
    English with Kirsty

    A podcast for busy people who want to improve their business English or develop their communication skills. For further information, see www.englishwithkirsty.com/podcast

    en-gbKirsty Major100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 216: EwK216 - Sancha Moran on working with multiple languages and bringing children up bilingually

    Episode 216: EwK216 - Sancha Moran on working with multiple languages and bringing children up bilingually

    Sancha and I got to know each other on LinkedIn and I was interested to find out more about her, her work, her family, and her story.

    In this conversation, we talk about:

    Sancha's first experiences working with English speakers
    Getting used to listening to a variety of accents once you start using a language in the real world
    Learning Korean as an adult
    Bringing children up bilingually
    Sancha's journals for mothers and children.
    This is how Sancha introduced herself:

    “Mental and emotional health are by far what affects many parents / carers of people with disabilities, as we focus so much on caring for others, we tend to leave ourselves behind. I became a Thetahealer and I didn't stop since, I became a Reiki Master, studying Psychology at NUI Maynooth, joined the Irish School of Shamanic Studies to become a Shaman healer, started reading Angel Cards and made my mission to help all parents and carers of special needs children/adults , to balance their mental and emotional health on the daily basis. Because I know how it feels, the challenges, the daily struggles, the upper management of home, therapies, doctors, children, and life itself. I have created a range of products and published over 7 books to help on their daily self-care routine. As we all know we can’t give from an empty cup, so we must fill ours first.

    Find out more on the show notes page:

    Episode 215: EwK215 - Rita Prazeres Gonçalves and Kirsty on languages – why they are so important to us and how we help others to learn them

    Episode 215: EwK215 - Rita Prazeres Gonçalves and Kirsty on languages – why they are so important to us and how we help others to learn them

    Where do I start? When Rita and I get together we never really know what will happen! We have all kinds of ideas for projects and I’m sure you’ll hear more about those soon.

    But this time we talked about one of our favourite subjects: languages!

    That means

    • How we became interested in them and the role that they play in our lives
    • How we share this passion with others and help them to learn
    • Why Madonna is so important in Rita’s language learning story
    • How language without context won’t help you to communicate
    • How Rita’s English and Portuguese mentoring sessions work
    • Why it’s important to combine our other passions and interests with our additional languages.

    Actually it’s really hard to summarise our conversation because we cover so many topics, share what has worked for us, tell stories, and generally have a great time talking about everything around languages, linguistics, and learning!

    Find out more and how to connect with Rita on the show notes page:

    Episode 214: EwK214 - Nadezhda Chalykh on language and intercultural communication

    Episode 214: EwK214 - Nadezhda Chalykh on language and intercultural communication

    Nadezhda Chalykh is a trainer, consultant and lecturer working in the field of intercultural communication. 

    Here are some of the topics that we discussed in our conversation about language, culture, and communication:

    * Nadezhda’s language learning journey
    * When it’s time to start actually speaking a new language
    * Different types of communication styles – influenced by language and culture
    * Ways to communicate better and to avoid misunderstandings
    * Cultural norms in terms of communication – what is polite? Which topics are considered too personal?
    * How learning about language and culture are connected and why they are both important
    * Ways for those using their first language to be more inclusive in professional situations.

    Find out more on the show notes page:

    Episode 213: EwK213 - Leanna Lee on learning new languages independently as an adult

    Episode 213: EwK213 - Leanna Lee on learning new languages independently as an adult

    Leanna and I connected when Leanna message me on LinkedIn. First I thought our conversation would be about language teaching, but in the end, we also talked about:

    How speaking (and learning) additional languages can make you a better teacher
    Strategies for learning new languages independently as an adult.
    Ways to make sure that you allocate time to different projects when you're learning multiple languages.
    Leanna's new blog and website, Learning with Leanna.

