
    Drew and You Podcast

    The Drew and You Show is the place to find the tools and the guidance to level up all areas of your life. Hosted by Drew Canole founder of Organifi, serial entrepreneur and global leader in health and fitness. New episodes released weekly to help you find and get rid of blind spots that have held humans back for a millennium and introduce the tools that create dramatic up-leveling in the most important parts of this human experience. Subscribe and share for your chance at weekly giveaways from Organifi to supercharge your life!
    enDrew Canole84 Episodes

    Episodes (84)

    63: 3 Reasons Why CBD Is Exploding With Mike & Angie Lee

    63:  3 Reasons Why CBD Is Exploding With Mike & Angie Lee

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    1:53 "I had a ten year career as an athlete which always caused pain and anxiety... so finding and discovering CBD was massive for me."


    5:50 "It was really anxiety, help with sleep, and help with pain.  So many of my issues were coming into my mindset and then working their way down."


    6:20 "CBD activates your endocnabinoid system, specifically the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and when it does that, it puts your nervous system into homeostasis."  

    12:00 "I use it not as much for pain management physically, but for anxiety, the bath bombs for period cramps, and the alert caps for staying focused."


    19:00 "I feel like with CBD it's finding that goldilocks amount that's ideal for you, and the only way to know that is to test and to try.  It's different for everybody's body."


    27:00 "You kinda have to look at your entire life, and a lot of is stress... a lot of women are realizing that 'the pain of this menstural cycle, a lot of it isn't from today, but what was I doing a few months ago."  


    39:25 "Pain has lead me to some of the most beautiful moments of my life, including starting this company and helping thousands of people."


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    Drew and You Podcast
    enNovember 01, 2021

    62: The Ultimate Checklist For Manifesting Your Dream Life

    62:  The Ultimate Checklist For Manifesting Your Dream Life

    2:20 "Here's the biggest mistake that people make when it comes to manifesting what they want in their life." Most people take action without having the vibrational resonance of all the parts aligned. You must think, then become, before you can HAVE.


    3:00 "Before I do any task that's going to require any focus, I sit in the room of wishful thinking." Sit in the feeling of what it looks like to have what you desire, or after it has manifested.


    5:00 "Everything is already yours." The human being is an antenna. So how do we tune into the channel that's going to bring us what we want?


    We become what we say. What is your language? Are you speaking detrimental things?


    9:40 "This isn't the law of attraction. You still have to work your butt off." The mindset aligns your being towards your desire, which affects your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. Work won't FEEL like work once you're completely aligned.


    10:50 "What you observe literally changes what you're observing."


    When you remove blockages and 'stuck energy' from your body, your body stops sending empty or negative thoughts to your brain.


    The more you let these self sabotaging thoughts go, the more you realize that your thoughts are an illusion.

    Day-scripting is another great way to manifest what you want. Start with writing "I love my life." Then expand out into the WHY behind it, and eventually, you start to plan out your day to be the absolute perfect day, which snowballs into the perfect life.



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    Drew and You Podcast
    enOctober 27, 2021

    61: The Incredible Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting, BDNF & GABA with Dr. Mindy Pelze

    61:  The Incredible Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting, BDNF & GABA with Dr. Mindy Pelze

    02;15 "In the absence of food, the cells turn on themselves and they start to repair themselves and make themselves stronger." Intermittent fasting brings loads of benefits. One of them is autophagy.

    3:39 "There's a secret to this. Mother nature has the answer. When we give our body time to heal, without being constantly bombarded..." We're often told to 'feed a cold' but in most cases, food actually distracts the immune system. There's a reason why ancients fasted.

    4:35 "I like to think of BDNF as miracle grow... When we put miracle grow in our plants, they grow unusually beautiful and big." BDNF is a neuroprotein essential for memory and focus.

    6:55 "If you use BFR bands and lift really heavy weights, the metabolites from the muscle breakdown go and create BDNF in the brain." BFR bands are a great way to increase the muscle 'failure' that causes the rebuilding of muscle. This also increases BDNF.

    10:00 "It's our microbiome that controls our blood sugar levels." Each person may have a different habitat in their digestion that dictates how their body responds to hormonal changes. It's important to eat foods that improve gut health since it affects so many different aspects of our body's functions.

    12:10 "We control two things in this world: Number one what we put in our mouth, number two what we put in our mind."

    15:38 "The longer you go without food, your body is so beautifully designed, that it makes more ketones, it makes more bdnf, and when these two chemicals are going up, you're going to make more gaba." GABA relaxes the brain and staves off anxiety, depression, insomnia and other mood disorders.

    24:38 "When you fast, you really change your microbiome, and what you break your fast with really makes a difference."

    30:20 "Glutamate is going to make you operate more from the amygdala part of the brain. The amygdala is constantly scanning the environment to see if you're safe."

    32:02 Three "P's" to incorporate into your diet are polyphenols, prebiotics, and probiotics. These are foods that will feed the microbiome. We also can't forget about amino acids. If you have a complete amino acid profile in your gut, that microbiome profile will flourish more than someone who has half.








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    Drew and You Podcast
    enOctober 25, 2021

    59: Vibrations, Positivity, & Crystals With The Gem Goddess, Leanna Palmer

    59:  Vibrations, Positivity, & Crystals With The Gem Goddess, Leanna Palmer

    20:06 - "Follow the authentic truth."  To live your best life, your dream life, we have to be open to everything inside us. 


