
    Family Wisdom's Way

    Family Wisdom's Way is a podcast for those who want to be intentional in raising up a family with strong connection, freedom to dream and ready to launch into the destiny He has for them individually and collectively. FWW will encourage listeners to take action to implement strategies and utilize tools to establish Kingdom identity and destiny in each family member and establish a family legacy. FWW will discuss the joys and challenges of the parenting journey and give practical solutions, strategies and tools to heal, connect and grow so that families can create a culture of love and honor. We will also spend time answering listener-submitted questions.
    en60 Episodes

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    Episodes (60)

    Episode 20: Honoring Through Personalities - part 2

    Episode 20: Honoring Through Personalities - part 2

    Dive into some of our favorite personality tests and learn how to honor the strengths that each person gets to bring. What is Disc and why is it so useful in learning how to best show up in a room. By watching Jesus as our example, we get to see first hand how He used His understanding of who people are in order to best meet them where they were at. Honor each other by understanding the differences in needs that each person has and grow in your understanding of where someone is coming from. Understanding someone else's needs allows you to no longer be offended when their needs are different from yours. Join us in understanding how personalities types overlap and how to best use them to your advantage!


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    • Dive into the parts of DISC
    • Learn helpful tools to understand Myers Briggs
    • The color code test and how we used it growing up
    • What is a doer, thinker, feeler and how does it overlap with the other personality tests

    Episode 19: Honoring Yourself Through Listening

    Episode 19: Honoring Yourself Through Listening

    Honor means to have regard or great respect and esteem for someone.  You celebrate them.  You are worthy of honoring yourself.  What does that mean personally?  How do you practically do that?  What is locked inside of you that is awaiting to be discovered?  Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to start cultivating an atmosphere of honor for yourself in your family.


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    • Definition of honor
    • I am statements
    • Dreams inside you
    • Your book of possibilities
    • Songs that signify you and your season
    • Words of encouragement you receive


    Episode 18: Introduction to How to Intentionally Get to Know Each Other

    Episode 18: Introduction to How to Intentionally Get to Know Each Other

    Why be intentional in getting to know each other?  How does honor play a part in deciding to do that?  Why take tests?  What kinds of tests can we do to get to know each other?  This is not an instant process but you can begin the journey.  Why start?  What are the practical ways you can raise awareness, engagement and sustain this?  Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to start cultivating an atmosphere of honor in your family.

    DISC Personality Test:


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    • Intentionally getting to know each other
    • Why take tests?
    • Intentional engagement
    • Writing it down
    • Types of tests


    Episode 17: Beginning the Journey of Honor

    Episode 17: Beginning the Journey of Honor

    Honor is the currency and culture in the Kingdom.  What is it?  What is the Say, Do and Multiply model?  How do we create the culture of honor in our family?  How can we celebrate each other even when we are different by design? What are the benefits of creating the culture of honor in our family, home and relationships in general? Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to start cultivating an atmosphere of honor in your family.


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    • Definition of honor
    • Say, Do, Multiply model
    • Culture of Honor- celebrate vs compare and compete
    • Being an individual in a family with honor
    • Benefits of cultivating the culture of honor


    Episode 16: The Power of Creating Experiences part 2

    Episode 16: The Power of Creating Experiences part 2
    Making time for experiences together is a POWERFUL way to love God with your family.  How can you use experiences to awaken the identity of your family and each individual?  How do you use times together as an opportunity for growth and maturing? What would it be like to turn times of crisis into points of deeper connection with the Lord?  Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to start cultivating an atmosphere of connection and growth, no matter what circumstances arise.
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    •Valuing family time
    •The Power of corporate events
    •Awakening family identity 
    •Stepping out of crisis and into connection with God and each other

    Episode 15. The Power of Creating Experiences and Memories

    Episode 15. The Power of Creating Experiences and Memories

    Creating an experience that anchors the memory in the right brain is a POWERFUL way to love God with your family.  This technique is a way to build memorial stones of remembrance that causes your family to bond and belong.  Did you know that when God said to "Remember", He actually had science behind it?  He uses this technique too.  We encounter Him and it holds us steady in the difficult times we face.  How do you plan a "Trip" that builds these kind of memories?  How do you design family times that become traditions that everyone looks forward to?  How can conferences grow your family in specific ways and also strengthen you as a team?  Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to start cultivating an atmosphere of stacking the love and building memorial stones that anchor each one member in your family.


