
    From the Nth POWER

    A BUSINESS LIFE COACHING & PODCAST THAT HELPS STUCK, INTELLIGENT OVERTHINKING MID-CAREER PROFESSIONALS FIND POWERFUL & PURPOSEFUL JOBS, CAREERS OR BUSINESSES...GIVING YOU THE FREEDOM TO LIVE YOUR MOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE. You have the power to love what you do, which starts by creating professional and personal growth alignment which will propel your life forward. NOT creating this correlation leads to being stuck and unhappy--no matter how much you achieve. FROM THE Nth POWER podcast is a new business foundation around your power and values. With a focus on self-actualization, Nicole will help you enhance your career or grow your business in order to find the vocation that gives you the confidence and leadership to become whoever/whatever you desire.
    enNicole Devlin100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Being Free Of The Bondage Of Others

    Being Free Of The Bondage Of Others

    The bondage of others is when someone says something - or poses a question - that makes you disturbed or propels you into over-thinking. In other words, you personalized their response to something you said, or you made up a general opinion they had about you. Certainly, people say things that make you think, or plant a seed of self-examination about your own dis/comfort level. SHOULD the things people say or [seem to] insinuate provoke you to question yourself? It's normal to be affected by your response to what others say. However, it's trying to find the parts of what they said that were relevant to you and also to feel your own bodily reactions that are the most important parts of self-discovery. When in a group setting, it's appropriate to want to be heard and to want the communication to go well. Questioning oneself after the fact can also be good...Over-attachment to a perception of negativity from another that makes you over-analyze yourself is NOT. Understand the difference so you can let go of what others think of you. Without self-examination, your thinking can go to extremes...and next thing you know you're feeling bad about yourself and you don't even know why. Being aware is finding out what's best for you to let go of. That's being truly free of the bondage of others. 

    The Mechanism of Our Madness

    The Mechanism of Our Madness

    Madness, in our modern world, is doing things to each other that are disconnected and even harmful - with intellectual justification. We also insanely over-protect people from their own consequences by trying to remove or cushion their "bottoms" (aka breakthrough)--so they don't grow a willingness to change. Our relationships are peppered with back-biting and over-criticism, while talking unconditional love. Our hardness, fixed-firm lines and gaps between each other are all about "I'm right". But what does it all mean? Can we meet or understand each other in such madness? Yes. I don't have to win and humanity won't die if I seek to allow EVERYONE their point of view. The new mechanism - the only way to sanity - is to accomplish a valid purpose amongst us that can work even when we disagree. The new mechanism - the only way to sanity - is to accomplish a valid purpose amongst us that can work even when we disagree. As we continue to draw attention to our lives the path of sanity is humor...another is greater openness and willingness. These things work to create lightness and being which conquer darkness. From there, you can find an opening in communication, expression and understanding, not your own intellectual superiority. Are you trying to be a greater being? A simple way to do so is to change your purpose to greater awareness so you can see things differently. 

    The Same But Different

    The Same But Different

    Understanding sameness means you find or connect with the things in you that you share with another. Being different means no matter how similar you are - in values, upbringing, etc. - there will still be things that have differed in your lives and experience. When something (job, relationship) fails due to these differences, it provokes a greater understanding of how to respect all sorts of other differences that may never make sense. If you are someone who likes order, organization and clarity, it may disturb you to find that when you look for similarities and stereotypes you still cannot understand completely what's happening with others. Yes, common threads can mean common sense. They can also remove you from the education you get being present to someone who is different in ways that intimidate you. Worse yet, when you try to find too many similarities so as to avoid discomfort, you don't benefit from finding ways to think for yourself. When you think for yourself, you are more liberated to avoid generalizations and even the need to stereotype. What follows is more openness and vulnerability to new experiences and new people. Reservations and stereotypes block love. Consciousness has needed to replace my bullshit and too-smart-for-my-own-good need to categorize to understand. I DO understand...that I DON'T understand. 

    The Mountain of Most Resistance

    The Mountain of Most Resistance

    The world is plagued by mediocrity - people living to die in a state of absolute contemplation of nothing. The path of least resistance is a well-worn road, rife with depression, anxiety, stress and lack of fulfillment. Why? Because it's EASY. And people love easy. The problem is that easy is not IT. Easy is failure. Easy is lack. Easy forgets and deserts the connection you claim to want so bad but won't work for. As you barely plant seeds and don't water the plant, you wonder why nothing grows. BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUNLIGHT. Because you let no storms in. Because you haven't surrendered your life to nature in a way that will satisfy your soul instead of your pocketbook or your vanity. What a shame-based life to live, brought on by nothing and nobody but your ignorance and unwillingness to be uncomfortable or look stupid. Life is difficult; you won't learn how much until you live it fully. The more fully you live it, the more likely you will master storms - AND the more likely you will learn how to REALLY LIVE. You'll climb mountains when you didn't even own hiking shoes. You will swim oceans when you're afraid of the tides. There is plentiful courage. You simply first have to face pain. Welcome to the mastery of your life at the top of the mountain of resistance. Enjoy the climb!