    This is how Leanna introduces herself:

    "I am Leanna Lee, and I started my teaching career with home-schooling my son for his Kindergarten and 1st grade years. After that, I worked as a Spanish and Mandarin Teacher for a private day care. During the pandemic, I obtained my TESOL certificate and started my journey as an ESOL Teacher. I started my company Learning with Leanna during this time and privately tutored through this. I have worked with children and adult students from all over the world and I enjoy helping my students reach their English goals. In my free time I enjoy reading, learning languages, and spending time with my son and husband."

    Find out more on the show notes page:

    Episode 212: English with Kirsty 212 - Maribel Aburto on founding a new business and using language skills to reach new clients

    Episode 212: English with Kirsty 212 - Maribel Aburto on founding a new business and using language skills to reach new clients

    Two things really impressed me about Maribel’s story:

    1. If you want something and it doesn’t exist, create the opportunity yourself! You’ll see how this worked out for Maribel as we talk about her story and how she built her business.
    2. Having your own business and using additional languages in business can be a way to help you develop and improve those language skills. Don’t wait till everything is perfect! Do your best, but the learning comes along the way as you use the additional languages in real situations. I need to remember this one too!

    Maribel Aburto is the CEO and co-founder of CREATIVA Design Studio, a Branding and Web Design Agency dedicated to providing flexible job opportunities to women of different backgrounds. Originally from Chile, she moved to New Zealand in 2009, where she lived for 13 years before recently relocating to Dublin in January. With a background in branding and website design, she’s passionate about helping value-driven women and businesses worldwide to grow and succeed by creating designs that effectively reach their ideal audiences. Her mission is to empower women like herself to achieve their business and professional goals and build successful businesses.

    Visit the show notes page to find out more and to access Maribel's links:

    Episode 211: English with Kirsty 211 - 5 things to think about when learning a new language as an adult

    Episode 211: English with Kirsty 211 - 5 things to think about when learning a new language as an adult

    Today I'm looking at some of the differences between studying a language at school and learning as an independent adult. 

    We have more opportunities as an adult and more freedom to customise the learning process, but sometimes it can be too much freedom! So  we need to be proactive with time management, to actively seek out opportunities to practise, and have the discipline to stay on track. 

    Understanding these differences can help us to make better choices, so I want to look at five of them. I talk about practical things, such as finding the right course, but also the way we manage our emotions around starting something new or not yet having the skills that we want because we are still in the process of developing them!

    Find out more on the show notes page:

    Episode 210: English with Kirsty 2010 - interview with Bogdana Teclas

    Episode 210: English with Kirsty 2010 - interview with Bogdana Teclas

    Bogdana and I met a few weeks ago on LinkedIn - my new favourite social media platform!

    Bogdana is a Creative Digital Marketing Passionate  Entrepreneur. Throughout the years she has worked with more than 35 areas of interest such as Tech, Software, Beauty, Fashion, Tourism, Construction, Medical, Business Services, Coaching programmes, Real Estate and more. Her communications and digital marketing skills helped her to generate more than 10k leads for SME companies through online advertising and PR SEO articles. 

    Bogdana has helped more than 100 SME Companies increased their online & offline brand awareness by more than 30% with creative marketing strategies, successfully handling large marketing budgets for advertising, and developing digital courses & programs for Start-ups in different communities.

    We talked about:
    What Bogdana does and how she helps her clients to promote their products and services
    Bogdana's experiences with learning German and Serbian as an adult
    The role of AI in marketing and communications
    The importance of having a plan, both when you're running a business and learning a new language.

    Find out more, plus find all of Bogdana's links on the show notes page:

    Episode 209: English with Kirsty 209 - Sorina Dascal on her bilingual business journey and what she has learned

    Episode 209: English with Kirsty 209 - Sorina Dascal on her bilingual business journey and what she has learned

    It was hard to find a title for this interview with Sorina Dascal from Social Click because we covered a lot of ground!

    Sorina is a passionate social media specialist who helps businesses gain visibility and increase their revenue through social media strategies.

    We talked about Sorina's business and how she helps clients with social media. 

    We talked about moving to another country and how this can be a struggle if you don't speak the language well, but how having a group of people around you who want you to succeed can be the key to growth and development - if you are brave enough to ask for help when you need it.

