
    Get Balanced With Dr Marissa Pei

    en-usUBN Radio199 Episodes

    Episodes (199)

    Sexual Healing and the Election with Tantric Sexpert Devi Ward and Dr. Marissa

    Sexual Healing and the Election with Tantric Sexpert Devi Ward and Dr. Marissa
    Sexual Healing with Dr. Marissa, the new Asian Ruth brings back popular co-host Devi Ward (who brought us 11 kinds of orgasms) whose insights on why men like Trump are so disrespectful to women is insightful. Bringing a different balanced perspective after a wee bit of Trump bashing allows the hosts to see the positive side of his comments...helping Americans openly dialogue about some gender issues that may have gone underground since the advent of "political correctness". Dr. Marissa brings in psychological perspectives like Group Think and organizational and interpersonal effectiveness principles like Valuing Diversity and Matching Intent and Impact. Devi encourages people to not bash but understand that men who have BS or Belief Systems that are so disrespectful come from a wounded place themselves, and are best met with compassion versus hatred. Dr. Marissa takes the 'harder' line and asserts that you can't 'un-ring' a bell (thanks Dr. Phil) and that if you have no filters, no impulse control and no self-awareness you might want to shut your front door! Jarvis brings up a great question about women who put themselves in harms way by being attracted to powerful men like Trump and Devi's upcoming marriage to a gentle man illustrates the need for us women to heal ourselves too! Episode sponsored by the 21 Day Fast from Complaining with Dr. Marissa https://youtu.be/zasBAH9jlxA

    Wisdom Panel Series with The Secret Teachers Bob Proctor and Michael Bernard Beckwith

    Wisdom Panel Series with The Secret Teachers Bob Proctor and Michael Bernard Beckwith
    So what about the elections? What about money being the root of all evil?! What do people do when they don't feel like doing things? And how do you stay young? These are a few of the questions that Dr. Marissa, aka 'the Asian Oprah' asks her Wisdom series guests Bob Proctor, Master Coach and Bestselling Author and Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Global Thought Leader and Founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center. These 2 teachers from the popular movie and book "The Secret" banter about politics, prosperity and their discipline or" blissipline" in staying passionate about life! Bob who will be honored at Carnegie Hall for a Lifetime Tribute event talks about his upbringing with Think and Grow Rich. Both teachers give a glowing tribute to their own teachers and the materials that shaped their Peace and Prosperity thoughts and actions. The Asian Oprah giveaway are 2 tickets to the Carnegie Hall event!

    Author Suzi Lula and Thriving Motherhood with Dr. Marissa

    Author Suzi Lula and Thriving Motherhood with Dr. Marissa
    Suzi Lula, a visionary leader? is transforming the way people think about motherhood. Her new book: The Motherhood Evolution: Thriving mothers raising thriving children suggests that perfectionism leads to exhausted unhappy moms, and how sacrifice and guilt are unnecessary constructs for moms. Self-care is important and necessary and very different than selfishness. Dr. Marissa puts the moose on the table and gets real about messy rooms, stay at home, working moms and the disease of perfectionism for all moms... because if it's not one thing, it's your mother!

    Lisa Nichols motivates Dr. Marissa

    Lisa Nichols motivates Dr. Marissa
    So what do you say to a 19-year-old who has lost his desire to live? Lisa Nichols, one of the world's most-requested motivational speakers, as well as media personality and corporate CEO whose global platform reached and served nearly 30 million people, gives a listener a prescription of Hope. From a young mother with no money to buy diapers to a Life coach for the Today Show and the Steve Harvey show, Lisa shares a no nonsense, fully empathetic and a "been there overcame that" message with her listening audience. She takes Dr. Marissa back to the beginning of her journey and shares her rock bottom, and then the explains the practical steps that led her into the Light to realize the beauty that she is. The new sisters also talk about the balance required in "black lives matter" and moving towards solutions instead of exasperating problems. Lisa is presented with Dr. Marissa's Beneficial Presence on the Planet Award with a message of love and mutual admiration. Listeners are invited to livestream one of her programs for the Asian Oprah giveaway. Episode sponsored by No Complaints and The 21 Day Fast from Complaining App!

