

    Podcasts on business, innovation and technology, global agenda and social challenges by Do Better, Esade's digital content hub.
    enEsade140 Episodes

    Episodes (140)

    Robert F. Cooper: “We should worry about democracy and not take it for granted”

    Robert F. Cooper: “We should worry about democracy and not take it for granted”

    In this podcast hosted by Àngel Saz, director of EsadeGeo, former European diplomat Robert Cooper offers his insights on the current security situation in the EU, the EU’s defence capabilities, the invasion of Ukraine and its diplomatic antecedents, and the internal threats democracy faces.

    This podcast was organised by EsadeGeo in association with the H2020 project ENGAGE, funded under grant agreement no. 962533  

    Juan José Brugera (Colonial): “El presidente de hoy en día no debería ser ejecutivo”

    Juan José Brugera (Colonial): “El presidente de hoy en día no debería ser ejecutivo”

    Carlos Losada, codirector del Centro de Gobierno Corporativo (CGC), presenta el segundo episodio del podcast con el que Esade está conmemorando el Aniversario X edición del Programa para Consejeros Esade-PwC. En esta ocasión le acompaña Juan José Brugera, quien desde 2008 hasta hace apenas unos meses ha ejercido como presidente ejecutivo de Colonial y ahora ocupa la presidencia no ejecutiva. En este podcast repasa su dilatada carrera y ofrece algunos consejos para la buena gobernanza de la compañía. 

    Wayne Griffiths (SEAT): “Es ahora cuando hay que acelerar la electrificación”

    Wayne Griffiths (SEAT): “Es ahora cuando hay que acelerar la electrificación”

    El sector del automóvil está en transformación. Durante los últimos cinco años, se han registrado más cambios que en las últimas décadas. Este es el caso de SEAT, que ha pasado de motorizar la España de la posguerra mediante la fabricación de automóviles de combustión a disponer de planes para electrificar sus fábricas y a desarrollar soluciones más sostenibles de movilidad urbana. 

    Wayne Griffiths es el presidente de SEAT y CUPRA. Además, desde enero del 2022 preside la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Automóviles y Camiones (ANFAC). Licenciado en un doble grado en Gestión Internacional y Alemán por la Universidad de Leeds (Reino Unido), su carrera ha estado muy vinculada al Grupo Volkswagen, primero en Audi AG y ahora en SEAT y CUPRA. Àngel Castiñeira, director de la Cátedra LiderazgoS y Sostenibilidad de Esade, ha conversado con él sobre este y otros temas.

    Rosa García Piñeiro (Alcoa): "Generar valor sostenible proporciona una ventaja competitiva"

    Rosa García Piñeiro (Alcoa): "Generar valor sostenible proporciona una ventaja competitiva"

    Con motivo del Aniversario X edición del Programa para Consejeros Esade-PwC, el Centro de Gobierno Corporativo (CGC) estrena un nuevo espacio de conversación con personalidades referentes del entorno de los consejos de administración. Presentado por el director de Esade Madrid y del CGC, Mario Lara, será un lugar en que profundizar en las cuestiones más acuciantes para el consejo de nuestros días. 

    La invitada de este primer episodio del podcast es Rosa García Piñeiro, vicepresidenta de Sostenibilidad del Grupo Alcoa y presidenta de la Fundación Alcoa. Piñeiro también es consejera independiente en varios consejos de administración, como el consejo de Acerinox en el que además preside la Comisión de Sostenibilidad desde 2020. Además, es consejera de ENCE Energía y Celulosa.   

    Àngel Castiñeira: "La pregunta moral de la COP es si los países ricos deben compensar a los pobres"

    Àngel Castiñeira: "La pregunta moral de la COP es si los países ricos deben compensar a los pobres"

    La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático de 2022, la COP27, está a punto de terminar. En este episodio de Do Better Podcast hablamos con Àngel Castiñeira, director de la Cátedra de LiderazgoS y Sostenibilidad de Esade, de lo que debemos esperar del foro de más alto nivel con el que contamos para abordar la emergencia climática.  

    Ángel también es profesor del Departamento de Sociedad, Política y Sostenibilidad de Esade. Licenciado y doctor en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad de Barcelona, está especializado en las áreas de filosofía social y política, pensamiento geopolítico, ética aplicada y valores, cambios en el entorno social y cultural, y gobernanza democrática. 