    We talked about one of Sorina's challenges and how she overcame it.

    Sorina's story is a really positive one and it's exciting to hear her journey.She's someone who generally wants to do good and help people, so be sure to check out her links and discover more about what she does.

    Click here for the show notes page:

    Episode 208: EwK208 - Focus on your message - 5 things to think about

    Episode 208: EwK208 - Focus on your message - 5 things to think about

    Today I'm starting with the idea that we should try and focus on our message, rather than on how we feel about delivering it.

    "I've got something useful to share that will help people", rather than "I don't want to speak in front of these people because I'm nervous!"

    It doesn't mean we ignore how we feel, but it shifts the focus on to something more positive.

    Following on from the idea of focusing on the message, there are 5 more things to think about:

    Make it clear;
    Make it complete/don't hold back useful information;
    Make it relevant;
    Make it yours;
    Make it memorable - in a good way!

    This is where you can find the show notes page:

    Episode 207: EwK207 - Jane Eggers – From online to offline – how real life conversations help you build your network!

    Episode 207: EwK207 - Jane Eggers – From online to offline – how real life conversations help you build your network!

    After around 8 years of virtual coffees and collaborations online, I finally met up with Jane. Jane is a translator who is based in Germany, but this year she came to England for a different kind of networking tour.

    We discuss why Jane decided to meet people one-to-one rather than in large groups, plus how this approach can be helpful for both developing your network and improving your language skills. I love the flexibility of online meetings and the fact that I can connect with people all across Europe. This is important for me because most of my customers are miles away from the town where I live. At the same time, there’s something really cool about meeting online friends for the first time in real life!

    We also talked about designing schedules that are flexible enough to accommodate changes, some things you can do to make life easier if you’re operating in an additional language, and some of the things that Jane learned while she was here in the UK.

    How about you? When was the last time you took an online business relationship offline?

    You can also visit the show notes page:

    Episode 206: EwK206 - 8 ways to improve your active language skills

    Episode 206: EwK206 - 8 ways to improve your active language skills

    Sometimes we neglect our active language skills because it can be easier or more enjoyable to focus on the passive ones.


    In today’s podcast episode, I explain the difference between active and passive language skills. I then give you 8 ideas of things that you can do to improve your active language skills.

    You can find out more on the show notes page:
    and you can find more information about the conversation club here:

    Episode 205: EwK225 - Don't rely on translation sites for your English emails - do these things instead!

    Episode 205: EwK225 - Don't rely on translation sites for your English emails - do these things instead!

    "I don't have much time. I'll just write the email in my first language and put it through a translation website. That'll be ok, won't it?"

    In episode 205, I share why it won't be ok and I talk about some better strategies that you can use:

    Find out more on the show notes page:

    Episode 203: EwK203 - Anja Rhode on learning German, practical tips for language learners, and her website for language roles in German-speaking countries

    Episode 203: EwK203 - Anja Rhode on learning German, practical tips for language learners, and her website for language roles in German-speaking countries

    In today's episode, I'm speaking with Anja Rohde, who shares stories from her own experiences of language learning, as well as some practical ways in which you can put your new knowledge into practice as a language learner.


    Anja runs a site called Fremdsprachen-Jobs, a site for advertising and finding jobs that require additional language skills. She also teaches German and works as a job coach.


    Founded in 2013, Fremdsprachen-Jobs has become a leader in the online job market, specialising in foreign language services in the German-speaking countries (D-A-CH). And it is part of a larger network of diverse foreign language professionals. Through Fremdsprachen-Jobs, employers are able to find those candidates with language skills who really fit their organisational needs, whether as employees, freelancers or trainees. In addition, language professionals from all industries and freelancers such as translators, interpreters, and teachers, are able to find positions where they can actively use their language skills or find new clients.


    Anja took over this project in July 2021 because it compliments and is a valuable addition to her work as a German teacher  and job coach. Anja has been teaching German since 2011 and she's been working as a job coach since 2020.

    find out more on the show notes page:

    Episode 202: English with Kirsty 202 - Carol Constant interviews me!

