
    Fearless Females Voice

    Fearless Females Voice is a podcast which shares different womens stories, achievements and experiences through life in order to inspire and empower other females. Topics covered include female leadership, motherhood, divorce, depression and losing a loved one. Women all go through many challenges so let us all support each other through and grow together. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1
    enChandni Chavda74 Episodes

    Episodes (74)

    Episode 74 - Having a life before becoming a wife with Sim Sagoo

    Episode 74 - Having a life before becoming a wife with Sim Sagoo

    On this episode, I am joined by Sim who is a hair and make-up artist. I first met Sim last year at a dinner and we hit it off straight away. We spoke all night long and shared the same views around women and their development that I had to get her on my podcast to share her story.


    Sim went to University, got married and then moved abroad to live with her husband. This all sounds great, but if only life was that simple. Just like other women, she’s faced cultural and societal barriers which imposed certain beliefs on herself. She used to think life had to be a certain way, only to then have the realisation that there is no right or wrong way. 


    On this episode, Sim shares how she’s broken down the barriers for herself, her learnings about marriage and life, the importance of women putting themselves first and how she found herself. She is just as passionate as I am around these topics and has grown so much as an individual and in her marriage to form a strong unit with her husband.

    Hope you enjoy the listen.


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    Fearless Females Voice
    enMarch 15, 2022

    Episode 73 - Breaking the bias with Chandni Vaghela

    Episode 73 - Breaking the bias with Chandni Vaghela

    Tune in to this special episode released on International Women's Day where I talk through my experiences with female biases and how I overcame them.

    Having spoken to hundreds of women and having gone through life as a woman myself, I understand the challenges we face with biases whether they're social, cultural, racial or gender. It's impacted millions of women all over the world and on this episode, I spread the message about women supporting one another, uniting and raising awarness about their experiences.


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    Fearless Females Voice
    enMarch 08, 2022

    Episode 72 - The reality about careers and business with Chandni Vaghela

    Episode 72 - The reality about careers and business with Chandni Vaghela
    I go solo on this episode where I talk about my journey from working in the corporate world into starting my own business. I talk about some of the myths around quitting your job and the reality about starting your own business. 
    It's not easy making a decision to leave your job and there are so many things that may hold you back. I talk through my experiences around that, what I learnt through the process and the realities about starting your own business.  

    Enjoy the listen.


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    Fearless Females Voice
    enMarch 01, 2022

    Episode 70 - Balancing having a career and family with Gurjinder Bhogal

    Episode 70 - Balancing having a career and family with Gurjinder Bhogal
    On this episode, I am joined by Gurjinder who is a marketing and business strategist for female entrepreneurs and has earned the nickname ‘marketing mummy’.


    Gurjinder has worked her way up the corporate ladder into senior positions in the marketing field which was amazing for her. She had great benefits, great work connections and was living a great life. She then had her first child and things started changing. She had an awakening moment where she knew she wanted to spend more time and energy on her family, but her work wasn’t allowing her to. She made the bold decision to leave her role and start her own business. 


    Gurjinder openly shares the challenges she faced as a woman in the Corporate world, her family dynamics, the difficulties of running your own business and why she now does what she does. 


    Gurjinder does not hold back here and her honesty and vulnerability was really refreshing. This is an episode not to be missed.

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    Fearless Females Voice
    enFebruary 15, 2022

    Episode 69 - Growing a business with Bhavna Pandya-Barratt

    Episode 69 - Growing a business with Bhavna Pandya-Barratt

    On this episode, I am joined by Bhavna who is a successful entrepreneur with multiple award winning businesses and has over 18 years of corporate and business experience. 


    Bhavna has had a great entrepreneurial journey with ups and downs and through her learnings and experience, she now mentors other female entrepreneurs. She has built a strong community of women with just over 4.7 thousand members. The community is a great place to be if you’re looking to network, get support and learn new things about business. 


    On this episode, she said from the start that she has nothing to hide and she openly shares her business journey and insights, what key challenges she faced, how she now helps women overcome blockers such as comparison syndrome and imposter syndrome and her future plans within business. 


    She is so passionate about supporting other businesses and seeing women thrive and this aligns so well with what Fearless Females is all about. I know you’ll love the listen.


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    Episode 68 - Lessons from 6 months of marriage with Chandni & Akash Vaghela

    Episode 68 - Lessons from 6 months of marriage with Chandni & Akash Vaghela
    They say February is the month of love (and it also happens to be my birthday month as well), so what better way to kick start it off than with a podcast episode with my husband Akash. We have just hit our 6 months of marriage milestone and on this episode, we reflect back to what marriage has been like for us.