    22:22 - "If this was all a simulation, we could wake our selves up right now."  Regardless of how wild and crazy the world is right now, there is a purpose for what's happening.


    23:34 "The biggest cheat code for your life is your mind." You can change your mind to change your perception of the world.


    28:00 "If we're radiating in a state of love, it just opens up bridges and pathways."  


    34:34 "To know yourself is to be known."


    48:30 "Whatever can be created in the body can also be destroyed from the field."



    Further reading:  The Kybalion

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    Drew and You Podcast
    enOctober 23, 2021

    60: Fascinating Productivity Hacks To Skyrocket Your Output

    60:  Fascinating Productivity Hacks To Skyrocket Your Output

    0:51 "Number 1 is waking up early. Part of being productive is telling your unconscious mind to do things for you." You'd be surprised just how much of your workload can be relieved by visualization and strategy, most of which your mind can work on in the background, even while you sleep.


    1:16 "Number 2 would be I write down three things that I want to get done the next day, the night before." This is a great way to begin the subconscious 'crunching' that your brain will do without much effort at all.


    2:19 "I do my morning ritual for the first hour or hour and a half." This might seem like a lot, but you can work up to it. It's all part of feeling amazing and loving yourself each day.


    4:38 "I play 125 bpm tribal mix." 50 minutes of work, 10 minutes off. Do some research on how short our attention spans actually are and how efficient you can be with short work breaks.


    5:35 "L-theanine, matcha, Organifi pure, which has the baobab in it." Superfoods and adaptogens are essential to any morning ritual.


    5:56 "Usually the hardest thing that I have to get done is in the first interval." Think about the one thing you don't want to do. Do that first. When you're done, you'll feel amazing, and everything else will feel like a breeze.


    6:57 "I don't multitask." What's the biggest thing that I must get done? "I set a to-be list. How am I going to BE today?"


    9:54 "No is way more powerful than yes." Say no to what you know you're not good at. Outsource that to someone who is, to someone who loves that, so you can do what YOU love.


    Books referenced:

    Wake Up Productive - Eben Pagan
    The Perfect Day Formula - Craig Ballantyne
    The One Thing - Jeff Olson
    Atomic Habits - James Clear



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    Drew and You Podcast
    enOctober 20, 2021

    58: Make Your Business A Spiritual Practice (Part 2)

    58:  Make Your Business A Spiritual Practice (Part 2)

    0:48 "When you look at your business as a spiritual act, as something that you're blessed to do every single day, it takes the pressure off of you and it's one of the most rewarding things you can do." It truly is a gift to participate in the global transfer of energy. All goods, services and especially money are just energy. And each transaction is likened to a spiritual connection between you, your employees, and your customers.


    1:25 "Your business partner is god." The sooner we stop letting our ego rule our business decisions, the sooner we'll realize that no matter WHAT you do for a living, it's God's work. It's divinely inspired.


    4:09 "The problem is most people aren't enrolling that aspect of super-self, that connection to God." It's easy to get distracted by the numbers, the financials, the KPIs, etc. We can't let that happen. We've got to stay connected and aware of the importance of our duty here in this mission. Otherwise this is how many people burn out. They lose touch of the meaning.


    4:45 "EGO is 'Edging God Out." Your business isn't about you or your talents. It's about fulfilling your destiny with Him and making that connection from one link to the next.


    6:00 "every single person you do business with is not just a person but they're a human soul, and you are on the same journey with them walking home." We have to remember that we're all walking each other home.


    7:43 "Money is just energy." Money stands for: My Own Natural Energy Yield. The more love I can put into my business, the more money will come back. It's all love being exchanged. Unconditional love doesn't expect anything in return. What if you just gave for the sake of giving? What if you set aside 10-20% like business & spiritual tithing to just giving back?


    10:35 "When things get off track look at it from a metaphysical level. How do i have more presence in business, in my own life. What keeps resurfacing in this dream that i haven't addressed? What's coming up?"


    11:39 "Staying connected to Spirit throughout business every day." What do i need to do to be more receptive to that innate source inside of me? When I do that, I get information that is just so perfect, so spot on.


    To get there, you can meditate more, shift your consciousness, clean up your temple and your diet. Far too many people disassociate themselves spiritually. We become limited mortal minds trapped in a prison. Keep tuning into that spiritual center


    13:40 "It takes a lot of introspection to get to that place."


    Get some help from a fellow Jedi. It helps remove the blinders to chat with some mentors. It's so important to have a fellow mentor who can be there for you in this.


    17:20 "There's no greater pleasure than helping another human being evolve their own soul." When you start seeing your business as a tool for transforming someone's life, you've found the key to loving your business and your own life.



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    Drew and You Podcast
    enOctober 13, 2021

    57: Allow, Accept, & Let Go With Ivan Rados

    57:  Allow, Accept, & Let Go With Ivan Rados

    1:20 "The difference between me and everyone else is I'm not attached to my memories." So many of us were born into chaos. It could be dysfunctional families, oppressive governments or cultures. We need to make peace with that and recognize that we are all one. Our past is a gift because it lead us to look inward in the first place.

    4:33 "So I created two realities. One reality is going into my own mind." After traumatic abuse, failure or heartbreak, some people give up. Others look inward, and find a way to escape. Still others, without escaping or hiding, embrace the reality that their situation is theirs to own and rejoice in.

    8:45 "Real healing happened when I realized not to go away from my family, but to realize that they helped me to seek myself."

