
    custom categories: dr. randy m. cheek: senior pastor

    Explore " custom categories: dr. randy m. cheek: senior pastor" with insightful episodes like "What Would Noah Do? - Audio", "Passionate Precepts in These Last Days - Audio", "The Final Battle: ARMAGEDDON! - Audio", "The Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ! - Audio" and "The Tribulation: Seven Years of Suffering! - Audio" from podcasts like ""Dr. Randy M. Cheek", "Dr. Randy M. Cheek", "Dr. Randy M. Cheek", "Dr. Randy M. Cheek" and "Dr. Randy M. Cheek"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    What Would Noah Do? - Audio

    What Would Noah Do? - Audio
    If Noah was living today what would he do in light of our world situation? As one studies the life of Noah and his extreme faith in God as the most righteous man alive at the time, we can learn so much about what such a godly man would do as he faced a situation where virtually everyone had turned their backs on God and His precepts. Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares what Noah would do straight from the Word of God!

    Passionate Precepts in These Last Days - Audio

    Passionate Precepts in These Last Days - Audio
    We have spent these last several weeks studying together the things about the End Times or Last Days before Jesus Christ returns for His Bride, the Church. We know that the very next thing on God's eschatological calendar is the RAPTURE of the Church. But, what are we, as believers, to do until then? How must we live until that day? Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares six precepts about how the believer should live in these days that precede the coming of Jesus Christ in the clouds to rapture His Church. Thank you so much for listening. And, may your heart be challenged and encouraged as you listen. God bless you!

    The Final Battle: ARMAGEDDON! - Audio

    The Final Battle:  ARMAGEDDON! - Audio
    Three things about this great end-time battle that, as believers, we need to know. It's timing, the batle itself and, finally, the victor of the battle! For the believer, he/she is not to fear the coming judgment of God! But, as we study this Scripture, we should discover a renewed commitment of our lives to live out each day God gives to us as holier than the others. Studying Eschatology should cause us to live closer to God than ever before. Rather than paranoia, there should be excitement over the end of the story: GOD WINS! Satan is defeated eternally! And, God institutes his millennial kingdom as KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS! Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares these three important facts of the final battle: ARMAGEDDON!

    The Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ! - Audio

    The Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ! - Audio
    Once again, the believer is not left to chance when it comes to understanding "The Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ!" The Word of God is very specific as to the time and the circumstances of our Lord's Advent to the earth for the second time. Listen as Pastor Randy shares four pivotal events that surround the onset of the Parousia. Thank you so much for choosing to listen to this sermon. We consider it our honor that you would do so!

    The Tribulation: Seven Years of Suffering! - Audio

    The Tribulation:  Seven Years of Suffering! - Audio
    What is "The Tribulation?" And, what is known as "The Great Tribulation!" What will happening during these seven years? Who is in control? How much suffering will take place during this time? Will there be any people saved during these seven years" These and other questions are answer from the Word of God through Dr. Randy's message on Sunday, August 23, 2015 at Olive Springs Baptist Church. Thank you so much for listening! Please, may your heart be encouraged and challenged by what you hear. Let us hear from you. Email Olive Springs at sjohnson@olivesprings.org. We would love to hear from you! God's blessings to you!

    The Blessed Hope! God's Church Snatched HOME! - Audio

    The Blessed Hope!  God's Church Snatched HOME! - Audio
    The Bible is very clear - God's Church will be "snatched away Home!" I believe the Bible teaches that we are living of the "edge of the edge" when it comes to the RAPTURE of the Church (the Bride of Christ) becoming reality in our lifetime! Only God knows when that time will be! But, when it does, there is nothing in heaven, hell or earth that will prevent our Lord Jesus from coming in the skies to claim His Bride - the CHURCH! Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, continues his series entitled, "Even So...COME, LORD JESUS! - What the Bible Says!" Prior to the message listen to our Choir special with soloist, Mr. Bill Miller, singing, "The Anchor Holds!" Our choir is directed by our Minister of Worship/Music, Rev. Keith Barnes. Be challenged and be blessed as you listen! And, once again, we consider it our honor for you to have chosen to listen to this message. Extra copies are available through our church office at (770) 427-5519.

