
    Glimmers in the Fog Podcast

    With compelling stories drawn from everyday life, Glimmers in the Fog is a weekly audio blog about catching glimpses of God and His amazing love for us. It strives to offer fresh spiritual insight and inspiration to encourage, challenge, and renew your vision of the redemptive love of Christ and His calling for your life. Visit the blog to go deeper every week with questions for reflection and a free devotional eBook when you sign up for the email list. https://www.coreradiate.com/blog
    en-us70 Episodes

    Episodes (70)

    The Last Glimmer... For Now

    The Last Glimmer... For Now
    Sometimes the most spectacular movements of God are the hardest to see, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. This message offers encouragement for anyone who’s struggled with unmet expectations and disappointments after long periods of waiting on God to move or open up doors for you to serve others or see a lifelong dream come to fruition. No matter what your dream or how you’ve been disappointed, Jesus is always trying to accomplish one thing more than anything else during our seasons of suffering. All other reasons will always be secondary to this one goal. I’ll share with you how this has played out in my life in recent months, and how God has been faithful, even when the trials of ordinary life seemed to indicate otherwise. While this episode is the last Glimmers podcast for a while, I didn’t want to leave you without saying thank you for listening and letting you know what the next chapter of life holds for me. For more resources or to read the blog post, visit: www.coreradiate.com/blog/last-glimmer

    Romans 8: God's Christmas Card

    Romans 8: God's Christmas Card
    When we read the Word of God out loud, sometimes the Holy Spirit brings a passage to life in a whole new way. Romans 8 is not traditionally considered an Advent message, but when it's read aloud and set in the context of Christmas and why Jesus came in the first place, another layer of meaning emerges and a bigger glimpse of God's love for us appears. You're invited to sit back, close your eyes, and restfully seek His presence as you listen to this short, dramatic reading of selected verses from Romans 8 in The Passion Translation. Merry Christmas to all Glimmers in the Fog listeners! May you experience the gift of Jesus and the peace He offers in new ways this Advent season!

    Gratitude, the Great Antidote

    Gratitude, the Great Antidote
    What would happen if more followers of Jesus practiced heartfelt gratitude every day, all throughout the day? This kind of thankful posture is not naturally within us, but it’s what our souls are longing for as new creations in Christ. And the more we get in the habit of soul-deep appreciation, the more automatic it becomes… the more blessings we will recognize around us… and the more joy will overflow from our hearts. Simply put — Gratitude. Changes. Everything. Being grateful is, at times, the last thing that we feel like doing. And getting started can be challenging. But if you take a step toward Jesus in this, then He’ll meet you where you with an infusion of strength, contentment, and joy that will surprise you every time. Listen now to learn about 5 powerful ways gratitude will change your life. Afterwards, please share this message with someone as a special Thanksgiving blessing! And if you visit the bottom of the blog post, you'll find a free 5-day devotional. ***Happy Holidays! This podcast will be taking a break for the month of December. ***

    Harnessing the Power of Habit

    Harnessing the Power of Habit
    In the next few minutes, you and I will both do something out of habit. Yet the Word of God tells us that we have a power far greater within us than that of habits. God created the power of habit and He knows firsthand how it can be used for our good or for our detriment. If you have been wondering how the force of habit shapes your life, prevents you from doing new things or making healthy changes, or even blinds you to opportunities from God to serve others and grow closer to Him, then this podcast is for you. The power of habit, just like so many other two-sided forces in life, is not in and of itself bad or good. It just is. Like money. Food. Physical pleasure. And even time. All of these things can drive our emotions, inspire us, or … chain us down. And yet all of these forces were designed by God to be harnessed by the power of His Spirit, for His purposes, and for His glory. Listen now to learn more about Scripture's prescription for not only bringing your habits under control but also harnessing their potential for your spiritual good. After listening, visit the bottom of the blog post for a free 5-day devotional to bring your habits more under the control of the Holy Spirit. www.coreradiate.com/blog/habits

    Broken Made Beautiful... Believe in the Impossible.