    Dating, Bisexuality, Polyamory and Orgasmic Meditation with Devlin Wilder and Dr. Marissa

    Dating, Bisexuality, Polyamory and Orgasmic Meditation with Devlin Wilder and Dr. Marissa
    I started the Sexual Healing with Dr. Marissa series 2 years ago when I heard the statistic that up to 80% women fake orgasms and became determined to make Pleasure a G-rated topic! Devlin Wilder actor, comedian and co-host of the Friend or Foe Show here at UBN actually says the statistics are even higher...88%! He is also a proud, open LGBTQ advocate and talks to Dr. Marissa about bisexuality and polyamory and the process of being comfortable in ones own gender identity... coming from a religious southern Illinois home. Dr. Marissa mistakes his self description of "Poly" to mean Pollyanna and the studio has a good laugh over the error! Dating apps and Orgasmic Meditation round out the "Moose on the Table" talk for another episode of Sexual Healing with Dr. Marissa" the new Asian Dr. Ruth! Episode sponsored by the 21 Day Fast from Complaining APP https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.balance.Nocomplaints

    Keiko Matsui Billboard #1 Celebrated Pianist Composer & Humanitarian returns to Dr. Marissa

    Keiko Matsui Billboard #1 Celebrated Pianist Composer & Humanitarian returns to Dr. Marissa
    Internationally Acclaimed & Celebrated Pianist, Composer & Humanitarian Keiko Matsui returns to Dr. Marissa's studio to share music from new album to mark her 30th Anniversary Of her Recording Debut With Journey To The Heart . Keiko took her first piano lesson at five and has released 27 bestselling albums since her US recording debut in 1987. Keiko has worked alongside everyone from Miles Davis to Stevie Wonder. NPR sums her up best "Keiko Matsui is appreciated not just as an artist but as a humanitarian. She dedicates every song she writes to causes that move her..."-NPR. In this show listeners get to appreciate two of the new songs from her album, Journey to the Heart and Moving On which made #1 today on Groove charts! The album Debuted #1 on Billboard Contemporary Jazz chart and #1 on the iTunes Jazz chart. Dr. Marissa is once again captivated with the sound of light and love and beauty which are trademarks sounds from Keiko's brilliance on the keyboard composing and arranging her gift. Keiko gives us an inside look at her life as a mom, and as a instrument of joy when one moves on from pain. The Asian Oprah giveaways are two tickets to her performance at the Catalina Island JazzTrax Concert, as well as two tickets to the California Women's Conference coming up in December. Episode sponsored by JazzTrax.com and ModernDayMillionaire.com

    Callers ask Dr. Marissa about Jobs, Careers and Abusive Relationships

    Callers ask Dr. Marissa about Jobs, Careers and Abusive Relationships
    Dr. Marissa, the kinder gentler Dr. Laura fields questions from Angela about returning to the workforce after raising a young son, and learns how to smog check some of her limiting beliefs about time away from career and turn the focus on what she developed in her new beautiful role as mom. Dr. Marissa balances out some of her perfectionism and feelings of never being or doing enough and gives her some homework on how to be open to all of the possibilities that are now in her future. Brenda is suffering in an abusive relationship and Dr. Marissa turns the flashlight from the villain to the source of attraction... and does a hard reset on Brenda to begin the healing process by knowing the truth of who she is… A Precious Child of the Universe who is hurting herself by believing she deserves ill treatment. In a powerful promise, Brenda admits that she wants to change and now has to follow up with some practical actions because willingness without action is a fantasy. Episode sponsored by American Craftsmanship celebrating Fall www.TimelessTreasuresBoutiques.com

    Ramona Bridges talks Mental Health & Homelessness with Dr. Marissa

    Ramona Bridges talks Mental Health & Homelessness with Dr. Marissa
    Ramona Bridges, author of "Forgive Me My Trespasses" explains to Dr. Marissa how she went from dining at five star hotels to being arrested for trespassing sleeping in the lobby of those same hotels. Ramona and her editor Tashia Asanti help Dr. Marissa explore the complexity of the homeless problem that is affecting Los Angeles, the US and the world. Starting as a hard-working achievement-oriented productive individual to undergoing difficult life situations and then diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Ramona's firsthand experiences are now helping with the solution with her work on different taskforces--community and statewide, proving that everything happens for a reason. Dr. Marissa puts the "moose on the table" and talks about the perceptions and BS (Belief Systems) that people have about the homeless which continues to contribute to the problems between the police and the community. Ramona's inspirational true story and recommendations in her book to those who are homeless and to their families, earns her and her editor Dr.Marissa's Beneficial Presence on the Planet Award.