    Innovate or die: "Greatest innovation will come out from fast-growing cities like Lagos and Dhaka"

    Innovate or die: "Greatest innovation will come out from fast-growing cities like Lagos and Dhaka"

    During the next few days, Barcelona will host the Smart City Expo World Congress 2022. In this framing, Esteve Almirall, head of the Esade Center for Innovation in Cities, presents a new episode of his podcast ‘Innovate or die’. Today’s guest is Jeff Merrit, Head of Urban Transformation at the World Economic Forum and a member of its Executive Committee.

    Jeff is also the former New York City’s first-ever Director of Innovation. He will be a keynote speaker in this year’s Congress in high-level conferences about inclusive technologies and collaborative governance. In this conversation, Jeff reflects on different topics like the meaning of innovation beyond technology, how analytics can improve the allocation of resources, or why the next big-hit innovative improvements will be born in fast-growing cities of the global south.

    “Cities have a huge window of opportunity to attract the best global talent”

    “Cities have a huge window of opportunity to attract the best global talent”
    There is a trend towards the offshoring of talent. But at the same time, there are signs of de-globalization in various areas because of circumstances such as nationalist or protectionist leadership, Brexit, and supply chain disruption. Talent has an unprecedented opportunity to settle anywhere and can become more ubiquitous, in part due to the pandemic, which facilitates remote work and digitization. We discuss these opportunities in depth with Ivan Bofarull, Chief Innovation Officer at Esade, and Natalia Olson, advisor and mentor in Palo Alto, California (both co-authors of Esade's MBA City Monitor, a unique global indicator that predicts the ability of cities to attract and engage talent).
    enJuly 22, 2022

    Una mirada al futuro tras la renovación de la OTAN, entrevista a J.M de Areilza Carvajal

    Una mirada al futuro tras la renovación de la OTAN, entrevista a J.M de Areilza Carvajal
    El mundo atraviesa una fase de incertidumbre con una guerra en Europa, diversas crisis derivadas e inestabilidad global. Lo analizamos en profundidad con José María de Areilza Carvajal, profesor del Departamento de Dirección General y Estrategia de Esade, en esta nueva entrega del podcast de DoBetter titulada "Una mirada al futuro de la geopolítica tras la renovación de la OTAN”. Areilza aborda las claves geopolíticas del momento y comenta temas como la guerra en Ucrania, la renuncia de Boris Johnson o el futuro de la OTAN tras la cumbre de la alianza en Madrid.
    enJuly 18, 2022

    Esade Doers with Maanas Mediratta y Rishabh Lohia cofounders of Bridged

    Esade Doers with Maanas Mediratta y Rishabh Lohia cofounders of Bridged
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from Maanas Mediratta, Co-Founder & CEO at Bridged Rishabh Lohia Co-Founder & CCO at Bridged and on entrepreneurship and sustainability.

    Esade Doers with Maanas Mediratta, Co-Founder & CEO at Bridged and Rishabh Lohia Co-Founder & CCO at Bridged "We went through a decade of connectivity. Now, it's the decade for action” By Esade is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
    enJuly 14, 2022

    Innovate or die: “2D interactions will look arcane next to 3D capabilities of products coming soon”

    Innovate or die: “2D interactions will look arcane next to 3D capabilities of products coming soon”
    Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing are leading a technological revolution changing business models, workplaces, society and, basically, how the world works. Chief Technology Officers are struggling to keep up with a fast-changing world at the doorstep of a new revolution; the metaverse and 3D interactions in the workplace, classrooms and event at home.

    In this podcast, Esteve Almirall, Esade Professor of Innovation and Data Analysis, talks with Carlos Escapa, AI Global Business Development Manager at Meta, on the future of work, the evolution of computing and big tech multinationals.
    enJune 08, 2022

    Esade Doers with Radina Popova: “The things solving climate change are more motivating than money”

    Esade Doers with Radina Popova: “The things solving climate change are more motivating than money”
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from Radina Popova, Founder & CEO at DiFOLD, on entrepreneurship and sustainability.
    enJune 02, 2022

    Esade Doers with Tarun George: "The true problem with the IoT market is the fragmented nature of it"

    Esade Doers with Tarun George: "The true problem with the IoT market is the fragmented nature of it"
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from Tarun George, Co-Founder of Cavli Wireless, offering IoT solutions as a service.
    enMay 19, 2022

    Innovate or die: “We’re having a pandemic of loneliness and the cure are open spaces”

    Innovate or die: “We’re having a pandemic of loneliness and the cure are open spaces”
    The smart city concept has evolved since its launch in the mid-2000s. Although media focus has diminished since the early years, technology and innovation has improved and made possible some of the ideas that promise to make cities more sustainable, efficient, and citizen-friendly.

    In this podcast, Esteve Almirall, Esade lecturer in innovation and data analysis, talks with Hila Oren, CEO at Tel Aviv Foundation, on the future of smart cities and their relationship with technology and innovation.
    enApril 28, 2022

    Esade Doers with Marie Blaise: "Being a solo founder is great but it's hard to last in the long run"

    Esade Doers with Marie Blaise: "Being a solo founder is great but it's hard to last in the long run"
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from Marie Blaise, Co-Founder and Director of École Gustave, on education and entrepreneurship.
    enApril 22, 2022

    Esade Doers with Videesh Pursnani: “I’m making an impact and I’m also earning money”

    Esade Doers with Videesh Pursnani: “I’m making an impact and I’m also earning money”
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from Videesh Pursnani, Co-Founder of Greenlance Energy, an app that facilitates transition for end users to solar energy.
    enApril 07, 2022

    Innovate or die: “Technology is a huge opportunity, but also threatens our capacity to learn”

    Innovate or die: “Technology is a huge opportunity, but also threatens our capacity to learn”
    Executive Education have been constantly evolving and innovating. Technology has accelerated that change and hugely transformed institutions. What’s the university of the future going to look like?

    In this podcast, Esteve Almirall, Esade Professor of Innovation and Data Analysis, talks with Gregory LaBlanc, Lecturer at Berkeley, Stanford & HEC, on the future of Executive Education and its intersections with technology and innovation.
    enMarch 24, 2022

    Esade Doers with Christopher Payne: "We’re very lucky that Barcelona has some excellent tech talent"

    Esade Doers with Christopher Payne: "We’re very lucky that Barcelona has some excellent tech talent"
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from Christopher Payne, Esade alumni who founded Reach, an app that centralises all your digital information.
    enMarch 17, 2022

    “Europa tiene la oportunidad de asumir sus responsabilidades, que seran, en parte, militares”

    “Europa tiene la oportunidad de asumir sus responsabilidades, que seran, en parte, militares”
    Las sanciones impuestas por Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea están castigando la economía rusa. Sin embargo, las líneas rojas de algunos países europeos altamente dependientes del gas ruso limitan la presión que se está ejerciendo sobre el régimen liderado por Vladimir Putin. ¿Qué alternativas hay a corto plazo para reducir la dependencia del gas ruso? ¿Cómo está cambiando la guerra la defensa y la seguridad europea? ¿Estamos viendo el nacimiento de una Europa geopolítica?

    En esta nueva edición del podcast EsadeGeo Exchange, Patrizia Cogo, ayudante de investigación de EsadeGeo, entrevista a Ángel Saz Carranza, director de EsadeGeo y profesor del Departamento de Dirección General y Estrategia de Esade sobre los últimos acontecimientos relacionados con la invasión rusa de Ucrania y el impacto que este conflicto tiene en múltiples áreas para la Unión Europea.
    enMarch 14, 2022

    El apoyo a los refugiados de Ucrania: conversación con Sara Escudero (Cruz Roja)

    El apoyo a los refugiados de Ucrania: conversación con Sara Escudero (Cruz Roja)
    La invasión de Ucrania ha provocado en menos de dos semanas la mayor oleada de refugiados en Europa des de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Principalmente mujeres, niños y ancianos llegan a las amplias fronteras de Ucrania con los países de la Unión Europea huyendo de un conflicto que se recrudece cada día que pasa y en el que las ciudades se han convertido en el principal campo de batalla. La ONU estima que hoy mismo se superarán los dos millones de refugiados, que han recibido una oleada de solidaridad sin precedentes.

    Ignasi Martí, director del Instituto de Innovación Social de Esade, conversa sobre la gestión de esta crisis humanitaria y el apoyo a estos refugiados con Sara Escudero, delegada de Emergencias de Cruz Roja Española y actualmente instalada en Varsovia para participar en la coordinación de la campaña de apoyo de Cruz Roja a los refugiados procedentes de Ucrania.
    enMarch 09, 2022