
    Embodied Purpose Podcast - Feminine Path to Freedom

    This podcast is for Visionary women on the path of remembering who they truly are so they can re-align to their sacred purpose, unleash her most authentic beautiful, wild self, be who she is here to be and therefore do what she is here to do so she can lead a life of Beauty, Power, Passion, and Prosperity. In this podcast I will offer intuitive soul-guided support, rituals, personal experiences, guest speakers and teachings to assist you on your path of Radical Remembrance of the Feminine Essence with in you that is ready to be re-awakened and embraced so you can live with embodied purpose in every area of your life. THIS is the path to FREEDOM You can find more information at www.danacanneto.com Music intro and outro by: "Woman" by the beautiful Amber Lily
    enDana Canneto38 Episodes

    Episodes (38)

    Ep. 17 - How to Trust Your Spiritual Path

    Ep. 17 - How to Trust Your Spiritual Path

    In this episode I discuss trusting your Spiritual path and finding the "knowing" of which direction to go and how to trust the calling to keep going, to keep going and how to trust it. 

    Here is what is discussed…. 

    • That first "real knowing" that occurs and using it as a touchstone.
    • How to recognize the signs and guidance coming to you.
    • Why this path is occuring and stirring you up.
    • What does Codependency have to do with it?
    • Why the logical brain won't help you.
    • How to surrender to receiving more and why it works! 
    • Why patterns of distrust show up in specific areas in your life.
    • When in trust, manifesting occurs.
    • How resistance can block you from receiving.
    • Be aware of your own authority when receiving guidance.
    • How your beliefs can shape your level of trust vs. dis-trust.
    • How to use your body as the barometer for self-trust and clear boundaries.
    • How to trust the signs and know if you're getting a sign.
    • Why a certain type of validation is important for self-trust.
    • Why to always go within and use your own authority will save you on this path.
    • Why Fear will stop you and what to do when it comes up.

    If you enjoy what you hear, I would love for you to subscribe so you can be alerted of new episodes being released and would be so grateful if you’d kindly rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 

    Other ways to contact me are via email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Website: www.danacanneto.com

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, The Wild Beauty Path, where you will receive daily inspiration and nourishment along with 1,000's of other women on the same path at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoulrevival/

    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 

    Ep. 16 - Choosing Calm within the Chaos

    Ep. 16 - Choosing Calm within the Chaos

    In this episode I discuss how to choose calm within the chaos and how to find this calm within you as you become effected by the hard times of the world and the worldly events around us right now. 


    Here is what is discussed…. 


    • My heartfelt condolences to those who have been directly effected by recent events.
    • The frequency my inner guidance told me I needed to be in to serve myself and the world that had me shocked. 
    • How you can offer more grace to yourself and the world 
    • Why the body is the necessary tool to reach the calm which might sound counterintuitive
    • What my human brain wanted to do vs. my higher self knew better
    • How to hold space without taking on the low energies of the world
    • What will help you ground and remember you are alive
    • How you can “choose” calm over chaos  
    • I called BS on this one story that you may as well hold onto
    • A different perspective on Sacrificing self
    • A different perspective on anger
    • How to be of service and be in your sovereignty
    • Steps to take to embrace and embody the calm
    • How choosing to be in the chaos will not serve over choosing the calm.
    • An invitation to choose the calm within the chaos


    I invite you to join my private Facebook Group, The Wild Beauty Path, where you will receive daily inspiration and nourishment along with 1,000's of other women on the same path at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoulrevival/


    Other ways to contact me are via email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Website: www.danacanneto.com


    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 


    If you enjoy what you hear, I would love for you to subscribe so you can be alerted of new episodes being released and would be so grateful if you’d kindly rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 


    Ep. 15 - Finding Your Purpose

    Ep. 15 - Finding Your Purpose

    In this episode I discuss this idea of what it means to find your purpose and some clues to assist you in knowing what your deeper purpose here in this lifetime. 


    If you’re feeling called to something bigger and greater but not sure what that is or how to seek it, this episode is for you. 


    Here is what is discussed…. 


