
    Earth Tribe Radio

    Earth Tribe Radio your home on planet Earth. Join us, Jill Townsend and Fiona Whitmore and our friends at Earth Tribe Radio as we find the light in our lives. Sharing journeys, insights, teachings, meditations, life tools,  techniques, blogs and other cool stuff! Check it out! www.earthtriberadio.com
    enEarth Tribe Radio Jill Townsend and Fiona Whitmore www.earthtriberadio.com353 Episodes

    Episodes (353)

    A Sundance Maka Waconi: Circle of Life in South Dakota Jill's journey.

    A Sundance Maka Waconi: Circle of Life in South Dakota Jill's journey.

    A Sundance Maka Waconi: Circle of Life in South Dakota Jill and her husband's journey. The power of change and the adventure of transformational experiences. They decided not to follow a map but to follow their senses. They took no freeways or highways, just a sense that guided them. They used their senses and intuition on this fantastic journey. This trip became an empowering and transformational experience.

     A feeling of freedom comes when we are not afraid of change.  We are all in a state of change; when we approach these changes with a heart base rather than a state of fear, we can experience significant transformation, joy, and peace. 

    Give into the flow of change, and you'll be surprised.

    Break ups. How to negotiate them and find you.

    Break ups. How to negotiate them and find you.


    Relationship break ups. Relationship break ups. How to move beyond the pain. What can we do? How can we find greater wisdom and peace through this process? How do we navigate relationship break ups, family, or partners? 

    Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy? This is a question we must ask ourselves when we face a breakup. It's time to take a walk, a train ride, a bus ride, or a road trip so that we can step. The key is, what was my part in this? We need to step out of the circle of argument and judgment and go where we can step back and step into our innate wisdom. 

    But what can we do, and how can we get to that place? Lets explore!



    Success and failure. What is success and what is failure? What brings us happiness?

    Success and failure. What is success and what is failure? What brings us happiness?

    What is success, and what is failure? Why are we so focused on both? How do we succeed and fail? Does success bring us happiness? When we are dying, it is not about success or failure. We have to stop the comparison. Let's explore what success is in different countries and how success is so different in so many places for so many people.  What is success for you? When you are dying what will success be for you? 

    In the end, it's not about what we have, but rather those that we've loved and how we have loved. 

    Steve Jobs said, I have succeeded, and it doesn't matter; it's about our loved ones, how we have loved, and how we have shown up. Success is getting what we want, happiness is liking or not judging what you have. 

    What are we pursuing and why?  We have to stop the comparison. 

    Success is getting what you want, happiness is liking what you have. Ingrid Bergman

    How to find peace and thrive with dementia.

    How to find peace and thrive with dementia.

    How to live, thrive, and find peace with dementia. Dementia is a process of losing our rational mind, and yet we can support the individual in moving into places beyond the mind. The person's essence we know is always there, but the person we love and know is often disappearing. How can we support them and find a place of acceptance and ease?  

     Many of those with dementia get fearful as dementia progresses; how can we support individuals in finding meaning and depth in this process? 

    As caregivers, we must take breaks and do things we love to maintain a sense of self. It isn't easy, but we share ideas to help. We are all affected by dementia; when a family member has it, the whole family is affected. 

     We share stories, tools, techniques, and ideas to allow us to move beyond the fear of the mind and body changing. How can we help them feel safe in a changing world? 

    How to get through the holidays, tips for navigating these times.

    How to get through the holidays, tips for navigating these times.

    How to get through the holidays, tips for navigating these times, and find even more peace and joy. How to maneuver and enjoy the holidays. How do we deal with those we don't want to deal with? How do we enjoy the holidays even if we are alone?   

      We can discover ways to take moments to refind our balance and inner harmony. How to re-balance yourself in these times. 

    The holidays are only a day or a few days; we can make it simple and delightful even though we are alone or with people who challenge us. Let go of the 'should' and frustration and accept what is happening. Re-balancing ourselves is the key. Ultimately, it is about sharing and nurturing each other and enjoying ourselves, even in difficult situations. 