    Episode 202: English with Kirsty 202 - Carol Constant interviews me!

    In today's episode, we’re changing things round a bit! Instead of asking the questions, it’s my turn to answer!


    Carol Constant, who you will probably remember from episode 199, asked me some language-related questions about my journey and recent experiences.


    We talk about my trip to Vienna last week, where I presented at a conference in German for the first time, my motivation for learning languages, when it’s good to stop doing things that clearly aren’t working for you, how relationships with others are so important for learning another language, and the links between language, culture, and food! 


    We also talk about my new conversation club. If this made you curious, you can check out the conversation club's page: https://www.englishwithkirsty.com/conversations


    Episode 201: EwK201 - Alina Bota on marketing coaching and developing your brand voice in another language

    Episode 201: EwK201 - Alina Bota on marketing coaching and developing your brand voice in another language

    In today’s episode, I’m speaking with Alina Bota Tăbușcă about

    • What is a marketing coach and how can having one help you in your business?
    • The parallel between marketing coaching and language training.
    • Developing your brand voice and brand identity in another language.
    • How working in multiple languages can create bridges for entrepreneurs.
    • Plus Alina’s new dog Luna!

    Find out more on the show notes page:

    Episode 200: EwK200 - Have the right mindset for attending meetings in English

    Episode 200: EwK200 - Have the right mindset for attending meetings in English

    In today's episode, I want to talk about mindset. It’s important! Of course you need to know what you’re talking about, to use the right words in the right way, and to be competent. However, the way in which you approach meetings in another language, the way you treat yourself, and the stories that you tell yourself are also important!


    I am using my recent experience of participating in meetings in Romanian. I talk about 10 key points that are related to our mindset and how we prepare for meetings in another language.


    You can find out more on the show notes page:

    Episode 199: EwK199 - Carol Constant on brain training and how to remember new words

    Episode 199: EwK199 - Carol Constant on brain training and how to remember new words

    In today's episode, I'm speaking with Carol Constant about effective ways to remember things better.


    After a long career in corporate, Carol followed her true vocation and founded Bemensa.


    Bemensa offers training in 2 different areas:

    Pre- employment tests and Mensa test preparation.<

    Talent development workshops for companies, on skills like problem-solving, creative thinking etc…


    Bemensa’s app is also launching in July 2022 to help you grow your career.

    To find out more, visit the show notes page:

    Episode 198: EwK198 - Things to keep doing and things to stop!

    Episode 198: EwK198 - Things to keep doing and things to stop!

    In today's episode, I'm reflecting on my language learner journey so far so that I can decide what worked well in the past, and what I no longer want to do. This will help me to have a more productive and enjoyable experience of learning Romanian - because I can review what I've learned through studying German and Turkish.


    Do you relate to any of these points?


    If you'd rather read my article on the lessons I've learned, it's available on my <a href="https://englishwithkirsty.com/2022/04/22/lessons-to-learn-from-my-past-language-learning-adventures/"> blog.</a>

     Alternatively, you can visit the <a href="https://englishwithkirsty.com/podcast/episode198"> show notes page.</a>

    Episode 196: EwK197 - Ana Mihaela on creating a good first impression on Linkedin and at networking events

    Episode 196: EwK197 - Ana Mihaela on creating a good first impression on Linkedin and at networking events

    Today's episode is an interview with Ana Mihaela from the European Business Networking Institute and Mindset Owners Club.

    This is how Ana introduced herself:


    "Over the last 15 years, I have met over 30,000 business people and learned about many industries. I have helped build business systems that support thousands of business owners and I organise meetings and events to create a better community in the business environment all over Europe and the world. I love connecting with people, finding out their stories, and supporting them with the right connections."


    We talk about the events that Ana organises, some tips for making a good first impression at networking events, and some simple ways to optimise your LinkdeIn profile.

    Click through to the shownotes page for further links and information: