
    FEEL GOOD The Podcast Hosted by Malika Lee

    Answering The Inner Call with @MsMalikaLee contains both short reflections and long form conversations aimed to liberate, empower, and inspire. In life, (in anything) context matters and if you have hardship after hardship without context it makes life even harder. Here we look at life through the Spiritual context of it being a classroom, so it is a place to reflect, get loved on, encouraged, and yes even get your feathers ruffled sometimes if that's what it takes. With guests we explore aspects of their life curricula via challenges, defeats, and victories as well as other topics that are essential to feeding and nurturing your mind, soul, & body (exp. creative writing, meditation, & forgiveness). This work is intended to empower and support joyous, well-rounded, and informed humans "To Be The Change They Want To See" in a fun, inspiring, and accessible way. For over 20 years Malika Lee has and continues to be a seeker & student of Transformation & Self-Actualization. Currently her healing work and focus is supporting & encouraging heart-centered seers, healers, & feelers to self-actualize. In addition she is a Facilitator, Public Speaker, & Creative who wants to love on people and nurture with truth and joy.
    enMALIKA LEE80 Episodes

    Episodes (80)

    Pt 5: Why Rest Can Be Difficult

    Pt 5: Why Rest Can Be Difficult

    Rest is not always as easy as it sounds and is often undervalued... In this episode Malika takes a deeper dive into her own past challenges with rest including being a recovering workaholic and how it relates to how we see ourselves. 

    Are you having a hard time resting & you're ready to do the work to release and transform what's keeping you up?

    Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Point 5 - Rest

    Point 5 - Rest

    As part of Malika's 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star, we explore the fifth point, Rest.

    This step is often overlooked and is a natural and essential part of the whole. Rest serves many purposes including integration and restoration. It is also part of the rhythmic cycle of life.

    This point is not always as easy as it sounds... Ask anyone dealing with insomnia. Rest requires surrender, faith, patience, receiving, and trust.

    Are you having a hard time resting & you're ready to uncover why?

    Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Pt 4 Spiritual Work - Grief

    Pt 4 Spiritual Work - Grief

    In this episode Malika discusses the sudden loss of her father and the grief that ensued afterwards. She shares the ingredients that were essential to doing Spiritual work and healing from the loss. She also shares an interesting byproduct of healing the loss of her Father being a gateway to heal from past losses as well.

    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Are you feeling stuck and need support to answer a call showing up in your life? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Point 4: Spiritual Work is Like...

    Point 4: Spiritual Work is Like...

    As part of Malika's 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star, we explore the fourth point, Spiritual Work.

    This step is the feminine counterpart and requires just as much faith & courage to turn inside & face our fears, hurts, and emotional wounds. While it can seem daunting and intimidating, this analogy aims at demonstrating the long term benefits of doing this work... peace and emotional liberation.

    Are you ready to do the work to heal? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Point 4: Spiritual Work

    Point 4: Spiritual Work

    As part of Malika's 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star, we explore the fourth point, Spiritual Work.

    This step is THE goldmine to unlocking and upleveling your emotional & energetic baseline.  Similar to step 3, Answering The Call which is about faith & courage in the world, this step is the feminine counterpart and requires just as much faith & courage to turn inside & face our fears, hurts, and emotional wounds.

    This point is the work required to release baggage that keeps us from being the loving, kind, caring, and compassionate beings we were created to be.

    Are you ready to do the work to heal? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Point 3 Unanswered Call Storytime

    Point 3 Unanswered Call Storytime

    Sometimes we can learn just as much if not more from when we make a mistake then when we don't. In this episode, Malika details a story when answering one call (accepting the responsibility to teach) lead to another call she didn't answer. She also shares what she learned from that one instance many years ago that stay with her to this day and probably make her a better teacher.

    Trigger warning is mention of the word sexual assault.

