
    Fearless Females Voice

    Fearless Females Voice is a podcast which shares different womens stories, achievements and experiences through life in order to inspire and empower other females. Topics covered include female leadership, motherhood, divorce, depression and losing a loved one. Women all go through many challenges so let us all support each other through and grow together. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1
    enChandni Chavda74 Episodes

    Episodes (74)

    Episode 54 - Creating your own happiness with Mira Manek

    Episode 54 - Creating your own happiness with Mira Manek

    On this episode, I am joined by Mira Manek, the Founder of Chai by Mira and author of 2 amazing books Saffron Soul and Prajna. Mira has a strong passion for health, nutrition and mindset and this stemmed from her growing up doing Ayurveda practices which she still implements now. This formed the foundation of her book Prajna where she talks about rituals for happiness. She has worked and lived abroad and more recently, started her own business in selling delicious chai mixes under the brand Chai by Mira. 


    After her divorce, Mira was going through a low point in her life, but she prioritised her self-care and happiness and this instantly lifted her spirits. Mira is a woman of many talents and has recently trained in breathwork, EFT, integrative healing and practices yoga. 


    On this episode, Mira talks to us about her self-care practices, what Ayurveda means to her, how the ideas of her books came about and what she has planned for the upcoming future. I loved speaking to Mira and her story was so powerful and I’m sure you’re going to love the listen.

    Chai by Mira website

    Mira Manek Instagram

    Fearless Females Instagram

    Fearless Females website

    Episode 53 - Celebrating a year of podcasting with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 53 - Celebrating a year of podcasting with Chandni Chavda

    Fearless Females Voice is tuning 1 years old on October 20th, so on this episode, Chandni shares her journey so far. When she started podcasting, she knew nothing about how it all works, what to do and what would happen, but she was determined to make this a success. She was told that over 50% of podcasts stop within a few months and that there are millions out there and yet, she continued on and made it to one year of releasing weekly episodes.

    On this episode, she shares how this podcast began, how the name came about, the challenges she faced and all her lows, highs and learnings. 

    Enjoy the listen.

    Fearless Females Website

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    Fearless Females FB group

    Fearless Females Voice
    enOctober 19, 2021

    Episode 52 - How the Becoming Fearless Programme changed my life with Mira Patel

    Episode 52 - How the Becoming Fearless Programme changed my life with Mira Patel

    This is a special episode. It has been 4 months since the Becoming Fearless Programme started and Mira was the first ever woman to join. She had been following FF Instagram and FB page and all of the free exercises and took all the content on board, but wanted more. She wanted the support, knowledge and accountability to really see changes in her life.

    Before joining the programme, Mira was (in her own words) all over the place with no direction, had no confidence and didn’t know how to reach her goals. During the discovery call, she learnt more about her blockers, her goals, how the programme would support her and she was set to start. She had made incredible progress in the 12 weeks, but recognised the benefits of our work, so continued working with Chandni on a 1:1 basis.


    She made changes from Day 1 and now after the programme, she is more confident, has a clear direction, has progressed in her career and also relationships. On this podcast, Mira talks us through what life was like before the programme, her experiences of working with me and the Becoming Fearless Programme, the benefits, the changes she’s experienced and her future plans.

    You can check out more about Fearless Females below.

    Becoming Fearless Programme

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    Fearless Females FB Group

    Fearless Females Voice
    enOctober 12, 2021

    Episode 51 - How Fearless Females began with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 51 - How Fearless Females began with Chandni Chavda

    This is a special date. Fearless Females turns one and on this episode, Chandni takes control of the microphone. She talks through the journey of how Fearless Females began and why she started this movement. Fearless Females started off a passion project where Chandni wanted to make an impact to society and support other women, but it quickly turned into a business which is now 4 months old. Chandni has a strong passion for helping other women and she goes through her life experiences which have led her to this.


    Enjoy the listen.


    Fearless Females website 

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    Episode 50 - Building confidence with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 50 - Building confidence with Chandni Chavda

    On this episode, I talk all about confidence. I have spoken to many women and I have found that 95% of them struggle most with confidence, so I decided to do this podcast episode. The textbook definition of confidence revolves around believing in and having faith in yourself, but I have my own definition which I share. Confidence is something that you can develop and I share my top 3 findings on how to build it. 

    I used to be a shy and timid girl growing up, but I learnt to build my confidence throughout my 20’s. I experienced solo travel, was thrown in the deep end, lived alone in different cities and was single for 5 years. These experiences helped me explore and understand myself. This led to me being comfortable in my own skin and not seeking validation from others. On this episode, I go through my thoughts and insights around confidence, the myths which surround it and the journey of how I built my confidence. I hope you enjoy the listen.