    12:24 "We have a bunch of adolescent children disguised as adults, running our governments, running these huge corporations." Some people spend their whole lives running. Those who don't learn their lessons young will be banished to exacting their revenge on others, unfortunately.

    14:03 "Out of awareness comes consciousness, because consciousness is the movement of awareness, because consciousness needs to express itself."

    15:38 "The mind is nothing but the social consensus of reality." We could define reality as nothing else but a bunch of thoughts that we accept. It's difficult to step outside of our reality when we experience pain or suffering because of our biology, but its essential we see it this way and do our best to break the mental attachment we have to this perspective.

    16:40 "Consciousness is the energy, brother. Not the thought of it, not the feel of it, but the knowing of it. Beyond my mind and my senses, I know. I'm alive, I can see, hear and think." The mind is the thought of it, which is the past. It's a structure created not only by you, but by other people in the shared energy.

    17:56 "Consciousness is the energy. The mind is the frequency, and the thoughts are the vibration. The kind of vibration you vibrate, that's what kind of reality you create."

    18:30 "The mind is not yours. It has never been yours. It is social. That social attachments we are not. That's separation. Separation brings suffering and suffering brings diseases."

    21:07 "You have to change yourself. You have to change your perception of self. You have to include yourself in what's happening right now, but not to be attached to it."

    25:18 "For a lot of people the illusion is so real, and they're so entrenched in their old mind programs."

    34:10 "How do i get into this state of 'no mind' ?"

    34:55 "Allow, accept and let go, it's a simple formula." You have to be detached from everything, problems, illness, the situation you're trapped in, from everything that you are not. Everything that you are not is not the truth because you are the truth.

    41:05 "Love means neutrality. If you are in a neutral place then the love will be shared equally. It doesn't choose whether you're rich or poor. Knowing that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional, we have to allow, accept and let go of it."



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    Drew and You Podcast
    enOctober 11, 2021

    56: Make Your Business A Spiritual Practice

    56:  Make Your Business A Spiritual Practice

    0:16 "How to turn your business, your vocation, your workation... into a spiritual practice every single day."  It's important that we find a way to see meaning in what we do for a living.  That doesn't mean go quit your job and become a dancer.  We'd all love to do that.  It means to really see and FEEL the role that your vocation plays in society, and the good that your product or service provides to another human soul.

    0:40 "Number one, it starts with you. Knowing that it starts with you, is super relevant and important." Wake up before the emails, before the instagram messages, before the sun. Hone in on the message of the day.

    1:20 "Not a 'to-do' list, but a 'to-be' list." How am I being in those moments? Being comes before doing. How am I going to BE in my relationships, in my office, in my own work? A lot of BEING adjustments will require a morning ritual: How can you nourish your creativity, your intelligence and your physical body?

    2:12 "When running your business like a spiritual practice in your life, it's very important that you have a morning ritual."

    2:35 "Number two is recognizing that every single person that comes into your business, your family, your customers... it's a soul's mission." Every person you come into contact with brings an opportunity for a greater evolution of being.

    It can be like unlocking several new timelines in your potential future when you begin to view people like this. Once you do, you'll experience greater purpose and meaning in your work.

    This can be more difficult for people who work from home. Many of us don't realize how much we need that human interaction. We need to hear those little anecdotes about someone else's life so we can cheer them on and feel connected to not just their victories but also their struggles.

    5:35 "When you really start to look at life like it's a game, like it's not real, then the stress fades away." It might sound "woo-woo" but once you make peace with all outcomes, and realize that your mortal body and that this life will all pass away, it does create freedom and liberation.

    8:15 "Getting behind organizations and having partnerships with other people that have a deeper soul's mission for what you're creating in the world too."

    Further reading:  Florence Scovel Shinn - Game of Life and How to Play It

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    Drew and You Podcast
    enOctober 06, 2021

    55: 3 Realizations For Harmonious Relationships With Mark Groves

    55:  3 Realizations For Harmonious Relationships With Mark Groves

    4:39 "Rock bottoms come in any way, but they're always an invitation to realign with your actual path.' Are you ready and willing to be who you actually are, sometimes at the cost of belonging? The path chosen for us may have ups and downs, it may even be isolating during some seasons, but each challenge builds your character and further refines you into the ultimate person, the perfect puzzle piece for your future relationships.

    6:17 "If you are turning down your volume to avoid chaos, you're internalizing chaos." There is no hiding. The challenge is within. Therefore, it's best we express our true authentic selves. If it creates discord, then it's a challenge we're meant to overcome within our relationships, friendships, and maybe even our community. Burying it down deep serves no one.

    3 things people can do to ignite harmony in their relationships:

    Number 1: 10:19 "Recognize that your relationship is separate from who you are." You have needs that you must meet. Many of those come from an array of activities and relationships.

    Number 2: "See every relationship as sacred." The things that go unspoken and unprepared like plaque can build up into bigger problems.

    Number 3: "Define yourself." What kills relationships is the lack of recognition that you have sovereignty in your own life of yourself , deconstruct all of the systems that create codependency in your relationship. We can't allow someone else to "complete' us. We must be whole in ourselves.

    18:18 "Evolutionarily, women needed to learn how to be safe around male aggression." It seems women seem more comfortable in personal relationship development and this may have been an evolved skill.

    19:33 "We're more likely to get remarried, we don't know how to manage the grief and the pain, we have hardly any capacity for shame." Men seem to struggle with the shame of divorce and resort to remarrying to move on quickly. There's a difference between healthy shame and unhealthy shame. Instead of believing I'm no good, I can say "there's a better version of me available and I get to choose to step into it."

