
    Fearless Females Voice

    Fearless Females Voice is a podcast which shares different womens stories, achievements and experiences through life in order to inspire and empower other females. Topics covered include female leadership, motherhood, divorce, depression and losing a loved one. Women all go through many challenges so let us all support each other through and grow together. Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1
    enChandni Chavda74 Episodes

    Episodes (74)

    Episode 34 - Becoming Fearless with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 34 - Becoming Fearless with Chandni Chavda

    This is a solo episode by host Chandni Chavda. On this episode she talks about her story of how she got to where she is today and her journey of starting Fearless Females. 

    The story consists of relationship struggles, career blockers, solo travel and her spiritual journey. People tend to find their awakening at different stages of their life. There is no real timeline for this. Chandni found hers at the age of 30. Something was building up inside of her and she knew that she wanted to do something different, live differently and take a chance.

    On this podcast, Chandni talks about her trigger moments, her broken relationship, her career story, overcoming blockers, her awakening moment and starting Fearless Females.

    She has recently launched a new 12 week transformation programme which you can check out on her website.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb


    Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement

    Fearless Females Voice
    enJune 08, 2021

    Episode 33 - Spirituality with Renu Ravalia

    Episode 33 - Spirituality with Renu Ravalia

    I have currently been exploring spirituality and I couldn’t wait to record this episode. I am joined by Renu Ravalia who is a spiritual life coach and has had so many life changing experiences which take her to where she is today. 

    Renu had her first spiritual awakening when she realised her first marriage wasn’t going to work and she since then she had embarked on understanding more about herself and exploring the spiritual side of things. She found her passion in coaching and helping other women through her second spiritual awakening where she realised she no longer enjoyed her job and didn’t want to be stuck doing something she didn’t love for the rest of her life. 

    On this podcast, we talk about Renus life experiences, what is spirituality, meditation, how people connect and the energies around us and how to build a better relationship with yourself.

    Renu has recommended some books to read if you are interested in learning more and she also has a womens group which she leads. You can find more details in the show notes. Enjoy the listen.

    Recommended reading list:

    Many Lives Many Masters by Dr Brian Weiss 
    The Fakhir by Ruzbeh N Bharucha
    Your Soul's Gift: The Healing Power of the life you planned by 

    Renu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamrenuravalia/?hl=en-gb

    Renu website: www.renuravalia.com 

    Renu womens group: www.thegrowmeproject.com 

    Fearless Females Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb

    Fearless Females Facebook group: 

    Episode 32 - Fearless Challenge with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 32 - Fearless Challenge with Chandni Chavda

    Chandni hosted a 3 day Fearless Challenge last week where she discussed fear of the unknown, fear of judgement and fear of failure. It was a great 3 days and the girls who completed the challenge got a lot out of it. 

    On this podcast, Chandni provides a summary of the 3 day Challenge by talking about what fears are, how they are formed, the meaning of comfort zone and being judged and the podcast ends with a recording from Day 3 of the live challenge where they talked about fear of failure in depth. It was a great conversation and includes the exercises to help you overcome your fears.

    If you want to complete the challenge in your own time, then head over the Fearless Females Facebook group where you can watch the recordings and download the workbook. 

    Hope you enjoy the listen.

    Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement

    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb

    Episode 31 - Feminism with Ramona Gohil

    Episode 31 - Feminism with Ramona Gohil

    **Episode 31 - Feminism with Ramona Gohil**

    I am really excited to share this episode which I am joined by Ramona Gohil who is the founder of Rani & Co and also an active feminist. Ramona is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in and openly talks about women empowerment. 

    Ramona noticed from a young age whilst at home that men and women were treated differently and not in a good way. She knew this wasn’t right and started exploring more into the reasons why. She noticed sexism more and more as she went through life and she knew she wanted to make a change.

    On this podcast, we talk all about how she discovered feminism from a young age, her experiences with sexism from University to the workplace, stereotypes of males and females, her thoughts on talking to the younger generation (and also men) about feminism and women empowerment and the growth of her brand Rani & Co. which celebrates women through jewellery. 

    This is a very interesting podcast and it was great to hear from someone who is so passionate about feminism and lives and breathes it. I know you’ll really enjoy the listen.

    Episode 30 - Overcoming mental health struggles with Riya Patel

    Episode 30 - Overcoming mental health struggles with Riya Patel

    This is a very special episode for the Fearless Females mental health campaign. I am joined by Riya Patel who has an inspirational self love story which has never been told before. Riya has battled with depression and anxiety from a young age. Initially, she didn’t understand what was happening or why as she had never come across it before or heard much about it. After seeking help, she was able to get to grips with her feelings, dig deeper and truly find herself. With great courage, she opened up to her family and friends about her struggles and they have been incredibly supportive of her from the start. 


