
    Endurance Nation Podcast

    Official triathlon podcasts from the coaches at Endurance Nation; includes training and racing insights, gear overviews, training instructions, EN updates, and some random fun stuff too.
    enEndurance Nation939 Episodes

    Episodes (939)

    Masters Mindset Series: Rules for Faster Masters Athletes

    Masters Mindset Series: Rules for Faster Masters Athletes

    Have you ever found yourself up against life's clock, wondering if the best years of your athletic pursuits were ticking away? I'm Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation, and I'm here to tell you that the tick-tock of the master's athlete's journey can be music to your ears if you play it just right. On the cusp of the big 5-0, I open up about my journey through the dynamic landscape of endurance sports, where parenting responsibilities and training schedules collided to unexpectedly fuel some of my finest racing moments. Discover why less sometimes really is more, and how the constraints we often bemoan can actually become our most powerful allies in the quest for sustained athletic excellence.

    Transitioning into a master's athlete phase doesn't have to mean a decline in performance—far from it. This episode is dedicated to the art of resilience, building it through the power of consistent habits that echo the persistence of the tortoise, outlasting the hare's haphazard sprints. I'll share insights on the daily grind that brings life to the saying "slow and steady wins the race," and give you a rundown on the non-negotiables of the athlete's routine, especially as we age—those pre and post-workout rituals that keep our bodies in tune for the long haul. Tune in to learn how to finesse the balance of quality training and recovery, ensuring your athletic story is one of enduring success.

    Faster Masters Mindset Series: Confronting Your Ego and Margin of Error

    Faster Masters Mindset Series: Confronting Your Ego and Margin of Error

    Hey, fellow Dude Guy listeners! Strap in as we unravel the complexities of the 'masters mindset' within the endurance sports arena, and take a peek into the world of aging athletes who bring a wealth of experience to the table. We tackle the stereotype that masters are sly competitors, and instead celebrate their strategic acumen that comes with years on the track. Listen in as we dissect the ego challenges faced by these seasoned pros, and explore how adapting training to their current physical state can lead to new performance peaks and a rejuvenated love for the sport.

    From Portajohn to the Big Island: Staying in Control

    From Portajohn to the Big Island: Staying in Control

    The chill of the water at Ironman Coeur d'Alene was nothing compared to the cold shock I received just weeks before—the crash that threatened to derail months of preparation. Yet, as I narrate my tale of conquering the unexpected, from the restfulness that followed the accident to the frigid swim and a marathon that tested my limits, you'll discover the essence of endurance racing is as much about mental resilience as it is about physical prowess. Together, we explore the art of pacing, the critical choices made in the spur of the moment, and how to maintain control even when the body screams to stop or go.

    Every stride, every stroke, every turn of the pedal is a lesson in meticulous planning and execution, a symphony where each note is a planned training session or a strategic decision. We delve into the importance of a disciplined approach, from the granular details of daily training flow charts to the high-stakes moments that define a race. Join me as I reflect on the strategies that build a foundation strong enough to withstand the pressures of race day, and how a structured blueprint is crucial for anyone seeking to push their limits in the world of endurance sports.

    Breaking Through the Plateau: Strategies for Elevating Athletic Performance and Mental Stamina

    Breaking Through the Plateau: Strategies for Elevating Athletic Performance and Mental Stamina

    Unleash new levels of performance and break free from the dreaded training plateau with Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation. In our latest enlightening conversation, we explore the transformative strategies that can revitalize your routine when you hit that familiar eight to twelve-week slump. Coach Patrick, with his deep well of expertise, draws from the outseason training playbook to introduce the power of variety and the necessity of rest. Discover how adding fresh activities, taking your workouts outside, and weaving in social elements can provide that much-needed boost to your physical and mental stamina. We dive into how weekend races and different sports events can inject excitement into your regimen, keeping the flame of progress burning bright.