    20:45 "When a man loses a relationship, he's generally losing his emotional support. For women, they turn mostly towards their friends." Men tend to replace their friends with their spouse, maybe for the purpose of organization or consolidation. So when a relationship ends, the man has lost more of his foundation.

    If your partner leaves, and you feel like they've taken everything, ask yourself "what did you give them?" If your happiness rests on their staying or going, then the weight they have to carry to be with you is too much.

    22:50 "A relationship should never complete you. It should enhance you and make you a better person, and invite you to be a better person."

    32:46 "The soul's journey will always try to express itself and ask for you to listen."

    37:36 "There's only 3 constants in life. One is the sun will always come up, the moon will be there, and the truth will always be present."

    38:55 "There's no such thing as one way liberation. If you are liberated, the other person is too, whether they know it or not." "Why would you ever choose someone who isn't choosing you? You can love someone and also not tolerate their behavior."

    41:29 "When we're asking 'why the addiction?' We're asking the wrong question. We should be asking 'why the pain' and that's true of all materialism."

    Stress creates inflammation and poor relationships create stress. If you can figure out how to improve your relationships, it's the most important thing that you will ever change.

    "43:15 "If you do quit sugar, you'll probably discover that there was probably grief below."

    50:52 "Every time you do something in excess, you are treating the pain of being present within yourself."

    52:52 "When you draw a circle to exclude me, i draw a bigger circle to include you., and that's our work."

    58:50 "Beliefs become our prisons, the idea that you can't do something, someone else's fear becomes our fear."

    Harriet Lerner Ph.D. - The Dance of Intimacy
    Bronnie Ware - Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing



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    Drew and You Podcast
    enOctober 04, 2021

    54: Using Trauma As Rocket Fuel

    54:  Using Trauma As Rocket Fuel

    0:43 "I believe trauma in the body is rocket fuel." Many times successful and accomplished people draw their inspiration from tragedy or difficult situations they experienced as children. There are two paths you can choose after experiencing trauma. You can grant power to the experience and let it shape you negatively forever, or you can make peace with it, and use it as your testimony to rise above and inspire others.

    2:20 My father isn't my real father." Recognize that your father and mother aren't your real parents, but that parent is God. If your parents were great, that's great, but it was God who put them in your experience. If your parent's were not that great, it was still God who put them in your path for you to learn to be different.

    3:55 The abuser, through the law of one-ness, the parent who did this to me is actually me." Through this law we can have compassion for the people who hurt us. If it's your mom or dad, maybe his dad did the same thing to him or maybe he wasn't given the tools to be the best dad. Learn to see through the anger, the pain, into the divine intelligence and wisdom of the situation and extract the learnings. It's not easy, but the sooner you can do that, the sooner you can start encouraging others to join you.

    5:25 "This helps me realize that I am radically more self sufficient than I could ever have imagined." It gives us power. If we could get through it then, we can get through it now.

    6:29 "This also helps me realize that we abuse ourselves every day through inefficient thoughts, feelings, we beat ourselves up every day." Maybe we learned the wrong message from trauma that we experienced as children. Maybe we abuse ourselves because that's what we think we deserve. How do we break this cycle?

    Create a "be" list: How am I going to be? "I'm love, I'm joy, I'm peace, I'm here to change lives." Write sticky notes on your mirror, words of affirmation, and lyrics of encouragement go a long way, and refresh them often to keep yourself surprised.

    9:07 "Sometimes this shows up in what I'm eating." Your diet might be an expression of your self esteem. Are you drowning yourself in toxic food and drink to drown something out, or stop from thinking about something? Or is this some coping mechanism? What kind of high-vibing food can we replace that with?

    9:43 "No matter what you're going through, no matter what you're up against, it serves a purpose." Maybe now you'll have radical ownership for everything that happens.

    11:34 "These are important things to remember that will really help you shape, seize, and shift anything that you're holding on to that could cause you more and more 'dis-ease' in your body. " How many people are sick, hurting and unhealthy because of what they're holding onto psychologically or spiritually? We need to find a way, as hard as you think it might be, to see our trauma as a blessing, forgive our trespassers, and let our mind and body heal.




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    Drew and You Podcast
    enSeptember 29, 2021

    53: The Absolute Necessity For Salt & Minerals In Our Lives With Dr. James DiNicolantonio

    53:  The Absolute Necessity For Salt & Minerals In Our Lives With Dr. James DiNicolantonio

    https://magtein.com/products/magtein-orginal-formula enter code DREW

    Today's show is packed with value. From a track athlete and wrestler, to a community pharmacist, and now a cardiovascular research scientist, doctor of pharmacy, and author of at least 5 life-changing books, Dr. James Dinicolantonio is here to help blow the lid off of nutrition myths and legends.

    0:57 "A lot of my patients were suffering from symptoms when their doctor put them on a diuretic to lower their blood pressure, or told them to reduce their salt intake. They felt terrible."

    Dr. James has hundreds of positive reviews on his books The Mineral Fix, The Salt Fix, The Longevity Solution, and others. Many of these reviews are very personal stories of people sharing how their lives have been changed and improved after following his research and advice.

    2:17 "Being more omnivorous optimizes all minerals, better than being a vegan or a carnivore."

