
    FEEL GOOD The Podcast Hosted by Malika Lee

    Answering The Inner Call with @MsMalikaLee contains both short reflections and long form conversations aimed to liberate, empower, and inspire. In life, (in anything) context matters and if you have hardship after hardship without context it makes life even harder. Here we look at life through the Spiritual context of it being a classroom, so it is a place to reflect, get loved on, encouraged, and yes even get your feathers ruffled sometimes if that's what it takes. With guests we explore aspects of their life curricula via challenges, defeats, and victories as well as other topics that are essential to feeding and nurturing your mind, soul, & body (exp. creative writing, meditation, & forgiveness). This work is intended to empower and support joyous, well-rounded, and informed humans "To Be The Change They Want To See" in a fun, inspiring, and accessible way. For over 20 years Malika Lee has and continues to be a seeker & student of Transformation & Self-Actualization. Currently her healing work and focus is supporting & encouraging heart-centered seers, healers, & feelers to self-actualize. In addition she is a Facilitator, Public Speaker, & Creative who wants to love on people and nurture with truth and joy.
    enMALIKA LEE80 Episodes

    Episodes (80)

    Calls: What's The Feminine Got To Do With It

    Calls: What's The Feminine Got To Do With It

    Why did she spend so much time talking about the feminine energy and how it operates? What does that have to do with answering inner calls? In this episode we answer those questions and how having an understanding and healthy respect for the feminine energy is having a healthy respect and willingness to take heed to and recognize your soul's calls to you.

    Schedule a 35 min, audio Zoom chat to discuss the 2024 Founder's Inner Call Launch: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    You Can't Break My Soul: Beyonce's Renaissance Movie

    You Can't Break My Soul: Beyonce's Renaissance Movie

    This isn't the normal commentary about the show, we know Beyonce is going to serve & leave it all on the stage. To be honest, I went to be inspired & feel joy. I was surprised when I didn't feel joy at all. I had to spend time unpacking why which is what I explore here.

    In episode I talk about life being a classroom and our varying and shared experiences. Check it out if you haven't listened to it. Anyway, I build on that idea here and look at both the blessings and challenges of the curriculum shared by women of the African diaspora whether you are Beyonce or Keshia trying to be her best self at the medical clinic she works at.

    3 Intuition, Sharks, & Dreams Oh My!

    3 Intuition, Sharks, & Dreams Oh My!

    Rounding out the 3 part intuition series, I offer a personal specific example of when I answered the inner call, that still small voice, and didn't get the outcome I expected or wanted. There was definitely a period of confusion and uncertanity. However, once everything unfolded, it was just what my soul needed.

    Schedule a 35 min, audio Zoom chat to discuss the 2024 Founder's Inner Call Launch: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    Cassie & Diddy: Times Are Changing

    Cassie & Diddy: Times Are Changing

    Continuing with the theme and exploration of the value of the feminine energy and its gifts in the previous episode, it felt only right to insert here an exploration of how times are changing as it relates to the feminine energy & women. This change as it relates to women, money, power, and toxic masculinity are reflected by recent news about Cassie and Diddy.

    Schedule a 35 min, audio Zoom chat to discuss the 2024 Founder's Inner Call Launch: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    2 Intuition Example: Groundhog Day Film

    2 Intuition Example: Groundhog Day Film

    I can show you better than I can tell you. Building on the 1st part of the intuition series called: 1 Intuition Women Rising, we discuss the 1993 film with Bill Murray, Groundhog Day, as a demonstration & showing the benefits of trusting your feeling sense as demonstrated by one of the characters. Please note there may be a spoiler in here.

    Ready to do something different in the New Year? Schedule a 35 min, audio Zoom chat to discuss the 2024 Founder's Inner Call Launch: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    Lemme Upgrade You!

    Lemme Upgrade You!

    It's official, FEEL GOOD The Podcast is has a new name & image. As I mentioned in the mess in progress, you all are getting a little behind the scenese action. Sometimes we have to keep moving forward even when... fill in the blank with any good reason or feable excuse here.