    • Redefining purpose - what "purpose" really means
    • How your path will lead you to your deeper calling
    • I discuss what the #1 key is to leading you there
    • What your pain and struggles are really showing you
    • Why patience is so important and how to embrace it
    • A guided tool to help you see what your purpose might be in this lifetime


    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, The Wild Beauty Path, where you will receive daily inspiration and nourishment along with 1,000's of other women on the same path at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoulrevival/


    Other ways to contact me are via email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Website: www.danacanneto.com


    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 


    If you enjoy The Wild Beauty Path Podcast.. we would love for you to subscribe, rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 

    Ep. 14 - Reclaiming Your Wild Woman

    Ep. 14 - Reclaiming Your Wild Woman

    In this episode I invite you to Reclaim Your Wild Woman, it’s time!

    If you’re feeling the sacred rebel within you begging to be unleashed, untamed and walk your divine path, this episode will assist you in reclaiming her, this one of you that is ready to live life on her terms. 

    Here is what is discussed…. 

    • Who is the Wild Woman
    • Why is your wild woman calling you now
    • How the Wild Woman is here to help you come alive
    • A Divine invocation and Channeling in poetry
    • How the Wild Woman is the keeper of your medicine, your purpose
    • Giving yourself Grace as you navigate your unraveling from conditioning
    • Tools that will help you embody your wise and wild truth
    • A modality that will assist you in tuning into your wild woman
    • Why the Reclaiming of your Wild Woman will assist in this paradigm shift that is happening across humanity
    • She is waiting for you…. 

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, The Wild Beauty Path, where you will receive daily inspiration and nourishment along with 1,000's of other women on the same path at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoulrevival/

    Other ways to contact me are via email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Website: www.danacanneto.com

    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 

    If you enjoy The Wild Beauty Path Podcast.. we would love for you to subscribe, rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 

    Ep. 13 - Navigating Relationships - Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    Ep. 13 - Navigating Relationships - Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    In this episode I discuss relationships and how to navigate relationships while on this spiritual awakening. Through our relationships we can heal especially in the most difficult moments and in this episode I am speaking more deeply towards relationships with a parter but this can be applied to relationships in general. As humans, we deal with relationships every single day so of course it's one of the number one topics that come up with my clients because relationships can become the doorway to deep healing and empowerment and as a way to reclaim one's sovereignty, learn to embody  deep self-love, self-trust and self-compassion because that is where we need to start in order for relationships to work.  And as a way to know whether to stay in relationships or to leave them. 

    Key Points:

    • Each person you are in relationship with is here to help you heal your Karma even if it doesn't feel like it. 
    • How to learn from your triggers and use them as gold mines for your spiritual healing.
    • How to respond to your partner rather than react and what you need to know about yourself in order to do this.
    • How to discern within yourself whether to stay in the relationship or leave
    • How self-love and self-compassion is the foundation to healing old negative relationship patterns
    • As you heal your wounds, you will heal for others in your immediate environment and throughout your lineage
    • How to use your barometer as a truth meter for discerning your next move. 
    • And so much more...


    DISCLAIMER: I am not a relationship coach but I do assist my clients in their relationships and how to navigate them through the doorway of embodying deep self-love as I am a self-love mentor and expert and have been on my own journey of deep self-love and have learned how to navigate my own intimate relationships in this way that is empowering and self-honoring and IS the foundation to healing your relationships. I do recommend getting assistance and support through a relationship coach or mentor if you feel you need that level of assistance with you and your partner. For the purpose of this episode it's to have a deeper understanding that your journey with your relationships can tell you a lot about yourself and where you need deeper healing. I also recommend that if you are in any danger through an abusive relationship to please get the support you need as I do not address this topic in this episode as I am not an expert in that area and do not claim to be.

    All ways to contact me and learn more:

    Email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Website: www.danacanneto.com

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, The Wild Beauty Path, where you will receive daily inspiration and nourishment along with 1,000's of other women on the same path at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoulrevival/

    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 

    If you enjoy The Wild Beauty Path Podcast.. we would love for you to subscribe, rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 

    What is The Wild Beauty Path and How Can it Assist you?

    What is The Wild Beauty Path and How Can it Assist you?

    If you are feeling the "calling", the awakening of your soul and know there is a deeper purpose here for you, and looking for ways to navigate this journey with more self-love and ease, this podcast is for you!

    You are here to awaken to who you truly are and by following the Wild Beauty Path, it will assist you in your awakening and in your rememberance of your wholeness and of who you truly are.