    Fearless Females website

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    Episode 49 - Following your dreams with Lourdes Perera

    Episode 49 - Following your dreams with Lourdes Perera

    On this episode, I am joined by Lourdes who is the owner of the fashion brand Navo. I connected with Lourdes a few months ago when she was telling me about her aspirations and now she has launched her brand and is set on her way.

    Lourdes has always had a passion for the fashion industry and business. She knew that she wanted to start her own fashion brand, so started off with blogging, getting involved in as many fashion related things as she could and got herself a job to help fund her passion. This passion quickly turned into a full time business and she has recently launched her womenswear label and her beautiful blouse. 

    Lourdes is a determined and driven woman who has turned her dreams into a reality through lots of hard work. On this podcast, she talks to us about her journey from fashion blogging through to starting her own business, the challenges she faced, some behind the scenes on her business, what fashion and clothing means to her and her mission. 

    I absolutely love what Lourdes is about and she is definitely one to watch out for. I know you’ll love the listen.

    Navo website

    Navo Instagram

    Fearless Females Instagram

    Fearless Females FB group

    Fearless Females Voice
    enSeptember 20, 2021

    Episode 48 - Confidence through styling with Neelam Mistry-Thaker

    Episode 48 - Confidence through styling with Neelam Mistry-Thaker

    On this episode I am joined by Neelam who is a personal stylist and style coach. I first connected with Neelam a few weeks ago and loved her page and tips which she gave to others about styling. I quickly found out that we had a lot in common with our background stories, so had to get her on the podcast to share hers.

    Neelam has always had a passion for fashion and styling, but was sucked into the more traditional route of studying business at University. After she graduated, she was working in different companies for 8 years and nothing really stuck with her. She realised working for a company was not doing it for her, so she quit her job to follow her dreams. She got back into styling, completed her training and is now running her business in women's styling and coaching. 

    Neelam talks to us about her journey to starting a business, what personal styling and coaching is, how she got into it, how style can empower women and why she loves what she does.

    I loved speaking to Neelam and seeing all the progress she has made. I know you’ll enjoy the listen.

    Neelam Instagram

    Fearless Females Instagram

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    Fearless Females FB Group

    Episode 47 - Unlocking your potential with Shay Stone

    Episode 47 - Unlocking your potential with Shay Stone

    I am joined by Shay Stone who is an Author, Life Coach and Animator at Walt Disney. From a young age, Shay was curious minded about how people think and behave. This led her to reflect on her own thoughts and behaviours and understand beyond the surface of herself. She started digging deeper and asking questions to herself to unlock her true potential. Her curiosity led her to coaching and empowering others along with writing her book ‘Be Better Than You’. This book is a guide on how to take your life to the next level through doing the inner work.

    On this episode, Shay talks us through her career and the challenges women face (especially women of colour), she talks about the deep internal work she did, why she did it, the benefits she’s discovered, the confidence she has gained through knowing herself and more about her book.

    This was such an interesting conversation and I loved hearing from someone who knows themselves so well and has had many life experiences. I know you’ll love the listen.

    Shay Instagram

    Shay Website

    Fearless Females Instagram

    Fearless Females website

    Fearless Females Voice
    enSeptember 07, 2021

    Episode 46 - The power of the mind with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 46 - The power of the mind with Chandni Chavda

    Mindset is everything! I truly believe this is something that can really make or break you. Your mindset can hold you back from achieving great things if you don’t make changes. I’ve experienced this blocker and I’m sure many of you have as well. There’s more to what we do than just talent and knowledge and this is something that I started to see from my early 20’s.

    On this podcast, I talk through:

    • The power of our mind
    • My personal experiences of manifesting
    • The law of attraction
    • How my mindset has blocked me in the past and how I overcame it
    • A simple exercise of creating your future vision

    Fearless Females Instagram here

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    Fearless Females Voice
    enAugust 31, 2021

    Episode 45 - Surviving cancer with Tracy Weiss

    Episode 45 - Surviving cancer with Tracy Weiss

    On this episode, I am joined by Tracy Weiss who has an extremely powerful story. Tracy was living her best life in her 20’s with a great job, a partner and her whole life ahead of her. Then her world took a turn for the worse. Tracy was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of 30 and had to undergo treatment and surgery. Her insurance company was not willing to pay for her fertility preservation treatment, so she was left knowing that she would be unable to have children in the future. Tracy now works for an incredible charity called Chick Mission where they help other female cancer patients to fund their fertility preservation treatment so that they have an opportunity to have children in the future.

    I found this episode truly inspiring and Tracy talks to us openly about her cancer journey, what she was going through, her main challenges, how she maintained her mindset and her determination and drive to help other women. Tracy is one badass woman who has had difficult times and yet come out of it strong and wanting to make change in the world for other women.