    Interested in getting support to answering you call via the Founder's Club in 2024? Email Yes to Malika@MalikaLee.com

    What are you waiting on? Are you going to answer the inner call or what? ; )



    Endings & Beginnings: Peace Feel Good

    Endings & Beginnings: Peace Feel Good

    How you end one thing is how you start the next. Keeping that type of energy, it felt right to pull the curtain back and share the inspiration about the name FEEL GOOD before the new name is announced. Whether something feels good or not is important information!

    I want to thank all the past guests and you, the listeners of Feel Good The Podcast. I look forward to sharing more inspiring and empowering content as the journey continues under the new name, announced soon. : )

    Valuing The Feminine: Intuition and Feeling

    Valuing The Feminine: Intuition and Feeling

    In this episode we explore the case for why we should value and listen to our intuition and how it is a woman's super power in contrast to a man's super power of being physically stronger compared to most women. There is also a movie recommendation that exemplifies the power of our intuitive sense that will be explored in the next episode.

    Life Is A Classroom

    Life Is A Classroom

    In the intro episode I quoted Oprah's phrase, "Life is a classroom." In this episode we take out the canvas and paint an analogy likening our life classrooms to sitting in traffic. Our lives and experiences could be just as layered, dynamic, and varied as this. But the deeper question is, what has it taught you so far?

    If you are ready to get in the driver's seat of your life and/or ready to change direction and would benefit from assistance that Malika could offer. Schedule a consult here: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    Progress BUT Old Habits Die Hard

    Progress BUT Old Habits Die Hard

    A BIG part of healing work is being honest with yourself! (Or having someone be honest with you and being able to accept their feedback/reflection). Anyway, here I had a moment of insight about that old pattern of perfectionism showing up after my previous episode on honoring the mess! So, just like any other mess, I had to come clean. : ) 

    If you are ready to make progress but things just keep getting in the way. Maybe you aren't meant to do it alone. Schedule an audio call/consult to explore working with Malika.


    Changes A Coming: Intro

    Changes A Coming: Intro

    In the previous episode I mentioned that I've been changing and feel called to change some things on this platform too. Oprah has said, "Life is a classroom." I plan to do a deep dive all centered around this context of our daily lives through the lens of Spirituality, Psychology, Urban Philosophy and so muh more. I invite you to join me on this journey that is intended to lead to transformation, liberation, and joy.

    The Mess In Progress

    The Mess In Progress

    Any perfectionists or former perfectionists here? This short reflection is modeling a lesson I'm moving through in real time; moving forward and sharing before I feel "ready" or before everything is in place and things are "perfect" or at least more put together.

    As I've been experiencing a deep inner renovation, these changes impact me (obviously) and those around me whether other humans, projects I'm a part of, etc. This podcast is no exception. Things are a changing & I wanted to pull back the curtain and share a bit even if those things are still in flux & in process (i.e. a bit messy). 

    Could you benefit from support navigating the mess because it's hindering your progress? Book an exploratory consult with Malika here: https://calendly.com/malikalee/35minmeetwithmalika

    We've got something new!

    We've got something new!

    Are you stuck in analysis paralysis or procrastination?

    Are you currently at a crossroads and trying to make the best choice?

    Do you struggle with discernment and get overwhelmed?

    Do you have an idea to do something you’ve never done before but don’t know where to start?

    Yup, me too. For years I struggled with these things and learned a lot. I've condensed what I've learned now available in e-workshop, Answering the Inner Call can help! 20% off now through Nov 1st.

    Visit: https://thefeelgoodinstitute.com/shop-now for more info!

    #discernment #stuck #struggle #crossroads #overwhelm #spirituality #guidance

    Sexual Healing with Moushumi Ghose, MFT ep 33

    Sexual Healing with Moushumi Ghose, MFT ep 33

    In this conversation with Moushumi Ghose, a licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in sex positive sex therapy, we discuss everything from shame, pleasure, and how she thinks pornography could be used in healthy ways.

    You can find out more about her, her work, and how to connect here: https://www.moushumighose.com/

    Suggested Resources:

    Referenced by Mou: https://crashpadseries.com

    Book: Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski

    You can find out more about the host Malika & her work here:


    IG: @MsMalikaLee 


    How to Have Healthy Intimate Relationships (& Why Its Important) w/ Angela Amias

    How to Have Healthy Intimate Relationships (& Why Its Important) w/ Angela Amias

    Guest Angela Amias, LCSW, is a trauma informed relationship therapist. We discuss the loneliness epidemic and her lessons learned in healing her own relationship trauma as well as those of the many clients she's worked with.

