
    Growth Hack

    Growth Hack was created to help you spend less ad budget and return more revenue. We show the realities of marketing online and how quickly you can turn around a poor performing campaign. The purpose isn’t to scare you away from digital marketing but to show you how to implement simple tactics to get your maximum return. These won't be boring explanations, they're real stories of where campaigns have either failed or succeeded and we explain to you why. The show is hosted by Julian Espinosa from Papi Digital, the podcast features interviews from industry experts as well as solo episodes where Julian diagnoses each step in digital marketing.
    enJulian Espinosa71 Episodes

    Episodes (71)

    How Your Landing Page is Costing Your Sales

    How Your Landing Page is Costing Your Sales

    What steps do you take to diagnose a campaign that isn't working?

    Something we don't hear about enough is landing pages. Is the message correct and does it match the ads?

    Well on this episode of Growth Hack we go deep on Landing Pages and what businesses need to show in order to get a consumer to take action. 

    Jo Caruana is the founder and CEO of the Finesse Group. The Group's various arms work together to finesse every aspect of the client journey - from Storybrand messaging, content, PR and communications, to customer care training and business etiquette. 

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julian-espinosa-growth-hacker/

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Why Taking A Break is a Hack

    Why Taking A Break is a Hack

    Have you made it to releasing your 50th podcast episode? What about your 100th episode?

    If you've reached or are close you know how much work is required on a weekly basis.

    So why would taking a break be a hack? Well we bring on Kyla Carneiro, an ex-Spotify producer and podcaster who has had a show for seven years to teach us the magic of taking a break on your podcast. 

    Kyla has worked on Spotify shows like Living and Learning with Reba McEntire, The 33-and-a-third Podcast, and We Said What We Said with Rickey and Denzel, as well as independent shows like So it's a show?, a Gilmore Girls fan podcast.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julian-espinosa-growth-hacker/

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Growth Hack
    enAugust 15, 2022

    Marketing Meant for Humans Not Robots

    Marketing Meant for Humans Not Robots

    As the internet has sophisticated itself, marketers have had to as well but it seems like all the conversation is around algorithms.

    What is the latest algorithm hack? And while yes there are tricks we can do to improve views, conversions, clicks we've been losing what it means to market and create content for humans.

    On this episode of Growth Hack we bring on Paige Worthy. Paige helps brands sell without feeling icky about their marketing. She works with unapologetically human businesses (run by people who give a sh*t) to create strategies, messaging, and copy grounded in radical empathy — by humans, for humans. 

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julian-espinosa-growth-hacker/

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Captivating Stories Lead To Conversions on First Visit

    Captivating Stories Lead To Conversions on First Visit

    How many visits does it take for your customer to convert? I bet it's more than 5 visits and probably more like 10 to 20 before a customer takes action.

    As the internet gets busier and we become more distracted we don't buy things without research and interruptions. This has landed us in a place where we need several more touchpoints to get consumers to buy. 

    On this episode of Growth Hack we bring on Cody Bramlett to teach us how he gets consumers to buy on a single touchpoint.

    Cody is a “recovering personal trainer” turned eight-figure nutritional supplement brand owner. He also teaches other driven entrepreneurs how to profitably start, scale, and sell their own nutritional supplement brands through his coaching and mastermind called, Supplement Millionaire.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Cody’s Mastermind: https://supplementmillionaire.com/mastermind/cart

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julian-espinosa-growth-hacker/

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Growth Hack
    enAugust 01, 2022

    Time for a break!

    Time for a break!

    Well it’s been quite a journey over the last two years. Sometimes you do something for so long you don’t realize what you’ve accomplished.

    This episode isn’t a Growth hack. It’s a reflection and a thank you to our listeners. Without you we couldn’t have made it this far.

    Right now we are planning and recording some amazing episodes but we want to hear from you!

    What topics haven’t we covered and what do you want to hear about!