    You can check out Chick Mission here

    You can check out their campaign here

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    Check out Fearless Females Instagram here

    Join our Fearless Females sisterhood here

    Fearless Females Voice
    enAugust 24, 2021

    Episode 44 - Breaking barriers with Neha Dhull

    Episode 44 - Breaking barriers with Neha Dhull

    I am so excited about this episode where I am joined by Neha Dhull who is currently Miss London. Neha takes her education seriously and is studying to become a lawyer. In her spare time, she started modelling and acting to then get into beauty pageants. Neha worked extremely hard and dedicated her time and energy into fulfilling her dreams and passions. She is an advocate for women empowerment, works with female organisations and also runs her own charity for children. 


    On this episode, Neha talks to us about her journey to becoming a finalist for Miss Great Britain, her thoughts on the beauty industry, how she maintains a positive mindset, gets the work-life balance right and also her charity work and interests. Neha is dedicated to making a change for women in society and the world and her mission has already begun.


    her future projects. I am rooting for her 100% and looking forward to seeing her future thrive. Enjoy the listen.

    Neha Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nehaa195/?hl=en-gb

    FF Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb

    Fearless Females Voice
    enAugust 16, 2021

    Episode 43 - Signs from the universe with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 43 - Signs from the universe with Chandni Chavda

    Chandni is going solo on this very personal episode. We are now over half way through 2021 and there has been A LOT of change in Chandni's life. This podcast is a reflection of the first half of the year, her insights and also the signs from the Universe which have guided her to where she is at.

    On this episode, She talks openly about leaving her job, the aha moment she had for starting Fearless Females, what it has been like starting a new business from scratch, some behind the scenes on what she's been doing and the most recent change, her wedding planning and wedding day. It was great for her to reflect back on the year and see how far she has come without even planning for it. Chandni had no idea this is where she would be at this stage of her life and that’s the beauty of the Universe guiding us.

    If you’re ready to make positive changes in your life and overcome your fears, then join the free Fearless Challenge here:


    Fearless Females Voice
    enAugust 10, 2021

    Episode 42 - Money mindset with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 42 - Money mindset with Chandni Chavda

    On this episode, Chandni talks about a topic which is close to her heart - controlling your finances. Having lived independently for over 10 years, she learnt to depend on myself and the importance of being in control of her finances. We aren’t taught this topic in school of how to save money, how to invest it and how to be in control of it, so it's hard for us to know how to do this.


    Money is important and helps you live the lifestyle which you choose to live so it’s good to get a handle of what’s going on in your bank account. Control may come naturally to some, but Chandni has spoken to many women who don’t know what is going on in their bank accounts or how to save money. 


    On this podcast, she talks about financial independence as a woman, her experiences with it, a small exercise of how you can audit your finances and the best part, how to save money. A quick caveat, Chandni is no financial advisor, but has used these tips to help her save money. Savings are important even if you have nothing in particular you are saving for. You will thank yourself later on in life when you have that pot saved for a rainy day, a holiday, wedding or buying your first property.

    There is a worksheet which you can download to help you audit your finances and save money:



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement

    Fearless Females Voice
    enAugust 02, 2021

    Episode 41 - Entrepreneurship with Bhavisha Patel

    Episode 41 - Entrepreneurship with Bhavisha Patel

    On this episode, I am joined by Bhavisha Patel, the Co-Founder of She Founds. Bhavisha has worked within the tech industry for many years and has always been very business minded. A few years back, she dabbled in starting her own business, but it wasn’t in doing something that she was passionate about. So more recently, she teamed up with her friends and started a business called She Founds which is to empower female entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into reality and connect with one another. She Founds is releasing a new course early next year which is designed to help women start their own businesses and will provide all the support they need using a specific framework which is based on the tech industry.

    On this podcast, Bhavisha talks to us about her journey as an entrepreneur, why she started her own business, what she loves about business and shares some of the high level methodology which the course is based on. 

    It was so inspiring hearing that Bhavisha is doing something she is so passionate about and helping other women in business. They currently host monthly events, so if you’re interested, be sure to check out their Instagram page - She Founds.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shefounds/?hl=en-gb

    Fearless Females Voice
    enJuly 26, 2021

    Episode 40 - Creativity with Ruby Ray Penny

    Episode 40 - Creativity with Ruby Ray Penny

    On this episode, I am joined by Ruby Bennett who is an artist with a  background in architecture. Ruby has always been a high performer from when she studied to her career and now through to her new business. She studied architecture and found that she always had a flair for being creative. Ruby worked as an architect and worked her way up in her company whilst painting for a hobby. As she worked more and more, she found there was a conflict between building her career and wanting to start a family. Her body clock was ticking and thinking about all of this led to anxiety.

    Ruby talks to us about her art work, inspiration, her transition from the working world into being an artist, her mental health journey along with her new project which she is working on. It was so lovely speaking to Ruby and hearing more of her story which I know so many of you will relate to.

