
    Health Hacker Life

    Tune in for simple yet powerful episodes on the best ‘health hacks’ for you to learn...and actually apply in your lifestyle to notice the benefits- improved energy and focus, a better relationship with stress, more confidence in your approach to healthcare and an overall calmer, quieter mind. Use this show as a healthy excuse to ‘take a break and take a breath’ during your workdays as you continue along your quest to becoming a smarter, high performing health hacker. As a holistic health hacker and a behavior change expert, your host, TJ Anderson, is the health hacking coach to many high performing entrepreneurs and executives. He is also a #1 National Bestselling author best known for his book, The Art of Health Hacking, a self-coaching guide that adds the science of sustainable behavior change and the art of taking a holistic approach to our current world of biohacking. He interviews some of the world’s top wellness leaders, health experts and other high performers about the most important modern-day topics in the world of wellness, biohacking and the future of healthcare. Get show notes, TJ’s latest book, The Art of Health Hacking, and submit your questions over at: www.healthhackerlife.com. Or head on over to Facebook to join our free Facebook Group. Just search for ‘Health Hacker Life’ on Facebook. Note: A Portion of all royalties from the sale of TJ’s book, The Art of Health Hacking, book go to A Garden For Every School Project, which provides free, comprehensive training and resources for K-12 school teachers and students to start and maintain a school garden.
    enTJ Anderson44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    #042: Unique Recovery for Elite Athletes with Strength Coach Andrew Hauser

    #042: Unique Recovery for Elite Athletes with Strength Coach Andrew Hauser
    Andrew Hauser is the owner of Continuum High Performance in Arizona. He’s spent 14 years as a Strength Coach & Athletic trainer for several MLB teams, including the Dodgers, Braves, Diamondbacks and the Phillies. Andrew now works directly with pro athletes through his private practice. He’s always on the cutting edge learning and integrating new modalities into his practice. He has worked with a number of athletes in the NFL, NHL, MLS and track/field and has become a sought-after consultant and public speaker for professionals and athletes nation-wide.
    Health Hacker Life
    enJanuary 12, 2024

    #041: The Truth About Stem Cells & Redefining Heart Health with Dr. Vassily Eliopoulos

    #041: The Truth About Stem Cells & Redefining Heart Health with Dr. Vassily Eliopoulos
    Dr. Vassily Eliopoulos is a renowned physician specializing in cutting-edge regenerative medicine at Rocky Mountain Regenerative Medicine in Boulder, CO. Dr. Vass and his team work with patients from all over the world supporting total health optimization and longevity. As leading global biologic specialists, they have authored the largest study on stem cell therapy in spinal disorders, and are featured speakers at stem cell conferences around the world. This episode is a special one as it’s the first ever in person interview I’ve done in my new fully remodeled podcast studio. Dr. Vass and I talk all about the past, present and future of stem cell therapies, including how to best go about harvesting and banking your own stem cells to use on yourself for current or future injuries and/or health issues. We also dive into the future of heart health optimization to understand the most important biomarkers to focus on, and how to identify accurate plaque build up using the combination of AI machine learning algorithms and Coronary CT angiograms.
    Health Hacker Life
    enDecember 18, 2023

    #040: MLB Shortstop Nick Ahmed on Optimizing Performance & Recovery

    #040: MLB Shortstop Nick Ahmed on Optimizing Performance & Recovery
    Nick Ahmed is a professional athlete with 10 years of experience as a shortstop in MLB. Nick shares his top habits and health hacks to maintain peak performance and optimize recovery during the grueling season. He is also a client of Elevated Eats, a custom meal prep company for pro athletes run by host TJ Anderson and his wife, Amanda.
    Health Hacker Life
    enNovember 28, 2023

    #038: Nutritional Biochemistry and Digestive Health with Dr. Tim Jackson

    #038: Nutritional Biochemistry and Digestive Health with Dr. Tim Jackson



    2:36 - how Tim first found out about functional medicine 

    6:52 - what is functional medicine or root cause medicine

    13:17 - what process Tim when through to hack/heal himself

    16:12 - what is autoimmune disease and what Tim usually sees with his patients

    23:05 - the importance of GI-MAP testing - looking at both the good and the bad

    29:23 - the importance of the DUTCH Hormone test

    38:00 - what oxalates are and why they are important 

    40:43 - looking at epigenetic and stealth infections in the labs

    44:04 - why it’s important to have a doctor help you order and interpret these kinds of tests and how to contact Tim directly if you have questions

    47:03 - what methylation is and how to test and optimize genetics

    52:21 - Tim’s free tool for people and what ‘green allopathy’ is

    55:45 - the hacks that Tim uses right now for optimal health

    59:40 - how Tim elevates his state of health and performance





    8:00 - “The body is just an interacting series of parts and circles and multiple systems. And the more entropy or disorder there is in the system, the harder it is to heal.”

    15:17 - “It’s easy to connect the dots looking back, but you have to be gentle and kind to yourself because most people do the best they can with the knowledge they have at that time.”

    18:18 - “If your guts not optimal, your immune system is not going to be optimal.”

    59:47 - “You can have great big biceps and quads. But who cares if you don’t have the energy to interact with your friends.”