    Broken Made Beautiful... Believe in the Impossible.
    Some stories shouldn’t be unpacked too soon. They need time to mature and mellow before they are opened up and experienced again. God mercifully allows us to forget certain things or experiences until we’re ready… until He’s prepared us… to unpack them. In His endless mercy and wisdom, He knows that some stories can’t bear to be retold until the road stretches far enough behind us for wounds to be healed, and our hindsight is clear enough to bring appreciation and understanding. The amazing thing is, He never writes any stories that end in brokenness. Nothing that happens to us is void of purpose or opportunity. Jesus gave His life to assure us of this timeless and powerful truth. He is the culmination of God’s story for all humans, and you are no exception. If you want to be encouraged that everything broken can be made beautiful in God’s time and by His power, then listen now as we explore the unending love of God and its power to transform anything for His glory. After listening, please share this message with someone who needs to hear it. And visit the bottom of the blog for a free 5-day devotional to draw closer to God and find a better ending for your story.

    The Incredible Impact of Being Ordinary

    The Incredible Impact of Being Ordinary
    Jesus taught the disciples to operate on a micro-scale, creating a ripple effect powered by the Holy Spirit that eventually changed the lives of countless people throughout the ages. Today, more and more Christians are being duped into believing that God is calling them to serve Him on a macro-scale, creating an impersonal wave of information that reaches millions but changes no one. Our culture pushes us to desire the praise of many for being different, yet we yearn to display our uniqueness and offer our precious talents from the safety of a distant place. We don’t actually want to get in the ordinary trenches of others’ lives and help them walk through the pain, the need, and the despair. Through the exchange of His life for ours, Jesus forever altered the meaning of what it means to be truly adored, satisfied, and beautifully stunning in midst of everything the world views as mundane and commonplace. So if you want to live an extraordinary life, then listen now to explore Jesus’ plan for transforming ordinary people. After listening, visit the bottom of the written version of this message for a free 5-day devotional on this topic! www.coreradiate.com/blog/ordinary
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    Is Jesus Trying to Empty Your Net?

    Is Jesus Trying to Empty Your Net?
    When the Holy Spirit begins the work of emptying your heart or your life of things that are getting in the way of holy transformation, it can feel like a crushing blow. We often assume that God’s calling on our lives should include the use of what we’re good at or have the skills to do. But a story from the Gospel of Luke about the apostle Peter reveals that God often asks us to lay aside the very talents and experiences we thought were so valuable in order to prepare for something even better. Peter learns that being emptied by Jesus is just as much of a miracle as being filled by Him, and so can we. You're invited to explore what it means to let Jesus empty your net and why it will likely happen many times throughout your life. After listening, visit the blog for a free 5-day devotional that includes special prayer prompts for seasons of change and preparation. www.coreradiate.com/blog/empty-net

    Why I Stopped Having a Daily Quiet Time... and What Brought Me Back

    Why I Stopped Having a Daily Quiet Time... and What Brought Me Back
    If you grew up being told that you had to achieve certain objectives or obey a list of rules to be a Christian, your sense of duty or obligation to God may eclipse your desire for Him… just to be with Him, just to know Him. I know, because I’ve been in that place too. Rather than hungering for Him, in the past, I have denied myself to please Him. Being a true follower of Jesus is not about obligations, burdensome disciplines, or formulas, but rather living each day with an aim of finding satisfaction in Him and pleasure in His presence. After struggling with legalism for years and even walking away from God for a season, I found freedom in choosing desire over duty. It has been 33 years since John Piper first released his groundbreaking book Desiring God, and like so many other believers, that book has changed the trajectory of my life and helped me find freedom from the chains of legalism. So whether you’re in a season of deep satisfaction or wandering in a passionless desert right now, I think there’s something in this message for everyone because we can never get too close to Jesus. We can never exhaust our hunger for Him. So I invite you to listen now as we explore what it means to desire God, how to cultivate our desire even when we don’t feel it, and why it is more important than anything else in life. After listening, visit the blog for free devotional content and a list of resources. www.coreradiate.com/blog/desire-over-duty