    Ruby instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubyraydesign/?hl=en-gb

    Website: https://www.rubyraydesign.com

    Fearless Females instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb

    Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement

    Fearless Females Voice
    enJuly 19, 2021

    Episode 39 - Leadership with Zuzana Hyniova

    Episode 39 - Leadership with Zuzana Hyniova

    On this episode, I am joined by Zuzana Hyniova who I had the pleasure of being mentored by in my previous workplace. Zuzana is an Engineer by trade and has overcome challenges, built her career and is now in a senior leadership position. When I worked as an Engineer, there were hardly any women working in the industry, so seeing a woman build her career and lead Engineering teams was a great inspiration. There is a lack of diversity and inclusion in many different industries and she recognises and talks about this openly. 

    On this podcast, Zuzana tells us how she built her career, dealt with imposter syndrome, what makes a great leader, what it’s like working in a male dominated workplace and the benefits of diversity. She also shares some of the challenges which she faced and the sacrifices she had to make in order to get to where she is now.

    I loved speaking to Zuzana and I am sure you’ll love the listen.

    Fearless Females Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb

    Fearless Females FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement

    Fearless Females Voice
    enJuly 12, 2021

    Episode 38 - Wedding planning in a pandemic with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 38 - Wedding planning in a pandemic with Chandni Chavda

    On this episode, Chandni goes solo and talks us through her preparations for her wedding as it is fast approaching. Chandni answers some questions around the wedding planning process, how it feels, what worked and what didn't, as well as the self-care practices which she has implemented to keep her stress-free during this month.

    She goes her routine and how she has put it into practice daily. The routine covers journaling, alone time, sleep, being outdoors and movement. 

    To join the 30 day free self-care challenge, click on the link:


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1

    Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement



    Fearless Females Voice
    enJuly 06, 2021

    Episode 37 - Processing grief with Ashmita Parmar

    Episode 37 - Processing grief with Ashmita Parmar

    On this episode, I am joined by Ashmita Parmar (I call her Ash for short) who runs her own business in childcare. In 2019, Ash's world took a turn for the worse when her mum passed away. Seeing her mum deteriorating triggered her grief and it was a downward spiral from there. Ash was going through a very difficult period of her life, but overcame this through communication with her loved ones and health and fitness which was a saviour for her. She started taking care of herself and learnt the great benefits from spending time alone in your own thoughts. 


    On this podcast, Ash talks us through how she dealt with the grief process, how she reached out to her support network, her rock bottom moment, how she pulled herself back up and what key things helped her through this.

    Ash is now in a much better place and very happy. She has a striving business and maintains all her self-care practices. I know you’ll enjoy the listen so get stuck in.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1

    Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement

    Website: www.fearlessfemales.me

    Fearless Females Voice
    enJune 29, 2021

    Episode 36 - Discovering Yoga with Rima Patel

    Episode 36 - Discovering Yoga with Rima Patel

    On this episode, I am joined by Rima Patel who is now a full time yoga instructor. Rima spent the first 25 years of her life going down the expected life route for her. She studied, got herself a great job and started a family. She had always been curious minded and felt that there was something missing. It’s not that she wasn’t happy, but she knew there was more. Rima then started an 18 month yoga course which changed her life.


    This course allowed her to think differently, introspect and understand more about herself. She was a new woman. On this podcast, Rima talks to us about her life before yoga, what yoga even is, meditation and her experiences of it, some mindful techniques she uses and how she has evolved as a person.

    Rima Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_groundedyogi

    Fearless Females Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1

    Fearless Females FB group: 


    Fearless Females Voice
    enJune 19, 2021

    Episode 35 - Inner healing with Jana Alonso

    Episode 35 - Inner healing with Jana Alonso

    I am so excited to release this episode where I am joined by Jana Alonso who runs her own successful business in healing processes. Jana had some difficult experiences growing up which led her to being diagnosed with depression and an eating disorder. She had an awakening moment where she knew she had to make a change to make things better, She started working on herself and understanding more about what her past traumas meant and then her mindset evolved. 


    Jana is now an Integrative  Healing Expert and has a mission to pass on this message and help other women. On this podcast, she talks to us about her past traumas and experiences which has led her to where she is now, some concepts of healing, shadow work, how to handle our emotions and the consequences of bottling them up and more about her 3 day immersion workshop which I have linked below.


    I loved speaking to Jana and loved her story and everything that she is now doing. Enjoy the listen.

    Recommended books:

    The Emotional Code - Bradley Nelson 
    Breaking the habit of being you - Joe Dizpensa
    Instagram: @janabartlettalonso
    Fearless Females website: www.fearlessfemales.me
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb
    Fearless Females Voice
    enJune 13, 2021