
    Embodied Purpose Podcast - Feminine Path to Freedom

    This podcast is for Visionary women on the path of remembering who they truly are so they can re-align to their sacred purpose, unleash her most authentic beautiful, wild self, be who she is here to be and therefore do what she is here to do so she can lead a life of Beauty, Power, Passion, and Prosperity. In this podcast I will offer intuitive soul-guided support, rituals, personal experiences, guest speakers and teachings to assist you on your path of Radical Remembrance of the Feminine Essence with in you that is ready to be re-awakened and embraced so you can live with embodied purpose in every area of your life. THIS is the path to FREEDOM You can find more information at www.danacanneto.com Music intro and outro by: "Woman" by the beautiful Amber Lily
    enDana Canneto38 Episodes

    Episodes (38)

    Ep. 37 - For Soul-led Entrepreneurs - Trust the Bigger Mission

    Ep. 37 - For Soul-led Entrepreneurs - Trust the Bigger Mission

    Welcome to Episode 37!

    Are you a seasoned business owner or professional women knowing your Soul has Bigger Mission to Step into? This is for you! 


    Tune in and hear about...

    • How to trust the Transition
    • My personal recent journey with this
    • How to get clear on the bigger mission 
    • How to integrate your spiritual gifts to your bigger mission
    • The world is needing more soul-led leaders and this is a perfect gateway to that
    • Learning to embrace the Ascension journey of life and business 
    • And more! 

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Best ways to connect with me are: 

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto


    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Ep. 36 - QUANTUM LEAP into your HIGHER SELF

    Ep. 36 - QUANTUM LEAP into your HIGHER SELF

    Welcome to Episode 36!

    Today I had no idea what I was going to say nor did I kmow the title and I just let the energy flow so TUNE in to this transmission with your whole self! This will catapult you forward if you take these steps I talk about to shift into a new identity, a new self-image for deeper soul-embodiment and purpose.  

    Tune in and let me know what breakthroughs, revelations and questions you have... 

    Best ways to connect with me are: 

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto


    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 


    Ep. 35 - Follow Your Own Rhythm, The Beat of Your Own Drum

    Ep. 35 - Follow Your Own Rhythm, The Beat of Your Own Drum

    Welcome to Episode 35!

    Follow your Own Rhythm no matter what. There is so much noise out there and it's a must at this time to listen to your own body and the beat of your own drum.

    Tune in and hear about...

    • Listening to the Gut and releasing the sacred wound of people pleasing
    • If you are a Paradigm Shifter, you must follow your own knowing to be one 
    • The Sacred Feminine Quest of going into the Mystery and Magic of the Body 
    • The question to ask when deciding which direction to go
    • What to do when things feel like you're in transision and things are falling away
    • Trusting the Gut and it's knowing and why at this time, this is crucial
    • What we have lost sight of in this sea of the noise around us
    • How the world would change when we honor this
    • The things that creates shame when it comes to this path 
    • Compare and Despair and shifting the Paradigm around it
    • A pivotal question to ask yourself to see where you are not honoring your center
    • The Source within you to support you
    • Being a clear, pure vessel and eliminating those things that don't serve 
    • And more! 

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto


    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    Ep. 34 - Devotion as the foundational piece to Embodied Purpose & true Feminine Leadership

    Ep. 34 - Devotion as the foundational piece to Embodied Purpose & true Feminine Leadership

    Welcome to Episode 34!

    Let's talk about DEVOTION and why it's integral to true embodiment and higher purpose    

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • What does it mean to be devoted fully? 
    • What I am devoting to more so this year
    • What we as women hold onto that stop us from being devoted to a higher purpose
    • The importance of devotion when it comes to our relationships
    • Devotion and it's relation to embodying the divine feminine
    • The true origin and meaning of the quality of devotion
    • Shadowy devotion vs. Sacred Devotion 
    • What devotion and being in the Feminine is not
    • Qualities and Gift attributes of Devotion
    • The Shadow side that pulls us out of Devotion
    • Ways to embody devotion 
    • An Invitation to the Monthly Moon Tribe here: https://bit.ly/monthlymoontribe2024
    • And more! 

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    Join our Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danacanneto/



    Ep. 33 - Calling in a Powerful 2024 - Part 2

    Ep. 33 - Calling in a Powerful 2024 - Part 2

    Welcome to Episode 33!

    Calling in a powerful 2024 Part 2

    The last episode of 2023! 

    Here is the link to the event spoken about in the episode to call in a powerful 2024. Replay will be available if you register: https://bit.ly/callingin2024

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto


    Sign up for the End of Year Event - "Calling in 2024 with Purpose" - https://bit.ly/callingin2024

    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose


    Ep. 32 - How to Call in a Powerful 2024

    Ep. 32 - How to Call in a Powerful 2024

    Welcome to Episode 32!

    It's time to really set yourself up for a powerful year yet in 2024! 

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • Why this is the most powerful year yet
    • What not to do as you look back on your year
    • A new way to look at this past year when it comes to your accomplishments
    • How to create a new powerful year and why 2024 is crucial for you to uplevel
    • The importance of community at this time
    • What deeply effects your success
    • One thing you must do as you enter into the new year
    • A Sacred Invitation to my End of Year E
    • The link to the event being held on 12/28 - you can read about it and save your seat here: https://bit.ly/callingin2024
    • Have a beautiful holiday if you celebrate this time of year. 

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a Five so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto


    Sign up for the End of Year Event - "Calling in 2024 with Purpose" - https://bit.ly/callingin2024

    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    Ep. 31 - Embodying The Feminine will lead you to Your Ultimate Purpose

    Ep. 31 - Embodying The Feminine will lead you to Your Ultimate Purpose

    Welcome to Episode 31!

    Today I discuss what it looks like to embody your Feminine and why it's necessary to lead you to your ultimate purpose.   

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • What does it mean to embody your Feminine
    • What you must practice to truly align with your feminine essence
    • A new look on emotions and how to work with them
    • One of the most deep-seated emotions that keeps you from purpose
    • Embodiment practices to help you embody your feminine
    • Few thoughtprovoking questions for you
    • And more! 

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto


    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    Ep. 30 - Knowing your Deeper Purpose vs. Embodying your Deeper Purpose

    Ep. 30 - Knowing your Deeper Purpose vs. Embodying your Deeper Purpose

    Welcome to Episode 30!

    The difference between Knowing your Deeper Purpose vs. Embodying it and why this is KEY to fulfulling your deeper calling and creating a successful business.   

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • A bit about my journey to finding my purpose
    • The thing that causes deep suffering
    • Why you are unable to embody it and what will help you embody it 
    • What we must integrate to embody our purpose
    • Why knowing your purpose won't lead to success  
    • Every new level, new revel, it shows up in every stage 
    • You were born at this time for a reason, for this Great Awakening
    • Why this is crucial right now more than ever to step into your calling
    • What is more fearful then stepping into your purpose (let this sink in) 
    • What are you ready to break? 

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    Interested in seeing how I can support you? Book a Free Exploratory Soul Session here: https://bit.ly/exploratorysoulsession

    Website: www.danacanneto.com 

    Ep. 29 - Breaking Multi-Generational Cycles

    Ep. 29 - Breaking Multi-Generational Cycles

    Welcome to Episode 29!

    How to break these unhealthy multi-generational cycles so you can THRIVE in life and business.  

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • What are multi-generational cycles
    • The first necessary step to begin to break the cycle
    • Become the generational changemaker! 
    • How Conditioning shapes who we are and the path we take 
    • Some Questions to ask yourself to support you in this 
    • What we perceive, we believe 
    • How is this holding you back in your business, career, relationships?
    • How to shift to new beliefs
    • When we heal, we heal those around us
    • My path was not the path I thought I was going to take....
    • What are you ready to break? 

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a Five so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    Interested in seeing how I can support you? Book a Free Exploratory Soul Session here: https://bit.ly/exploratorysoulsession

    Website: www.danacanneto.com 

    • Author Dana Canneto
    • Episode Type Full
    • Episode : S1E28
    • Rating Clean
    • File Info : audio/mpeg | mp3 | 35MB
    Downloads for This Episode

    Ep. 28 - Trusting your Inner Leader

    Ep. 28 - Trusting your Inner Leader

    Welcome to Episode 28!

    How to tune into your Inner Leader and what that even means. 

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • How to trust your inner leader
    • Leader and how we relate to that word 
    • Why we shut down this part of ourselves 
    • Why this is crucial for your businesses expression and success 
    • My journey with my inner leader and distrust in myself 
    • Questions to ask yourself to help you get clarity on your purpose and business 
    • Personal story on my inner leader as a child and how we cut that off along the way often
    • How our beliefs we take on growing up take over the ability to trust ourselves
    • Feeling like a Leader in some aspects of life and not in others is misaligned purpose
    • Some rituals to do to begin to trust your inner Leader

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a Five so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    Interested in seeing how I can support you? Book a Free Exploratory Soul Session here: https://bit.ly/exploratorysoulsession

    Website: www.danacanneto.com 

    Ep. 27 - Why Validation is Vital - Contrary to popular belief

    Ep. 27 - Why Validation is Vital - Contrary to popular belief

    Welcome to Episode 27!

    We often hear that we should not need validation yet I have some other thoughts on this as to why validation, especially on this path to higher purpose and stepping into personally branded businesses is vital to our evolution, growth and mastery. 

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • Why Validation is Vital
    • When Validation is not necessary 
    • Why validation is a source of healing
    • Where I share my journey with unhealthy validation to empowered validation seeking 
    • Why it's important to validate our partners/spouses/intimate relationships too 
    • and more on validation...

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a Five so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    Website: www.danacanneto.com 

    Ep. 26 - Fear Of Persecution - The Witch Wound is REAL!

    Ep. 26 - Fear Of Persecution - The Witch Wound is REAL!

    Welcome to Episode 26!

    Just coming out of the LIVE event I Was at and here to talk about DEEP topic that many of the women I conversed with had at this event and it was about the suppression of the Feminine and her Power due to the fear of persecution, the Witch Wound. It's real ladies!! I hope this episode activates something for you to give yourself permission to release the vow of silence and reclaim the vow of power, presence and purpose!

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • What is the Witch Wound? 
    • How to know if you're carrying it
    • How to release it
    • It's time we do this sisters! 
    • A question you can ask yourself right now to initiate healing 
    • Why this plays such a huge role in our modern day lives
    • An invitation to hear me talk about this LIVE in my FB group next week!
    • and much more..

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose



    Ep. 25 - The Beauty and Power in Our Stories

    Ep. 25 - The Beauty and Power in Our Stories

    Welcome to Episode 25!

    Coming to you LIVE from a 3 day event and sharing with you the power of the women I am witnessing and their stories and how impactful your story is too. 

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • Why our stories are so important
    • The beauty in the journey to purpose
    • What if we all an witness this in humanity?
    • Why you must honor and follow your calling to purpose 
    • What story are you telling yourself now about moving forward? 
    • Why this is so important for our families 
    • How you can easily and organically "know" your destined purpose
    • Why it's time to get over ourselves 
    • How you hold sacred codes 
    • Where you shouldn't buy into the hype!!! 
    • How to tune into what your purpose is 
    • and more..

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, and if you love it, rate this podcast a 5 so more women can find it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Facebook group - Come join us at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose

    Ep. 24 - What Threshold are you walking through right now?

    Ep. 24 - What Threshold are you walking through right now?

    Welcome to Episode 24!

    This is a deep question that can change so much for you in such profound ways.

    Tune in and you'll hear...

    • Episodes will drop Thursday's and Friday's
    • Look at this podcast as a nourishing insights to journey
    • This deep question and how it can help you know your path and trust it
    • How you can have profound healing and growth through this inquiry
    • My threshold and what I was walking through 
    • The various thresholds we can be walking through
    • The difference between knowing our purpose vs. embodying it
    • How to use your deeper gifts to tune in
    • How to use archetypes to assist us on our path to purpose 
    • How this question can help us in our relationships
    • The archetypes I use to define this ascension journey that can help you
    • How we treat ourselves can change our reality
    • How to trust yourself

    If you want to hear more, subscribe, rate this podcast if you love it and of course share it with friends! 

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagratm: @danacanneto

    Facebook group - Come join us at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose



    Happy Birthday To Me!! - And this new Podcast!

    Happy Birthday To Me!! - And this new Podcast!

    Today is my birthday (and this dropped the time I was born at 9:17am EST :) and what better day to share the new version of this podcast! 

    Here is what you'll hear about...

    • What Is Embodied Purpose?
    • What is "Purpose"? (what it means for me)
    • Redefining Purpose
    • Why it's important to integrate our inner and outer expression
    • Why the mundane life is our biggest teacher
    • What is purpose to YOU?
    • What creates what you have in your life?
    • What you create when you are on purpose
    • You have a purpose and deeper gifts to share
    • Why comparing with others doesn't make sense
    • What is celebration?
    • How to look at life no matter what stage your at
    • How to keep growing
    • What threshold are you walking through? 

    Be sure to tune into future episodes where I'll go deeper each time as well as have some fascinating guest speakers and I can't wait to sharee more with you!

    If you love what you hear, feel free to share, rate it... so others can find us here easier.

    Other ways to find me:

    email: dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagratm: @danacanneto

    Facebook group - Come join us at www.facebook.com/groups/embodiedpurpose




    Welcome to Embodied Purpose!! - We're back!!!

    Welcome to Embodied Purpose!! - We're back!!!

    Welcome back to Embodied Purpose Podcase (formerly Wild Beauty Path Podcast)

    Just a lil intro as to what's been going on, the name change, and what you can look forward to moving forward.

    Be sure to share this podcast and rate it if you love it!

    You can also follow me at the following:


    Instagram: @danacanneto



    Ep. 21 - The Power of Forgiveness and how it will change your life

    Ep. 21 - The Power of Forgiveness and how it will change your life

    In this episode I discuss he Power of Forgiveness and how it will literally free you and save your life. 

    I discuss how staying in a space of blame for others and self, is like poison for the soul. I discuss why when we don’t forgive, we are only punishing ourselves, not anyone else.

    This is not an easy path and I offer ways and tools to start practicing forgiveness so you can free yourself from the heaviness and open yourself up for more love, deeper purpose and abundance. 

    Take a listen and if you enjoy what you hear, I would love for you to subscribe so you can be alerted of new episodes being released and would be so grateful if you’d kindly rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 

    To stay connected you can find me at dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Website: www.danacanneto.com 

    Join our private facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoultribe

    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 

    Ep. 20 - Why Being Selfish Is Not Wrong

    Ep. 20 - Why Being Selfish Is Not Wrong

    In this episode I discuss why we need to be Selfish sometimes in order to be Selfless. We must fill our cup first before we can give to others. 

    I also discuss why being Selfish is a form of Self-Care. These two are not seperate and the scale has been tipped a bit too far into thinking that taking care of one's self is a form of self-lessness which is not the case whatsoever. 

    It's time to shift the paradigm around this word and to honor one's self in this form of "self-care" with discernment, non-attachment and embodied sovereignty. 

    Take a listen and if you enjoy what you hear, I would love for you to subscribe so you can be alerted of new episodes being released and would be so grateful if you’d kindly rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 

    To stay connected you can find me at dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Website: www.danacanneto.com 

    Join our private facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoultribe

    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 

    Ep. 19 - The Body, Beauty and The Divine

    Ep. 19 - The Body, Beauty and The Divine

    In this episode I discuss what the Body and Beauty have to do with the Divine and why it’s crucial to build on this reconnection to the Body as well as Beauty as your divine path to knowing who you truly are and reconnecting to your sacred purpose.  

    As women, we have disconnected from the body through societal projection, trauma and otherwise.  Yet we must come back to the body at all times for healing, growing, evolving and awakening.  As I always say, we must descend to ascend.

    Not only is the body connection crucial but listen to why I say that "beauty" is the straight path to source and to feeling connected, whole and revived and why it's necessary for our life force, another area where so many women have disconnected from through projection of beauty being needy, materialistic and selfish....yet... beauty is our birthright and without it, we will be lifeless.

    Beauty is subjective and it's important to tune in as you listen to what does beauty mean to you and what fills you up and reconnects you to your innate and external beauty. 

    Take a listen and if you enjoy what you hear, I would love for you to subscribe so you can be alerted of new episodes being released and would be so grateful if you’d kindly rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 

    To stay connected you can find me at dana@danacanneto.com

    Instagram: @danacanneto

    Website: www.danacanneto.com 

    Join our private facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/wildbeautysoultribe

    Intro and Outro Song is "Woman" by Amber Lily 

    Ep. 18 - The Key to Discovering Your Purpose

    Ep. 18 - The Key to Discovering Your Purpose

    In this episode I discuss how you can begin to discover your sacred purpose and what you need in order to take that next step in embodying it. 


    Here is what is discussed…. 


    • Definition of Purpose
    • What Purpose really means
    • How to understand or have an inkling of what your purpose is
    • What happens when you own your sacred purpose
    • Pain vs. Pleasure and how it relates to purpose 
    • What needs to happen for you to embody your purpose
    • Why support & reflection is so important
    • How you can start to believe your sacred purpose is yours
    • Why it's not so easy to see your sacred purpose
    • The Four questions you can ask yourself for discovering it
    • Why your subconscious might want you to forget your purpose
    • How fear stops you and how you can move through that
    • A step you can take to healing and discovering your sacred purpose through an offering of mine. 

    If you enjoy what you hear, I would love for you to subscribe so you can be alerted of new episodes being released and would be so grateful if you’d kindly rate it and leave a sweet review as this will help more people find us and tune in. 


    If this resonates and you are seeking your sacred purpose and on your path to healing, join us in our private facebook group - The Wild Beauty Path here: bit.ly/TheWildBeautyPath


    If you'd like to learn more about this 11-week journey towards discovering your sacred purpose, you can email me at dana@danacanneto.com to inquire. 


    For further information you can find me at www.danacanneto.com