    The Importance of Love-Infused Criticism and Why God Wants You to Give It

    The Importance of Love-Infused Criticism and Why God Wants You to Give It
    One of the most difficult and least practiced things God asks every believer to do is to love each other completely. Fully. Not just a half-way, happy, feel-good, social love. Gritty, down-in-the-trenches love is what Jesus practiced, and He wants us to go there with Him. Even when it’s uncomfortable. Complete love requires us to put ourselves, our pride, and our own comfort in jeopardy for the sake of helping another become what God has created him or her to be in His Kingdom. Listen now to explore the need for -- and the keys to -- offering and receiving Godly criticism. And when you're done, visit the blog for a free 5-day devotional and a list of resources. www.coreradiate.com/blog/constructive-criticism

    10 Keys to a Contented Heart

    10 Keys to a Contented Heart
    Whether you secretly struggle with envy or simply cannot be still while waiting on God to bring about a much-needed change, discontentment can lurk in every corner of your heart. Yet, Jesus calls us to be at peace — in other words, to be satisfied — in Him in all situations and seasons of life. But how do we cultivate that kind of trust in His timing to bring His best, when our own evaluation of our situation screams for so much more, right now and not in the distant unknown? Fortunately, we have both Scripture and the wisdom of brave believers who have come before us to give us some practical ways to experience more contentment in our hearts. Listen now to discover 10 keys to cultivating a soul-level satisfaction in Jesus. After listening, visit the blog for links to the Scriptures included in the podcast, as well as a free five-day devotional to take you deeper into the Word. www.coreradiate.com/blog/contented-heart

    Here's Why "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" Isn't Always the Right Advice

    Here's Why "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" Isn't Always the Right Advice
    Nothing about us or what we do is small to God. It all matters to Him. But the great news is Jesus will take care of sweating the small stuff for us. Only He can do it the right way. However, we have to stop using excuses to prevent His Spirit from penetrating, revealing, and dealing with any little things that get in the way of being fully used for His glory. So if you’re ready to discover what the Bible has to say about sweating the small stuff and how transformative the answers could be in your life, then listen now to explore one of the most helpful, yet most often misused expressions in our culture today… even among followers of Jesus. After listening, visit the blog post for free five-day devotional guide at www.coreradiate.com/blog/sweat-the-small-stuff.

    Finding Healing from Ourselves and Renewed Hope for Tomorrow

    Finding Healing from Ourselves and Renewed Hope for Tomorrow
    Desperation of some sort lurks within all of us. We just sometimes cover it up with our own resources, remedies, talents, skills, ambition, and even our dreams. But healing comes when we finally learn to grab ahold of our eternal identity in Christ, versus who and what we are suffering from right now. No matter what you kind of healing you long for, listen now to explore God’s plan for your healing and why your hope for it should never fade. After listening, visit the written version of this podcast for a free 5-day devotional guide with scripture readings and reflection questions. www.coreradiate.com/blog/hope-for-healing

    Praising God Past the Point of No Return

    Praising God Past the Point of No Return
    Turning to God in our moments of need is often comprised of spiritual disciplines that feel comfortable in our solitude. Prayer is powerful. Meditating on the Word is life-changing. But we often miss out on one of the most immediately effective weapons in our arsenal — singing praise to God. Contrary to what many of us think, praise is not the icing on the cake following a good sermon. It’s not only a reaction to God’s blessings. And it’s definitely not meant to be a routine on Sundays or mere background music to our lives. Praise is a no-kidding, get-serious weapon to fight a myriad of spiritual problems within our hearts, in the world around us, and against the very forces of evil that want to destroy our souls. If you typically reserve out-loud singing for Sundays or would never dream of bursting into song all by yourself, then listen now to enter a whole new realm of spiritual reality. Once you go there, you’ll never want to live without it again. After listening, visit the blog for a FREE five-day devotional guide to take you further in your walk with Jesus. www.coreradiate.com/blog/sing-praise

    Three Ways to Draw Closer to God By Using Your Imagination

    Three Ways to Draw Closer to God By Using Your Imagination
    Pablo Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” When Jesus told the disciples that they needed to become like little children, He was implying far more than having humility and surrendering to God’s authority. We have to be willing to yield the canvas of our lives to the Master Artist Himself to fulfill the promise of Ephesians 2:10, which says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” With childlike faith, our spiritual eyes also become new again, allowing us to see the unseen… and giving us the ability to see the masterpiece He is making of our lives. If you want to draw closer to God, using your imagination in these three ways can help. After listening, visit the bottom of the blog post for a FREE five-day devotional guide to help you engage your imagination and ignite your vision in your quiet time. www.coreradiate.com/blog/draw-closer And if this podcast touches your heart, please become a subscriber and share it with others!

