

    Podcasts on business, innovation and technology, global agenda and social challenges by Do Better, Esade's digital content hub.
    enEsade140 Episodes

    Episodes (140)

    Innovate or die: “Teaching in the metaverse is much closer to being in the classroom than online”

    Innovate or die: “Teaching in the metaverse is much closer to being in the classroom than online”
    Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have a huge role in the Metaverse, one of the most trending innovations of this year. Education is no stranger to this new reality and the potential for teachers and students is unlimited.

    In this podcast, Esteve Almirall, Esade Professor of Innovation and Data Analysis, talks with Frank Piller, professor of technology and innovation management at RWTH Aachen University, on the future of Education and its intersections with technology and innovation.
    enFebruary 24, 2022

    Esade Doers with David and Marc Rovira: "You have to think that you are most likely going to fail"

    Esade Doers with David and Marc Rovira: "You have to think that you are most likely going to fail"
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from David and Marc Rovira, Esade graduates who founded Polaroo, a service app for B2Bs, enabling full end-to-end management and payment control.
    enFebruary 17, 2022

    Esade Doers with Adrien Stern: "The potential in NFTs for creators is really huge"

    Esade Doers with Adrien Stern: "The potential in NFTs for creators is really huge"
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from Adrien Stern, an Esade graduate who founded Reveel, a platform for creators to automate their back-end administrative tasks.
    enJanuary 27, 2022

    "It's significant that the US and China are willing to work together on climate change"

    "It's significant that the US and China are willing to work together on climate change"
    Read the podcast transcript on Do Better by Esade dobetter.esade.edu/en/COP26-China-US-cooperation
    How can we evaluate the final agreement that states reached last month at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26)? How can we rate the level of ambition of the agreement, and was a higher degree of ambition possible? What is the value of the bilateral US-China declaration announced in the second week of the conference? Marie Vandendriessche, senior researcher at EsadeGeo, discusses the aftermath of COP26 in this EsadeGeo Exchange Podcast.
    enDecember 21, 2021

    Esade Doers with Iman Jamall and Hasib Malik: "Don’t get emotional, build through evidence and data"

    Esade Doers with Iman Jamall and Hasib Malik: "Don’t get emotional, build through evidence and data"
    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs. Today, we can learn from Iman Jamall and Hasib Malik, two Esade students who started a company empowering small businesses in Pakistan with technology, Creditbook.
    enDecember 16, 2021

    Los retos geopolíticos de la Unión Europea en 2022

    Los retos geopolíticos de la Unión Europea en 2022
    La sostenibilidad, la crisis migratoria y los ajustes del orden global tras la pandemia son algunas de las cuestiones que Juan González-Barba, Secretario de Estado para la Unión Europea, analiza en este nuevo podcast de Do Better.
    enDecember 03, 2021

    Esade Doers with Olga Shirokova: "Lifelong education can be a powerful tool for society"

    Esade Doers with Olga Shirokova: "Lifelong education can be a powerful tool for society"
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs.

    Today, we can learn from Olga Shirokova, an Esade graduate who founded Kiara, an online academy for feminine health, wellbeing and sexuality.
    enNovember 18, 2021

    Esade Doers with Joscha Raue: "The whole trend towards sustainability is not straightforward"

    Esade Doers with Joscha Raue: "The whole trend towards sustainability is not straightforward"
    eWorks is the Esade venture creation program; it provides a series of activities and services designed to foster and support new venture creation by Esade students and recent graduates.

    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs. Today, we can learn from Joscha Raue, an Esade graduate who cofounded Think-it, a software engineering collective on a mission to unlock human potential through sustainable use of technology, with a focus in North Africa.
    enOctober 28, 2021

    ¿Es la Renta Básica Universal la respuesta a la automatización y la transformación digital?

    ¿Es la Renta Básica Universal la respuesta a la automatización y la transformación digital?
    Xavier Ferràs, decano asociado del Bachelor in Transformation and Business Social Impact de Esade analiza en este episodio la renta básica universal como una de las posibles respuestas del estado de bienestar frente la creciente automatización del trabajo de la mano de robots y algortimos.

