general.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Reviewing 2023 Memory by Memory 01/21/23-01/21/24

    Reviewing 2023 Memory by Memory 01/21/23-01/21/24
    Reviewing the journey through madness that was Mr. Davenport's 2023, we look back at a simple post from before the weight really settled in my mind, and also detail where things are at today in my real world private life as a retired Springfield, OH Police Officer who is indeed just retired and #justJames

    firstrespondermentalhealthmentalhealthishumanhealthSpringfield, OhioUnited StatesHumanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Episode 61 - No tea, thanks, have some lemonade!

    Episode 61 - No tea, thanks, have some lemonade!
    Those who've been listening know all too well about Mr. Davenport's 2023 of madness and 2024ward core/calling and mindset.
    01/19/24 was a very good day for Mr. Davenport even though he had to replace a tire due to a NOTORIOUSLY everpresent pot hole on Villa Rd at the Speedway station. Jim's Tire Service was quick, courteous and professional as was Dan's Towing and Bruce Fuller's Office/State Farm Mutual.

    Home safe, warm and happy. Daughter is out dress shopping. Life is all we make it. Maximize your minutes!

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Episode 60: What's your 2023?

    Episode 60: What's your 2023?
    Whether I reference 2023, the 2024 Cashew reaction, 2016 pistachio, 2018 loss, toddler allergic reactions, childhood poverty, a fourteen year career with the Springfield, OH Police Division or anything else.. it's all #justJames.

    What's your watershed moment or series of them? What's your foundational bedrock that maintains your soul so to speak?

    What makes you wake up as I did this morning, with a song in the spirit and a smile on the face, excited about decades to come?

    What makes you... You?

    Let's find out together!


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    The Conscience of Clark County, OH Sees (through), You

    The Conscience of Clark County, OH Sees (through), You
    PTSD's ass kicked, Mr. Davenport resumes his life as #justJames... No social media required. The Tribe and the Village that I am Shaman and Apothecary and Father within respects me and I respect life.

    Namaste ALL human life.

    Believe in yourself or you'll hate yourself for not doing so later on.

    No second chances.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    The State of Clark County, OH and my Mental Health

    The State of Clark County, OH and my Mental Health
    2023 was hell. I'm stronger than that though. Vitamin J has fully recovered and can look ANYONE square in the eye. I know two people who can't and hundreds more about to realize they can't look me in the eye in real life anymore.

    This is a salute to Accountability Day 1/10 and the FULL death of my journey through madness (PTSD, Depression, utter disappointment in my community and country that has since been largely restored thanks to the ACA and Flagstar Bank).

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    He's Alive!!!! #2024ward

    He's Alive!!!! #2024ward
    It's not a game nor social media. It's Vitamin J and that jenesaisquoi.

    Cognitive Dissonance is in her way. Being shady political fucks is in their way. NOTHING is in MY way. It's 2024 not 2022. Get on up here in first class again America.

    The sleeping beast within has reawakened and has a whole new calling all about having the backs of ANYONE with any kind of mental illness because I've always loved brain health and human health and life is the gift.

    LOT of growth is desperately needed in our world and it's not likely to ever happen in our lifetimes, but if it IS to happen, this show is what's gonna bring it about!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    01/15/24 Happiness, Accountability and wrasslin

    01/15/24 Happiness, Accountability and wrasslin
    And a nod to the awesome Flagstar Bank for their loan modification.

    Mental health is human health and I'm not talking about my condition. I am fine AND Vitamin J.

    My estranged wife doesn't understand what she doesn't understand and my former employer is a government entity that is a disgrace.

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Equality and Accountability

    Equality and Accountability
    In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day as well as on the back of me finding out "hard way" yesterday 01/14/24 that I am indeed still allergic to cashew AND still fallable to miss an ingredient on the label in store.
    Fortunately, this was a relatively minor allergic reaction and one that was not even noted to be that at first, but either way has been managed by the Apothecary of Folk Ream along with understanding.
    01/15/24 will be a day of rest within the Zen Zone as we have gotten SO much accomplished in the last year/few months/week. It is ok to give yourself a break from time to time. ESPECIALLY when medical necessity truly demands it.
    All of this aside, remember the Dream of Dr. King. Remember the message. Remember the purpose.


