
    Dr. Randy M. Cheek

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    Episodes (308)

    When Prayer is all You Can Do! - Audio

    When Prayer is all You Can Do! - Audio
    What can we learn from the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before His crucifixion? He came to the point in His human when prayer was all He could do! As God He knew He came to die for the sins of mankind. But, humanly, was there another way? He concludes His prayer by the affirmation, "Not my will but Yours be done!" Have you been to the place in your life where all you can do is pray! Listen as Pastor Randy shares from Luke 22:39-46 about what Jesus Christ can teach us through His own experience. Thank you so much for listening!

    TRUST - Audio

    TRUST - Audio
    The Jews were taken into captivity for the second and final time in Babylonia in 586 BC. Just eleven years earlier, Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, had taken the first captives from Jerusalem. Now, the Temple of Solomon had been completely destroyed and the rest of the Jews were taken captive by such an evil King. These Jews needed a word from the Lord - a word of HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT. Though the 8th Century Prophet, Isaiah, God records His THREE PROMISES made to God's People held in captivity. It would do us all well to hear these same encouraging Words from the mouth of God in these days of adversity in the 21st Century. Listen as Dr. Randy Cheek shares these powerful truths with the Olive Springs Campus of Eastside Church in Marietta, Georgia on Sunday, November 5, 2017 @ 11 AM.

    Four Intimate Promises from God to the Believer - Audio

    Four Intimate Promises from God to the Believer - Audio
    From the 8th Century Prophet, Isaiah, in Chapter 41, verse 10, we read four very intimate promises from God to the believer. These promises were such an encouragement to the Jews exile in Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar! Let these four promises, as real as they were then, become just as real to you as you listen in these days of the 21st Century. Be encouraged and lifted up by what you hear! Be challenged as well! God's blessings to each of you!

    Tell It Like It Is! - Audio

    Tell It Like It Is! - Audio
    Mark 16:15 is one simple, yet such an incredible verse: Then Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation!" But, how can, as believers, we accomplish this task? What is God calling us to do? Eastside of Olive Springs' Teaching Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, share with the congregation some very practical ways of fulfilling what our Lord Jesus Christ has called us to do through Mark 16:15. Be blessed, encouraged and challenged by this message. And, don't forget...check us out at www.ebcnet.org

    Powerful Prayer in 2016 - Audio

    Powerful Prayer in 2016 - Audio
    Olive Springs has entered into a UNION with Eastside Baptist Church in Marietta, GA. Together we are all excited about what God has for us as we join our resources to connect our community with Jesus Christ! But, what is the first and foremost thing we must do at all three of the Campuses of Eastside Baptist Church? PRAY! PRAY! and PRAY!! The Olive Springs' Teaching Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares with us just such intentional prayer must entail as we move into the future with God at the helm of this work. Listen...be blessed...be challenged by what you hear! And, come see us at either one of our three campuses: Lower Roswell Road; Olive Springs, and Smyrna. Check us out at www.ebcnet.org Thank you so much for listening!

    "Mary!" - Audio

    "Mary!" - Audio
    What does it mean for Mary to "Come...See and Believe?" Those words have been the three watchwords for our Christmas Series by our Teaching Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek. Listen as he shares these three actions that happened in Mary's life and how believers today must strive to do the same thing. Listen to what Pastor Randy says from God's Word and reaffirm your commitment to the Lord to Come...See...and Believe! Thank you so much for listening!

    The Shepherds - Audio

    The Shepherds - Audio
    Come, See and Believe! That is what happened to the Shepherds on that Holy Night when Jesus Christ was born! But, what does it mean for us today? Listen to Teaching Pastor Randy of Eastside Baptist Church in Marietta, GA as he share what you and I can learn about the Shepherds how they CAME, they SAW, they Believed! Allow your experience of the ADVENT season be challenged and inspired by what you hear! Thank you so much for listening!

    Jonah's Thanksgiving - Christmas Advice - Audio

    Jonah's Thanksgiving - Christmas Advice - Audio
    What can we learn from Jonah's experience inside the stomach of the big fish that will help us as we approach the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons? Our LORD GOD taught Jonah some incredible things as he sat in the belly of that great fish for three days. We can learn from Jonah about these things as we approach the Holidays again this year. Listen as Dr. Randy Cheek, Teaching Pastor at the Olive Springs Campus of Eastside Baptist Church shares four pieces of wisdom and advice from the heart the reluctant prophet of Nineveh, Jonah. Thank you for taking time out of your daily schedule to listen. Be blessed and challenged by what you hear!

    What Would Noah Do? - Audio

    What Would Noah Do? - Audio
    If Noah was living today what would he do in light of our world situation? As one studies the life of Noah and his extreme faith in God as the most righteous man alive at the time, we can learn so much about what such a godly man would do as he faced a situation where virtually everyone had turned their backs on God and His precepts. Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares what Noah would do straight from the Word of God!

    Passionate Precepts in These Last Days - Audio

    Passionate Precepts in These Last Days - Audio
    We have spent these last several weeks studying together the things about the End Times or Last Days before Jesus Christ returns for His Bride, the Church. We know that the very next thing on God's eschatological calendar is the RAPTURE of the Church. But, what are we, as believers, to do until then? How must we live until that day? Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares six precepts about how the believer should live in these days that precede the coming of Jesus Christ in the clouds to rapture His Church. Thank you so much for listening. And, may your heart be challenged and encouraged as you listen. God bless you!