    The average American is not only missing out on the quantity of vegetables they need daily, but they're also not eating enough variety of fruits and vegetables. Our diet does affect our pH balance in the body. Yes, the body does regulate pH on its own, but our bicarbonate levels can go down if we eat high acidic foods without offsetting them with some type of base.

    3:28 "Two different waters that are pretty high in bicarbonate and minerals, one is Gerolsteiner, and the other is San Pellegrino."

    If you have a diet higher in animal foods, your body might struggle a bit to maintain the proper acid levels. So fruits and vegetables or at least bicarbonate mineral water are essential for helping the body balance itself.

    "5:09 "In order for a neuron to fire and for muscles to move, sodium has to go into the cell, potassium gets kicked out and it's called sodium-potassium ATPase, and it requires ATP and magnesium to do that. So we're alive because we're these electrical, basically these walking bags of salt, fluids, and electrolytes."

    Both physical performance and cognitive abilities depend heavily on minerals and electrolytes. There's so much information and electrical transfer that happens throughout our body. None of our cells would be proper conductors for that electrical transfer without minerals.

    Magnesium is required for over 600 enzymatic functions in the body, to produce ATP, to create protein and DNA and RNA. They're necessary for hormones and neurotransmitters. So life really doesn't exist without magnesium. Most people aren't even getting the recommended daily allowance of magnesium, let alone the right VARIETY of magnesiums.

    Further Resources:

    The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong--and How Eating More Might Save Your Life - Dr. James DiNicolantonio

    The Mineral Fix: How to Optimize Your Mineral Intake for Energy, Longevity, Immunity, Sleep and More - Dr. James DiNicolantonio



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    Drew and You Podcast
    enSeptember 27, 2021

    52: 3 Ways To Stop Disaster-bating

    52:  3 Ways To Stop Disaster-bating

    Disaster-bating. Cortisol can be addictive. Sometimes when we think about upsetting, fearful or scary things, it creates a cycle in our mind. We almost begin to CRAVE the bad news. Why is that? It's because bad news is easier to believe. We have that little voice tell us "the truth always hurts," so we chase the scary thought down a rabbit hole, but that is NOT the truth my friend.

    1:30 "Safety is an illusion."

    Death is lurking around every corner and we'd better get comfortable with it. It's an inevitable part of life, and our departure from this 3rd dimension should not illicit fear or trepidation. All of our times will come and it's nothing to fear. Why? Because we should be so overjoyed with the billions of miracles all around us that we're living our life to the fullest, not chasing safety.

    You can't ever truly be "safe" because "safety" is just an avoidance of change. We were put here to change. We're constantly changing. What we CAN be is prepared. There are a few ways we can achieve "preparedness."

    2:55 "Security is the preparedness that would lead one to feeling safe. So how do we create and be more prepared in our life... mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually?"

    Self love rituals are a good start. Start journaling about what you're grateful for. Surround yourself with good people who are not disaster-bating all the time or "chaos-tersizing." Treat yourself! Love yourself in this way, because you need it. I know I need it.

    However, it's not easy. Politicians and newscasters' entire job is to manage the herd, us, through fear. It can be intoxicating. It's easy to get wrapped up in the details. So what can we do?

    Well how can we lower stress and cortisol, which is one of the main tools of fear?

    Further Resources:
    Carlos Castañeda - The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

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    Drew and You Podcast
    enSeptember 22, 2021

    51: Transformation, Leadership & Personal Growth With Mae Steigler

    51:  Transformation, Leadership & Personal Growth With Mae Steigler

    Relationships, leadership, ownership of your health routines and many other 'ships' are discussed with Organifi's CEO, Mae Steigler.

    Are first impressions REALLY everything? Mae tells us a little origin story about her first encounter with Drew Canole in a very "stuffy" Lulu Lemon store back in 2010. Now they've been working together making health products for 11 years. Sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways.

    Drew and Mae share some memories of the early days of Fitlife & Organifi. Drew had discovered the power of "life-giving juice," lost 40 pounds and was on a mission to share his experience with as many people as possible. Mae was the first to join him in this mission and they quickly began growing a following online.

    6:55 "You can break down the idea that if you're not eating a lot, you can still have lots of energy [through micronutrient-dense foods.]"

    It was still revolutionary in 2010 to recommend people ADD micronutrient-dense foods into their diet, instead of emphasizing that they 'lose weight' or deprive themselves of food. Also, keep the power of language in mind. When we talk about 'losing weight' we're implying that we lost something that we'd like to find again.

    Mae shares some insight into her relationship with her husband and how they work together to support her challenge of becoming CEO.

    15:00 "It's never 50/50. You're always trying to do your part. Instead, it's 100 percent."

    Instead of calculating whether or not your partner is giving an equal amount to any given experience as yourself, focus on being "all in, always" at 100 percent. If you're both in it 100 percent, then there's always balance.

    Key Ideas:

    -How you show up at work and in life is a product of how you treat your body and mind

    -Integrity in relationships comes down to being 100% in always

    -A healthy morning ritual is the foundation to work/life balance

    -The future of health is pristine quality ingredients, advancements in biotechnology and a mass 'awakening' around what we absorb

    Further Resources:

    Triggers - by Marshall Goldsmith
    Atomic Habits - by James Clear
    The Compound Effect - by Darren Hardy
    Perfect Day Formula - by Craig Ballantyne


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    Drew and You Podcast
    enSeptember 20, 2021

    50: Beating the fear machine

    50:  Beating the fear machine

    Visit organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase.