    Dr. Weiss teaches the 5 Sex Languages to talk to Dr. Marissa

    Dr. Weiss teaches the 5 Sex Languages to talk to Dr. Marissa
    So how's your sex life? Dr. Douglas Weiss, a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist has appeared on many national talk shows including Oprah, Dr. Phil, Good Morning America and 20/20 comes to teach the Asian Optah. Dr. Weiss is an Amazon bestseller with more than 30 books on how to successfully he'll relationships, addictions or Coke with a sexually addicted partner. His newest book the 5 Sex languages helps couples find a common platform with which to improve the level of pleasure in the bedroom. Are you wanting sex for Fun? For Pleasure? For Desire? For Patience? For Celebration? Anyone can have more pleasure if they have a desire to learn their partners' language. Women can help themselves by seeing how amazing they are with and without clothes on so they can be and contribute to a better sex life as well. Episode sponsored by www.HealthyPostureNow.com and 21 Day Fast from Complaining with Dr. Marissa APP

    Celebrating Back to School with a Panel of Millennials

    Celebrating Back to School with a Panel of Millennials
    Dr. Marissa aka Dr.Mom invites a panel of millennials to talk about the stereotypes of teens of this generation including: sexual orientation and gender identity, technology and social media, black lives matter, feminism, and advice to the older generations. Dr. Marissa's youngest daughter, Sarah, and her closest friends, Cole, Vijay, and Danielle, share their views with lots of laughter and eye rolling. The panel asks the older generations to pay more attention to their points of view, to be more comfortable with the gray areas, and to save the ecosystem.

    Will Bowen and living the Complaint Free World with Dr. Marissa

    Will Bowen and living the Complaint Free World with Dr. Marissa
    Past Oprah guest and now Asian Oprah guest Will Bowen, the world's authority on complaining and international best-selling author preaches to the choir (Dr.Marissa) and explains the five most common complaints people have, how to respond to them and redirect people to stop complaining. Using the acronym GRIPE, Dr. Marissa banters with Will's recommended responses, and he counters with an added flip-side perspective about venting ...making this episode a fun-filled educational show about the benefits and the process of Not Complaining. Thanks to staff interpreter Sharon Pierre-Louis, this episode is also one for the Radio for Our Deaf Community series.

    Dr. Marissa helps Callers with Single Mom challenges and making Money

    Dr. Marissa helps Callers with Single Mom challenges and making Money
    Monique from LA gets a Life Balance tuneup on her ability to make money with some creative ideas around marketing and sales as well as getting to the root of her BS (Belief Systems) about making money. Dr. Marissa encourages her not to attend MSU University (Make Shiitake Up) and challenge her own assumptions about work and Choices. Adrian calls in from Texas with a challenging story of being estranged from her three sons in a difficult divorce. Dr. Marissa gives her a hard reset to delete some of the unhelpful cookies in her browser that keep her in a victim mentality, and uses the powerful Life Balance tool the Serenity Prayer to accept the reality of the difficult parts of the situation and the courage to change the only thing she has control over, which is the way she's looking at the situation, and choose better feeling thoughts. Thanks to staff interpreter Sharon Pierre-Louis, this episode is also one for the Radio for Our Deaf Community series. Episode sponsored by www.UniversalFlowINC.com

    Celebrating Back to School with a Panel of Millennials

    Celebrating Back to School with a Panel of Millennials
    Dr. Marissa aka Dr.Mom invites a panel of millennials to talk about the stereotypes of teens of this generation including: sexual orientation and gender identity, technology and social media, black lives matter, feminism, and advice to the older generations. Dr. Marissa's youngest daughter, Sarah, and her closest friends, Cole, Vijay, and Danielle, share their views with lots of laughter and eye rolling. The panel asks the older generations to pay more attention to their points of view, to be more comfortable with the gray areas, and to save the ecosystem.