    Reach out to me on LinkedIn or message us through our website.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julian-espinosa-growth-hacker/

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Do You Know Why Your Customers Buy From You?

    Do You Know Why Your Customers Buy From You?

    Why does a customer buy from you? This is probably one of the most critical questions you can ask yourself about your business.

    Just in that one question alone is several key things you need to consider like who is your customer and what obstacles do they face.

    On today's episode of Growth Hack we bring on Ryan Rhotem to share an exercise he has developed to help you answer these critical questions.

    Ryan is the proprietor of The Distilled Brand, author of two books on branding and messaging, a StoryBrand guide, and the creator of the Brand Messaging System.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    How To Make A Podcast That People Will Listen To

    How To Make A Podcast That People Will Listen To

    We all want people to listen to our podcast. We work so hard on them and dedicate a ton of time getting them right. The reality is most people only tune in for a few minutes. So what’s the deal? Is our content not good enough? Why do people listen to Joe Rogan’s podcast for over two hours?

    Well on today’s episode of Growth Hack we bring on Martha Little to teach us how to make a podcast that people actually want to listen to all the way through!

    Martha is the Senior Director for Audible. She has won multiple Peabody’s, Gracie’s and Edward R. Murrow awards for her excellence in audio production and storytelling. 

    She developed her audio skills over a twenty-five-year career as an executive producer at major public radio networks: NPR, APM, PRI and News Director at WBUR. 

    For the past five years at Audible, Martha has overseen a team of top-level producers who are creating shows with talent ranging from Martin Sheen to Deepak Chopra to Elizabeth Banks.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Make Them Come To You Through LIVE Shows

    Make Them Come To You Through LIVE Shows

    If you have considered starting a LIVE Show or want to know if a LIVE Show is right for you, you’ll want to tune in to this episode.

    We will go over what’s involved in making a LIVE Show and how to be successful at it. 

    On this episode of Growth Hack we bring on Kirk Nugent to talk LIVE Shows.

    Kirk has reinvented how small businesses and entrepreneurs reach the world. Whether he is engaged in one-on-one training or he’s captivating audiences through Amazon and CNN with his expertise as a product ambassador, Kirk’s goal is to help organizations leverage innovation.

    As the host and producer of the show “How it All Werks,” he believes that corporations, no matter their size, should “stop selling, start streaming, and let the clients come to you!”

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Moving The Needle Through Academic Studies

    Moving The Needle Through Academic Studies


    Academic studies? What does that have anything to do with moving the needle in your business?

    Okay, bare with me here you’ll want to listen to this episode.

    Well as it turns out there's a lot of research being done in the academic field that has correlation in the business world. You may ask why haven’t we heard about it?

    Well the simple answer is that who reads academic studies? People in the academic field. Business people don’t read them. Therein lies the genius of this.

    Now I don’t expect my audience to suddenly start reading academic studies. So we’ve brought in Neil Hoyne who is an expert at looking at these studies and he is going to share with us his best finds! 

    Neil is Google’s Chief Measurement Strategist. He has had the privilege to lead more than 2,500 engagements with the world’s biggest advertisers. His efforts have helped these companies acquire millions of customers, improve conversion rates by more than 400 percent and generate billions in incremental revenue. 

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Microsoft Power BI: Crushing Paid Ads Through Analytics

    Microsoft Power BI: Crushing Paid Ads Through Analytics

    Have you ever heard of Microsoft’s Power BI? Did you know there are people using it to squeeze out the best results out of paid social campaigns?

    Power BI is an interactive data visualization software product developed by Microsoft with primary focus on business intelligence and we bring on Corey Henke to tell us how he does it.

    Cory is no stranger to the importance of finding creative strategies for online engagement. He’s an expert in organic and paid advertising, specifically YouTube, which has helped advertisers scale through the 5-year-old ad agency Variable Media.

    He specializes in data visualization to help bring advertising data to life and provide immediate actionable results to clients and agencies.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Finding A Slogan That Works

    Finding A Slogan That Works

    Slogans feel like an afterthought.