    ¿Hasta qué punto puede llegar la sustitución de trabajadores por robots? Y, ¿qué sentido tiene dar de forma indiscriminada una renta a todo el mundo?
    enSeptember 30, 2021

    Esade Doers with Amish Chhagan and Alicia Torné: "Running a start-up is a marathon, not a sprint"

    Esade Doers with Amish Chhagan and Alicia Torné: "Running a start-up is a marathon, not a sprint"
    The Esade Doers podcast series, led by eWorks manager Davide Rovera, focus on entrepreneurs from the eWorks Community who present their startups and share experiences, learnings, sources of inspiration and tips with fellow entrepreneurs. Today, we can learn from two Esade students who started a Market Research company focused on Africa, Afriqinsights; Amish Chhagan, Founder and Managing Director, and Alicia Torné, Project Development Director.
    enSeptember 23, 2021

    Competencias y conocimientos para los empleos del futuro: conversación con Neus Margalló

    Competencias y conocimientos para los empleos del futuro: conversación con Neus Margalló
    Las tecnologías exponenciales como la inteligencia artifical o los nuevos modelos de negocio como la gig economy estan transformando nuestra sociedad, cómo vivimos, cómo consumimos pero también como trabajamos. Estos cambios tienen un gran impacto en el mercado laboral presente y futuro que los profesionales no pueden ignorar.

    María Barceló, directora del Executive Master in Digital Business en Esade Madrid y consultora en transformación digital, conversa con Neus Margalló, market research manager de Adevinta, sobre esta transformación estructural del mercado laboral y su relación con las nuevas profesiones que están surgiendo.

    Puedes encontrar la transcripción en: https://dobetter.esade.edu/es/competencias-empleos-futuro-neus-margallo
    enJuly 29, 2021

    European Innovation Scoreboard 2021: La innovación en Europa y en España necesita mejorar

    European Innovation Scoreboard 2021: La innovación en Europa y en España necesita mejorar
    La Comisión Europea acaba de publicar el European Innovation Scoreboard 2021, con los datos sobre el rendimiento de la inversión en I+D en el continente. Las cifras muestran el resultado del modelo comunitario de innovación, pero también las diferencias entre países y regiones. ¿Cómo queda Europa en comparación con los demás actores globales? ¿Qué resultados obtiene España y sus diferentes regiones?

    Xavier Ferrás, decano asociado del Bachelor in Transformational Business and Social Impact de Esade comenta estos datos y las conclusiones que se pueden extraer.
    enJuly 22, 2021

    100 years since the foundation of the CCP. What lies ahead for the Asian superpower?

    100 years since the foundation of the CCP. What lies ahead for the Asian superpower?
    The Communist Party of China has just celebrated its 100th anniversary by highlighting its economic track record at the helm of the Asian superpower. President Xi Jinping sought to capitalize on this occasion to further improve his standing within the party. Moreover, another recent anniversary went more unnoticed: July 9th marked half a century since the first visit to China by US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. This milestone was the starting point of the US-China rapprochement in the 1970s, and is worth reflecting on, given the recent tensions between the two countries.

    In this EsadeGeo Exchange podcast, Óscar Fernández, senior researcher at EsadeGeo, comments these two events and their local and global significance with Dr Yu Jie, senior research fellow on China at Chatham House.

    Read the podcast transcript on our Do Better hub! https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/100-communist-party-china
    enJuly 16, 2021

    In-company start-up accelerators: the experience of Almirall and Ampersand Health

    In-company start-up accelerators: the experience of Almirall and Ampersand Health
    Having an in-company start-up accelerator has become an extraordinary source of innovation, ideas, learnings and a way to have the latest technology closer for many companies. The pharmaceutical industry is no exception and a leading company like Almirall has Digital Garden, an accelerator aiming to accelerate the growth of start-ups that offer innovative technology-based services and solutions throughout the patient journey.

    In this podcast, Jan Brinckmann, Esade Professor of Entrepreneurship and Academic Director of eWorks, talks with Francesca Wuttke, CDO of Almirall and Nader Alaghband, cofounder and CEO of Ampersand Health, one of the start-ups at Digital Garden, to share with us their insights on how companies and start-ups can benefit from in-company accelerators.
    enJuly 09, 2021

    Patents and Covid-19 vaccines: the recipe isn’t everything you need

    Patents and Covid-19 vaccines: the recipe isn’t everything you need
    Since last winter, vaccines have become the backbone of most of the developed countries fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. After a record-breaking development by a handful of companies backed by governments and it’s approval by regulators, the administration has paced up rapidly and by the second half of this year, most of Europeans and North-Americans are expected to be vaccinated.

    However, most of the developing countries are still waiting for significant amounts of doses, leading the United States to propose waving patent rights for Covid vaccines in order to ease its production. George Chondrakis, associate professor of strategic management at Esade Business School, discusses with Carlos Serrano, associate professor of economics and business at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, on intellectual property rights and its role in boosting vaccines supply around the world.
    enJune 10, 2021

    El impacto de la Covid-19 en la infancia: conversación con Lorena Cobas

    El impacto de la Covid-19 en la infancia: conversación con Lorena Cobas
    Pese a que los países más avanzados tienen los miembros más vulnerables de su población vacunados y empiezan a vislumbrar el fin de la pandemia, la Covid-19 sigue causando estragos en los países en vías de desarrollo, con los casos de la India y Argentina como ejemplos más dramáticos. Ignasi Martí, director del Instituto de Innovación Social de Esade, conversa con Lorena Cobas, responsable de Emergencias de UNICEF España, sobre el impacto de la pandemia en el resto del mundo y especialmente en la infancia, así como sobre los esfuerzos para hacer llegar la vacuna a todo el mundo.
    enJune 03, 2021

    Social capitalism: can we assert democratic control over the economy?

    Social capitalism: can we assert democratic control over the economy?
    Read the full interview at Do Better by Esade https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/social-capitalism
    Could democratic socialism overcome the crises of capitalism? We live in a time of crises – economic turmoil, workplace disempowerment, unresponsive government, environmental degradation, social disintegration, and international conflict. Professor Paul S. Adler (University of Southern California) sheds light on how we can overcome these crises by asserting democratic control over the economy.
    enMarch 19, 2021

    Oare Ehiemua, entrepreneurship, education and social impact

    Oare Ehiemua, entrepreneurship, education and social impact
    Read the interview on Do Better by Esade: https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/oare-ehiemua
    Oare Ehiemua (Full Time MBA 2014) is a social entrepreneur working in Nigeria to provide education and training to the youth in her country, so they can pursue a career in the blooming construction sector and have an impact on their lives. Her initiative and her project, OPL Academy, just won the MBA Leadership Award at the AMBA & BGA Excellence Awards. The award recognises the work of these alumni through their achievements and performance.

    In a conversation with Esade Business School's dean, Josep Franch, Oare Ehiemua talks about her experience on entrepreneurship, education and focus on having a positive impact on society.
    enMarch 10, 2021

    Las mujeres, protagonistas de una nueva era

    Las mujeres, protagonistas de una nueva era
    Más conocimiento en Do Better by Esade: https://dobetter.esade.edu/es
    ¿A qué desafíos globales se enfrentan las mujeres del siglo XXI?. ¿Qué lecciones hemos aprendido en todo este tiempo?. ¿Puede la digitalización contribuir a una mayor y mejor igualdad de género?

    Coincidiendo con el Día Internacional de la Mujer, Koldo Echebarria, director general de Esade, y Maite Barrera, presidenta de Esade Alumni, abordan en este podcast y bajo el paraguas de Esade Women Initiative estas cuestiones.
    enMarch 08, 2021