    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Are you feeling stuck and need support to answer a call showing up in your life? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Point 3: Answered Call Storytime

    Point 3: Answered Call Storytime

    As part of Malika's 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star, we explore the third point, Answering The (Inner) Call.

    This step is so important, Malika named the entire podcast after it. As a matter of fact, this podcast was a call. Calls are an invitation to exercise faith and courage. This episode includes a personal story & example of another instance of Answering The Call.

    Benefits to answsering calls include aliveness, being of service, getting unstuck, saving time, building confidence, and much more.

    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5+ years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Are you feeling stuck and need support to answer a call showing up in your life? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Point 3: Answering The Call

    Point 3: Answering The Call

    As part of Malika's 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star, we explore the third point, Answering The (Inner) Call.

    This step is so important, Malika named the entire podcast after it. Here we explore the many ways a call can show up in our lives, as we look at it from a much broader perspective than becoming a minister. Calls are an invitation to exercise faith and courage.

    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Are you feeling stuck and need support to answer a call showing up in your life? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 



    Point 2: Spiritual Study

    Point 2: Spiritual Study

    In this series of Malika's 5 Points To Being a Spiritual Shining Start, we explore point 2, Spiritual Study. Of all the points, this one is probably the most common to the western world. It includes exploring thoughts & philosophies often through mental study and reading.

    In this episode Malika details the benefits and also the limitations on relying on Spiritual study alone as your only element in a Spiritual practice.

    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Are you feeling stuck and need support to answer a call showing up in your life? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Point 0 - The Prequal & Start of My Spiritual Awakening

    Point 0 - The Prequal & Start of My Spiritual Awakening

    While we've been exploring the 5 points & practices of being a Spiritual Shining Star, we go back in time to explore how we got here. How did we get here to these 5 points? For Malika this discovery and uncovering traces back to age 11, genesis of the 5 points. From this story we also talk about how to identify our gifts, including Spiritual gifts, and how it may require turning lemons to lemonade.

    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Are you feeling stuck and need support to answer a call showing up in your life? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Point 1: Spiritual Practice

    Point 1: Spiritual Practice

    As part of Malika's 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star, we explore the first point, Spiritual practice.

    At its core a Spiritual practice should raise your energy and vibration, aligning you with characteristics of the Spirit like peace, calm, gratitude, joy, and love to name a few. Included are the benefits of a Spiritual practice and examples of the many short and long term benefits, if it is done consistently over time.

    Want to take a deeper dive to be able to identify calls that show up in your life at your own pace? Reap the benefits and save the time it took Malika over 5 years to learn the hard way. Get the online course: 


    Are you feeling stuck and need support to answer a call showing up in your life? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    Point 1: Spiritual Practice - Storytime

    Point 1: Spiritual Practice - Storytime

    As part of Malika's 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star, we explore the first point, Spiritual practice through a personal story & benefit of one of Malika's Spiritual practices, meditation.

    There are a multitude of Spiritual practices you can choose from. At its core a Spiritual practice should raise your energy and vibration, aligning you with characteristics of the Spirit like peace, calm, gratitude, joy, and love to name a few. There are many short and long term benefits, if it is done consistently over time.

    Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika: 


    5 Points to Being a Spiritual Shining Star

    5 Points to Being a Spiritual Shining Star

    Spirituality reminds us that we are so much more than a life of limitation. But to reap the benefits its more than lighting candles and speaking in soft tones.

    The key is this--Are you tapping into your infinite potential? Do you know yourself as the loving, generous, and brilliant person you always wanted to be? One way to access the infinite powe and presence you are as a Spiritual being is what Malika outlines as her tried & true 5 points/steps to being a Spiritual Shining Super Star. 

    Could your star use a little polish & brightening? Are you ready to do the work? Schedule a 35 min consult with Malika to explore working together using the link below: 


    Have You Seen The Film Origin Yet?

    Have You Seen The Film Origin Yet?