    They are just one of those things that you forget about doing and then rush when you actually need one. On this episode of Growth Hack we bring on Michelle Mazur to talk slogans and why they matter.

    Michelle combines the tools of successful social movements with the qualitative research skills she earned in her communications PhD to help business owners craft their powerful, captivating message. 

    The author of 3 books Michelle has been featured in Fast Company, Entrepreneur and Inc., she knows that speaking about what you do in a clear and captivating way is the key to reaching the people you could help the most.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Stop Paying Influencers & Find Partnerships That Show Authenticity

    Stop Paying Influencers & Find Partnerships That Show Authenticity

    Influencer Marketing is one of the most played out tactics in digital. Influencers posting with a picture of a product is what we usually think about when it comes to influencer marketing.

    Users can see it coming a mile away. It feels so forced and unnatural. So does that mean influencer marketing doesn’t work?

    The short answer is yes it does but it now requires creativity to make it work. 

    On this episode of Growth Hack we bring on Taylor Lagace to talk about creating authentic relationships with creators that leads to conversions.

    Taylor is the CEO and Co-Founder of Kynship, an influencer marketing agency. 

    Taylor started his career in influencer marketing working at Athletes First, an NFL agency, where he was responsible for marketing on behalf of NFL stars, such as Aaron Rodgers, Clay Matthews, and Deshaun Watson. With his past experience, Taylor has been able to help companies go from nothing to millions in revenue in just a few short months.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Link to Influencer Marketing Budget Calculator

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Ways To Get Online Users To Want To Give You Their Info

    Ways To Get Online Users To Want To Give You Their Info

    Getting online users to give you their information has been substantially harder over the last few years. Personally I always think to myself oh great just another place I need to unsubscribe from.

    Well on this episode of Growth Hack we bring on Robert Rose to teach us the ways we can get users to want to give up their info!

    Robert has more than 30 years of experience in digital marketing, and the strategic use of content to drive better customer experiences. He’s advised more than 200 companies, including McDonald’s, Facebook, Microsoft, Adidas, Whirlpool, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    Robert’s firm The Content Advisory, is the leading content strategy consulting, research, and education company. Robert is also the co-host of the popular marketing podcast This Old Marketing, which has been downloaded more than two million times in 150 countries.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital



    Growth Hack
    enMay 02, 2022

    LinkedIn: Stop Chasing The Algorithm

    LinkedIn: Stop Chasing The Algorithm

    As marketers we are consumed with algorithm chasing. I mean this podcast is all about it! 

    When it comes to LinkedIn I’ve met many people who use many different strategies.

    On this episode of Growth Hack we bring on Judi Fox and she tells us to stop chasing the LinkedIn Algorithm.

    Judi started her career as a chemical engineer in 1999 by 2008 when the financial crisis hit she learned the POWER of LinkedIn to quickly network to another job and launch an online side hustle that led to 6-figure consulting business.

    Since then she has created the LinkedIn Business Accelerator method to get millions of views and hundreds of comments through LinkedIn.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Should You Start A YouTube Channel?

    Should You Start A YouTube Channel?

    Have you ever looked up something on YouTube? I hope the answer is duh, hasn’t everyone?

    There are 1 billion YouTube views per day so, why isn’t your business on YouTube?

    On today's episode of Growth Hack we bring on Derral Eves to talk Why YouTube and the How.

    Derral is the CEO of Creatus, a video marketing and strategy company. Derral consults some of the biggest YouTubers in the world. He has helped 27 YouTube channels go from zero to more than a million subscribers, and he has generated nearly 70 billion views on YouTube. 

    He is the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The YouTube Formula: How Anyone Can Unlock the Algorithm to Drive Views, Build an Audience, and Grow Revenue.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    If Your Ads Aren’t Performing You Probably Don’t Have A Strong Lead Magnet

    If Your Ads Aren’t Performing You Probably Don’t Have A Strong Lead Magnet

    We all want our ads to perform better. What’s the secret?