    In this Episode I will introduce you to the newly updated Wild Beauty Path Podcast.  If you have been following me, you may know this podcast as The Embodied Empress Podcast and if you are new here, Welcome! I am now introducing you to The Wild Beauty Path Podcast -  so tune in and feel the resonance in your bones as I speak about what the Wild Beauty Path is, how it came to be, what it might mean for you and how it could assist you on your journey of awakening.    

    Key Points:

    • You are here to uncage yourself from conditioning and the shackles of shoulds so you can walk your divine path
    • Beauty is more then just skin-deep, it's soul-deep and can be experienced in a multitude of ways to forge you forward on your healing journey.
    • Your spirit is calling you to come alive and revive this wild, untamed essence of who you are.
    • You are here for a deeper calling and purpose and you might feel the rumbling in your soul already that there is more here for you and you know you have to go seek it.
    • This journey will lead you down a road towards radical self-love, self-compassion and self-trust and as long as you follow it and say yes to it, you will be guided along the way.
    • Don't give up, tune in, let this podcast assist you, awaken you and transform you as you glide back home to yourself.

    Other ways to contact me are via email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Website: www.danacanneto.com

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, The Wild Beauty Path, where you will receive daily inspiration and nourishment along with 1,000's of other women on the same path at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoulrevival/

    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 

    If you enjoy The Wild Beauty Path Podcast.. we would love for you to subscribe, rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 

    PS - Wow, everything went wrong as I was recording and I believe in keeping what originally downloaded to me and let's just say I had some editing/recording issues and had to fix as best I could so excuse some of the places it might sound cut off. I realized I am not here to be PERFECT, I am here to represent, that perfect is embracing the imperfect parts of ourselves.


    Ep. 11 - Embodying Resilience Through Challenging Times

    Ep. 11 - Embodying Resilience Through Challenging Times

    In this episode, I offer tools and tips on how you can stay resilient in these challenging times. I will guide you through a mini experiential exercise towards managing your emotions as well as touch on why - as we nurture these four pillars of our body you can come back into alignment with your natural state of being and have the capacity to embody this level of resiliency.

    My intention is that these tools assist you in being able to stay present In the now with a sense of grace, calm and peace, and irradiate any fear, anxiety and stress that might be challenging your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

    You can listen on Apple, iTunes, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help more people find us and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 10 - My Christmas Story - A Different Perspective

    Ep. 10 - My Christmas Story - A Different Perspective

    In this episode, I reflect on how we all experience the holiday’s differently and to honor what you might be moving through this holiday, how to stop comparing yourself to others, as well as a bit about what I'm personally moving through that has my holiday looking a lot different!

    I share how social media is the catalyst to that “feeling bad about one’s self” syndrome and to honor the "You do you" perspective! 

    I share what’s been happening in the collective from an astrological and energetic standpoint that might shed some light on what you might be moving through in this moment.

    I let you in on my Christmas upbringing and how it looks much different today than it did when I was growing up and how I navigated this shift.  And how to do YOU and make this special for YOU and no one else, which is what I had to learn through my relationship.

    I also share why it’s my first Christmas without a tree and all the fluff and decorating that I was brought up with doing as tradition and how I have been teetering between patience and impatience, human and ego, flow and force - and in turn practicing nurturance and acceptance and care for myself.

    You can listen on Apple, iTunes, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast


    Ep. 9 - Surviving Relationships on this Spiritual Path - A Personal Story

    Ep. 9 - Surviving Relationships on this Spiritual Path - A Personal Story

    In this episode, I share how relationships can be hard and what it takes to make them work - especially when you are on two different spiritual paths!

    I share with you some very personal stories of my own triumph and tribulations in my marriage and how to know the answer to that very question that I once asked of myself - “Should I stay or should I go”?

    I share the one thing you must do in order to stay in your sovereign truth and trust your decision - whatever that decision ends up to be.  How to stop communicating through your wounds and instead reclaim your power as well as releasee any bit of co-dependency that might be playing out in your relationship.

    You can listen on Apple, iTunes, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    DISCLAIMER - As I share towards the end of the podcast - this does not pertain to relationships that are emotionally or physically abusive in any way. If you are in an abusive relationship - please seek appropriate help and support for that. . 



