
    Glimmers in the Fog Podcast

    With compelling stories drawn from everyday life, Glimmers in the Fog is a weekly audio blog about catching glimpses of God and His amazing love for us. It strives to offer fresh spiritual insight and inspiration to encourage, challenge, and renew your vision of the redemptive love of Christ and His calling for your life. Visit the blog to go deeper every week with questions for reflection and a free devotional eBook when you sign up for the email list. https://www.coreradiate.com/blog
    en-us70 Episodes

    Episodes (70)

    Never a Dull Moment with God: 5 Ways to Cultivate a Heart for Adventure

    Never a Dull Moment with God: 5 Ways to Cultivate a Heart for Adventure
    There are no ordinary moments in the life of the believer. Even the seasons of waiting and quiet rest are active parts of God’s grand adventure for your life. But what if you’re afraid during seasons of change, upheaval, doubt, or loss? Here are 5 ways to cultivate a heart for God’s adventure. After listening, visit the blog for a free 5-day devotional guide and a Spotify playlist featuring uplifting songs to fuel your passion for God's love and calling over your life. www.coreradiate.com/blog/adventure
    *** NOTE: Glimmers in the Fog will be on a brief hiatus for the next three weeks. Kim will be back with a new episode on July 17th.***

    Too Much of a Good Thing = Not Enough Jesus

    Too Much of a Good Thing = Not Enough Jesus
    The longings of our heart are each directly tied to a spiritual need in our lives. When something is lacking deep within us, we often resort to using the good elements and blessings of life as a primary source of comfort and happiness, rather than finding satisfaction in Jesus. When this occurs, we may not even realize that our hearts are gradually being enticed to love the gifts of God, more than the Gift-Giver Himself. Are you ready to draw your line in the sand and say, "enough is enough" when it comes to letting too much of a good thing squeeze out room for loving Jesus, serving others, and honoring God with your body and your life choices? Listen now as we explore what God’s Word has to say about moving from a self-fulfillment mindset to a soul-satisfying mentality. Afterward, visit the blog for a free 5-day devotional guide to take you deeper into the Word and prayer. www.coreradiate.com/blog/line-in-the-sand

    How to Hear the Voice of God Part 2: The Six Hallmarks of His Voice

    How to Hear the Voice of God Part 2: The Six Hallmarks of His Voice
    Based on how God has spoken throughout the ages, there are six Biblical hallmarks of His voice that offer us critical insight into exactly what His voice sounds like — and of equal importance — what it does NOT sound like. If you are struggling to hear Him clearly or wondering how to confirm what you've heard is from Him, this episode is for you. After listening, visit the bottom of the blog post for a free five-day devotional and journaling guide to take you further into the Word. www.coreradiate.com/blog/hear-god-part-2

    How to Hear the Voice of God Part 1

    How to Hear the Voice of God Part 1
    Jesus said His followers will know His voice, but if you're struggling to hear Him you may wonder what you're doing wrong. His voice is not likely to come in the way you imagine, and rarely will it be what you expect. But when you commit to preparing your heart to receive His guidance and lay aside all of your preconceived notions and any shreds of personal agenda, you become far more likely to discern His will. Listen now to learn about four ways to prepare your heart and eight ways He may choose to speak to you. After the podcast, visit the bottom of the blog post (www.coreradiate.com/blog/hear-God-part-1) for a free five-day devotional and journaling guide to take you further into the Word. (This episode is part 1 one of a two-part series. Next week’s podcast will reveal the hallmarks of God’s voice and how to confirm that what you hear is truly Him.)

    Prayer: The Ladder to Heaven

    Prayer: The Ladder to Heaven
    We are told in the Bible that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, but what should you do when nothing in life seems to be good right now? How do we embrace what God allows into our lives when it seems like anything but good for us? If you have ever struggled with these doubts, then this message is for you. Listen now to discover the true purpose of prayer and how it will change your understanding of — and desire for — what is truly good. And when you're finished listening, visit www.coreradiate.com/blog/jacobs-ladder for a 5-day quiet time guide with scripture readings and reflection questions.

    How to Get Back on Track after a Big Setback

    How to Get Back on Track after a Big Setback
    Your desire for something other than what God wants for you is never about the thing itself. It always points to a deeper need. Jesus submitted His flesh to the ultimate torture and death, to make it so we can live victoriously in ours. But after we've fallen again to the same old temptation, how do we find the motivation to begin the long journey back to wholeness when guilt is telling us it’s hopeless and our flesh is telling us we can’t? Listen now to discover the road to restoration and how to take the first steps toward healing. And when you're finished, visit www.coreradiate.com/blog/setback for a 6-day quiet time guide for crafting your comeback plan. Also mentioned in the podcast is another episode from 10/23/18 entitled "To Seek is Human. To Find is Divine." Listen to that here or visit this link: www.coreradiate.com/blog/seekjesus

    The Surprising Truth about Spiritual Laziness

    The Surprising Truth about Spiritual Laziness
    On the surface, spiritual laziness may look like not getting up early enough to pray and read your Bible, but not doing those disciplines is only a symptom of another problem buried much deeper in our souls. Even worse, it feeds many strongholds in our lives, like worry, anger, control issues, greed, stubbornness, and other negative habits. While you may think of yourself as a highly productive and motivated individual, spiritual laziness is probably not what you think it is, and it may be lurking in unexpected places in your life. Listen now to learn its true definition, causes, and what you can do about it. After the podcast, visit the blog for a FREE 5-day devotional guide with spiritual journaling prompts on this soul-stirring topic! www.coreradiate.com/blog/spiritual-laziness

    Why You Can't Destroy God's Plan for Your Life

    Why You Can't Destroy God's Plan for Your Life
    No matter what you’ve done or what you’ll do, you can't change God's love for you or His desire for you to walk in close step to a plan He's designed just for you. That truth is often hard to believe, however, when we’ve made stupid mistakes, tangled our lives up in sin, or blazed a trail in the entirely wrong direction. But our glorious Father never gives up on us, constantly designing a plan to use us for His glory that is usually surprising in more ways than one. Listen now to explore the all-encompassing and intensely compassionate nature of God. After the podcast, visit www.coreradiate.com/blog/Plans-of-God for a five-day quiet time and journaling guide.