    Mastering Early Season Cycling: Strategies for Training, Enjoyment, and Conquering Camps

    Mastering Early Season Cycling: Strategies for Training, Enjoyment, and Conquering Camps

    Ready to ramp up your cycling season with wisdom that could turn your pedal strokes into podium places? Get set to absorb the transformative strategies I've honed from the saddle, as this episode is a treasure trove for both cycling camp enthusiasts and solitary riders seeking to amplify their training. I'm spilling the secrets on prep work that'll not only gear you up for intensive cycling camps but also magnify your cycling enjoyment throughout the year. From escalating your ride frequency without burning out to integrating core and flexibility into your regimen, these insights are gleaned from both personal trials and triumphs—like that grueling yet enlightening episode in Tenerife post-Mallorca.

    As we spin through the session, I'll unveil my personal tactics that marry the grit of outdoor rides with the sanctuary of indoor training, ensuring you're battle-hardened for the season ahead. Discover how the 'hour of power' on Alpe d'Zwift could become your secret weapon, and why pacing yourself is the unsung hero of cycling success. I'll guide you through crafting workouts that not only build endurance with long rides but also sharpen your focus with climb sessions, all while keeping nutrition and recovery at the forefront. Join me and let's pedal into a season where you're not just participating in cycling camps but conquering them with confidence and glee.

    Racing Toward the 2024 Olympics: Marathon Trials, Burro Racing, and the Quest for Durable Athletic Wear

    Racing Toward the 2024 Olympics: Marathon Trials, Burro Racing, and the Quest for Durable Athletic Wear

    Get ready to lace up your running shoes and chuckle along as we sprint into the Olympic spirit of 2024!

    We're peeling back the curtain on the high-octane world of Olympic marathon trials, where the mercury isn't the only thing rising—so are the stakes. With new, stringent qualifying times looming over the heads of hopefuls, we examine how the athletes are strategizing to cross that finish line with their Olympic dreams intact. From the impact of 'super shoes' to the fiery debate over race timings, this episode is your all-access pass to the heart-pounding build-up to the Olympic marathon.

    Building Athletic Resilience Through Strategic Choices and Mind Mastery

    Building Athletic Resilience Through Strategic Choices and Mind Mastery

    Have you ever hit a wall in your training, where no amount of tough self-talk could push you through? That moment when your legs feel like lead, and your willpower tanks? Buckle up, because we're tearing down the notion that toughness is just about grueling discipline and relentless grit. Taking a page from Steve Magnus's "Do Hard Things," we're redefining toughness in the crucible of endurance sports, where strategic decisions and resilience are the name of the game. This isn't about being superhuman but about honing a skill set that lets you make the right calls under pressure, blending positivity with the hard-nosed practicality required to conquer those make-or-break moments.

    Imagine having a personal coach in your head, giving you that nudge when the stakes are high. Well, it turns out, you do – if you know how to harness it. In this conversation, we unlock the secret powers of positive self-talk, exploring how switching to the second person can trick your brain into thinking you've got an external cornerman cheering you on. This tactic is not just for athletes sprinting to the finish line but for anyone looking to up their game in life's marathon. From the track to the boardroom, get ready to arm yourself with mental strategies that will transform the way you face challenges, and maybe even lead you to your next personal best.

    Maximizing Endurance Training: Strategies for Peak Performance in the 2024 Season

    Maximizing Endurance Training: Strategies for Peak Performance in the 2024 Season

    Unlock the secrets of peak performance as Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation reveals how to tailor your training for the 2024 season. This episode is a goldmine for age group athletes eager to optimize their endurance training with a strategy that's more than just logging miles. Patrick, leveraging the collective know-how of a 500-strong athlete community and years of expertise, debunks the myth of equal training time, steering you towards high-quality workouts that promise progress. He shares the blueprint for annual training plans that evolve with cutting-edge sports science, ensuring you're always at the forefront of athletic development.

    Evolving Your Endurance Strategy for Year-Round Success

    Evolving Your Endurance Strategy for Year-Round Success

    Ever set a New Year's resolution only to find it gathering dust by February? That's where Coach Patrick from Endurance Station steps in, steering us away from fleeting goals and towards the power of systems for enduring success. This episode isn't just about hitting your targets; it's about transforming your entire approach to growth, both as an endurance athlete and in your personal endeavors. With a focus on establishing daily, weekly, and monthly routines, I lay out a blueprint that intertwines core strength with life's practicalities, like prepping your workout gear and balancing recovery with family time. It's these foundational habits that set the stage for continuous improvement and long-term achievements. 

    As the conversation progresses, we pivot to reflect on past challenges and morph them into stepping stones for future triumphs. I'll walk you through tweaking your nutrition to fit the changing seasons, weaving in flexibility routines to your day, and adopting a mindset that bridges the gap between racing and running a business. And just before signing off, I touch on the "three, three, and three" plan, a strategy that not only gears you up for the upcoming year but invites you to share your journey with us through our vibrant social media community or our chatbot at endurancestation.us. It's all about crafting an active lifestyle that's as rewarding as it is resilient.

    Building Athletic Resilience Through Strategic Choices and Mind Mastery

    Building Athletic Resilience Through Strategic Choices and Mind Mastery

    Have you ever hit a wall in your training, where no amount of tough self-talk could push you through? That moment when your legs feel like lead, and your willpower tanks? Buckle up, because we're tearing down the notion that toughness is just about grueling discipline and relentless grit.

    Listen in as we explore the nuanced concept of toughness in the realm of endurance sports, drawing inspiration from Steve Magnus's insightful book "Do Hard Things." Rather than the conventional view of toughness as sheer willpower and inflexible discipline, we consider it a skill to be honed—a blend of clear decision-making and strategic focus, especially when the going gets tough. Join us as we break down these misconceptions and offer a fresh perspective on what it means to be tough.

    The Athlete's Guide to Smart Training Beyond the Competition Season

    The Athlete's Guide to Smart Training Beyond the Competition Season

    Ever felt like you're running in circles with your training, plateauing despite all your efforts? This heart-pumping episode with Coach Patrick from Injured Nation is your roadmap out of that rut. We kick off with a turbo-charged strategy for athletes eager to revamp their approach to training. Our 14-week "outseason" program isn't just about pushing limits; it's about smartly building strength and speed when it counts. Say goodbye to the base training blues and fears of peaking too early as we dissect a balanced regimen that incorporates intensity, volume, and rest - all while leveraging last year's gains to catapult you into a new season of success.

    Hold onto your hats as we smash through the traditional periodization model with our 'fast before far' philosophy. This isn't your average endurance game plan; it's about getting strategic with your schedule and syncing your training with real life. We'll walk you through how to fine-tune your sessions to not only boost your threshold and VO2 levels but also to keep your health and personal relationships from hitting the back burner. Whether you're juggling a career, family, or other commitments, this episode lays out how you can train efficiently and effectively, ensuring that your athletic journey scales new peaks this year. So, strap in and get ready to transform your performance with insights that'll make every minute of your training count.

    The DudeGuy Year Unraveled Insights, Wins, and Hopes for the Future

    The DudeGuy Year Unraveled Insights, Wins, and Hopes for the Future

    Join us as we take a step back to reflect on our athletic year and share some personal experiences. We're not just focusing on race results, but on personal growth and internal knowledge gained throughout the year. We’ll be sharing four keys to reviewing a year through races and how to apply them, and touching on the concept that as we age, PRs may become more challenging. We'll also delve into how this can change our perspective on our athletic achievements. This is an episode for those who are ready to look back on their year in a more meaningful and insightful way.

    Tune in to hear us discuss the importance of self-awareness in athletic performance. We share our personal experiences with managing training and highlight how self-knowledge can lead to better results. We'll be chatting about the need to pay attention to one's body and make adjustments as our bodies and abilities change over time. Listen in as we emphasize the mindset of constantly striving to improve, rather than seeking external validation. For all athletes out there, this is a valuable discussion on achieving success in sports.

    Lastly, we'll explore the topic of gift giving and receiving. From the pressure of finding the perfect gift to sharing our worst gift-giving and receiving experiences, this is a light-hearted conversation to wrap up the year. We’ll also discuss our year-end wrap and plans for the new year, and encourage our audience to share their event plans for the new year. Join us for a hearty laugh and a heartwarming sign-off as we wish everyone a happy new year.