    Holidays can be enjoyable alone or with others. 

    Fear. How to become fearless.

    Fear. How to become fearless.

    Fear and how we can move beyond to freedom.  How does fear control us, and what can we do to clear it? Handling the moment as it comes dispells fear. We release the need for what is happening to be different, we deal with it and then there is no fear. 

    Fear feeds on itself, take the time to use tools to take yourself out

    "Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” 
    ― Jim Morrison

    Steps to fearlessness. 

    Take time out

    It’s impossible to think clearly when you’re flooded with fear or anxiety. The first thing to do is take time out so you can physically calm down.

    Distract yourself from the worry for 15 minutes by walking around the block, making a cup of tea or having a bath.

    2. Breathe through panic

    If you start to get a faster heartbeat or sweating palms, the best thing is not to fight it.

    Stay where you are and simply feel the panic without trying to distract yourself. Place the palm of your hand on your stomach, relax it and breathe slowly and deeply.

    The goal is to help the mind get used to coping with panic, which takes the fear of fear away.For example, if you panic one day getting into a lift, it should start to fade if you face it

    3. Face your fears

    Avoiding fears only makes them scarier. Whatever your fear, if you face it, it should start to fade. If you panic one day getting into a lift, for example, it’s best to get back into a lift the next day.

    4. Imagine the worst

    Try imagining the worst thing that can happen – perhaps it’s panicking and having a heart attack. Then try to think yourself into having a heart attack. It’s just not possible. The fear will run away the more you chase it.

    5. Look at the evidence

    It sometimes helps to challenge fearful thoughts. For example, if you’re scared of getting trapped in a lift and suffocating, ask yourself if you have ever heard of this happening to someone. Ask yourself what you would say to a friend who had a similar fear.

    6. Don’t try to be perfect

    Life is full of stressors, yet many of us feel that our lives must be perfect. Bad days and setbacks will always happen, and it’s important to remember that life is messy.

    7. Visualise a happy place; take a moment to close your eyes and imagine a place of safety and calm. It could be a picture of you walking on a beautiful beach, or snuggled up in bed with the cat next to you, or a happy memory from childhood. Let the positive feelings soothe you until you feel more relaxed.

    8. Talk about it.dispels

    The freedom to change my mind. Why it's so hard to do and how it can change the world.

    The freedom to change my mind. Why it's so hard to do and how it can change the world.

    The freedom to change my mind. We often get stuck in our lives because we think we can't change our minds or don't know how to do it.  Let's explore how to change our minds when we get stuck in ideas or concepts that have been layered onto us as children and with which we identify. Perhaps we have become so identified with certain ideas in the view of friends and family that we can't move on. Let's look at the power of changing our minds and how we can do it.

    How to ponder our thoughts and ideas and how to question them. 

    A particle vibrating due to your sound when you speak can affect a molecule inside a star at the edge of the Universe. Quantum Physics.

    A particle vibrating due to your sound when you speak can affect a molecule inside a star at the edge of the Universe. Quantum Physics.

    According to quantum physics a particle vibrating due to your sound when you speak can affect a molecule inside a star at the edge of the Universe instantly. This phenomenon is known as quantum entanglement. The greatest illusion then is the illusion of separation.    

    We are all connected, one humanity, alike in so many ways. How can we access the feeling of that connection? it and We can use techniques to share heart energy and let it rain over any violence and confusion. When something happens in the world, we can often feel something and not know what it is that we are feeling. These feelings can disturb and confuse us. We are always connected with everyone and everything. Let's explore!

    Heart Math has shared many excellent techniques that help us in all areas of our life. 

    It is only heavy because you are deciding over and over again to carry it. Embrace change, loosen up your sense of identity, let yourself walk a new path. . ~ Yung Pueblo

    It is only heavy because you are deciding over and over again to carry it. Embrace change, loosen up your sense of identity, let yourself walk a new path. . ~ Yung Pueblo

    It is only heavy because you are deciding over and over again to carry it. Embrace change, loosen up your sense of identity, and let yourself walk a new path. You do not have to ignore or erase the past; you just have to wholeheartedly embrace the present and move on.