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    • Power of creating experiences and memories
    • Science behind right brain anchors
    • Trips and memorial stones of remembrance
    • Designing trips and great ideas
    • Conferences with your family


    Episode 14. Creating an environment of Love

    Episode 14. Creating an environment of Love

    Creating an environment of love within the home. Why is it important and how do you even begin making that happen? How do you keep His word at the focus of your home? How do you shift from an atmosphere of complaining and grumbling to a place of Joy and Thanksgiving? Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to start cultivating an environment of love in your family.

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    • Creating a Home Environment of Love
    • Keeping the Word front of mind
    • Using music to shift the atmosphere within the home
    • Using Thanksgiving to activate the right brain
    • Creating a safe space for open sharing within the home


    Episode 13 Loving God Through Obedience

    Episode 13 Loving God Through Obedience

    Deuteronomy 6:7 "And you shall teach them to your children and talk to them when you sit in the house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."  This verse was key in understanding that cultivating, training and equipping a culture of love in the home was an ongoing daily part of life as a family.  Loving God and loving each other must be intentional and we lead by example first.  More is caught than taught.  There is grace to love and there is mercy and forgiveness for where we fall short.  We need both to love Him and others well. What is obedience? How can you know the will of God?  What is first time obedience? How do you fill their moral warehouse?  How do you cultivate a heart of obedience from love and not produce outward conforming performers?  What is true repentance?  What is the difference between the wise and the fool?  Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to cultivate an atmosphere of love in your family where you lead by example.


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    • Deuteronomy 6:7
    • Lead by example
    • Knowing the will of God
    • Why obey?
    • 1st time obedience
    • Filling their moral warehouse
    • Obedience vs Performers
    • Repentance- the wise and the fool

    Episode 12: Loving God as a Family Part 4

    Episode 12: Loving God as a Family Part 4

    Again, spiritual disciplines are intentional relationship building opportunities with God.  This week we look at how vital connection with Jesus- The Living Word- and the Bible is key to rooting and grounding your family in His love.  How important is it to have family Bible Time and individual Bible Time?  What is a Family Devotional Time and how can we let everyone be involved in leading it? Conversation time as we pray read the Bible happens as we ask questions and listen to His answers.  How do you begin to do this?  What are the different ways to read through the Bible in a year?  What is Inductive Bible Study and how do I teach my family this?  The Bible comes to life in the video series of "Matthew".  This is a word for word action filled drama of the book of Matthew.  We discuss the impact this had on our family and where to get this resource and other Bible audio resources.  Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to start cultivating connection to Jesus and the Bible in your family.

    Recommended Resources:


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    • Individual and Family Bible Time
    • Family Devotional Time and who leads
    • How to pray-read the Bible for conversation with Him
    • Ways to read through the Bible in a year
    • Ways to learn to do Inductive Bible study
    • The visual Bible and other resources


    Episode 11. Loving God as a Family part 3

    Episode 11. Loving God as a Family part 3

    Spiritual disciplines are intentional relationship building opportunities with God.  What is the definition of worship?  How do we cultivate an atmosphere or culture of worship throughout the day and night?  What is the impact that the culture of worship can have in the practical aspects of relationships and getting work done?  What is the basic science behind worship?  Sing-sing - sing- the solutions can be given and stress can be relieved when we enter into worship.  The secret of worship to keep your sanity when you have a house full of little ones!  Can your whole family fast and pray?  Why and when to fast?  Join us on the journey to discover the answers to these questions and gain the tips, tools and insights you need to start cultivating an atmosphere of worship in your family.


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    • Definition of worship
    • Playing worship music day and night and on the go
    • Singing different kinds of worship music
    • Writing your own family worship songs
    • Why fast?
    • How to fast with your whole family


    Episode 10. Loving God as a Family part 2

    Episode 10. Loving God as a Family part 2

    Spiritual disciplines can sometimes seem so mystical and dry.  They are not just "To Do's".  They are different activities we engage in to cultivate our relationship with Him.   Relationships require communication.  Prayer is simply conversation with God.  There are many types of conversation we can have with Him individually and as a family.  Journey with us as we unfold these and find the joy of having group discussions with Him.  God loves a cheerful giver.  How can we create a culture of generosity in our family as we give?  How do we serve Him by serving others?  He said to love Him with all of our strength?  What are your families' strengths and how do you love Him practically?  How can you discover your gifts individually and as a family?  What are the God sized dreams you are carrying that He wants to partner with you to see happen?  We are excited to continue to share insight, tips and tools on the answers to these questions and so much more.  Please join us and unlock the conversation and gifts your family has to generously love Him by serving others.