    On this episode, Riya openly talks about how she felt during the darker days, what her triggers were, how she educated the older generation, seeked out help and embarked on her self love journey which included finding pilates which became a saviour. She now loves health and fitness and practices it everyday.


    Riya is an incredible and powerful woman who has taken back control of her life to be in the happy place that she is in now. I know you’ll really enjoy the listen.


    Riya Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pilatesby_riya/?hl=en-gb

    Fearless Females Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb

    Fearless Females Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement


    Episode 29 - From dating to marriage with Chandni Chavda & Akash Vaghela

    Episode 29 - From dating to marriage with Chandni Chavda & Akash Vaghela

    This is a special episode for Chandni, the host of the podcast. She has her fiance Akash Vaghela back on the podcast and they talk all about them and their relationship. Akash and Chandni met just under 3 years ago and hit it off instantly. She knew from the first date that she was in it for the long run which was a very new feeling for her. She remembers speaking to her family and friends about him in the early days and them telling her how happy and smiley she was when talking about him. But it wasn't always fun and games. Relationships can be tough at times and they found that communication was the one thing that has helped them out. Living together had also elevated their relationship and taken it to the next level. 


    On this episode, they share their journey together from how they met, their dating challenges, how they overcame them, how they support each other and why they work so well together. Enjoy the listen.


    Fearless Females Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement

    Fearless Females Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb


    Fearless Females Voice
    enApril 29, 2021

    Episode 28 - Overcoming your imposter syndrome with Nora Brown

    Episode 28 - Overcoming your imposter syndrome with Nora Brown

    On this episode, I am joined by Nora Brown who has over 10 years coaching experience and now helps others become more confident, fearless and specialises in dealing with imposter syndrome. I met Nora through a networking group and instantly clicked with her and loved everything that she was creating. I felt very inspired by her content, her words and more importantly, her story.


    Nora was living a normal life when one day, decided to quit her corporate job and also leave her long term relationship. It was a liberating experience at the time.  Whilst in a good head space, she then stumbled into a toxic relationship with a narcissist and entered what was 6 years of hell. She was trapped and one day, managed to escape and now lives with her husband and has recently had a beautiful baby girl.


    Nora is an open book and talks to us about how she felt within that toxic relationship, how to identify a narcissist, her experience with pregnancy and her miscarriage as well as well her business in coaching and supporting others. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge and shares some amazing information on different types of imposter syndrome traits, how to overcome self doubt and more on affirmations.

    I felt so energised after speaking to Nora and can’t wait to see what she does in the future as it’s all exciting things. I know you will enjoy the listen.


    Noras Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noranoellebrown/?hl=en-gb

    Noras FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/160264222269866


    Fearless Females Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb


    Fearless Females FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fearless.females.movement

    Fearless Females Voice
    enApril 26, 2021

    Episode 27 - Female leadership with Shalina Micheal

    Episode 27 - Female leadership with Shalina Micheal

    On this episode, I am joined by Shalina Micheal who runs her own events business. When I first met Shalina, I instantly clicked with her and was drawn to her energy. She spoke so passionately about what she did and what she stood for and I knew that I had to have her on this podcast.


    Shalina has worked in the events industry for over 17 years and had a senior leadership position in the corporate world. She has faced many challenges along the way and eventually decided to leave the corporate world and start her own business doing something she loved. It was a big shift in lifestyle and mindset of which she rose to the occasion and is now running a successful company.


    Shalina talks to us about her story of how she got into her industry including her past experiences with education whilst growing up, the challenges she faced as an ethnic woman with her male colleagues, the struggles of starting her own business and balancing her family and career. She also throws in snippets of her travel stints which she did which you all know I’m a big fan of.


    I loved speaking to Shalina about her story which is just incredible. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the listen.

    Fearless Females Voice
    enApril 20, 2021

    Episode 26 - Finding love with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 26 - Finding love with Chandni Chavda

    This is a solo episode by the Chandni. She openly talks about her past relationships, dating and then eventually how she met the one. She had lived all over England and struggled to stay settled in one place as her adventurous and explorer side always got the better of her. But once she met her now fiance, she knew that this was it and it was time to settle down. She is a firm believer of if you love yourself, then you are capable of loving others. 


    On this episode, she talks about her first ever relationship and the challenges they faced, her online dating experiences (including horror stories), finding love for herself, learning to be happy on her own and her tips for a successful relationship (based on her experiences).

    This episode has some golden nuggets for building and maintaining relationships. Hope you enjoy the listen.

    Fearless Females Voice
    enApril 20, 2021

    Episode 25 - Staying fearless with Laura Byrnes

    Episode 25 - Staying fearless with Laura Byrnes

    On this episode, I am joined by Laura Byrnes who is an Australian race car driver. I have never come across a female in the motorsports industry so when I saw Laura, I felt truly inspired and I was rooting for her from London and I had to hear more of her story. Laura is a first generation race car driver and loves a bit of a fast paced life. Racing has always been her passion and she broke through the industry as a female and has accomplished many successes throughout her career. 