    The Final Battle: ARMAGEDDON! - Audio

    The Final Battle:  ARMAGEDDON! - Audio
    Three things about this great end-time battle that, as believers, we need to know. It's timing, the batle itself and, finally, the victor of the battle! For the believer, he/she is not to fear the coming judgment of God! But, as we study this Scripture, we should discover a renewed commitment of our lives to live out each day God gives to us as holier than the others. Studying Eschatology should cause us to live closer to God than ever before. Rather than paranoia, there should be excitement over the end of the story: GOD WINS! Satan is defeated eternally! And, God institutes his millennial kingdom as KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS! Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares these three important facts of the final battle: ARMAGEDDON!

    The Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ! - Audio

    The Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ! - Audio
    Once again, the believer is not left to chance when it comes to understanding "The Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ!" The Word of God is very specific as to the time and the circumstances of our Lord's Advent to the earth for the second time. Listen as Pastor Randy shares four pivotal events that surround the onset of the Parousia. Thank you so much for choosing to listen to this sermon. We consider it our honor that you would do so!

    The Tribulation: Seven Years of Suffering! - Audio

    The Tribulation:  Seven Years of Suffering! - Audio
    What is "The Tribulation?" And, what is known as "The Great Tribulation!" What will happening during these seven years? Who is in control? How much suffering will take place during this time? Will there be any people saved during these seven years" These and other questions are answer from the Word of God through Dr. Randy's message on Sunday, August 23, 2015 at Olive Springs Baptist Church. Thank you so much for listening! Please, may your heart be encouraged and challenged by what you hear. Let us hear from you. Email Olive Springs at sjohnson@olivesprings.org. We would love to hear from you! God's blessings to you!

    The Blessed Hope! God's Church Snatched HOME! - Audio

    The Blessed Hope!  God's Church Snatched HOME! - Audio
    The Bible is very clear - God's Church will be "snatched away Home!" I believe the Bible teaches that we are living of the "edge of the edge" when it comes to the RAPTURE of the Church (the Bride of Christ) becoming reality in our lifetime! Only God knows when that time will be! But, when it does, there is nothing in heaven, hell or earth that will prevent our Lord Jesus from coming in the skies to claim His Bride - the CHURCH! Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, continues his series entitled, "Even So...COME, LORD JESUS! - What the Bible Says!" Prior to the message listen to our Choir special with soloist, Mr. Bill Miller, singing, "The Anchor Holds!" Our choir is directed by our Minister of Worship/Music, Rev. Keith Barnes. Be challenged and be blessed as you listen! And, once again, we consider it our honor for you to have chosen to listen to this message. Extra copies are available through our church office at (770) 427-5519.

    The Seventy-Sevens Prophecy of Daniel - Audio

    The Seventy-Sevens Prophecy of Daniel - Audio
    Daniel's prophecy in Chapter 9 is definitely linked to our study of what the Bible says about "Eschatology" - the study of the end times. Through the words of Gabriel, God answers Daniel's prayer as to what God is doing in this world. In this prophecy, God lays out before Daniel His eternal plan for mankind. The "Seventy-Sevens" Prophecy is, once again, God's confirmation that His promises are fulfulled to the minutest detail! God will always do what He says exactly as He promies it to His people! Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, share this incredible prophecy of Daniel over 2600 years ago!

    World Characteristics of The Last Days - Audio

    World Characteristics of The Last Days - Audio
    What will this world look like in the last days before Jesus returns? Paul share with his young protege, Timothy, exactly what the days will look like. Join Dr. Randy and the members of Olive Springs Baptist Church as our Senior Pastor begins his new series entitled, "Even So...COME, Lord Jesus!" Thank you so much for you interest and for your listening to this message. Be blessed, encouraged, and challenged by what you hear!

    Known to Him; Unknown to Us! - Audio

    Known to Him; Unknown to Us! - Audio
    This morning's worship service is our kickoff for our Vacation Bible School this coming week. Our theme for the week is from Isaiah 30:21, "THIS IS THE WAY...WALK IN IT!" You and I are called to walk in a "Journey off the Map," as we go about out daily schedule! We don't know what's ahead! But, you can be sure...GOD DOES! Our task, as believers, is to TRUST HIM no matter what the costs or the circumstances. Listen as we are led by our Pastor and Worship Team as we prepare our hearts for VBS this week. A significant part of the service is our people praying for VBS. As you listen to this service, will you join us in prayer for this week! It's going to be one incredible week because we know YOU are praying for us! May God bless you! And, when you are in Marietta, Georgia, we sure would love to have you at Olive Springs!

    Thank God, I'm FREE! - Audio

    Thank God, I'm FREE! - Audio
    As the Children of Israel crossed through the Red Sea they looked back to see the entire Egyptian Army dead on the shore. After over 420 years of bondage, what was going through their hearts and minds as they looked back and saw the miracle of God in their release from Egyptian slavery? Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, share three things that was on their hearts following such a miracle. The Israelites were FREE...THANK GOD! Now what? They would need to live the lifestyle of these three things as shared by our pastor for the rest of their lives. You and I, as believers, must do the same as we face these turbulent days in our nation and in this world!