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    • Prayer is conversation with God
    • Types of prayer ie conversation
    • Giving- a culture of generosity
    • Blessed to be a blessing
    • Loving God with our strength
    • Serving others with our strength
    • Discover your gifts individually and as a family
    • Dream God's dreams and partner together


    Episode 9. Loving God as a Family Part 1

    Episode 9. Loving God as a Family Part 1

    Joshua 24:15 says "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Serve, worship and love are very interchangeable.  The first Commandment says to "Love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength."  Journey with us as we discuss what this practically means to do this as a family.  Can we express all 5 love languages to God? Who is He? How do we get to know Him together?  How do we develop our relationship with Him?  How do we have a conversation with Him and ask Him questions?  What does His voice sound like and how do we hear Him?  Can children hear Him too?  We are excited to share insight, tips and tools on the answers to these questions and so much more.  Please join us and start the conversation with Him so your family can love Him together.

    Click on this link to get more information about joining our free Facebook group and additional resources:  familywisdomsway.com

    Click on this link to learn about how to connect with us in deeper ways:  findwisdomsway.com



    • Joshua 24:15
    • First Commandment
    • Express 5 Love Languages with God
    • Who is He? 
    • How do we get to know Him?
    • How to develop a relationship with Him
    • How to have a conversation with Him
    • How to hear how He speaks to us
    • Practical tips and tools

    Episode 8. Loving Yourself part 2

    Episode 8. Loving Yourself part 2

    It is key to recognize that you have personal needs.  We all do.  God designed us that way.  We don't want to ignore or neglect this because it also impacts how we love others in our family. How important is it to love yourself intentionally?  How can you speak your love language to yourself?  How to discover what brings you joy and make time to do those things so your cup is overflowing with love that overflows to your family?  Listen in as we unpack the answers to these questions and also discuss the effects of Mommy Martyrdom and not loving yourself.  Being watered and your heart being cared for produces a garden of love where your whole family benefits. Join us on this love journey today so you can see the fruits of it in your life and the lives or your family.

    For more information visit:


    Link to Love Language test:


    Link to Child Personality test:


    Link to Disc Personality test:



    • It's ok to have needs
    • What is Mommy Martyrdom
    • What happens when you don't love yourself
    • How to be intentional about loving yourself 
    • Do things that bring you joy

    Episode 7. Loving Yourself Part 1

    Episode 7. Loving Yourself Part 1

    The 2nd greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.  Hidden in this command is the understanding that you do love yourself.  Why love yourself?  The unique self He created you to BE is worthy of loving. How can you love your unique self in an unselfish way so that loving your neighbor (ie. siblings, parents and other family members) overflows? Listen in and we will share practical tips and ideas that you can implement in your family. How can you be YOU in the midst of family and also have healthy boundaries?  This was part of our journey of discovery and we want to share what we learned along the way.  We will also talk about personal space and our God given dominion sensor.  Recognizing this principle alone can resolve many struggles between children and restore those healthy boundaries.   The culture of love is a pillar to establish in your family and letting each person love themselves is key to seeing it flow between one another.

    Children's personality test:


    DISC personality test:


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    • Why love yourself?
    • How to love yourself in an unselfish way
    • Being an individual in a family
    • Personalities in family
    • Personal needs of different personalities
    • Healthy boundaries
    • God given dominion sensor 
    Family Wisdom's Way
    enMarch 08, 2021

    6. Ways to Love Your Family Intentionally

    6. Ways to Love Your Family Intentionally

    Let's take a deep dive into our first pillar of Love. We get practical on how to discover each members' love language. Dr Gary Chapman has a great test that reveals each one. How can you double up to create a love impact that has a greater impact? How can you be a resource of His love because He is the only true source? How important is it to create a culture of love in your family? What does it look like to be intentional to love each day and week in your family? We give personal stories and encouragement to help set you up to succeed in establishing this pillar in your home.

