
    Eric Spotts Biker Fitness

    Brothers and sisters you can't ride if your health fails. Protect your health.

    Let me help you learn how to get healthy.
    enEric Spotts Fit For Life207 Episodes

    Episodes (207)

    Finding your baseline.

    Finding your baseline.
    My friends we are all wired different.

    We all have different biomes. We all have different levels of different digestive enzymes in our body.

    We all have different heartbeats. We all have different amounts of muscle. To just give out one generic number and say this is how many calories you should eat would be unfair.

    Let's talk about that shall we. Let's talk about how many calories you need in your life. How many calories do you need to cut? How many calories do you need to add muscle?

    The day I beat up my personal trainer.

    The day I beat up my personal trainer.
    Anyone else get tired of their personal trainer yelling at them so they took off their shirt and confronted them?

    Just me? Maybe you should. Sometimes if somebody is working you too hard you just need to perhaps double down and get in their butt a little bit.

    I'm not scared of AMTHING. If you got to be a monster be a f'n monster. Let's talk about that shall we.

    Becoming a calorie scientist.

    Becoming a calorie scientist.
    We are talking about your life here. What can be more important than your health?

    It's time you take charge. It's time you put your foot down and say I'm in charge of what goes in my body.

    It's time you take responsibility for your actions. Let's talk about that shall we.

    Hey along the way also can we talk about my little dogs and their walks? Yeah I might have went off on a bit of a tangent.

    Not really though I Loop it all together I promise haha.

    I mean seriously what can be more important than pulling your family into your healthy activities?

    My legs work out. Sets/Reps/Food

    My legs work out. Sets/Reps/Food
    This is the workout I do for legs.

    I feel like this workout is way easier because of the nutritional backing I have.

    I'm going to give you a breakdown of my macros. Will this work for you? I don't know.

    We are all wired different. We all have different biomes. If I had a twin brother he would probably still need slightly different nutrients than I need.

    That being said if you have no base at all this might be a good starting point for you. Let's talk about that shall we.

    Exactly how many sets and Reps a beginner should do

    Exactly how many sets and Reps a beginner should do
    Training frequency and volume is a big deal. The amount of time you spend on cardio is a big deal.

    It's a big deal to some personal trainer me personally I could care less. Let's talk about something that we can agree on.

    It's your body it's your journey it's your path and only you can know how sore you are getting or how well you are sleeping.

    Don't let some idiot in the gym set your pace.