    The Athlete's Guide to an Annual Reflection

    The Athlete's Guide to an Annual Reflection

    Are you prepared to delve into your past year in endurance sports? Let's dive deep together. We'll use the four keys methodology, usually for race day, to analyze your past performances. Expect eye-opening moments. We'll assess not just your fitness but also your decision-making and execution. Time to take charge of our actions, celebrate our wins, learn from our losses, and pinpoint the training choices that propelled us forward or set us back.

    In our journey of self-improvement, we'll thoroughly review the past season. This will help you grasp the impact of your early decisions. We'll draw lessons from top athletes, adopting their drive and consistency into our routines.

    I'll introduce the concept of a 'box' - our realm of control. Inside this box, we'll focus on what we can achieve and ignore distractions. We'll identify what we missed and what we learned last season to make smarter choices for the upcoming one.

    We'll cover everything from nutrition to training, discussing how to fill our 'boxes' with success-driving elements. 

    Elevating Your Race Performance with a Yearly Review

    Elevating Your Race Performance with a Yearly Review

    Hey everyone, I'm Coach Patrick and in this episode, we're going on a reflective journey. We'll dissect last season's race performance. It's all about balancing highs and lows. This means managing what's in and out of your control. Eager to master your race? It's more than just pushing limits. It's making smart, strategic moves. I've lived it and I'll share my experiences. You can apply these tactics in your races too. Also, check out our free online course. It's filled with keys to success.

    Now, let's revisit my Leadville race experience. It was a real challenge! Weather, altitude, and so much more were beyond my control. How did I navigate through it? I'll dive into handling descents and maintaining focus. Understanding nutrition, power targets, and the importance of knowing other riders is crucial. I'll discuss how focusing on 'one thing' can keep you aligned and motivated. Let's look at how to apply these lessons to your races. Together, we can shape your race day and elevate your performance!

    Willpower, Workouts, and Winter Holidays: A Fitness Journey

    Willpower, Workouts, and Winter Holidays: A Fitness Journey

    Listen in as Coach Patrick, with 25 years of experience in endurance sports, discusses the common challenges athletes face during the holiday season. The struggle of balancing calorie intake with training demands and the importance of environment and mental perception in maintaining this balance is highlighted. Coach Patrick provides a refreshing perspective on the temporary nature of the holiday season, reminding us that it's just a small portion of the year. He also offers valuable advice on managing nutrition during this festive time, and emphasizes that there's ample time to get back on track once the festivities are over.

    Moving forward, we explore practical ways to stay on top of fitness and nutrition during the holidays. Learn three effective tips for maintaining a healthy balance - starting your day right with a good breakfast and morning workout, finishing strong by resisting temptation at the end of the day, and packing necessary equipment for early morning training. We underscore the importance of not pressurizing oneself too much, and how to enjoy the holiday season in moderation. Join us as we tackle the challenges of resisting temptations, using willpower effectively, and staying active and smart during the holiday season. Be sure to tune in to gain some great insights and practical tips for staying healthy and fit during the holiday season.

    Earn Your SAU Points While Staying Fit During the Holidays

    Earn Your SAU Points While Staying Fit During the Holidays

    Prepare to navigate the festive season without losing your fitness stride as Coach Patrick brings to the table effective strategies that will help you maintain a consistent training mindset. Stand on the promise of emerging from the holiday season with a strong mental state, regardless of any changes in fitness levels; you're about to unlock the secret of the endurance matrix, a tool designed to guide you through your fitness journey during the holiday season. 

    As the conversation evolves, we reveal the importance of balance and consistency in holiday training, drawing attention to the role of motivation and equipment in maintaining your fitness routine. It's not all about you, though; we explore the significance of being mindful of others during this time and share tips on earning points in your SAU (spousal approval unit) time. As the fall season approaches, remember to prioritize your health and family and prepare wisely to avoid overtraining injuries. So hit that play button: it's time to get ahead of the game and be ready for the next season!

    Mastering the Challenges of International Triathlon Racing

    Mastering the Challenges of International Triathlon Racing

    Have you ever wondered what it's like to race in the Ironman Nice, the world championship in Nice? Picture this - you're at the starting line, the air is thick with anticipation and excitement, and you're about to embark on an exhilarating journey of grueling competition. But you're not alone. We have two of our athletes sharing their recent experiences and challenges of racing in this new terrain, offering you precious nuggets of international racing wisdom. Get ready to strategize for a successful race abroad, as we get down to brass tacks on equipment logistics, pre-race functionality, and how to adjust to new time zones.