    Along with her partner, Daniel Boscaljon, PhD, they have distilled learnings of trauma responses in relationships to 5 relationship archetypes. These archetypes provide insight into the patterns we default to in navigating the relationships that matter most and how to transcend them to be authentic and still feel connected. Lastly, we talk about the essential ingredients of a nurturing connection.

    To find out your archetype and learn more about Angela's work: https://alchemy-of-love.com/

    To connect with Malika: www.TheFeelgoodInstitute.com 

    IG @MsMalikaLee

    Taking The Leap Of Faith - Maleah Jackson ep 31

    Taking The Leap Of Faith - Maleah Jackson ep 31

    Maleah Jackson was one of millions who left her lucrative job in recent years to become a full time entrepreneur as a consultant with her company, Makari Consulting. In our conversation we talk in detail about fear, faith, having a safety net, and what life was like after leaving her job. We also discuss how taking the leap also applies to relationships when we are afraid to let go or challenge the status quo of existing relationships.  Lastly she shares who she has become as a result of deepening her faith in God and ultimately, herself.

    Thanks also to our episode sponsor Prescia Foot Pads: https://prescia-crescena.com/

    Interested in booking Malika or sponsorship: FeelGoodThePodcast@yahoo.com


    Joyful Service with Toni "Zumba Mama" Bailey ep 30

    Joyful Service with Toni "Zumba Mama" Bailey ep 30

    In a different format than our usual episodes, in this more immersive format we journey with Toni "Zumba Mama" Bailey into her life of Zumba. We talk about how she started and the many unexpected gifts that have come with serving her community by sharing her love of dance and fitness. We also hear from some of her students who have been touched by the class and Toni's infectious Spirit. Toni is known for her smile. While you can't see it this episode, you can still feel it! You can find Toni's upcoming classes here: https://www.zumba.com/en-US/profile/dolores-toni-bailey/28220 or on IG @zumbatoni09.

    Nov: Upcoming Introductory Workshop to A Course In Miracles

    Nov: Upcoming Introductory Workshop to A Course In Miracles

    A Course In Miracles has been a great presence in my life that I often don't talk about. Over the years I've read many books, taken courses, gone to therapy, and much more. Of all those things, I attribute The Course to answering many unanswered questions I've had for a long time and it has given me a greater Spiritual context to live each day in; one that is empowering and helped me feel more loving and peaceful as I practice it over time. It has been such a private journey for a long time and recently I've felt inspired to share its teachings combined with my teaching style and personal experiences in a way I've never seen. Intrigued? Find out more about this workshop at https://thefeelgoodinstitute.com/workshops

    #ACIM #peace #ACourseInMiracles #ego #Holy #psychology #spirituality #healing 

    Women + Anger + Power ep 29

    Women + Anger + Power ep 29

    When the dominant group expresses anger it is usually respected as an expression of power. But that same anger is usually discouraged, undermined, and/or disregarded when it is expressed by an oppressed group. In patriarchal societies, for many centuries women have been socialized to ignore, suppress, or discount their feelings/anger/needs to keep the peace.

    My three female guests all managed to go against the grain and keep a relationship with their anger. We discuss their challenges, learnings, and the gifts of sometimes being an angry woman! 

    Books: Rage Becomes Her by Soraya Chemaly The Anger Advantage by Deborah Cox, PhD, Karin Bruckner, MA, LPC, and Sally Stabb, PhD

    Upcoming workshop: www.thefeelgoodinstitute.com/workshops

    About Upcoming Workshop 9-27-22

    About Upcoming Workshop 9-27-22

    Join host, Malika Lee, for an Introductory 4-part workshop series on A Course In Miracles. She will bring her years as A Course student along with her years of faciliation experience to ensure participants have a dynamic, transformative, and accessible learning experience. Register, details, and ask questions at: https://thefeelgoodinstitute.com/workshops