    World Characteristics of The Last Days - Audio

    World Characteristics of The Last Days - Audio
    What will this world look like in the last days before Jesus returns? Paul share with his young protege, Timothy, exactly what the days will look like. Join Dr. Randy and the members of Olive Springs Baptist Church as our Senior Pastor begins his new series entitled, "Even So...COME, Lord Jesus!" Thank you so much for you interest and for your listening to this message. Be blessed, encouraged, and challenged by what you hear!

    Known to Him; Unknown to Us! - Audio

    Known to Him; Unknown to Us! - Audio
    This morning's worship service is our kickoff for our Vacation Bible School this coming week. Our theme for the week is from Isaiah 30:21, "THIS IS THE WAY...WALK IN IT!" You and I are called to walk in a "Journey off the Map," as we go about out daily schedule! We don't know what's ahead! But, you can be sure...GOD DOES! Our task, as believers, is to TRUST HIM no matter what the costs or the circumstances. Listen as we are led by our Pastor and Worship Team as we prepare our hearts for VBS this week. A significant part of the service is our people praying for VBS. As you listen to this service, will you join us in prayer for this week! It's going to be one incredible week because we know YOU are praying for us! May God bless you! And, when you are in Marietta, Georgia, we sure would love to have you at Olive Springs!

    Being Godly Dads and Granddads! - Audio

    Being Godly Dads and Granddads! - Audio
    What can we learn from Abraham's experience of his willingness to follow the command of God and take his only son, Issaac, and sacrifice him as a burnt offering to God? What does it really take to be a Godly Dad and/or Granddad in these days of the 21st Century? Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares three actions on the part of Abraham that is required of all Godly men and women in our ever-changing society in America. Thank you so much for listening! May God's blessings be upon you! And, should you ever be in Marietta, GA, we sure would love to have you with us at Olive Springs as we continually "connect our community with Christ!"

    God Word in My Heart! - Audio

    God Word in My Heart! - Audio
    Join the Olive Springs Choir as Bill Miller leads us in the solo part in the song, "Your Grace Still Amazes Me." After the choir special, Dr. Randy shares with us from Psalm 119 a sermon entitled, "God's Word in My Heart!" How do we really get God's Word down deep in our hearts! Listen as our pastor shares David's formula for accomplishing that very task each day of our lives. May you be blessed through your listening to today's message. Thank you so much!

    We Will Remember! - Audio

    We Will Remember! - Audio
    What does the memorial stones at Gilgal have to do with our Memorial Day experience today? Listen as Dr. Randy shares Joshua's story of the children of Israel crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Watch the miracle of God as over 3 million people crossed over into the land of the Covenant! And, listen, as our pastor shares the meaning of that day both then and now as we celebrate Memorial Day on Monday. What memorials are you building? Thank you so much for listening! May God bless you!

    On Being Godly Mothers and Grandmothers! - Audio

    On Being Godly Mothers and Grandmothers! - Audio
    What are the Godly attributes of a Mother and/or Grandmother who is follows the heart of God Himself? Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy M. Cheek, shares four "duals" from Proverbs 31, which explains such Godly traits of a Mother! Happy Mother's Day! Be blessed and challenged by what you hear! Thank you so much for listening!

    KIngdom Farming! - Audio

    KIngdom Farming! - Audio
    As believers our task in doing the Great Commission is to be "KINGDOM FARMERS!" You and I are to sow the seed! My dad use to tell me as I helped him in the garden, "Ran," he said, "just sow the seed!" When you sow the seed, our Lord says that the "seed" of His WORD will fall on four kinds of soil (the heart!). As my dad said, "Just sow the seed!" So, how's your "Kingdom Farming" skills? Listen as Dr. Randy Cheek, our Senior Pastor, the meaning of this great parable of our Lord and how you and I can share the changeless Gospel of Jesus Christ! Thank you for listening! Be sure to check out "Truelife.org."