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    The voice of fear is common. You can hear it in your own head. You can hear it in your friends' conversations. You can definitely hear and SEE it in the news. The politicians in Australia and parts of Europe are taking drastic measures, restricting the lives of the people who put them in office, all because of fear.

    1:18 "If you're basing your security on something outside of you, your safety on something outside of you, you are chasing a lie."

    Yet, there's another level to this. To be afraid of an external threat is to be completely reliant on external realities for your completion. If we only look INSIDE ourselves, we might finally realize that the entire material world is nothing more than a byproduct of our interior world.

    2:45 "In this podcast today, if you get anything at all, i'm going to show you how to lean into your fear, so that you can go beyond it."

    The more people who wake up to this, the greater the chance that we can WIN, and crush all fears. Then we truly experience the inner peace, the tranquility, and the oneness with our source.

    3:12 “The fear of failure, it could be abandonment, rejection, intimacy… scarcity, being broke, not being good enough, not feeling loved or being cut off from the tribe…” The possibilities of fear are endless. But who are you without all of that?

    7:10 “The first step in beating your fear my friend is to simply acknowledge it.” Many times we build up giant walls of denial, illusions and mirrors to try and fool ourselves. We fill our lives with “busy-ness” to avoid the inevitable confrontation with our fear. We need to lean into it and acknowledge it.

    8:51 “Once we’ve acknowledged it, we’ve acknowledged that the fear is there. We’ve written it down. Feel it.” Is there anything wrong with having this fear? Who else might have this fear? Ask yourself these questions. How can I have compassion for people with this fear? How can I encourage and guide others struggling in this area?

    10:15 “When you start to look at it as a reframe… the universe literally will start to align in your favor.” Fear causes so much disruption in our unconscious, that it affects everything around us. Once we see the potential negative as a positive, it ripples out from our inner being into the material realm, creating more opportunities and more oneness.

    12:20 “How do you prepare yourself [for encountering fear]? Through the power of concentration. Focus on it. Look at all the angles.” When we begin to see our lives as perceivers instead of just participants, we begin to gather more wisdom and understanding. Like little gifts, the universe starts to teach us and manifest the correct path to follow.

    14:05 “Because we’re so addicted to the fight or flight response in the limbic brain, we continue to create stories and drama that keep us in this state.” Breathe deep. Come back home. You can let all of that go.

    14:20 “You can have heaven on earth, right here, right now. Or you can have hell on earth.”


    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.” - Marianne Williamson

    ““Most people wait for something outside of them to change how they feel inside.” - Dr. Joe Dispenza

    A Return To Love - Marianne Williamson

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    49: How To Improve Your Gut Health & Immune System with Shanais Pelka

    49: How To Improve Your Gut Health & Immune System with Shanais Pelka

    Visit organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase.


    What is your gut telling you?


    This week Drew gets into all things health and wellness with special guest Sahnais Pelka. Shanais is the leader of research and development for the Organifi team, nutritionist and owner of Seven Springs organic farm.


    Shanais kicks the conversation off by sharing her personal experience with illness that led her down a journey of holistic healthy living. You will be shocked to hear what one round of antibiotics did to her entire body!


    Drew and Shanais dive into stress and the monkey mind, the impact of outside chemicals on your body, and ways to build back a healthy body. Not only that but Drew shares what he does to amp himself up for big events, and also unwind at the end of the day. 


    The show doesn’t stop there. Did you know the immune system largely lives within your gut? Well, Shanais shares what herbicides and other chemicals may be affecting your immune system, inflammatory responses, and digestion. Listen in the learn how to tell if you don’t have a healthy gut lining and what you can do to heal. 


    Key Ideas:

    -The impact of chemical and emotional stress on your body.


    -How cortisol affects hormones in the human body.


    -The power of ashwagandha in healing and health.


    -Healing adaptogens, supplements, and superfoods that heal your gut lining, immune system, and mental health.


    -The top 4 gut killers.




    “Glyphosate is an herbicide, but it's actually been patented as an antibiotic. So meaning it kills the gut microbiome.” (19:24, Shanias)


    “There are glyphosate tests, blood tests, urine tests that you can do to actually track how much you have in your body. You would be astounded how much you actually have in your body, regardless of how clean you actually eat.” (21:33, Drew)


    “The bacteria inside your body helps protect you from the bacteria outside in the world, the bad bacteria.” (22:54, Drew)


    “Cortisol will actually feel molecules that are building blocks for progesterone and progesterone is a very important metabolic enhancing balancing hormone.” (33:59, Shanais)

    Further Resources/Links:

    Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg


    Where You Can Connect With Shanais Pelka:



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    Visit organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase.


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    Drew and You Podcast
    enSeptember 13, 2021

    48: 7 Creative Ways to Give to Others This Month & Increase Abundance in Your Life

    48: 7 Creative Ways to Give to Others This Month & Increase Abundance in Your Life

    Visit organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase.


    Are you afraid of losing everything you have?


    If you are living in a state of fear, and scarcity your life will feel stunted and stagnant. 


    Giving isn’t only offering up a material item wrapped with a bow. In this solo episode Drew offers up creative and meaningful ways to give to others and see radical abundance in return. 


    If you are looking for a cost-free way to give to someone you are in a relationship with, Drew walks through creative ways to make your partner feel loved. The reality is, based on masculine or feminine ways, we receive and gift differently. Be sure to tune in to understand how!