    First Transgender Actor Scott Turner Schofield and Left of Str8 UBN Radio host Scott Fullerton Celebrate Diversity for Sexual Healing

    First Transgender Actor Scott Turner Schofield and Left of Str8 UBN Radio host Scott Fullerton Celebrate Diversity for Sexual Healing
    I started the Sexual Healing with Dr. Marissa series 2 years ago when I heard the statistic that up to 80% women fake orgasms and became determined to make Pleasure a G-rated topic! We've covered a wide scope of topics in the realm of sexual healing...from condom research and safe sex apps to 11 kinds of orgasms, from on-line dating tips and my men's panel, matchmakers and infertility experts to ending female genital mutilation, and now my first transgender actor from The Bold and The Beautiful Scott Turner Schofield and my fellow UBNRadioTV Top 10 Podcast of the Year winner LeftofStr8 Scott Fullerton to talk about Sexual Healing and Sexual Identity! Becoming who he really is, reacting to Orlando and what we all can do to value diversity are covered in this show culminating with Scott being given Dr. Marissa's Beneficial Presence on the Planet Award. Scott ends with a brilliant thought...all of us need to love ourselves more than we hate ourselves for sexual healing inside and out. Episode sponsored by David Beck's book "And They Asked You What?!: Middle School Sex Ed" and 21 Day Fast from Complaining with Dr. Marissa APP

    Nutrition, Health, Vitality and Aging in a New Era with Clar8ty

    Nutrition, Health, Vitality and Aging in a New Era with Clar8ty
    Today, we know that it's up to us to take care of our own health, and that traditional medicine may not always know what's wrong, and that with changing sources of food, processing, hormones, GMOs, microwaves and electronic devices, we are introducing another level of challenge for our bodies...so I brought on Robin Hoffman-Haack, the Founder of Clar8ty and Chris Neville, the Vice President of Product Development who are on a mission to change the conversation about our health… from the way we age to what we can do today to prevent many of the chronic ailments afflicting millions. According to the World Health Organization stats we are increasing in alarming rates for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, several forms of cancer, osteoporosis and dental disease. Diet and physical activity are cited as the primary culprits. Chris and Robin introduce us to the new term Nutrigenomics which is different than our old model of taking supplements to help improve our health...it's actually taking nutrients which amplify our body's own ability to produce anti- and super-oxidants to naturally prevent the diseases of inflammation that seem to be affecting us all. Robin's concern for her children also spurred her to have Chris develop a product that blocks the harmful energy waves that come with the electronics that we all cannot seem to live without these days. Finally Chris makes Dr. Marissa's day by talking about gene expression and how we can change genetics with our BS (Belief Systems) and Emotional responses to Life experiences...Positive your Way to Good Health! Please visit www.GetSwitchedOnNow.com to receive this week's Asian Oprah giveaway gift card to choose one of the Clar8ty products to improve your own health and vitality!! Episode sponsored by www.Clar8ty.com.

    Dr. Marissa helps Callers Bring Balance to their Authentic Self

    Dr. Marissa helps Callers Bring Balance to their Authentic Self
    Dr. Marissa, the 'kinder, gentler Dr. Marissa' works with Eva Curve from Colorado smooth out her power with the Balance Tool of Intent and Impact. Sometimes "Being Who We Are Exactly As We Are" may limit our effectiveness with a wider group of people who may not automatically "Get Us". That sometimes being quietly powerful is even more powerful than head on intensity. There's a Balance between intending respect and actually having people impacted with the same respect you intended...that cross cultures and cross personalities, there's a lot of room for miss-takes. Eva's business expression of creativity www.Acoustamata.com is a perfect fit helping people find their voice. DZA (Ellen Sevigny) also calls in from Colorado with the dilemma of balancing her Yoga in the Park business with her intense desire to just be a singer/songwriter. Dr. Marissa accidentally "reads minds" again with both callers and helps them Smog Check their BS (Belief Systems) that are getting in the way of their Happiness. Specifically, Ellen and the rest of the 7.3 billion of us have the right and the opportunity to do more than one thing in This Thing Called Life...having to choose one career and stay in it for the rest of your life even though you now hate it is NOT the only path. Check out her music at https://m.facebook.com/honeydharmadart Episode sponsored by www.4Balance.org and www.SelfieStation.com

    Musical Inspiration Sheila Nicholls shares her journey from Atheism to Infinite Mind with Dr. Marissa

    Musical Inspiration Sheila Nicholls shares her journey from Atheism to Infinite Mind with Dr. Marissa
    Dr. Marissa's diva first soprano sister Sheila Nicholls comes to play on the air. Lyrically unique, Jay Leno introduced her on the Tonight Show with her Billboard hit Faith and the LA weekly remarked ‘she has a battery acid wit, a fierce rebellious streak and is just plain seductive’. From making her first feminist statement streaking and doing cartwheels across a national British cricket match to her first record deal with Disney, from being a staunch atheist and depressed most of the time to her song "God" (aka Bill Maher don't throw the baby out with the bathwater", Sheila uses her voice and words to encourage everyone to live up to their full potential. She shares 2 songs from her newest album“All of Nature- a collection of social commentary to music” , using her lyrics and music to express her hopes for a kinder less greedy world "I had to deconstruct my understanding of God before I could reconstruct it". Singer, Songwriter and Activist, Sheila Nicholls is a force to be reckoned with. Episode sponsored by www.4Balance.org and www.SheilaNicholls.com

    Love Will Keep Us Together...Or Not! Tony Tennille talks to Dr. Marissa and relates!