    Need more joy in your heart? Here's 3 ways to get started.

    Need more joy in your heart? Here's 3 ways to get started.
    One of the most prevalent commands in all of the Bible is to rejoice, yet choosing to be joyful during times of stress, grief, tragedy, or prolonged difficult circumstances can be one of the hardest things a believer can do. If you could use more joy in your life but don't know how to start or feel too discouraged to pursue it, I invite you to join me now as we explore the pursuit of joy and three powerful motivators that can help you take action today. After listening, visit the blog for a FREE 5-day devotional guide to take you deeper into the Word. www.coreradiate.com/blog/more-joy

    Are You Being Real?

    Are You Being Real?
    Most of us struggle to not only be real about our doubts, fears, and struggles with other people, but also be authentically open with God and even ourselves. It's only when we live authentically that the Holy Spirit can move in and address our questions, teach our hearts, and soothe our souls. Listen now as we get real about the need to be transparent, and then visit the bottom of the blog post for a FREE 5-day devotional guide. https://www.coreradiate.com/blog/be-real

    How God Sees You

    How God Sees You
    The struggles of life have a strange way of clouding or warping our vision, often causing us to rely on our own wisdom, memories, or previous experiences to evaluate what’s happening around us or to speculate what God might be planning to do. In times of struggle, we are also especially vulnerable to thinking more or less about ourselves than we should. But God sees us just as we are — created in His image for His glory, no matter what the circumstance. Listen now to learn more about God's plan for recalibrating our vision and comforting our hearts in any season of life. After listening, visit the blog for a FREE 5-day devotional guide on this topic. www.coreradiate.com/blog/God-Sees-You

    Does God Want You to Be a Minimalist?

    Does God Want You to Be a Minimalist?
    Most of us have simply accumulated too much stuff through the years — either accidentally, intentionally, or a mix of both. We all exist somewhere on the continuum between minimalism and hoarding. But where does God want us to be? Just like our houses, we have a tendency to fill up the rooms of our heart with things that don’t belong there. But everything in our houses first appeared as a desire in our hearts. Listen now to explore the concept of minimalism from a faith-based perspective and what Jesus asks of anyone who wants to fully and completely follow Him. When you're done listening, visit the bottom of the blog post for a FREE five-day devotional guide to take you closer to God on this topic all week long! https://www.coreradiate.com/blog/minimalism

    Jesus Wants Participants, Not Distant Observers

    Jesus Wants Participants, Not Distant Observers
    If you’ve ever wondered how you can best help a friend in need or why you may have hit a plateau in your spiritual growth, the solution to both situations is connected to intercessory prayer, which is the practice of praying for others. Most of us don’t realize that when it comes to prayer, the best thing we can do for others is also the best thing for ourselves, which in turn is one of the best ways to love our Heavenly Father. Listen now as we explore the mysterious and far-reaching impact of intercessory prayer and the power that it has to supercharge your faith. Afterward, visit the bottom of the blog post for a FREE 5-day devotional guide to draw you closer to God: www.coreradiate.com/blog/be-a-participant

    Reassembling Life Even When You Can't Find the Pieces

    Reassembling Life Even When You Can't Find the Pieces
    When life seems anything but organized or expected, sometimes we can become so overwhelmed in the details that we miss seeing Jesus in the midst of our chaos. And sometimes the opposite is true. We get so busy enjoying the good things of life, that our comforts and entertaining distractions keep us from experiencing God’s presence. So whether you’re in a season of disarray or enjoying a refreshing summer break, listen now as we explore our need for — and the way to experience more of — God’s tender and instructive presence.