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 8 - Trust Your Inner Calling and Follow Your Divine Path

    Ep. 8 - Trust Your Inner Calling and Follow Your Divine Path

    In this episode of Embodied Empress, we explore what it looks like to fully trust your deepest inner calling and how to not only know what that is but give yourself the strength and permission to follow your Divine Path - no matter where you are in life right now.

    I share with you a poem I wrote about this very topic and two areas in my life where I suppressed my inner calling and spent years living my life for others rather than for myself and how I was able to turn that around.

    I share the one thing that can help women feel alive again - to truly feel confident, free, expansive and how to clear any limitations that might come up in stepping into their deepest longing and calling.

    Tune in and allow this episode to re-activate your inner knowing, to give yourself permission to take that leap into trusting this inner calling and in turn follow and walk your divine path.



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 7 - The Path of the Wounded Healer

    Ep. 7 - The Path of the Wounded Healer

    In this episode of Embodied Empress, we explore what this path of the Wounded Healer is and why at this time - this path is so crucial for not just our own individual healing but for the healing of the world - for transformation on a global scale.

    I share ways in how to navigate this path, offer clarity on how you can know you are on this path and how to shift from victim into full on sovereign embodiment through this path.

    I also share the level of freedom and gold that exists through our wounds and that there is nothing wrong with you - there is a deeper calling that exists within you and the wound is the invitation to enter the portal towards that inner magik that is waiting to be discovered.

    As Rumi says “The wound is where the light enters”.

    Tune in and tap into your own resonance and I trust you will take away what you need to navigate your own path through this inner terrain so you can show up as the light that you here to be in in the world.



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 6 - My Dark Night Of The Soul Story

    Ep. 6 - My Dark Night Of The Soul Story

    In this episode of Embodied Empress, I share with you my Dark Night Of The Soul story. I share with you the emotional turmoil it left me with - the depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts - and yet now as I look back - how it’s been my deepest gift in that it’s led me to where I am today.  

    I share with you the experience I had that led me to this dark night of the soul and what helped me move through it as well as how you will know when you are going through a dark night of the soul and tools to assist you. 

    These are for sure unprecedented times for many of us as individuals and it’s my hope that if you resonate with this - that it provides a level of comfort to you.

    Tune in and revel in knowing you are not alone, never alone and we’re all in this together. 



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 5 - Can You Love Your Body?

    Ep. 5 - Can You Love Your Body?

    In this episode of Embodied Empress, we explore this question of - “Can you love your body?” -  I mean truly love your body and how it’s way deeper than skin deep! Not only have I had my past body demons but this is such a mainstream challenge for many women in loving on themselves and their body and if you are one of these women, I invite you to tune in and experience how you can love and appreciate your body In an entirely new way.

    You'll hear me share a bit about my Body Story and how at one time I loathed on my body to how I was able to heal this aspect of myself and move into a space of deeper curiosity with my body, how I commune with her and tend to her every need.  “Her” being your/my body.

    I share how we not only have our physical body to tend to but I speak of our other 3 bodies and how each of these can be the portal to transformation in moving into a space of deeper self-love, with more confidence, connection and opening up the flood gates to your gifts, your purpose and in turn feeling joyful, free and alive again.

    Lastly, I share with you some deeper questions to ask yourself as tools for you to love your body and in tune love yourself more and more every day. 



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 4 - Sacred Sovereignty - It's Your Birthright

    Ep. 4 - Sacred Sovereignty - It's Your Birthright

    In this episode of Embodied Empress, I speak of what I refer to as Sacred Sovereignty.  How it is our birthright to reclaim our power and govern our own lives, our bodies and how we can do this with grace and beauty.


    I speak about what the foundation is to acquiring this level of sovereignty, how your intuition plays an integral part and how to follow that through regardless of your circumstance.


    I share with you a divinely guided message in poetry that I wrote as I tuned into what was wanting to be spoken in today’s podcast in the realm of Sacred Sovereignty.


    So, what is Sacred Sovereignty and how can we as women strip down the conditioning, should’s and hold boundaries to what feels true to you and stand in that space of true knowing, being and living out your divine path.


    Tune in and join us in this dance of honoring our Sacred Sovereignty.



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 3 - The Empress and Me - Who is She?