    For more information, visit:

    Link to Love Language test:


    • Let’s go deeper in love
    • Have fun and give yourself grace
    • Translating your love
    • Becoming “others-centered”
    • The gift of being thoughtful
    • Giving undivided attention 
    • Map out how you are going love your family
    • Showing the love of God to your family
    • Stepping into a generational blessing
    Family Wisdom's Way
    enMarch 01, 2021

    5. Pillar #4: The Culture of Wholeheartedness

    5. Pillar #4: The Culture of Wholeheartedness

    Songs, social media, movies, and books are full of stories of broken hearts and woundedness. Everywhere you turn in our culture you can see people in survival mode or overwhelm with heaviness. How do you live and love from a place of wholeheartedness or a healed heart? How can your family have hearts full of joy capacity and experience the freedom to be fully who they are? How do you take care of your own heart and encourage and celebrate the unique hearts of those in your family? Even young children can know who they are and understand what's happening inside their hearts. Set a good foundation for them to grow up being fully themselves and teach them to deal with their hurts in a healthy way. Join us and let us guide you through practical tools and tips to unlock and heal your individual heart and help you create a culture of wholeheartedness in your family.


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    • Why Donna loves today’s topic
    • Living wholeheartedly
    • The different parts of your heart
    • You have to know who you are
    • Taking your eyes off yourself
    • Tips for helping your children live wholeheartedly 
    • Over extending your strength 
    • Building your family up
    Family Wisdom's Way
    enMarch 01, 2021

    4. Pillar #3: The Culture of Restoration

    4. Pillar #3: The Culture of Restoration

    Conflicts and disagreements happen...especially in families. Sometimes we pretend it doesn't...but it does. What do you do when you accidentally bump into each other or intentionally run someone over? What does true restoration in family relationships look like? What are practical tools to use to establish the culture of restoration in a family? How early can you start? Join us as we answer these questions and give practical tips and how to's so you can stop ignoring, pretending, denying, or fighting in your family. There is a way to stop being peacekeepers and peace breakers and become peacemakers!


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    • Let’s talk about restoration
    • What to do when people wounds you
    • Disagreements are a part of life
    • I am sorry vs. asking for forgiveness
    • The different roles of peace in a family
    • How to start the restoration 
    • The importance of timing
    • Understanding when to let things go
    • What is coming up on the next episode
    Family Wisdom's Way
    enMarch 01, 2021

    3. Pillar #2: The Culture of Honor

    3. Pillar #2: The Culture of Honor

    Competition and comparison are rampant in our culture. How do we establish a family culture that honors each other? What does it mean to honor and celebrate others? Where do we even begin? How can we practically implement tools so that every family member knows who they are and grows into all they are called to be? Join us on this discovery journey and explore all the possibilities your family can experience.

    Let us help guide you on how to appreciate your unique differences and celebrate each person as a welcome member of your family. It's never too early or late to start!

    For more information, visit:



    • Let’s talk about honor
    • The benefits of personality tests
    • Creating a culture of being heard
    • Taking personal offense out of things
    • Practical tips for creating honor in your family
    • Creating healthy boundaries
    • Helping your family members find their identity
    Family Wisdom's Way
    enMarch 01, 2021

    2. Pillar #1: The Culture of Love

    2. Pillar #1: The Culture of Love

    Love is defined and used in so many ways in our culture. What is the real definition and source? How do we become a re-source of love and establish a culture of love in our family so that each family member's garden is watered well? How do you intentionally and practically love? We answer these questions and more. Join us and let us help you learn the languages of love so that you can establish the culture of love in your home.

    For more information, visit:



    • It’s always a good day to love - Donna
    • Let’s talk about the first pillar
    • First Corinthians 4-8
    • Everyone has good and bad days
    • His love never fails
    • What makes it possible for us to love
    • Why living from love is important
    • Ways you can be intentional
    • An easy way to learn the 5 love language
    Family Wisdom's Way
    enMarch 01, 2021

    1. Intro to Family Wisdom's Way

    1. Intro to Family Wisdom's Way

    Welcome to Family Wisdom's Way....your guide to intentionally creating a culture in your family of love, honor, restoration and wholeheartedness. These are the four pillars or core values to establishing lasting family connections and legacy. We want to give you a map and a model so you can overcome obstacles and miss the potholes in the road that families often face on the journey of family life.

    Join us to stop survival mode and learn how to thrive and intentionally cultivate a culture where you can grow into the family you dream of.

    For more information, visit:

    Family Wisdom's Way
    enMarch 01, 2021

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