    On this episode, Laura talks us through the journey of how she got into racing, what it’s like being a female in the industry, what goes on in her mind when driving at high speeds and how she maintains her drive, positivity and fearless mindset. 

    Laura is a bundle of joy and it was such a pleasure speaking to her. It’s great seeing women breaking through glass ceilings and going against the biases that people have. I’m sure you’ll really enjoy the listen.

    Episode 24 - Planning your solo travel trip with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 24 - Planning your solo travel trip with Chandni Chavda

    Chandni, the host, decided to take the reins on the microphone and do another solo podcast all about a topic very close to her heart - travelling. She has been to over 50 countries and backpacked around the world on her own over the last 10 years. She gets asked many questions around travelling on your own as a female, so decided to share her tips and tricks to help you plan your next trip seeing as travel is (hopefully) soon opening up. 

    On this episode, she answers 7 common questions which get asked:

    1. Why should I go solo travel?
    2. Where is the best place to go for my trip?
    3. How do you plan a solo trip?
    4. Can it get lonely?
    5. Is it expensive to travel?
    6. Is it dangerous to go as a woman?
    7. Is it better to go solo travelling when you are single?


    Chandni talks about her experiences from her trips and hopefully you gain some inspiration for any future travel trips you are considering. Remember, travelling doesn’t have to be a long 6 month trip, this podcast applies to weekends away or even day trips on your own.

    Enjoy the listen.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1

    Fearless Females Voice
    enMarch 30, 2021

    Episode 23 - Overcoming fears with Sonja Graf

    Episode 23 - Overcoming fears with Sonja Graf

    On this episode, I am joined by Sonja Graf. I recently had her mum Elisa on the podcast and she spoke so highly of Sonja that I had to get her on. Sonja describes being fearless by having a counterphobic attitude. She seeks out her fears in order to actively work on and overcome them. 

    Sonja has had many interesting life experiences. She has lived in multiple countries on her own and adapted to new cultures and societies. Through this, she has developed a strong self love and relationship with herself which she runs us through. This was truly interesting for me as it is very rare to find someone who is completely 100% happy with themselves and where they are at.

    During this episode, Sonja talks about developing a relationship with her fears, how she overcomes them, her experiences of living in different countries, her love for India and most importantly, her love for herself.

    I found so many connections with Sonja whilst talking to her and she has a great mindset and attitude towards life. I loved speaking to her and I am sure you will enjoy the listen. 

    Fearless Females Voice
    enMarch 23, 2021

    Episode 22 - Coping with grief with Asiya Parekh

    Episode 22 - Coping with grief with Asiya Parekh

    On this episode, I am joined again by Asiya Parekh who was on episode 4 of this podcast. Her first episode became very popular and many people reached out to me to hear more of her story. On her first podcast episode, she shares her tragic story of losing her son at a young age and on this episode she continues her story of how she is now dealing with the grief and what life is like. It is now 10 months since he passed away and she is continuing to tackle each day head on. 

    On this episode, she talks to us through her coping mechanisms for grief, her religious connections to this, her experiences on post natal depression and trauma. This episode was an eye opener for me and I’m sure many women, especially mothers can relate. 

    Asiya is incredibly strong minded and knows herself so well. She is creating a legacy with her son Yahiya and he will remain in all of our hearts forever. I loved speaking to her again. Without further ago, let’s get stuck in.

    Fearless Females Voice
    enMarch 16, 2021

    Episode 21 - Connecting to the world with Elisa Graf

    Episode 21 - Connecting to the world with Elisa Graf

    On this episode, I am joined by Elisa Graf who I met on a workshop which I am currently on. After reading  more about Elisa, I knew I had to get her on this podcast as she had lived a full and vibrant life of which she made many fearless decisions. 

    Elisa grew up in California and after starting a family, decided to move to a new city and travel the world. She started a meditation group and built a strong community around her. She now lives in an Eco Village in Germany. Elisa talks to us about her travelling lifestyle, how she relocated her family, built a community and her connections to life and others through meditation and spiritual practices. Elisa is focussed on living a purposeful life and this shows in her feeling happy and content. 

    I found this podcast extremely interesting and I learnt a lot around looking after yourself and spirituality, so enjoy the listen. 



    Fearless Females Voice
    enMarch 09, 2021

    Episode 20 - Living courageously with Linda McLachlan

    Episode 20 - Living courageously with Linda McLachlan

    Welcome to the Fearless Females Voice podcast -  where womens stories and experiences are shared in order to empower and inspire others. 