    The secret is pretty straightforward have a strong offer. You may think you have a strong offer but is it converting? It’s all about testing, you need to test different offers.

    On this episode of Growth Hack we bring in Rahul Alim to talk strong offers aka lead magnets.

    Rahul is the founder of Custom Creatives, a Digital Marketing Agency that connects companies with their dream clients. He has helped brands such as Realtor.com, Geico, Advertise.com, Reach Local and 1,000’s of local businesses.

    With 16+ years of experience running his agency, he now coaches agency owners to grow 6 figure businesses with his proven G$D Sales Method. His real talk yields real results.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital



    How To Use Humor To Increase The Success of Campaigns

    How To Use Humor To Increase The Success of Campaigns

    Humor causes people to remember information better. Think about your favorite Super Commercials. You probably remember the funny ones.

    Well, there's a reason for this. But since this podcast isn’t dedicated to the psychology of marketing we will stay away from the Why and talk about using humor to increase your campaign results.

    On this episode of Growth Hack we bring on Lianna Patch. Lianna is a conversion copywriter and comedian whose greatest dream is to make your customers pause, smile, and click (in that order). 

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Will We Be Able To Track Marketing Results With All The New Changes?

    Will We Be Able To Track Marketing Results With All The New Changes?

    The Privacy Movement has changed marketing forever. Our ability to track results continues to dwindle.

    These technologies aim to protect people's privacy online. From iOS 14 to Google’s new Privacy Sandbox what has led us down this path?

    It’s always one of those stories that one person ruined it for all of us. Well today on Growth Hack we bring on Simon Poulton to talk to us about the past and what the future holds for tracking marketing results.

    Simon is the Vice President of Digital Intelligence at Wpromote. He oversees the Analytics Development, Data Analysis & Analytics Solution teams. He sets the vision for the future of digital measurement and actively engages with business leaders to democratize digital marketing analytics allowing organizations to make confident data-backed decisions.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital



    Critical Touch Points You Want To Consider Along The Consumer Journey

    Critical Touch Points You Want To Consider Along The Consumer Journey

    I’m not one to brag or self promote my wins but man am I damn proud of celebrating our one year anniversary for the podcast. This is our 52nd episode and I want to thank our producer and post production team for all the hard work! It really does take a village! 

    Okay, now to why you are here… The Consumer Journey… We’ve talked about this back in episode six but today we bring on an amazing guest to help us look at the consumer journey from a different perspective.

    We bring on Ryan Deiss. Ryan is the Founder and CEO of The Scalable Company (Scalable.co), DigitalMarketer.com, Recess.io, and a Founding Partner at Scalable Equity, LLC, a venture equity accelerator that builds and acquires B2B media and software brands.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/_papidigital/

    Growth Hack
    enMarch 21, 2022

    I Trusted A Marketing Company & They Took My Money

    I Trusted A Marketing Company & They Took My Money

    Have you hired a marketing agency before? There's a good chance that you haven’t been happy with the results or outcome.

    It’s said that digital marketers are worse than used car salesmen. Now as a digital marketer myself that's a painful to hear but honestly a truth in the industry.

    There are many bad actors in the industry but I’ve distilled this down to one key factor. Deliverables vs outcome. Foundationally this is the key principle that no one wants to talk about but is the biggest issue in the industry.

    On this episode of Growth Hack we’ve brought on Dennis Yu. Dennis is a former Yahoo search engine engineer who optimized ads and analytics across search and social platforms. He's taken his passion for digital marketing and turned it into training to create good jobs for aspiring

    digital marketers. Dennis has managed campaigns for The Golden State Warriors, Nike, and Rosetta Stone.

    For more episodes and information, visit us at www.papidigital.com/podcast

    Follow Papi Digital for Marketing Expertise and Insights on: 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/PapiDigital

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/papidigital