    We talk through our challenges, what we’ve learnt about marriage, what realisations we’ve had and what has worked best for us to maintain our strong relationship. It’s a very special episode for me and I love giving a little insight into our last 6 months.

    Enjoy the listen.

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    Episode 67 - How to be a confident woman with Chandni Vaghela

    Episode 67 - How to be a confident woman with Chandni Vaghela

    This is an episode not to be missed. I LOVE talking about confidence, so have decided to share my thoughts and experiences about how to increase your confidence. It has some controversial topics as well as some myth busting around the topics.

    On this episode, I share my journey of what I’ve done to increase my confidence, some stories about my challenges and 5 key traits for a confident woman.

    Enjoy the listen

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    Fearless Females Voice
    enJanuary 25, 2022

    Episode 66 - How to overcome your self-limiting beliefs with Chandni Vaghela

    Episode 66 - How to overcome your self-limiting beliefs with Chandni Vaghela

    Self-limiting beliefs is something many of us have experienced and can stop us from achieving our goals. I know I’ve gone through it and it has slowed me down, but I pushed through and took action.


    I hate seeing other women throw away their potential or stop themselves from doing something they love because of these limiting thoughts and beliefs.


    So, on this episode, I share what I’ve been through and how I felt these exact same thoughts and how it stopped me. But also, how I overcame them, took action and moved forwards.


    Listen to this episode to learn 5 key things to do to overcome your limiting beliefs and achieve success. 


    Enjoy the listen.


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    Episode 65 - Building routines for success with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 65 - Building routines for success with Chandni Chavda

    It's the start of the year and goal setting and new years resolutions are all being worked on. But, a long term goal for what you want to achieve by the end of the year can be a little overwhelming. So it's best to break this up into short term and manageable goals. I do this through creating habits which in effect turn into a routine. 

    On this episode, I talk about the importance of having a routine. I'm one of those people who didn't have much structure to my day outside of going to work and coming home. I felt routines were restricting. Until I actually gave it a go, created a stuck to a routine and saw that it allowed me to do the things I loved and be more productive.  

    Tune in and you'll learn about my experiences with habits and routines, my morning and evening routine, what you can do to create your own routine and winning behaviours for doing so.

    Enjoy the listen

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    Episode 64 - Planning for 2022 with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 64 - Planning for 2022 with Chandni Chavda

    For the first episode of the year, I go solo and talk about my goals for 2022 and where they derive from. There's a lot of talk around goal settings and achievements as it's January, but I talk about not feeling the pressure, going at your own pace and doing you!

    On this episode, I run through my health and fitness, professional and personal goals for the year. I give an overview of what they are about and how I plan on tracking them, keeping consistent and taking action. Enjoy the listen.

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    Episode 63 - 2021 reflections with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 63 - 2021 reflections with Chandni Chavda

    For the final episode of the year, I have gone solo and shared some behind the scenes of my 2021. I go through my reflections and how I will take that into 2022. There’s a common theme in my life where each year tops the previous year and this year is no different. 2021 has been the best year of my life for many reasons which I share on this episode. I’m usually a private person, but have talked openly on this episode about what I’ve struggled with along with the learnings to act on in 2022.


    As this is the last episode of the year, I’d love to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has tuned in to my podcast, reached out to me and shared their lovely messages about how much it’s helped them and sharing the love on it. I have had the pleasure of having some incredible women on this podcast and I have big plans for it in 2022, so stay tuned!

    Episode 62 - Celebrating my clients with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 62 - Celebrating my clients with Chandni Chavda

    This is a very special episode for me. It has been 6 months since Fearless Females started and I wanted to recognise and celebrate some of my clients who have had some incredible wins through working with me on my programme, so I have recorded this episode to share their successes. 

    These ladies have achieved amazing things such as:

    1. Gaining more clients in their business

    2. Achieving promotions at work

    3. Identifying their dream job and working towards it

    4. Improving their relationships

    5. Finding their purpose

    6. Creating winning routines for themselves 

    7. Building their confidence to take action in their life and level up

    8. Understanding themselves more through mindset work

    I am SO proud of all of my clients and feel so grateful to each and every one of them for choosing me to work with. I am so dedicated to each of their journeys and they are so dedicated and committed to the programme. 

    It's been an absolute pleasure and I can't wait to see what 2022 has in store for them all. 

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    Episode 61 - Discovering your career path with Nisha Aubeeluck

    Episode 61 - Discovering your career path with Nisha Aubeeluck

    I am joined by Nisha Aubeeluck who is a career coach. She started off her career in finance straight after she graduated and quickly realised it wasn’t for her. Nisha has worked in jobs she didn’t enjoy which led her to understand more about what she wants from her career. She travelled the world and made realisations about her strengths and passions. She is very self-aware and quick to take action when something doesn’t align to what she wants from life. 