    ~ Yung Pueblo

    We have our freedom in our hands, when we hold onto who we think we are or who others think we are, we lose our freedom This freedom, our freedom, is who we are, it just gets covered up as we grow into who we feel others tell us we are. Let's release that and as we walk in our present, we feel openess joy, ; openness and have a knowledge who we truly are. We move beyond and need to impress others and stand in the power of who we are. 

    Niger, Travelling with the Toureg through the dunes in the Sahara.

    Niger, Travelling with the Toureg through the dunes in the Sahara.

    Leslie Clark travels with the Toureg in the desert. Experiences a wedding, travels with rebels and finds herself alone in the sand dunes miles from anywhere. . A powerful journey. She experiences how the Toureg can travel through the dunes that shift yearly, with no GPS, not maps and with dangers everywhere.  They always know how everyone is feeling and have the most extraordinary connections, even though we can't speak the language. They can see into the soul of a person. 

    There are guides who are Toureg are blind, they are guided by the wind an other  phenomena. ; and they can take 

    The pause. How it can change our world.

    The pause. How it can change our world.

    Pausing is key to increasing our ability to choose how we respond rather than dropping into robotic reaction.  When we don't take a pause between a stimulus and our response we may wind up just reacting which limits our choices. There are so many benefits to taking a pause; it can recharge our energy: help us to gain access to our inner wisdom: and  enable us to feel connected and nurtured.

    Take a pause and free yourself. Practice the pause. Pause before judging; pause before assuming; pause before accusing; pause whenever you're about react harshly and you'll avoid doing and saying thins you'' regret later. It's a practice that can make our life better.  When we can take a moment for a pause we are empowered, rather than dis-empowered. 

    Help ourselves by practicing taking a pause before we react to someone or something. It gives us a chance to untie the emotional knots within us. Take a little time to practice the pause. Even if we remember after we have reacted, them we can become more conscious for next time. 

    Practice the pause in an argument, in negotiation, in conversations, as often as we can. We can pause as we think also. 

    You can book sessions and contact us through www.eathtriberadio.com, or earthtriberadio@gmail.com

    Happiness is not a destination; it's the journey

    Happiness is not a destination; it's the journey

    Happiness is not a destination; it's the journey. When we are focusing on the end, the thing we want instead of the process or the journey, we suffer because it makes us stressed. We can have happiness anytime when we focus on the journey. 

     When we are focused on the destination, like a car,  money, we We only suffer when we react negatively to a situation; it's not what is happening; it's our thoughts. We can find happiness anywhere, anytime. When we are happy and share it, then it's truly ours. 

    The last thing Buddah is said to have said is," Be your own light."Buddha. We are all briightlights, let's discover how to find and be that bright lights.

    It's not what happens, it's how you react that matters.

    It's not what happens, it's how you react that matters.

    It's not what you do but how you react that matters. Often we can't change what is happening, but we can almost always have power over how we react. We chat about ideas and tools that can give us power over our reactions. 

    We, as humans, tend to be robotic in our reactions to what is happening. Push a button, and I'll always react to the same experience.We can discover how to respond rather than react and move through our life with greater ease and peace.  


    The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

    William Arthur Ward


    "The world is nothing but my perception of it, I see only through mysel, I hear only through the filter of my story." Byron Katie

    "The world is nothing but my perception of it, I see only through mysel, I hear only through the filter of my story." Byron Katie

    "The world is nothing but my perception of it; I see only through myself, I hear only through the filter of my story." Byron Katie, If we want to change our lives, we must change our perception. Let's open up our cage to see how else we can see something. We are not our story, but it does control us.

    Oor story can limit us or free us, depending upon how we see it and we can move beyond its hold. 

    Tina Turner mastering life.

    Tina Turner mastering life.