    Gifting isn’t just for personal relationships, it shows up within business too: there are many ways to give back to your customers, employees and partners. Drew opens up about some of the ways he started FitLife TV and Organifi through giving. 


    Take a moment today, and give to someone you care about. We are in this together!


    Key Ideas:

    -If you can radically give, your life will change for the better.


    -Conscious ways to give to others.


    -If someone has a love language of gifts, you can invest clearly in giving someone love.


    -How to use your gifts to help those in need around you.




    “We're stuck in this finite reality where we think we have this constriction on the abundance that we can have.” (00:17)


    “Know that divine love has met in will always meet every human need.” (7:00)


    “I have never, ever invested in somebody and didn't get them to invest in themselves, invest in coaching them, invest in working with me. And it just continues to be the law. So know that if you're looking to work with somebody, invest in them first.” (9:10)


    “You can never out-give yourself. Know that. So no matter what business you're in, what you're doing in the world. Supply will always come back to you when you have that giving mentality.” (10:43)


    “Give your light, give your words, give your presence, give your commitment, give your passion, give your mission and give your resources. The world will change for the better.” (12:23)


    Further Resources/Links:

    It’s Not About The Nail video:



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    Drew and You Podcast
    enSeptember 08, 2021

    47: Sound and Light Therapy: Heath Benefits & How They Work with Gail Lynn

    47: Sound and Light Therapy: Heath Benefits & How They Work with Gail Lynn


    Visit organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase.


    Are you ready to heal your body or reconnect with your spirit?


    This week, Drew has a dynamic conversation with Gail Lynn all about modalities for healing. Gail Lynn is a rebel, visionary, and weaver of information. As a published author and the inventor of the Harmonic Egg™, Gail is here to share the power of sound and light as a therapy. 


    If you feel as though you lost your control through events such as sexual assault or even receiving a vaccine that you didn’t feel control over receiving, Gail shares an exercise you can do to gain back your control and empower yourself. 


    Whether you are working on reducing the time you spend with your black mirror or want to gain overall well, there is something here for you! In this episode, Gail and Drew talk through creative ways to reduce your screen time, what supplement to take to remove heavy metals or parasites, and unique morning routines to ground into your higher self. 


    There is a great deal of false information and misleading insight, Gail and Drew discuss how to feed through what’s out there ways and how to discern more for yourself. In this revolutionary period, energies are running wild. Gail offers up tools to protect yourself as an empath during this time. Always remember, love and joy are possible my friend!


    Key Ideas & Topics:


    -3 different types of healers: What they do and how to detect which one your healer may be.


    -Using music and light to induce meditation, healing, and inner peace.


    -Declaration of sovereignty to take your personal control back. 


    -The impact of having the COVID vaccine versus not being vaccinated.


    -Vaccine shedding- what this is, and how it shows up in your body and your life.


    -Morning rituals to help you stay optimal and connected to the other realms outside of this third density.


    -How to overcome the fear of not being able to travel any longer.



    “It's a shame that so many people are convinced just because somebody has got a white coat.” (24:14, Drew)


    “The nonverbal communication is such a blessing in my life.” (26:13, Gail)


    “We have to have caution in following or like listening to anybody. You are your own health advocate.” (34:15, Drew)


    “You need to start listening to your intuition. The cream will rise to the top, but, we're going to have to be more discerning.” (37:18, Gail)


    “You can't fear death because you're beyond death. You are literally eternal, infinite being created here to help humanity.” (44:40, Drew) 


    Further Resources/Links:

    Learn more about the Harmonic Egg Here:



    Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

    Family of Light: Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living by Barbara Marciniak


    Song: If I Were Brave by Jana Stanfield



    Where You Can Connect with Gail Lynn:


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    Visit organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase.

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    Drew and You Podcast
    enSeptember 06, 2021

    46: 7 Leadership Qualities: How to Become a Great Leader

    46: 7 Leadership Qualities: How to Become a Great Leader

    Visit organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase.

    Are you a sheep or a lion?


    In this solo episode Drew walks through seven main characteristics of being a lion in leadership and why it is key to success in life.


    Lions are protective by nature. The first quality of strong leadership resides in protecting your energy and your time. The truth is, there are people who will suck your energy and time dry if you let them. Drew shares how to get your time back and protect your own energy.


    What does courage look like to you? There is likely an aspect of your life where you are holding yourself back. Here is the inspiration for you to stand up for yourself, step forward and receive what you want from the universe. 


    Leadership requires you to both have community and also be comfortable being alone. Time with yourself allows you to generate thoughts, establish opinions, and receive downloads from source. Drew shares his practice of being alone and how to receive more power. Earth needs the leader within YOU. Let’s go, my friend!


    Key Ideas:

    -Be in the internal NOW moment.


    -You are either a time earner or a time burner. 


    -Prana is vital for life, and studies show it impacts your IQ. If your child is struggling in school during COVID, consider how to help them breathe more clean air during the day.


    -Leadership requires hunting.


    -It pays to have people around you with similar ideas. Begin to connect in person with people around you. A deeper sense of connection unfolds in-person versus meeting on Zoom.


    -Ho on a mission every single day to hunt and search for what will bring you to life and aligns with your purpose.




    “The number one leadership quality and trait that Lions have is to be protective over what they care about.” (00:32)


    “To be courageous, what does it look like? Maybe you make a decision today that you've been holding off on and you haven't done because you're too afraid to do it.