    The Biggest Decision Of Your Life

    The Biggest Decision Of Your Life

    Nope, it ain't to take a new job, get married (or divorced), move or have children. It's TO LOVE. What makes it the most major decision is because the decision or choice to love creates the most amount of positive consequences. Making the decision to love is conscious and ideally balanced between logic and emotion. Many feel love is a feeling but it can also be very grounded in logic and sanity. A decision to love can produce a ripple effect of positive energy for you and others. Choice is so powerful because it clears away uncertainty and leaves a foundation of connection. To understand all this consciousness make me feel more comfortable being more emotionally loving. The decisions I made to be "in love" produced the greatest consequences and fundamentally transformative experiences for me and others. Don't think you can "decide" to love? OK--but if you don't choose--are you preparing for a grounded love that will last or, at least, produce positive movement, change and energy? Love is the greatest force in the universe...choose it for better or worse. FromTheNthPower

    What It All Boils Down To Is--It Doesn't

    What It All Boils Down To Is--It Doesn't

    "What it all boils down to is __________" refers to extracting things down to their essential elements. Can this be done with people? Are we all similar when it comes to something like our values? It doesn't appear to be so. As someone who likes to figure things out and form scripts that could make it easier to understand how human beings tick, it has been virtually impossible to find a clear path through human behavior by examining values. Although I would still insist that people are motivated by the same needs, it's still difficult to match those needs to common values that make sense for everyone in the same way. Despite not having enough common values, we can still better meet each other if we grow our ability to be open-minded and to reserve simple judgments when it comes to what people do and why. The first place to start - if you want more healthy connection to others - is to meet people on their terms and from their point of view. It will seem odd, or be difficult at first, but soon you will start to see more and more how people really are very much the same despite our vast differences. 

    The Sword of Security Consciousness

    The Sword of Security Consciousness

    What is "security consciousness" and why is it a sword? We all know people who have no money but who are abundant and confident. On the flip side, there are wealthy people who live an emotionally empty existence. The Sword yields force...Consciousness is powerful...Security is abundance mindset. Much of the people I know who grew up without a lot of money often work hard but still don't feel secure financially, no matter how much money you/they make. Simply put, a security consciousness is necessary for the financial freedom most seek. It means that you choose to believe that you can have abundance and that your consciousness will draw abundance to you through dreams and visions. Ideas you have about money have been taught with words and unconscious behaviors so you must unlearn them with words and conscious actions.

    Also, one of the biggest block to security consciousness says that money and people who make more money are BAD. If you believe this, your own security consciousness - and therefore financial abundance - will continue to be a struggle. Deep early childhood experiences revolving around family financial drama will also prevent the level of financial (and even emotional) security you crave. Having a hard time getting ahead financially? Might be time to do some work around financial and emotional security limiting beliefs.

    You may need to search deep within your heart to find security. Let me lead you there. 

    The LOVE Scorekeeping Game

    The LOVE Scorekeeping Game

    Let's be honest, love is - and never should be - about keeping score. But let's play with that anyway because sometimes we don't know what we know (or don't) about love. For me, consciously, LOVE is doing/being/becoming what you love. LOVE is everywhere all the time. LOVE is living in abundant manifestation. The (imaginary AND creative) scorekeeping system of LOVE I present here is creative food for contemplation...

    Love is about:
    TIME: if you want love, you give your time. I am a liar if I say "I love you" but won't give you my time. It is my greatest and most precious gift to give or spend. 
    ATTENTION: if I give you my time, I will do my best to not allow distractions to remove me. Even if I have my own emotions happening, I will come back to being there. 
    ENGAGEMENT: Being fully engaged means I'm on the highest level of deep listening. I ask questions. How do I engage with you to help you experience my time as powerful?
    PRESENCE: Being fully present means my body - mind, eyes, ears, feelings - are looking to KNOW who you are. Breathing consistently re-engages presence. I am MYSELF.
    RESPONSE: Am I attentive to your/our needs both then and later? How I respond to you as an individual and partner means I do my best to remember what you need. 

    If you explore this type of scorekeeping, the game of competition ends and the game of LOVE remains and reigns supreme - as it should. 

    When Your Experience Catches UP...

    When Your Experience Catches UP...

    Opinions these days are rampant. Even as I watch highly intelligent, sought-after speakers, authors and experts voice what is meant to be open-minded and tolerant, I hear the voice of opinion. Why is this? Because to be truly open-minded, it takes being completely in the experience of now and deciding how you're being. When one lives in the intellectual space too long and too exclusively, there is a lack of being that permeates an inability to go DEEP. Do you crave a better life? If so, have you come face-to-face with your need to be vulnerable - and how much you avoid it with your smart opinions? Opinions are great and strong ones that take years to form can be valuable. What is NOT valuable is using those strong opinions to create divisions, or refuse to see another point of view. If greater conscious creation is moving us to better things - to a source of POWER greater than anything you've ever known - are your opinions helping or hindering you from getting to that power? Only your heart knows...

    The WTF of What's Happening

    The WTF of What's Happening

    You're on the precipice of change and the fear and discomfort you're experiencing will prompt questions that you don't know how to answer. It's when WTF will be in your face that you'll have to seek solutions from a place of greater power. When you start to seek those answers, you may have a level of perfectionistic denial that makes it hard to see yourself. Your need for security actually prevents you from seeing what's happening. Logic won't serve you at this time - which is why WTF is the most prominent question. It means you're frustrated by the lack of clarity in your over-thinking mind. Because of your suffering, you may not understand that greater energies have led you to WTF to let you know that you're out of answers. Because when you're out of answers, you're at the beginning of everything you've been looking for... When you're willing to go anywhere in surrender to this type of energy, WTF is the question of surprise and curiosity that takes you to the next greatest version of the grandest vision of who you really are ("Friendship w/God," Neale Donald Walsch). 

    Aching for Autonomy

    Aching for Autonomy

    It's been said that Autonomy is a $$million-dollar$$ word. More clearly, it's invaluable to your self-esteem and overall well-being. If you weren't taught - or aren't cultivating - a powerful way of making up your OWN mind and evaluating what's happening to you without layers of stuck conditioning, then you're not truly free. You are, effectively, not yourself. Autonomous people have integrity. They know when to ask for your help. They thrive on examining circumstances logically, emotionally and intuitively to make decisions. Autonomy gives a person a sense of calm, thoughtful presence to self and others - something that, in these days and times - cannot be bought or paid for. If you have unhealthy attachments to controlling yourself or others, start with this...
    See how you feel about that. Let me know how uncomfortable you get.

    Facts of a Fiery & Fun-Filled Faith

    Facts of a Fiery & Fun-Filled Faith

    There is a distinction between religion and faith. In this episode, and this subjective explanation, I'm speaking of a faith from inside and with acknowledgment of the greatest powers of all time. When the idea of a power greater than me was introduced to me as a way to make my life better, I was perplexed and afraid that I would become boring. I was certain that the end of my creativity and passion was near. Yet, what I found was that once I started to "Act As If" - by becoming active in a relationship of connection to a great, higher power - my life became more passionate, fuller, more creative and better than I could ever have imagined. When I explored fully relying on this power, I realized that there was so much more of ME that I could become. I'm still at it...being bolder than ever. 


    What, Exactly, Does Meaning Mean?

    What, Exactly, Does Meaning Mean?

    Many people would say they are searching for meaning. At the very least, most are asking questions having to do with superficial meaning, such as "What does that mean?" or "What I meant to say was_______" What this tells us is that even though meaning is crucial to connection and understanding, once we travel deeper inward, meaning becomes very individual. So if meaning is perceptual and experiential, how DO we come to know each other, connect better and mean no harm? Well, this is where coaching comes into play. Examining contextual communicative meaning and what the deeper meaning of things is for you is about finding the spaces to self-examine. You're going to have to dig deeper into your scripts and conditioning to see the ways you're blocking your deepest meaning, purpose and true joy from coming into your life. If you're looking for meaning, look no further...fromthenthpower.com

    Why Ignoring Your Dreams Is Kicking Your Ass!

    Why Ignoring Your Dreams Is Kicking Your Ass!

    Your dreams never were about mediocrity, but if you've been ignoring them, then your life probably is. When you sit in stuckness, you'll blame others for your lack of energy. When you fear risk and forget what you came here to be in this life, you learn to accept less. Somewhere along the way, life, the world, your family, etc. taught you to play it safe and forget about the higher heights of living. Yet your true purpose - AND more peace, contentment, love and abundance - are waiting on the other side of that blind spot. When you ignore your dreams, you become stuck. After staying stuck, the infection of this stagnant energy becomes illness. Stop living in mediocrity and forgetting your dreams. Your health can't handle it. And there's not enough time to leave them behind. 

    The Stye In Your Mind's Eye

    The Stye In Your Mind's Eye

    I equate blaming others and attacking things outside of you to "change the world" to trying to get rid of a stye. It has a process that is beyond what I think should be happening. Trying to force things to change - especially when you have your own mental blindness and  limitations (aka "mental styes") - is like holding someone down with your foot and not letting them up until they submit to what you think should happen and how. Finger-pointing and frustration is as futile as trying to get rid of a stye before it's natural time. Any person's mind cannot see what needs to change until it comes to conscious awareness. That awareness has to come from them wanting to go within. People's confusion cannot be overcome without an acceptance of self and a keener eye beyond the mind's stye. I cannot bring someone to enlightenment by making her wrong. MY growth is what brings me to power. I want yours to bring you there too...with love. 

    Opting-out of Discord

    Opting-out of Discord

    Some of you are so steeped in discord that it's become a way of life. Worse yet, you certainly cannot figure your own way out. Has it occurred to you that even though this state began with valid feelings, you don't realize that you do things to make sure that it continues to make you miserable? Your fear and your ego are dead-set on making sure your monthly mortgage is paid for this comfortable, dark silence. You don't see that there are ways your mind tells you it's safe. Yet, the more you pay rent on the darkness, the harder it is to get away from. If you want to start living higher, better and longer - and from fruitful and faithful contemplation about your life and purpose - then it may be time to start looking at your thinking and the ways your ego NEEDS this discord to continue. You can opt-out at anytime. Just cancel the subscription and start moving forward with more positive self-talk, affirmation, meditation, self-examination and HOPE.

    Habits That Don't Die

    Habits That Don't Die

    There are things you've been struggling with that you want to work on. Maybe, though, you've been learning that even though this doesn't serve you, you can't seem to get rid of it. Some aspects of your personality won't budge in the face of persistence. If this happens and you're  unknowingly seeking perfection, your frustration will increase. Then you'll get out the BIG guns. But it's not about the bigger blast, but - rather - how or where you shoot "the enemy". You might need to work on liberating yourself from your attachment to perfectionism before you can make any progress. Or, you may just have to accept where you are. If you've done your work, it may be clear that you ARE where you are supposed to be, progress is slow and some dragons cannot be slayed at all, or right now. Trust the process. There are answers in front of you that you just don't see yet time will show you what you need to know, and DO. 

    The Perfect Marriage

    The Perfect Marriage

    People who have contentment of being are in touch with their minds and bodies at the same time. They LIVE from a knowing that is a marriage of all the nuances of being. Their intuitive connectedness has changed their attitude and their lives. This marriage is a development of finding self in what you think AND feel. The greater life that develops from this marriage lets go of limitations and then your spirit grows - and so does your life - despite your physical circumstances. Surrender to this marriage brings perfection of awakening daily while learning to make mistakes. This foundation is a sacred spiritual design for ALL good things. When your life is lived this way, you have constant access to principles of truth that are the alpha and omega - the depth and weight - of LOVE and POWER. Without this daily ceremony, the feeling of being whole will elude you. The POWER that marries logic and emotion - the middle - awaits you. Let's get there together. 

    The Ghetto of Scare-City

    The Ghetto of Scare-City

    It seems amazing to me to continue - over many years - to hear the cries of unfairness and powerlessness again and again from women. There is much power to be gained by women participating in and changing things (like business) - but it can't be done before the greater need of self-change and inner focus. I fear that women still don't know how to find true purpose because their intuitions are still trying to find balance through the masculine. Power is not masculine OR feminine - it is the marriage of the two. It's the place where you know you are strong and sensitive too. It is the pit of your gut, deep behind your belly that feels and KNOWS what is good and right, and doesn't have to make anyone wrong (including you). 

    Your intuition serves and your logic defines. The relationship you crave is inside the correlation of the two...it cannot be found hiding behind the scarcity of your lack and blame. When it comes to TRUE Power, it must be found in your own depth and wisdom, which is cannot steer you wrong. Find that wisdom outside the ghetto of your mind. Tip your toe in a warmer water of self-trust and being all that you are - without having to define it by someone or something else outside of you that you believe has more. You ARE More.

    The Grace (or Balls) to Stand

    The Grace (or Balls) to Stand

    What does it mean to "stand"? It doesn't mean to do nothing, it means you just don't have to fight everything. Change what you can (you have power over only yourself), and then create a new experience and world through your own growth and actions. It takes courage to stand in principles that are fluid. Living according to "rules" (some of whih are only in your head) keeps you stuck and can make you feel worse as you try to control these rules, other people, and their adherence to these rules (from their OWN forms of control). Power over yourself enables you to stand and wait on nature to provide answers. They WILL come...In the meantime, be responsible for adhering to energies instead of pushing against energy that cannot be moved by you alone. The greatest power of hope is in love acceptance and knowing.