    Tina Turner mastered her art and life; she moved beyond her pain and illnesses and accessed an inner world of peace and balance. She built a bridge between her outer life filled with, success, but also suffering and pain and found a way to access an inner world of peace and balance. We explore how she did this nad how she was able to keep this bridge between the world open. 

    Many stars and famous people master the outer world and their art but live a life of confusion, pain, and suffering. LIke Michael Jackson, Maria Callas, and Elvis. How was she able to move beyond all of this and keep  balance and peace in her life? We explore how she did this and what she needed to do to achieve this. 

    Being happy is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else. Abraham Hicks

    Being happy is a very personal thing and it really has nothing to do with anyone else. Abraham Hicks

      Being happy is a very personal thing, and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.” Abraham Hicks

    Happiness lives within us! Being happy is very personal -and totally internal.

    Appreciation can be a pathway to happiness. Happiness does not come from the outside inward. Let's find our personal inner triggers to happiness, then we can find happiness whenever we remember, wherever we are. Let's open ourselves and be open to happiness. 

    We explore happiness triggers or memories and how to use them throughout the day. Let's find how we can wake up each day and choose how we want to be that day, it's up to us. 

    Why is unlearning so powerful? "Recognize that unlearning is the highest form of learning.”Rumi

    Why is unlearning so powerful? "Recognize that unlearning is the highest form of learning.”Rumi

    Learning can be a great gift, and unlearning can be an even greater gift; transformational and freeing. "Recognize that unlearning is the highest form of learning.” Rumi.  

    Why do we feel we need to keep filling ourselves with information? Why do we need so much learning? When we take away the unneeded learning, we become closer to who we are and access our source. Let's begin to ask ourselves, where did I learn this, or from whom did I learn this? Let's discover what we need to unlearn,  and explore how we can begin to unlearn what we don't need. Exploring our unlearning can enable us to feel free, joyous, and more peaceful. 

    Let's ask ourselves, when we are learning something, is this making us feel light, compassionated easily, or frustrated, angry, and uneasy? Then we know it's probably something we don't need to learn. 

    Let's explore unlearning. 

    Dali Lama; putting the record straight. Clarification.

    Dali Lama; putting the record straight. Clarification.

    Dali Lama "Such my thumb." Jill shares the Tibetan perspective.  Why do cultural differences matter, and why are they so hard to understand?  

    We share our thoughts and experiences about cultural differences, their power, and why we can so easily misinterpret them. We explore travel and other chances to be in various cultures and their differences. Why are there cultural differences? We look at why this happens and how we can open to and immerse ourselves in other cultures even in our local area. Let's jump in and explore different, perspectives. 

    Enlightenment is a destructive process, a removing of what we have collected. "

    Enlightenment is a destructive process, a removing of what we have collected. "

    "Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” Adyashanti. 

     Enlightenment is not about what we do or achieve or even find. Enlightenment is who we indeed are. We don't have to be someone special  or do something special. It's a destructive process of removing what we have covered ourselves with, stuff we are holding. As soon as thought - emotions go, we are in our  natural enlightenment; it gets uncovered when we stop thinking. Destructive means taking away something that is not you in the first place. Enlightenment doesn't have to be a complicated process; it's always within us. 

    We are all enlightened from time to time; let's explore.

    Fearless aging.

    Fearless aging.

    Fearless aging, let's explore how we can age fearlessly. When we are comfortable with who we are everyone else will be comfortable with who we are. 

    Many cultures celebrate life stages, and in those cultures, aging is respected and valued. When you travel you see people  eg,  the natural indigenous cultures, you see those who are enjoying their life at any stage. 

    We are on a path through life that moves toward death, and many have a hard time facing this. There are stages in our life, birth, infancy, childhood, etc, most accept a baby moving to toddlerhood, but are terrified to accept aging. We can fearlessly age only when we accept aging and the amazing gifts it brings us We  can still use tools and techniques to keep us strong and vibrant, even use creams, etc to keep our face looking younger.  It's about how we feel about ourselves. When we accept aging, we begin to accept who we are, and we can move without fear, without needing approval or anything to stop us enjoying the peace and joy that comes with aging fearlessly.