
    Freedom Life Journey Podcast

    Jamie and Ruthie pull back the curtain on their personal life and share how they have grown their dream life by expanding their vision, developing a successful mindset and building a profitable business. They share helpful tips and tools so you can do the same.
    en29 Episodes

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    Episodes (29)

    The Upper Limit

    The Upper Limit

    What is the Upper Limit challenge? 

    Ruthie and Jamie explain the concept of the upper limit challenge and how we sabotage future success we desire. We have limiting beliefs and other issues that hold us back.  Get clarity on your limits and get ready to make the big leap!

    Resource of the week 

    Gay Hendrick   The big leap.

    The Fear of Failure

    The Fear of Failure
    What You Can Do About Your Fear of Failure
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling; but in rising every time we fall." ~Confucius
    What if falling was a nature part of the success in life?
    How do you define failure? We need to know what failure is to us. 
    "You miss 100% of the shots you never take." Wayne Gretzky
    Brian Tracy says instead of failure let's call it feedback.
    Coach Ruthie Facebook Page Video https://www.facebook.com/270572966626914/videos/468134273537448
    We have a Fear of a Negative Evaluation of Others. If you're surrounded by people that support you, this is just an experiment. It's not a judgement on you as a person. 
    Risk is a part of life. What risks are you taking that seem scary? What's it gonna be like if you reframed it? Tell us at ruthie@freedomlifejourney.com
    Let's let our results inform us and not paralyze us. What if your results were feedback and not failure?
    Quote: "Take risks: If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will be wise." ~Anonymous
    Go forth. Risk and Learn!

    Pick Yourself

    Pick Yourself
    If you don't believe in yourself, how are you going to be a qualified candidate?
    Having confidence in yourself is what grows into the character you need to move up.
    Jamie at Benders before doing MBA studies & switching careers.
    The American Abolitionist Frederick Douglas was "Committed to freedom, Douglass dedicated his life to achieving justice for all Americans, in particular African-Americans, women, and minority groups. He envisioned America as an inclusive nation strengthened by diversity and free of discrimination."
    This is so appropriate for the season we're currently in.
    Quote: "I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs."

    What keeps us on the sidelines?

    What paralyzes us?
    Examples of what picking yourself looks like:
    Choosing to set aside time to work out
    Researching a new career
    Scheduling an interview
    Taking a risk
    There's a time to wait and there is a time to ACT.
    A--Allow yourself to practice
    C--Confidence is believing you are capable to learn what's needed to grow
    T--Transition out of the passive approach to life
    Resource of the Week: Book by Seth Godin   

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    The Best investment you can make

    The Best investment you can make

    We've all heard it said there is no better investment than in yourself. In today's episode, Jamie and Ruthie talk about how only 25% of people actually do this. Are you in the percentage of people who invest in themselves or in the majority of the 75% that don't? If you not investing in yourself don't worry it's never too late to start. Jamie and Ruthie share ways to start investing in your personal development today.

    Resource of the episode.    Jeff Olsen  The slight edge


    How to get anything what you want

    How to get anything what you want

    In this episode, Jamie and Ruthie share a process of 5 simple steps to achieving a goal. Instead of calling this goal-setting, they  call it "going after what you want"

    Step 1: identify what you want. This first step is crucial. Be specific and define it. Example. I want to lose 10 lbs by September 1st, or I want to sell my car by next week.  


    Step 2: Research/resources

    A. Learn about the topic

    B. learn about the Obstacles 

    C. Time & Investment. (What is the cost of pursuing your goal)

    D. Who's done this well? Find the others and mentors that will help you on the journey.

    Step 3 Commit to the plan.

    At this point, you can choose to step back or commit.   If you are committed then you're all in! Use the words "I commit" Those words are powerful. Congratulations!

    Jim Rohn says " If you really want  to do something you'll find a way or you'll find an excuse."


    Step 4 

    Work the plan- Trust the process you built intentionally. 

    This is the step where the work is done. Don't overthink the outcome. Yes, it's ok to desire the goal but focus more on what you can control. Work on the daily and weekly tasks in the plan. You can't guarantee the results but you can control what you do now! Walk in integrity and do the simple small tasks you put in your plan.


    Step 5

    Evaluate & Celebrate

    Course correct the plan as you learn what works. Iterate  your daily and weekly tasks.  Also celebrate!  Reward yourself as you move through the process. 