    The Final Acts of Jesus Before Leaving Earth! - Audio

    The Final Acts of Jesus Before Leaving Earth! - Audio
    As Jesus had gather with the Eleven Apostles and other of His disciples at Bethany on the East Side of the Mount of Olives, our Lord gave four specific promises before He departed earth to return to His Father in Heaven. Our senior pastor, Dr. Randy M. Cheek, shares what he is convinced are these four promises to the congregation at Olive Springs on Sunday, April 26, 2015. But, how do we fulfill such commands - such emphatic promises of God? Simply by telling the world about Jesus Christ. Truelife.org is another way to share the changeless message of Jesus Christ. Dr. Randy challenges the OSBC family to share the "Truelife.org Cards" to everyone we encounter this week. Specifically, he challenges God's people to intentially share five card this week with people they already know by simply inviting them to church. We want to take this opportunity right now to invite you to Olive Springs this Sunday! Truelife.org features free video answers to life's hard question! Check it out...go to www.truelife.org right now. Click on "Answers" and discover many videos addressing life's hardest questions! Be sure and click on the "Church Finder" and learn more about Olive Springs. Thank you so much for listening!

    Let's Take a Walk! - Audio

    Let's Take a Walk! - Audio
    Five things our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy M. Cheek, shares about Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus from Jerusalem. These two men had the change of their lives happen on the road to the hot baths of Emmaus - a change they would tell everyone forever! Thank so much for taking the time out of your schedule to listen to our pastor's message from Sunday morning.

    Oh, Glorious Day - God Sends His Angel - Audio

    Oh, Glorious Day - God Sends His Angel - Audio
    In Matthew's account of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalena and Mary, the Mother of James and Joses come to the tomb of Jesus early on Easter Morning. What they find is that God sent His Angel to announce the good news to the ladies: "He is not here; He is risen just as He said!" Thank you for listening to our pastor's Easter Message entitled, "Oh Glorious Day - God Sends His Angel." In this sermon, our pastor leads us to understand just what God's Messenger accomplished on that miraculous morning! Thank you for listening to our Easter Service and have a wonderful Easter! May God's blessings be upon you!

    "It Is Finished!" "Father, into Your Hands I Entrust My Spirit" - Audio

    "It Is Finished!"  "Father, into Your Hands I Entrust My Spirit" - Audio
    Dr. Randy complete his sermon series entitled, "The Seven Words of Jesus from the Cross," this morning with the two statements of Jesus found in John 19:30 and Luke 23:46. The redemption process of man, which began before the foundation of the world, has now been completed in Jesus Christ - once and for all! Listen as our pastor shares the meaning of these statement for both then and now. And, listen closely as Pastor Randy shares what he believes Jesus truly shared from the Cross - the Gospel in Seven Words! Before the sermon, listen as our pianist, George Sims, shares the song, "Were You There?," from the piano. You could be listening to other things online, but you have chosen this message from our pastor. We are truly thankful that you are listening! Be sure and share this message with others, too! Thank you!

    "My God, My God Why Have You Forsaken Me?" "I Am Thirsty!" - Audio

    "My God, My God Why Have You Forsaken Me?"  "I Am Thirsty!" - Audio
    Dr. Randy shares the 4th and 5th statements from the Cross in today's sermon at Olive Springs. What really happened during those three hours of complete darkness (skotos) from 12 Noon until 3 PM? Listen as our pastor shares three statements that define those three hours as Jesus spoke these two statements from the Cross. And, before the message, listen as Rev. Jim Wallace sings that great old hymn by John Newton, "Amazing Grace!" Thank you for listening!

    AUSTIN WILLIAMS' Ministerial Ordination Service - Audio

    AUSTIN WILLIAMS' Ministerial Ordination Service - Audio
    Join us at our 9:30 AM Worship as we have the honor to Ordain Mr. Austin Williams to the Gospel Ministry. Several guests are included in this service as we share with Austin in his ordination to the ministry. Austin's Dad, Rev. Glenn Williams, pastor of Paper Mill Road Baptist Church preaches his son's Ordination Sermon. Thank you so much for listening to this special service on Sunday Morning, March 15, 2015 at Olive Springs!

    Woman, Here is Your Son! - Audio

    Woman, Here is Your Son! - Audio
    As Jesus was in such agony on the Cross, He looked down and saw His Mother and said, "Woman, Here is Your Son!" Jesus packed so much in that simple, honoring third statement from the Cross. What is behind those few words of Jesus? His excruciating pain prevented Him from saying many words! If Jesus had been without pain, what would He have said to His Mother? Listen as Dr. Randy shares his heart about the incredible, loving heart of Jesus! Thank you so much for listening! May your heart be touched and blessed as you share this message preached by our pastor on Sunday morning, March 8, 2015.