    On this episode, Nisha talks to us about her career journey from finance to coaching, what it means to work to your strengths, what she gained from working in a job she didn’t enjoy and how to perfect career transitions without feeling imposter syndrome.

    Nisha has an inspirational story and provides some great tips and tricks for those of you who are looking for a career change. 

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    Episode 60 - Finding my purpose with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 60 - Finding my purpose with Chandni Chavda

    On this episode, I am going solo and talking about how I found my purpose. I went through my 20's being conditioned by society and I was doing things I thought I had to do. As I got older, I started questioning things and that's when I started understanding myself more and what I wanted to do.

    I speak about what finding your purpose means, how I found it and squashing some beliefs that people have around purpose. 

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    Episode 59 - Living with no regrets with Suman Randhawa

    Episode 59 - Living with no regrets with Suman Randhawa

    On this episode, I am joined by Suman Randhawa who is a sales strategist and business mentor. Suman has over 25 years of corporate experience working with global brands and led award winning sales teams. She recently resigned her job after finding there to be more to life and now runs her own business helping female entrepreneurs to transform their businesses. 

    Suman has a very positive outlook in life and has had experiences which have shaped her thinking and led her on a self-discovery journey. As time has gone on, she has been doing more work on herself and understanding her purpose. On this episode, she shares her career journey, the life changing moment which made her review everything around her and more about her passion for supporting women in business. 

    Suman has an inspiring story of which I really resonated with, so I know you’ll enjoy the listen.

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    Fearless Females Voice
    enNovember 30, 2021

    Episode 58 - The art of goal setting with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 58 - The art of goal setting with Chandni Chavda

    With January 2022 coming up, Chandni recorded this podcast to share her goal setting experiences. Chandni learnt about goal setting from a young age and uses it extensively to define and manage her progress. 

    On this episode, she talks about the importance of goal setting, where people tend to go wrong, where to start with the process and the SMART method of defining clear, actionable goals. 

    This is a great listen especially for getting you set up for the start of the year.

    Episode 57 - The power of loving yourself with Diane Foster

    Episode 57 - The power of loving yourself with Diane Foster

    On this episode, I am joined by Diane Foster who is an Actor, Producer, Director and Founder of Wally Bird Productions. Diane has taken many risks in life to follow her dreams. She moved to California at a young age without knowing anyone, landed a dream job performing at the Pussycat Dolls show which was the hottest ticket in town, fell in and out of love and started her production company. Diane is a massive advocate of self-love and started discovering the power of knowing herself in her 30’s. 


    On this episode, Diane talks about her brave and fearless decision making, her abusive relationship, her passions and building her company, how she discovered self-love and much much more. 


    It’s an episode not to miss with an inspiring and powerful story from Diane. I know you’ll enjoy the listen.

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    Episode 56 - Discover your feminine magic with Sophia Le Page

    Episode 56 - Discover your feminine magic with Sophia Le Page

    On this episode, I am joined by Sophia Le Page who is a feminine embodiment coach, rebel queen and modern mystic.


    Sophia has travelled the world and been on a deep journey to discover her feminine soul. Her experiences have led her to now working with women all over the world to help them connect to their feminine energy. She shares how women can work with their menstrual cycles to unlock true power and pleasure so women can be their best selves.


    On this episode she talks to us about connecting with our womb, connecting to yourself and your energy, our perceptions of our periods, differences between masculine and feminine energy and how we can use these to our advantage.

    This podcast was fascinating for me and I learnt so much about how women can work with their bodies rather than against them. It’s perfect for those wanting to learn more about connecting to yourself on a different level. I know you’re going to love the listen.

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    Episode 55 - How to create your own success with Zarina Khaliq

    Episode 55 - How to create your own success with Zarina Khaliq

    On this episode I am joined by Zarina (Nina) Khaliq who is my old flatmate and an incredible role model. Nina has been working at Google for over 13 years and has built herself such a strong career based on hard work, being curious and taking calculated risks. Nina started her career doing something that she didn’t love at another firm and she quickly recognised that she was feeling drained and unmotivated. So, she made the hard decision to leave that job which at the time, felt like a failure to her. But she turned that failure into a learning and landed herself a job at Google and hasn’t looked back since. 


    On this podcast, she talks to us about how she built her career success, how she overcame the blocks along the way, tips and advice on career moves and progression and how to maintain a positive mindset.