    Victim Mentality and Becoming a Person of Action

    Victim Mentality and Becoming a Person of Action
    Are You a Victim or are you a Person of Action? 
    Exploring Our Post-Pandemic Mindset and Changing it for Good
    "Something bad happened to me!" We can process the emotion in the best possible way.
    We all have a person of action and a victim inside of us.
    When a problem comes, we can blame others. 
    But if we choose to become a person of action we decide this is OUR problem. 
    Making the shift out of the default victim to the transforming Person of Action.
    1. Notice when you're taking the victim role. The clues can show up in your body: tensed jaw, tight shoulders, upset stomach, etc. Coping with stress can also show up in eating junk food and treats. Maybe you're looking outside of yourself for a solution or begin blaming others. Instead ask yourself "How can I move forward?"
    2. Be vulnerable. Share how you're feeling with a significant other. "What am I going through right now?"
    3. Ask better questions. "What does this make possible?" "What would someone I admire do in this situation?'
    What are we responsible for? There are things outside of our control but we have control over a lot if we change our perspective. We can take some action and take a different approach.
    Our Amazon products were deemed non-essential and our income was on hold as a result of Covid-19. 
    Example of unhelpful, victim questions: "Why? Why me? Why is this happening? Why is this happening to us?"
    We had to accept our situation because there was nothing we could do about it.
    Our Airbnb was also shut down as U.S. travel came to a halt. 
    We were victims of the pandemic, losing our livelihood. 
    Maybe you too are in the middle of a trying, difficult circumstance. It's still possible to make progress while frustrated. Grieve with personal responsibility. Acknowledge the emotion and also ask "What's my next step?"
    Bad things happen in life and we respond to it in the most honoring way to yourself and the people around you.
    We'd love to hear from you! 
    How have YOU overcome a victim mentality? How have you been a person of action? 
    Email us at ruthie@freedomlifejourney.com
    Overcome difficult circumstances. Choose to be grateful. Take positive action.

    The Opportunity in Leveraging Your Property

    The Opportunity in Leveraging Your Property

    On today's show, Jamie & Ruthie Slingerland talk about the opportunities found in the short term rental market.


    In this episode, you're invited to:

    • Get over the hesitation to test out short term rentals for yourself
    • Explore the options available as a host/guest
    • Tap into a new stream of income using what you already have
    • Be curious about what's possible
    • Connect with your deeper desires through hospitality/generosity
    • Release your space to benefit & bless others


    Connect with us about coaching or consulting:


    Thank you to our 'AirBnb' friends and family mentioned in today's episode: Jim Lyons (Buffalo, NY), Jordan Slingerland (Buffalo, NY), Jonathan & Linda Slingerland (Buffalo, NY), Sheryl & Ray Slingerland (Williamsville, NY), Michael & Lydia McGreevy (Buffalo, NY), Tom & Sharon England (Bald Head Island, North Carolina), Drew McCluskey (Rolla, MO), Chad Jeffers (Nashville Area), Leigh & Olin Funderburk (Franklin, TN). 

    The 5 Phases of Freedom

    The 5 Phases of Freedom

    A year from now you will either be celebrating newfound freedom or feeling stuck.

    Where phase are you in? 

    1-Dream & Design Phase: What's possible? Creative process as you imagine what your life could look like? Allow yourself to be playful. Open yourself up to new resources.

    2-Demo Phase: Executing phase. Saying yes to move toward a new life means tearing down walls and removing the unnecessary junk. Purging & pruning.

    3-Difficulty Phase: Hitting a wall. This is where a couple might call it quicks. Dealing with conflict. Running out of steam. Needing the support of others and God's help. Dan Miller calls it "the sick chicken phase." Kirk Franklin song "My Life is In Your Hands"

    4-The Determined Phase: Homestretch. Almost done. Mini-celebration. We see the light.

    5-Done Phase. Celebrate completion. Accomplished project.

    Galatians 5: 13-15 The Message




    Help! I'm in a Funk

    Help! I'm in a Funk

    Ever have a slump or get caught in a Funk?

    On this episode, Jamie and Ruthie talk about 2 simple ways that work to help get you out of a funk.


    Interested in being coached by either  Jamie or Ruthie?


    Call or text Jamie at 615-801-6577

    Call or text Ruthie at 615-972-0051

    Smart Device-Negative Consequence

    Smart Device-Negative Consequence

    Anyone who wants a better relationship must have healthy boundaries around their devices.

    In this episode, Jamie and Ruthie discuss three negative consequences that result from not having limits around our smart devices. Don't miss this powerful episode.

    You will learn:

    • The high cost of overusing our devices
    • The unconscious choice we're making
    • The effect it has on our mind

    It's in your hands to get wise about using your device proactively.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Simon Sinek on the destructive effects of imbalanced cellphone usage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0xYCy2eft8

    Michael Hyatt's Best Year Ever Live Event

    Connect with us on Facebook @FreedomLifeJourneyPodcast.

    For coaching, visit https://freedomlifejourney.com/


    Conquering the Budget

    Conquering the Budget

    In this episode, Jamie & Ruthie share how to start a budget and begin taking charge of your money together. They share their personal struggle with money before they finally got on the same page.