    Love Will Keep Us Together...Or Not! Tony Tennille talks to Dr. Marissa and relates!
    Special monthly series Sexual Healing with Dr. Marissa, the new Asian Ruth brings a delightful Toni Tennille to the show, who takes the host back to the beginning of her relationship with the The Captain, keyboardist Daryl Dragon, to the attraction, and the 39 year failed attempt to infuse her partner with the same joie de vi·vre as she had. From initial intrigue to a love founded on Toni's respect for her husband's musical brilliance, her story has some similarities to Dr. Marissa's own journey with her 'wasband', trying to 'get milk from a tractor' and changing people...explaining why she stayed so long in a loveless and intimacy-less marriage. Toni Tennille also takes us back to her performances with Elton John, her Grammy winning records, the successful 1 year variety show and the difficult times she experienced getting cut off from her own desires because they made the reclusive behind the scenes Captain uncomfortable. What is truly admirable is the way she is able to speak of those years and not blame, but still find the best and the good that came from the 4 decades as a duo. Now that the divorce is final 40 years later, Toni shares what is important to her, her enthusiasm for life and her continued love for music. Dr. Marissa tries to give advice she doesn't use herself (Ha!) and encourages Toni to be open to that love she didn't get from The Captain, so if you are interested, send resume with picture to Dr. Marissa! A beautiful talented and inspiring woman, Toni Tennille's parting advice ends the show with a chuckle...her memoir is worth the read so get it at Amazon Books...because Love will Keep Me Together! Now on her own, Toni is a great example of Sexual Healing in Action..and Dr. Marissa is determined to make Pleasure a G-Rated topic!

    Ken Sheetz and Elizabeth England talk to Dr. Marissa about Penguins, Whales & Planetary Meditation

    Ken Sheetz and Elizabeth England talk to Dr. Marissa about Penguins, Whales & Planetary Meditation
    So what happens when a real estate mogul who built Harpo studios faces his hot shiitake persona with his piece of shiitake internal insecurities to find Peace within? He becomes a filmmaker for Conscious subjects and finds a love partner for planetary meditations! Ken Sheetz shares his journey and the benefits and consequences of turning away from his ego with an inferiority complex to a higher vibration, and all of the woo woo that comes with it! Elizabeth exchanges her high security clearance in Special Ops for high vibration thought and deed. Successful now in a different realm, Ken and Elizabeth are joined with a passion for helping others with conscious planetary shifting meditation, films that align and support that vision, saving Oceans and Whales, and homeopathic alternative healthy solutions to illness that have no side effects. Elizabeth uses one of their rewards from the Indiegogo project https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/do-penguins-meditate--5#/ to read Dr. Marissa's future with a Tarot card that eliminates ego...whew and one for Jarvis too! Episode sponsored by www.LongevityPureMedicine.com

    Dr. Marissa helps Callers with Orlando and Moms

    Dr. Marissa helps Callers with Orlando and Moms
    With the recent devastating shooting in Orlando, caller Sam is feeling helpless while her family is in anguish in Florida as Americans comes to grips with another horrific act of terror. Sam's question of "why more people don't meditate so they will move out of the line of fire" leads to the "moose on the table" Balanced Dr. Marissa reality...that trying to understand the un-understandable, asking why, and trying to assign blame keeps us in the anger and hostility that hurts our own body mind spirit and soul. Dr. Marissa uses the analogy of being in a pool of what is good, where there are many in the pool meditating but not being able to see them because our focus is on those outside of the pool watching those who aren't...as long as we are looking for what's wrong, we will find exactly that. Caller Dionne is a teen whose appreciation for her mom is shadowed by her mom's inability to be everything Dionne wants her to be...and Dr. Marissa is amused that her chief complaint is the same as those of her daughters. With Balanced tools of focussing on the good, what is working and radical appreciation, Dionne understands the tough love and is reminded that if it's not one thing...it's your mother!! Episode sponsored by www.4Balance.org