    Maybe ask that person out, maybe pay a bill that you have in debt, but you're scared because you want to save the money.” (5:38)


    “In leadership, we get to hunt. Sometimes we've got to find things, we get to research, we get to look at all the information and then postulate an idea that's original to us.” (8:34)


    “You're either a lion or you're one of the sheep. And our job is not to wake the sheep up right now. It is to wake other lions up.” (12:18)


    Further Resources/Links:

    The secret of the Ages by Robert Collier


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    Drew and You Podcast
    enSeptember 01, 2021

    45: How To Conquer Your Stress, Anxiety, and Fear through Breath with Samantha Skelly

    45: How To Conquer Your Stress, Anxiety, and Fear through Breath with Samantha Skelly

    Visit Organifi: organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase


    Are you tired of feeling anxious, stressed, and afraid?


    This week Drew brings on Samantha Skelly to share with you how to uncover reality, experience the power of breath, and overcome fear.


    Samantha is a self-made entrepreneur and CEO of two multi-million dollar wellness companies (Hungry for Happiness & Pause Breathwork), a highly sought-after international speaker, best-selling author, and wellness coaching expert with a heart-centered approach to business, coaching, and life.


    If you have been feeling stressed from watching the news, overcome with fear of the future or carry a sense of anxiety on a daily basis, this episode is for YOU! Samantha shares the power of breathwork, how to take your breathwork to the next level and a practice to better understand the relationship you have with your thoughts.


    Drew and Sam share their perspectives on the current state of the world and what they believe will come in the future. This is a dynamic conversation packed with personal insights, science-backed data, and two fun spirits ready to fill you up! 


    Key Ideas:

    -How to re-remember who you are in this life.


    -Three spiritual practices to break free from feeling stuck.


    -Tools to recover from people-pleasing and still care about others along the way.


    -How to overcome a love-hate relationship with social media. 


    -The value of being connected to source and spirituality in business and in life.


    -How to use hardship to your advantage




    “Things like breathwork to release all of the structures of the doubts,  and all of the energy that's not mine in my body to get back into that resting place of wellness, that resting place of my true nature. And when I'm there. Every cell in my body remembers that that's who I am.” (4:29, Samantha)


    “Knowing our true nature and our true nature is so opposite of what we are told is our true nature right now.” (9:59, Samantha)


    “Every thought is a spell. It's cast out into the world. That's controlling our language. Our language is here to create, not destroy” (13:39, Drew)


    “There's the capacity that people have to actually sit down disconnect from the matrix and make decisions when there are so many other immediate stressors in there.” (16:10, Samantha)


    “The only way we're going to get free is when we unify come together and we take a stand for our own sovereignty.” (20:23, Samantha)


    “But when we look at God here, here it is. When we look at God as our business partner. So it's not my business, it's not my will it's thy will, so everything I do, it's through God, it's through him. It's through the spirit that sent me.” (27:50, Drew)


    “Only 4% of wellness leaders are actually teaching breathwork in their sessions, which is crazy. So like the potential for this as massive.” (34:58)


    “Human beings are so smart because they sense that when you're enjoying what you do when you have the enthusiasm to move with God, with spirit, when you have that, it's magnetic.” (48:16)


    Where You Can Find Samantha Skelly:


    *In the application let Samantha know you heard about this facilitator training through the Drew and You Podcast. Put code: DREW in for $500 off.




    Get Her Book: 

    Hungry For Happiness


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    Visit Organifi: organifi.com/drew use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase

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    Drew and You Podcast
    enAugust 30, 2021

    44: The Impact of Your Friendship Circle

    44: The Impact of Your Friendship Circle

    Visit organifi.com/drew and use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase


    What is the collective consciousness of your five best friends?


    Drew is up early today to share with you the value of friendships in developing who you are, and your potential to become even more.


    You may have heard the saying, “you are the sum of the people around you.” Yet, when was the last time you paused and considered who is in your circle? AND, whether these are the types of relationships that truly add value to your life? If these friendships aren’t lighting you up, Drew outlines an exercise to help you materialize the relationships you actually want.


    If you have a group of friends that no longer serve you, it may be time to kindly walk away. This separation doesn’t need to be hard, Drew shares his personal experiences with shifting friendships and building new relationships.


    Key Ideas:

    -Fire friendship circles if they are no longer serving you.


    -Tap into the magnetic field of people who have already reached the goals and vision you aim for.


    -Everything is a frequency, and that includes those in your personal universe.


    -Visualize the values, aspects, and components of relationships, friendships, and mentors you want in your life.


    -What you seek is seeking you.


    -The more clarity you have, the quicker it will be to materialize in your environment.




    “Most people live like zombies. They reached the age of 40, 90% of their habits are all unconscious, probably 99% actually are all unconscious meaning they do the same thing over and over every single day. Then they wonder why they're not getting any new results.” (00:43)


    “Every single week, spend 10 minutes, spend 30 minutes looking, not just looking with your mind, but looking with your intuition, being the perceiver versus the thinker.” (1:23)


    “What's the frequency of the circle that you're in. What's the collective consciousness of your five best friends. And do you need to add somebody into it that has a different way of seeing the world?” (3:33)


    “There's great currency and current in the friendship circles that you create.” (12:20)


    “We are crystalline in nature. We can create absolutely anything. So make sure your friends are building you up.” (12:45)


    Further Resources:


    The Power of 8 by Lynne McTaggart

    The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart


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    Visit organifi.com/drew and use code DREW for 20% off on your next purchase

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    Drew and You Podcast
    enAugust 25, 2021