    Ep. 3 - The Empress and Me - Who is She?

    In this episode of Embodied Empress, I share exactly who the Embodied Empress is, what she represents to me - how she can teach us to live a more sovereign embodied life - and why it is so important we embody her at this time.

    I share my story in how she showed up for me - to guide and teach me and in turn what she is here to teach all of us as women.

    I share how to shift from lower frequency energies into higher frequency energies by channeling her wisdom as a way to heal, transform and embody your sacred sovereignty, beauty, love and power. 

    Lastly, why it is so important to for us to stand tall in this level of embodiment, heal our sacred wounds so we can not only transform ourselves on a personal level but to be the light for others and humanity as a whole.



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 2 - A Spiritual Initiation - My Father's Death

    Ep. 2 - A Spiritual Initiation - My Father's Death

    In this episode of Embodied Empress, I'll be sharing details about my Father's Death and how it catapulted me into my deepest Spiritual Initiation.  

    You'll hear me share about grief, the grief I endured and how grief can give us an opportunity to ask the deeper questions of who am I and why am I here?

    I share the moment I was picked up, spoken to by spirit and led on this sacred path, and how when we surrender to "it" with radical trust, synchronicities will show up to support you.

    I speak to the deep dark soul of the moments I incurred and how we can, as individuals, move through these deeper spaces of grief in a way that serves us rather than hurts us.

    Lastly, why it is so important to allow ourselves to feel it all, to sink into the grief itself with acceptance, self-nurturance and how to trust in the process, find that inner sanctuary to assist you on this sacred path you are on in landing home in your body, finding your inner joy, and embodying the truth of who you are. 



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast

    Ep. 1 - Me In Full Transparency (+ a Confession)

    Ep. 1 - Me In Full Transparency (+ a Confession)

    In this very first episode of Embodied Empress, I'll be sharing some very vulnerable and personal experiences of my very own soul's journey that led me on this sacred path.

    You'll hear me share stories throughout my childhood and teen years that really shaped the way I related to my sense of belonging or rather "unbelonging" or how this aspect of "beauty" led me down a deep dark path of body dysmorphia, an eating disorder and the conflict it created between my soul's inner knowing of beauty vs. the outer projection and pressures it had on me and my humanness to be, look and show up a certain way, in order to be loved and accepted.

    I speak to my past addiction to "disassociating" through vices such as food, alcohol and for short yet dangerous stint of drug use and how I gave my power away often due to lack of self-love and feelings of not-enoughness.  

    Lastly, why it is so important that we do find this inner place within ourselves where we can deepen into this ancient knowing of our uniqueness, our wildness and embrace and embody our sovereign and empowered inner Empress. 



    We would love for you to subscribe, rate it and review it.  This will help others to find it and tune in.



    You can find me at www.danacanneto.com 

    Personal Instagram: @danacanneto

    Podcast Instagram: @embodiedempresspodcast





    Welcome to the (formerly) Embodied Empress Podcast!

    Welcome to the (formerly) Embodied Empress Podcast!

    (Formerly known as Embodied Empress Podcast - Ep. 1 - 11) - In this podcast we'll explore what it means to embody the inner Empress and how we can dive deep into our inner and outer terrain for healing, growth, transformation and most of all, a space for us women to gather and come together, weave our gifts into the world and share our light in the way that we are meant to.

    For this very show, I will be sharing a brief description of this podcast, who I am, why I created it and my intention for putting this out into the world.

    The world needs more of the sacred feminine to show up and rise out from underneath the conditioning, shame and self-blame and instead learn ways to journey through life with radical self-love, acceptance and reverence for who you are - and from there - we offer the greatest gift to humanity.

    Walk the path with me here and rediscover your Inner Empress - the one who governs her body, her life, who embraces her beauty, who is the mother, nurturer, goddess of love and beauty, goddess of life, death and rebirth and the epitome of the sacred feminine of sovereign and creative power.

    If you enjoy this podcast...

    We would love for you to rate and review it! This helps more people in finding it and listening in. Thank you in advance! =) 

    Music intro and outro: "Woman" by the lovely Amber Lily

    To connect with me - you can find me at: www.danacanneto.com

    Instagram: instagram.com/danacanneto/

    Facebook: facebook.com/danacanneto