    On this episode, I am joined by Linda McLachlan who is a coach as well as hosts her own podcast called The Arena. I met Linda through a Podcasting Workshop and as part of the daily homework, I had to practice my interviewing technique, so Linda kindly volunteered to help out. After doing some reading up on her, I thought wow, she has accomplished so much and made many courageous changes in her life which are truly inspiring - for me, a fearless female. I couldn’t wait to talk to her.

    During 2018, Linda had a realisation that she had to make some drastic changes in her life as she was seeing her life take a turn for the worse. On this episode, we hear Lindas story from how life was like before this realisation when unhappiness had consumed her, how she handled the changes she made, what was going on in her mind and her thoughts on living courageously. 

    I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation and I’m sure you will too, so without further ado, let’s get stuck in.

    Fearless Females Voice
    enMarch 02, 2021

    Episode 19 - Book review with Chandni Chavda

    Episode 19 - Book review with Chandni Chavda

    On this episode, I talk about my passion for reading and review some of my favourite books I have read so far this year. The books I review are:

    1. A Promised Land by Barack Obama

    2. The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri

    3. Good Vibes Good Life by Vex King

    4. The Fourty Rules Of Love by Elif Shafak

    There are some spoilers in here, so listen with caution. But the main aim is exploring themes and messages from the books themselves.

    Enjoy the listen.

    Fearless Females Voice
    enFebruary 23, 2021

    Episode 18 - Being an educator with Nicola Coles

    Episode 18 - Being an educator with Nicola Coles

    On this episode, I am joined by Nicola Coles who has been working in the education sector as a teacher and head of 6th form. Nicola started her career on a different path in Architecture and quickly realised that that wasn’t where her passion lied. So she explored other options and found teaching.

    She joined the Teach First graduate programme and has been teaching ever since. She has had some great experiences working in UK schools as well as working abroad in Singapore. On this episode, we discuss the education system, the different routes for success for children, finding your passion, working abroad, what drives Nicola, challenges with being a female ethnic minority in a leadership position and her future goals.

    Enjoy the listen.

    Fearless Females Voice
    enFebruary 15, 2021

    Episode 17 - A motherhood journey with Kimberley Banner

    Episode 17 -  A motherhood journey with Kimberley Banner

    I am so excited to release this episode where I am joined by recently turned mum Kimberley Banner. Kimberley loves everything social media related so set up an account sharing her motherhood journey which quickly became popular for her being open and honest. She has connected many women from all over the world to help and support them through their own pregnancy journeys.

    On this podcast, Kimberley talks about her journey of becoming pregnant, how she felt, her experiences of the birth, being a mother and not to forget advice and tips. I learnt many new things from speaking to her and I’m sure this will benefit many other women. Whether you’re already a mother, thinking of having children in the future, or just interested in the whole process, this is definitely one for you! Enjoy the listen.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemales.1/?hl=en-gb


    Kimberley Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/kimberleybanner/?hl=en-gb

    Fearless Females Voice
    enFebruary 07, 2021

    Episode 16 - Developing resilience with Anjli

    Episode 16 - Developing resilience with Anjli

    On this episode, I am joined by Anjli from Anjlis lookbook who has a striving career and is also a popular blogger. I had been following Anjli for a while and loved her clothing and lifestyle content. At the start of 2021, I saw a video on her page titled ‘Death, depression, divorce’ which was a video summing up her 2020. I found this video to be very powerful as she opened up about topics which I haven’t really seen many talk about and her account was so real, raw and honest. It all came from the heart. So I wanted to get her on the podcast to share her story as I am sure many other women have been through or are going through something similar. 

    Anjli has had a great childhood being born and raised in Germany and then moving to England with her family. But as with life, there are always challenges and struggles. On this podcast, she talks to us about her upbringing in a traditional Asian family, her love for her culture and dancing, her experiences of her previous relationship, the divorce and her having anxiety and going through depression.

    Fearless Females Voice
    enJanuary 31, 2021

    Episode 15 - Building your career with Kati Gastrow

    Episode 15 - Building your career with Kati Gastrow

    On this episode, I am joined by my good friend Kati Gastrow. Kati and I met a few years ago when we were both working within the Engineering team of our previous company. Kati made such a big impact with her work and leadership style and I learnt a lot from her. I would go to her for career advice as I admired her courage and successes at work. 

    Kati was born and raised in South Africa where she studied Engineering and had been working within this sector since graduating. She has built an incredible career within Engineering and now holds a Senior leadership position within a top FMCG company. On this podcast, she talks us through her career moves, how to develop a  5-10 year career plan, her advice and tips on networking and building a network and also her passion for everything Engineering and how she turned this into a success. 

    I really enjoyed speaking to her about her journey so far and I hope you gain as much out of this as I did.


    Fearless Females Voice
    enJanuary 26, 2021