    This episode explores the recently released indie film Origin by Ava DuVernay. This is not a film review but instead considers the benefits of both what the film as well as the book that it was inspired by, Caste by Isabel Wilkerson tackle.

    We cannot transcend the hurdles on our path unless we recognize them. And both the book and film do a great job at shining a light on the social and psychological hurdles many bump up against.

    I mentioned the huge benefit of being exposed to these social constructs my 1st year in college. If you'd like to support a young person to see this film, please check out Ava's website offered here, to make a contribution towards their ticket.


    This is not a promo & wasn't paid, requested, or incentivized in anyway. Good things are always better shared so I'm sharing a good thing!

    Are You In Tune With Your Personal Rhythm?

    Are You In Tune With Your Personal Rhythm?

    Rhythm is good for more than just dancing. It is the background music to everything from nature and music to our favorite scene in a movie; it sets the tone. Not being attuned to our personal rhythm can lead to experiences of being discordant and off beat with ourselves, a task, and/or our surroundings. Can you hear your rhythm or is it drowned out by external schedules and expectations?

    Power Of Rest: A Story with Harriet Tubman

    Power Of Rest: A Story with Harriet Tubman

    I haven't formally introduced the system of the 5 points to being a Spiritual Shining Star and I will. But for right now, we are jumping in to explore one of the five points. REST. Rest is generally not valued by the American society of go-go-go. Yet, this true story exemplifies the importance of rest / surrender / being still. In previous episodes we've explored the attributes of the feminine energy and touched on the masculine energy and how both are needed to "answer the inner call" and fulfill your life purpose and work. 

    In my 5 point system, rest is the feminine expression of FAITH and TRUST.

    Schedule a 35 min, audio Zoom chat to discuss the 2024 Founder's Inner Call Launch: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    Harriet Tubman: Case Study of Heart-Centered Feminine & Masculine Energy

    Harriet Tubman: Case Study of Heart-Centered Feminine & Masculine Energy

    In previous episodes we've explored the attributes of the feminine energy and touched on the masculine energy and how both are needed to "answer the inner call" and fulfill your life purpose and work. As a case study, in this episode I discuss Harriet Tubman as what I call a Gladiator of the Heart embodying and expressing the Light/healthier side of both the masculine (gladiator) and feminine (heart) energy. 

    It is my theory/thesis that all notable, change agents of Good/God throughout history also shared their unique alchemy of healthy, Heart Centered feminine & masculine energy.

    Schedule a 35 min, audio Zoom chat to discuss the 2024 Founder's Inner Call Launch: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    Dr Martin Luther King: Case Study of Heart-Centered Masculine & Feminine Energy

    Dr Martin Luther King: Case Study of Heart-Centered Masculine & Feminine Energy

    In previous episodes we've explored the attributes of the feminine energy and touched on the masculine energy and how both are needed to "answer the inner call" and fulfill your life purpose and work. As a case study, in this episode I discuss Dr. King as what I call a Gladiator of the Heart embodying and expressing the Light/healthier side of both the masculine (gladiator) and feminine (heart) energy. 

    It is my theory/thesis that all notable, change agents of Good/God throughout history also shared their unique alchemy of healthy, Heart Centered feminine & masculine energy.

    Schedule a 35 min, audio Zoom chat to discuss the 2024 Founder's Inner Call Launch: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    Welcome Brothers: We Need You

    Welcome Brothers: We Need You

    Warm greeting dear one. In the patriarchy sometimes men can take things for granted. Most books default to referring to the reader as "he." Often times men are not aware of invited to face that same thing in books when the default is "she" or "they". This is one of the things my friends, we call privilege. So, with that I wanted to explicitly state brothers are welcome here. And we need our males, they/them, and females to value the feminine energy alike. If you are a spiritual seeker & about that life, welcome! We need you! : )

    Schedule a 35 min, audio Zoom chat to discuss the 2024 Founder's Inner Call Launch: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika