
    Gangaji Podcasts

    For over 20 years, American born teacher and author Gangaji has reached thousands around with world with the words of her teacher, H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji) to “call off the search” and to inquire into the truth of who you really are. Now, in her first radio show, Gangaji and host Hillary Larson take a look at the issues we face in our everyday lives, one topic at time. Every month, for thirty minutes Gangaji will be addressing subjects like addiction, chronic pain, intimacy, anxiety, depression, enlightenment, death and many more. Join us as Gangaji helps us find freedom in the face of what we experience in our daily lives.
    en993416100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Being Yourself | Being Is Belonging

    Being Yourself | Being Is Belonging

    “To play the role of yourself, which is the transcendent role, the role of freedom, you have to trust something unknowable.”

    The themes of belonging, freedom from identification, and trusting our direct experience come together in this month’s podcast. This powerful interplay of themes opens the mind to the heart and invites an inquiry: What does it mean to be free? Where do you belong?



    Being Yourself Podcast Extra | One Thing Goin' On

    Being Yourself Podcast Extra | One Thing Goin' On

    We have been blessed to hear Aea Luz sing at Gangaji's retreats. Now, we are happy to share her beautiful voice with you. This podcast extra features a new song from Aea that was actually inspired while she was on retreat with Gangaji—One Thing Goin' On. It is taken from of her recently released album, Dust & Light available on aealuz.com.

    Gangaji Podcasts
    enSeptember 07, 2022

    #49 Being Yourself | Do You Really Need to Be Special?

    #49 Being Yourself | Do You Really Need to Be Special?

    A key strategy for our human survival is to “be special.” If we stand out in some way, get noticed by others, we may find ourselves better positioned in the “herd.” That isn’t necessarily a problem, until the drive to be more and more special becomes an addiction and in that, is ultimately destructive. This lively exchange offers great insight into what it means to be absolutely ordinary and still discover what is truly extraordinary.

    #48 Being Yourself | The Resolution of the Longing

    #48 Being Yourself | The Resolution of the Longing

    “Stop all effort to get whatever it is you think will give you fulfillment.  All that is required is one instant of truly stopping.”

    The longing for true freedom, for lasting fulfillment is no ordinary desire. Unlike the desires for food, shelter, or social connection that serve our physical survival, true fulfillment cannot be attained, even if we employ spiritual techniques and meditation practices. In this monologue, Gangaji speaks to the resolution of the paradox this extraordinary desire presents in our lives—true fulfillment can only be realized if you don’t do anything for its realization. 

    #47 Being Yourself | The Problem Is Not the Problem

    #47 Being Yourself | The Problem Is Not the Problem

    In dealing with life’s hardships, we naturally identify what is broken, what emotions need to be controlled, which circumstances need to get better. That is part of the human drive to survive. But there is something beyond brokenness, beyond any emotions we wish would go away. In the willingness to directly meet the pain we fear, rather than trying to control or get rid of it, there is a life-changing discovery of what is whole, complete, and has no need of fixing. 

    #46 Being Yourself | How Will You Liberate the Mind?

    #46 Being Yourself | How Will You Liberate the Mind?
    Our most sublime experiences of acceptance, wholeness, and truth, are commonly followed by a fierce “mind attack.” If there is a willingness to investigate what is underneath the experience, there is a revelation of what is untouched in the wake of any mental phenomena.
    Gangaji Podcasts
    enMay 17, 2022

    #45 Being Yourself | Authentically Yourself: You Can Stop "Faking It"

    #45 Being Yourself | Authentically Yourself: You Can Stop "Faking It"
    “All of your life you have wanted to be who you are.  That is what authentic means, isn’t it?”

    Recognizing you are just “faking it” is a moment of discriminating wisdom that reveals an essential choice point. Will you keep faking it? When the desire for the truth of who you are overwhelms every other human desire, the choice becomes clear. In this exchange, Gangaji takes us on a deep dive into the desire for authenticity and the habit of postponement. 


    Gangaji Podcasts
    enApril 13, 2022

    #44 Being Yourself | Where There Is No War

    #44 Being Yourself | Where There Is No War
    Many have taken a spiritual path to escape the pain of human suffering that flows from war and injustice. But the truth is, we are never separate from it all. Where can we discover the strength and the capacity to bear that pain? How can our lives be beacons of true peace?
    Gangaji Podcasts
    enMarch 16, 2022

    #43 Being Yourself | Feeling Unseen

    #43 Being Yourself | Feeling Unseen

    If you were totally and completely seen and heard, what would that give you?

    As human beings living in relationship to each other, we play many different roles: partner, mother, father, son, daughter, or co-worker. In these roles, we may have the experience of not being seen or feeling invisible. In this inquiry, Gangaji takes us into the direct experience of “not being seen” to discover what is actually not being seen.


    #42 Being Yourself | Get More Sober

    #42 Being Yourself | Get More Sober
    “The willingness to be silence is the willingness not to be who you think you are. To not get what you think you need. Not have what you think you have. There is a nakedness in that.” In her latest podcast, Gangaji and interviewer Mark Groves share a compelling conversation about what it means to be still, to stop.  How does our fear of silence lead us away from our true self, especially in the midst of our active and often chaotic sensory world. Where do silence and sobriety meet?

    #41 Being Yourself | The Fire of the Living Prayer

    #41 Being Yourself | The Fire of the Living Prayer

    “There is some force that is seeking itself.  That desires itself. That is praying for itself.”

    As we begin a new year, you can take a moment for reflection. You can tell the truth about what you are desiring, what you are hoping for, what you are praying for as you walk on your spiritual path. Sharing her own personal experience, Gangaji also invites you to inquire into the source of your prayers and see what it reveals.

    #40 Being Yourself | We Are Not Here to Escape the Trouble

    #40 Being Yourself | We Are Not Here to Escape the Trouble

    “We are here to retreat from the trouble, so that actually when the trouble returns, we have a bigger capacity, a stronger foundation to meet whatever appears.”

    When we choose to walk on a spiritual path, our first aspiration may be to transcend our problems or at least transcend the world’s problems. From the mundane to the catastrophic, problems are part of living a human life. So where is peace? What if true fulfillment is realized when we actually stop trying to transcend what Gangaji calls “trouble?”

    # 39 Being Yourself | A Prayer for Peace

    # 39 Being Yourself | A Prayer for Peace

    “Maybe grace, deliverance comes to get you.  Knocks on your door and says, ‘You have a chance to be at peace.’  In your willingness to take that chance, to accept that invitation to be at peace, then you have an opportunity to share this peace, everywhere.”

    Living our daily lives, we may find ourselves actually attracted to war. We can also be fed up with that attraction.  We can recognize that there is no need to postpone peace in our own minds. In this podcast, Gangaji speaks about the roots of war and the opportunity of being at peace for ourselves and the world.

    #37 Being Yourself | The Power of Illusion. The Illusion of Power

    #37 Being Yourself | The Power of Illusion. The Illusion of Power

    When we are willing to set aside our beliefs, our thoughts, our powers of mind for an instant, the peace we long for and search for, is immediately revealed. In this lively exchange, Gangaji speaks to the experience of “losing our peace” because some thing has changed, and where finally it is always found.

    “You live your life in Truth, you live your life knowing that even though ‘my breath changes, and my feelings change, and my body changes,’ this Peace does not change. It is here, always.” 

    #36 Being Yourself | Entering This Space of Stillness

    #36 Being Yourself | Entering This Space of Stillness

    Perhaps your search for peace and happiness has taken you down many different roads. It may be rooted in a desire for security, spiritual attainments,  personal power, or even just an end to feeling afraid. In this monologue, Gangaji shares how it is possible to discover the limitless peace of being that is not subject to our ideas, definitions, or circumstances.

    “What this appearance in your consciousness is about, first of all and finally, is to invite you to this space of stillness that is your heart, now.“


    # 35 Being Yourself | Cutting Our Addiction to Thought

    # 35 Being Yourself | Cutting Our Addiction to Thought

    Many spiritual seekers hope to realize a “quiet mind” What is actually possible given the stream of thoughts that go through our minds every day? In this month’s podcast, Gangaji speaks to the life-changing opportunity to “overhear your stories” and stop following any thought no matter how elevated or mundane the thought is. BONUS: Gangaji reads a powerful report  from a prisoner who is participating in her Freedom Inside course by mail, and has a brief conversation about working with prisoners.