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    01/14/24 Ohio Winter Morning and Sweet, Sweet Lemonade

    01/14/24 Ohio Winter Morning and Sweet, Sweet Lemonade
    Vitamin J loves his lemonade and damn if ol 821J didn't make INCREDIBLE lemonade out of the shit year 2023 with it's mental health crisis.
    As life continues to get back to weighing nothing at all for Vitamin J, he embarks on a 100% authentic, 2024 morning


    Flagstar, Chase, Capital One, Todd Rogers, Dr. Thapa, Dr. Ahmed, Dr. Vallenki and Off. Armstrong... James Davenport has made history with his recovery and return to public service effective immediately!

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    VJT is Official - Show updates, life itself and Flagstar Bank Rocks!

    VJT is Official - Show updates, life itself and Flagstar Bank Rocks!
    2023 was spent with all the weight getting progressively lighter and lighter and lighter into 2024, but also with concerns about health insurance and the mortgage. I know how to be me. I don't counterfeit or steal but I do kick PTSD's ass. Having obtained a 90% cheaper health insurance plan than when I had to put on a ballistic vest for work AND five times cheaper office visits, I had one more concern. Then today I open a letter informing me that Flagstar, a bank that has been stunningly supportive and understanding (Much Gratitude, Flagstar.. YOU saved the Zen Zone for my daughter!), has modified my mortgage from my pride and joy 10 year/1.99% APR to... FIFTY years/1.99%.

    Still a couple more ducks to get in a row but forward #VJ40 matches again!

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    01/13/24 - 3 days AFTER Accountability Day

    01/13/24 - 3 days AFTER Accountability Day
    Just a reset on Saturday 01/13/24 1045 hours UTC/just life VJT. The clarity and focus I have today is greater than any clarity or focus I have EVER had and it only grows from there.
    I'm difficult to understand. That means I'm smart. I don't care though as I prefer to just be my full self and enjoy life without all the cop and brain talk 24/7. I'm not a doctor and I'm not even a cop anymore (Badge #801 Springfield, OH). I am speaking to everyone on Earth not this person or that. We know who we are and I will be made whole because I'm the same Dude always.

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Gratitude for Life

    Gratitude for Life
    After the horrible year that was 2023, having my health back some fourteen months after the bottom and being able to be there for others again and for life is an incredible feeling!

    Thank you for supporting me!

    Mr. Mac's, Beavercreek Sam's Club, doctors, everyone!


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Eulogy for "The Past"

    Eulogy for "The Past"
    Amazing day two days after Accountability Day. Plenty of mature, open, philosophical, bit more just parent-chilf relationship communication with "StoiTeen" and loads of amazing interactions put my recovery over the top and into overdrive.
    This show is not about me, nor is it about the estranged humans who lost access to me in November 2022 or anytime thereafter. I wish them well in their future endeavors, but I am at peace with everything and deprogrammed myself of the Police stuff that doesn't fit in a home during that 2023 year of torturous mental health crisis all spurred on by doubt from my immediate orbit and lack of understanding that I truly am HIM, now retired and 40 Mr. Davenport.

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Waking up Reflection 01/12/24

    Waking up Reflection 01/12/24
    As Mr. Davenport moves further and further away from 2023 and the horrible year he experienced as a result of PTSD/Depression/Anxiety and of course.. being removed from the life he was so accustomed to... He awakens fully at peace with his life and reflects on some things about the year that was and his life in general.
    As has long been the idea behind this family sharing illness and worse with the community and world around us, Mr. Davenport seeks to inspire and motivate others to continue shooting for their dreams and also remains boots on the ground in support of first responders who see things the average citizen would likely never imagine possible.

    In peace and harmony,

    Vitamin J

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    Waking Up the Day After Accountability Day

    Waking Up the Day After Accountability Day
    01/10/24 the first ever Shotgun Wedded Peculiar People and Accountability Day is in the past just like 2023 is. How did you celebrate? What accountability did you take? I took accountability for my entire life and woke up feeling wonderful again!
    This episode is a live glimpse into Vitamin J upon awakening the first day of the rest of his life... Again.

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.

    In honor of Peculiar People Day... Accountability Day!

    In honor of Peculiar People Day... Accountability Day!
    It's Wednesday 01/10/2024... Peculiar People Day!! As such, it's "there is no time, only life" day again in the real world so it's now also accountability day.

    We all made our beds Clark County, OH. Enjoy their comfort and splendor you boast so proudly about and let life be!

    Namaste Humanity

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dose-of-vitamin-j-show--5673825/support.