    Why You Need Church (Even if You Don't Think You Do)

    Why You Need Church (Even if You Don't Think You Do)
    Despite its shortcomings, the local church is still relevant and essential for every follower of Jesus. Whether you’re a seasoned churchgoer who might be struggling with burnout or you’ve never really attended on a regular basis, you've probably wondered whether being a part of a local congregation is really worth the time, energy, and tolerance of other people that it often takes to stay committed. But no matter how you feel about it, God’s word offers us real encouragement regarding His church and how it’s designed to work, comfort, instruct and heal. Listen now as we explore both the obstacles and the benefits of being a part of the body of Christ. After you listen, visit www.coreradiate.com/blog/church for reflection questions and five days of spiritual journaling prompts.

    How to See Miracles in the Middle

    How to See Miracles in the Middle
    Sometimes God obscures the light of our coming relief to keep our eyes fixed only on Him. If we could see the light at the end of the tunnel, then we might not turn our eyes to look at the miracles He's working right in front of us... in the midst of the darkness. With a plot twist worthy of the best movie, 2 Kings 6 contains an instructive story on how to see through the lens of trust in order to uncloak the miraculous happening all around us. Visit the blog post for reflection questions to take you deeper into the Word. www.coreradiate.com/blog/see-miracles

    Finding the Fear to Live Fearlessly

    Finding the Fear to Live Fearlessly
    Why does God ask us to fear Him and then tell us that we shouldn’t have any fears or doubts because of His perfect love? It sounds like both a contradiction and a tall order. While it may seem impossible to live fearlessly, Jesus gives us a clear roadmap to get there and the tools we’ll need along our journey. But before we can discover the keys to courage, we have to start with who we were created to be from the beginning. Our true identity in Christ. If we are to become more like Jesus… if we are to be known by His name… then we will yield to the Spirit the way He did.

    When God's Love Collides with Our Pain

    When God's Love Collides with Our Pain
    The Bible makes it as clear as the Caribbean ocean that He not only cares about the details and struggles of our lives, He is actively involved in the minutia of our days. Like an invisible pattern on a vast ocean, our Father's hand stretches out over the span of our years from birth to death, orchestrating our steps and encouraging us to simply follow His lead and trust His oversight. When we allow the love of Jesus to collide with our struggles, we will always find peace, purpose, and hope in the pain. Listen now to discover God's redemptive plan for your pain. And visit the blog page for reflective questions that will take you deeper into the Word and prayer. http://bit.ly/lovecollides

    The Step-by-Step Cure for Anxiety & Stress

    The Step-by-Step Cure for Anxiety & Stress
    Whether you struggle with life’s day to day frustrations or you have deep-seated fears about the future, stress, anxiety, and worries can cripple your productivity, steal joy from your heart, and keep you from experiencing an abundant, spirit-led life. In this week's episode we explore one of the primary reasons why we miss out on one of God’s most helpful and comforting promises: peace. By administering a four-step prescription from Philippians 4, we can experience the kind of supernatural peace, rest, and hope that the world around us will notice and want. Also visit the Glimmers blog for additional resources to end anxiety and worry.

    Why Every Soul Needs Spiritual Sandpaper

    Why Every Soul Needs Spiritual Sandpaper
    Every situation we encounter is an opportunity for spiritual growth if we have the eyes to see it. Like sandpaper on our souls, Jesus gently smooths out our rough edges and transforms us into His workmanship little by little. If you’re struggling to grow in Jesus, then you probably haven’t yielded some part of your heart, mind, or soul to His careful improvement. By learning to recognize the often hidden opportunities for growth in our everyday lives we can uncover the areas still needing improvement. But even when we do feel we are growing by leaps and bounds, we must acknowledge that the work is never done.

    The 5 Lies of Social Media (Part 2 of Finding Spiritual Authenticity in the Selfie Age)

    The 5 Lies of Social Media (Part 2 of Finding Spiritual Authenticity in the Selfie Age)
    Social media presents Christ followers with unique challenges and it can be difficult to know how to live out your faith with loving confidence and conviction in today's cultural arena. But when we are aware of the common lies the enemy has set to ensnare us daily and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us away from them, we can move forward with boldness and authenticity to carry the love of Jesus into social media.

    Finding Spiritual Authenticity in the Selfie Age, Part 1

    Finding Spiritual Authenticity in the Selfie Age, Part 1
    How are Christians called to consume and contribute to the social media machine? More than ever, we are bombarded on a daily basis by images of “ideal” people living enviable lives doing exciting things with beautiful companions in the most exotic of locations. So if we are called to authentically share Jesus in all places for all people, where is the line between cultural relevancy for the sake of the Gospel and pure self-promotion for the sake of ourselves? Listen to find out more and join in the dialogue with your comments here, on my website, or in social media.

    Winning the Battle Within

    Winning the Battle Within
    The spiritual struggles within all of us often stir up baffling contradictions of simultaneous love and hate. But at every point in our faith journey, we can find concrete encouragement and explicit instructions in God’s Word on how to overcome our battles and learn to love the Lord with all our hearts, minds, and souls. Perspective isn’t just in the mind. It’s a battle plan for a victory already won.