    Don't lose track of what you're making and let's have a conversation about money.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    • Everydollar: Spend Less Time Budgeting; Budgeting App by Ramsey Solutions
    • Mint Budget Tracker & Planner
    • Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss


    Continue the conversation with us on our Facebook page.

    Find us at http://freedomlifejourney.com/

    The Dreaded B Word

    The Dreaded B Word

    Are you being intentional with your money or is your money drifting away?

    What do you think about budgeting? Is it almost like a bad word in your house?

    People often have a visceral reaction to the word Budget. We know because we felt the same! Uninterested at first followed closely by: "Ugh!"

    But, after a few budget meetings we finally got the hang of living on a budget. We where hooked! 

    More cash for the things that really matter? Sign me up!

    On this episode, Jamie and Ruthie talk about why doing a budget can is not only important but essential to moving toward the life of freedom you want to live and the future we desire.


    • Budgets don't have to be boring and sterile.
    • Budgets can help you get more of what you want in life.
    • Budgets and spending reveal what you value regardless if you're conscious of it or not.
    • Budgets keep us accountable to ourselves and each other.
    • Everyone has a budget. Some people just don't know what it is.
    • Where you spend your money should go toward the things we value.
    • A budget will maximize your options and opportunities.
    • You need to be intentional with money no matter where you are on the financial journey.

    Don't fear starting a budget! A budget gives you control over your money. It doesn't take control away.

    Are you looking to build your life of financial freedom and relationship freedom? We would love to help. 

    To schedule a call with us go to www.freedomlifejourney.com

    The Hidden Benefits of Obstacles

    The Hidden Benefits of Obstacles
    As we walk through life we will face adversity and obstacles. We might as well accept them as benefits. Everyone should learn from their obstacles because they are a necessary part of life. Accepting obstacles as a part of our 'life training' can allow for a tremendous value in our marriages and families.
    In this episode we share:
    • three obstacles we faced while paying off our debt
    • the opportunity we saw in each obstacle
    • the two benefits of accepting obstacles that come while we build a life of freedom.

    Connect with us on Facebook at Freedom Life Journey Podcast.

    Visit us at www.freedomlifejourney.com


    Dating Your Spouse

    Dating Your Spouse

    On this Valentine's Day episode, Jamie and Ruthie share why it's vital to the health of marriage to date on a regular basis. Together they discuss: 

    • Why important things, like dating your spouse, gets pushed aside. 
    • The excuses we tell about dating.
    • Zig Ziglar's quote on teeth reminds us that just like we undervalue our teeth, we may be undervaluing our marriages: "Only brush the ones you wanna keep." Jamie says: "Only date the wife you wanna keep."
    • Stop right now and make an appointment with your spouse to talk about what dating can look like for you two. "What gets scheduled gets done." -Michael Hyatt. Start where you are. Make it as important as physical health.

    Resources mentioned:

    Andrea & Joel Higgenbotham: Dating Deck Cards

    Connect with us on: http://freedomlifejourney.com

    Check out our Facebook Podcast Page

    Everyone needs a mentor

    Everyone needs a mentor

    You know what it feels like to walk in the dark? How trekking through a new forest at night without a flashlight can send a chill down your spine? 

    You hear shaking in the trees or a howl in the distance.

    Not to mention, you don’t know where your headed and can’t see where you’re going. This is how it feels to go through life without a mentor.

    A few weeks ago, we read a “Create your own Adventure” book to our four children. It was all about this group of young hikers going up Mount Everest.

    They were skilled at hiking but new to Everest. If they hiked alone, death was inevitable. So they needed a guide, a mentor. In mountain climbing, it’s called a Sherpa.

    Mentors can serve as guides or sherpas in any area of our life.

    In this week’s podcast, we talk about how important is it to seek out mentors. In our life, we’ve had all types of mentors. 

    Just to give you an idea, here’s a list of a few:

    Physical Health
    Sports or Hobbies

    If you feel like you’re walking through life in the dark and alone, listen to this week’s episode The Value of Mentorship. 

    You’ll learn why finding a mentor is not only important but a must if you’re looking to build a strong foundation for your family and business.


    Our Debt Journey: How We Turned Our Life Around

    Our Debt Journey: How We Turned Our Life Around

    Changing your life can start today.

    Jamie and Ruthie share how they turned their life around by taking control of their finances, being honest about debt and working together toward financial freedom.

    Listen to Jamie speak to a live audience, a group of men, how every man can change their life.

    What's next for you in 2019? In this new year, what can you and your spouse do to turn your life around?

    Be inspired to take your own steps toward change and financial freedom.

    The Entrepreneurial Family Man Podcast on iTunes.
    Find their website at www.efmlife.com

    Book resource: The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

    Audio Clip from The Dave Ramsey Show, February 2012.


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