    Now, imagine speeding down a challenging mountain slope or navigating through tight, technical descents on your bike - that's a European race course for you! We're breaking down the differences between European and US races, and highlighting the importance of understanding course conditions to excel. Drawing from the Four Keys Framework, we'll guide you in developing superior bike-handling skills, previewing the course, and undertaking the necessary training for a remarkable international racing experience. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or a newbie, this episode will arm you with strategic insights to conquer the race terrain and come out victorious!

    Efficient Winter Training: Strategies for Endurance Athletes

    Efficient Winter Training: Strategies for Endurance Athletes

    Get ready to reclaim your time and redefine your winter training regimen with this essential podcast episode. We promise to equip you with the tools to trim your schedule, focusing on activities that give you a higher return on investment. As endurance athletes, we're sharing our secrets on why activities like swimming may not offer the best ROI during winter and why you might want to consider investing that time in catching some extra z's.

    Presenting a comprehensive guide to winter training, we'll help you identify and tackle your A+ problems; the hurdles that, when overcome, don't only make you a faster athlete but a healthier human being. We'll explore how to avoid common winter pitfalls like training outdoors amidst fallen leaves and making smart investments in training tools that offer lasting value. Moreover, stay connected with us and fellow athletes through our social media platforms. We're giving you tips on how to make your indoor training setup more social and effective. Tune in and stay ahead of the pack, even in the off-season.

    DudeGuy 11: Harnessing the Power of Recovery and Intensity

    DudeGuy 11: Harnessing the Power of Recovery and Intensity

    Ever broken a rib? It's brutal! As we journey through the recovery process, we spill the beans about the psychedelic effects of homeopathic solutions and the importance of giving your body ample time to heal. We also break down the differences between the Whoop and the Aura Ring and provide savvy advice for optimally training between sports seasons. 

    Athletes, let's talk recovery. High-intensity workouts are crucial, but it's equally important to know when to hit the brakes. We dig into the concept of competing metrics and introduce you to HRB as a useful indicator of when it's time to back off. On top of that, we shine a spotlight on the ingenious Endurance Station program, designed to ensure a balanced and progressive cycle of work and rest over 14 weeks. 

    Post-season can be a tricky time; you’re either letting your hair down or preparing for the next season by building your durability. We guide you through this challenging period with tips on structuring your runs and adapting your training frequency versus intensity. Plus, we share some valuable advice on fostering resilience and squeezing every drop of benefit from your training. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a seasoned athlete, this episode is packed with golden nuggets to take your training routine to a whole new level!

    Vincent vs Ironman World Championships in Nice

    Vincent vs Ironman World Championships in Nice

    When we first met Vincent, he had just returned from a thrilling race at the Ironman World Championships in Nice. He came onto the show bursting with energy, ready to share his unique journey on a course that couldn't be more different from Kona. We took a deep dive into the race terrain, the challenges it presented, and the incredible vibe that filled the air on race day. Vincent's reflections on this unique experience offer insightful perspectives on why future world championships should offer unique experiences rather than simply replicating Kona.

    As we sat down to chat, Vincent painted a vivid picture of the grueling bike course that was part of the race. He recalled the treacherous landscapes, the uphill climbs, and the breathtaking scenery of Nice, France. Vincent also opened up about his nutrition strategy for such a lengthy race, and how he miscalculated the amount of fuel needed to stay energetic and competitive. From his unexpected physical strain to the stark differences between racing in Georgia and Nice, he shared the good, the bad, and the tough lessons learned. 

    In our final discussion, we explored Vincent's reflections on the mental and physical challenges he faced during the Ironman World Championships. With the crowd's electrifying support, Vincent's resilience saw him through to the end of the race. We concluded on a high note with Vincent's post-race reflections, his appreciation for the unique experience in Nice, and his future plans in the world of triathlon. This episode, packed with insights, experiences, and strategies, is a must-listen for every aspiring Ironman triathlete. Tune in for an inspiring journey that will motivate you to push your limits and reach new heights.