    59:57 - “The greatest threat to the human organism is social isolation.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enDecember 23, 2019

    #037: Neuroscience for Peak Performance: QEEG, HRV & Medical-Grade Sleep Analysis to Hack Your Sleep & Brain Health with Dr. Tim Royer

    #037: Neuroscience for Peak Performance: QEEG, HRV & Medical-Grade Sleep Analysis to Hack Your Sleep & Brain Health with Dr. Tim Royer


    2:58 - when Tim got on the journey of neuroscience and brain health

    5:24 - why it’s important to put brain understanding before medicine

    7:10 - how to measure the brain and what data to look at

    16:16 - Tim's model to optimize brain health

    25:55 - costs and what is involved when working to optimize your brain

    32:25 - how Tim's sleep study differs from most wearables and how to correct for that

    39:49 - what are the most important behaviors that can impact sleep and brain performance

    1:00:20 - what are health hacks tim uses and what it means for Tim to elevate his state



    12:57 - “We are talking about the most amazing thing in the entire universe… the entire brain.”

    14:21 - “The greatest medicine for the brain is itself. If it can see what it’s doing.”

    45:38 - “Whatever makes a mushroom grow is what you want your environment to be for sleep.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enDecember 12, 2019

    #036: Glucose Monitoring, Testosterone For Optimal Performance & Functional Medicine w/ Dr. Mary Pardee

    #036: Glucose Monitoring, Testosterone For Optimal Performance & Functional Medicine w/ Dr. Mary Pardee


    2:12 - Mary’s personal journey into alternative medicine

    13:20 - tips for people to build their all star health care team

    18:16 -  what to look for and how to know what ‘healthy’ testosterone levels are

    26:09 - habits that negatively affect testosterone

    28:40 - what to use for blood glucose monitoring

    34:46 - lifestyle behaviors and general hacks for testosterone

    41:51 - light (specifically nude exposure to light) and how that plays a role in testosterone

    48:51 - her personal hacks in life for health



    7:30 - “Everybody has the innate ability to heal themselves, and I think you have to figure out what that key is though. Because the key isn’t going to be the same from one person to the next.”

    15:44 - “The person that gets better, got better because they did the work. It’s not because of the practitioner at all… because it’s really those behavior changes and habits that take a lot of personal work.”

    50:23 - “You shouldn’t just stop. Learning should never end and you want to push yourself to the limit of getting frustrated.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enDecember 05, 2019

    #035: Blue Blockers & The Light Diet w/ Matt Maruca

    #035: Blue Blockers & The Light Diet w/ Matt Maruca


    2:41 - when Matt woke up to quantum health and biology

    5:40 - what are blue blockers and what is a ‘light diet’

    12:52 - artificial light blocking glasses vs. blue blocking glasses

    14:23 - Matt’s relation to light and when he wears glasses

    26:24 - the studies and science that highlight the impact of light

    50:54 - 5g technology and it’s effects

    52:44 - a great app to easily track how to get more good light each day and UVA vs. UVB light

    1:05:28 - Matt’s final health hacks and the 8 steps of the light diet




    14:46 - “The first way I approach artificial light is recognize I am a being of the sunlight and therefore powered by the light of the sun.”

    22:29 - “If we are exposed to any light at night it’s still having some effect on our sleep.”

    54:50 - “The research is so clear that sun is so critical for so many processes in our body… sure by the time you kit 60 or 70 you might have slightly fewer wrinkles but you are going to make it to 60 or 70.”

    01:10:21 “The thing that makes up who we are is the light within us.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enDecember 02, 2019

    #034: Run Faster and Healthier: Stop Fighting Your Body and Learn How to Work With It Naturally with Jae Gruenke

    #034: Run Faster and Healthier: Stop Fighting Your Body and Learn How to Work With It Naturally with Jae Gruenke


    2:29 - Jae’s background and how she went from hating running to loving it

    5:27 - what the feldenkrais method is 

    11:29 - how changes in running and movement affect the brain

    19:32  - how do we work through the challenges in life that prevent us from moving or running

    30:12 - how your upper body can effect your lower body

    36:02 - foam rollers… should you use them?

    38:44 - what data should you track when you are running to optimize your health 

    45:44 - what other things you can do between runs

    49:49 - can running make you fat and thoughts on fasted runs

    59:50 - what shows to wear when you run




    6:18 - “Your brains exist to organize movement and everything else that a brain does is built on top of that fundamental function.”

    7:44 - “Running is a part of our biological inheritance.”

    16:37: - “The real end of it all is when you get sent to school and you have to sit at a desk all day.”

    31:25- “Wherever you fight yourself you waste a tremendous amount of energy, you create stress and you setup potential for injuries.”

    42:33 “We need to vary the stresses on our body… the very worst thing you can do is run always on a treadmill listening to an audio book or watching something.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enNovember 26, 2019

    #033: Boners & Biome- Hacking Your Gut Health with Advanced Testing & Customized Protocols with Dr. Grace Liu

    #033: Boners & Biome- Hacking Your Gut Health with Advanced Testing & Customized Protocols with Dr. Grace Liu


    • 2:22 - when she first made the connection between boners and biome and what it really means
    • 10:15 - approach to rebuilding your micro-biome and the results it has
    • 20:47 - optimizing testosterone levels
    • 23:54 - symptoms of low testosterone
    • 28:48 - going into the kinds of supplements that are beneficial
    • 35:25 - what are Grace’s current hacks she is using in her life



    39:09 - “Deep breathing alone will bring people to a better parasympathetic state.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enNovember 21, 2019

    #032: How to Create an Alcohol Free Life You Love with Kate Bee

    #032: How to Create an Alcohol Free Life You Love with Kate Bee

    Growing up in the era of Sex and the City and Bridget Jones, Kate Bee believed her drinking was simply what successful, independent women did. After all, she was a journalist and TV producer for the BBC - drinking after work was how people socialized. Except she was tired of feeling hungover and ashamed about what felt like more drinking than was healthy. When Kate decided to get sober, she was disappointed to find the only real support was through AA. She attended a few meetings, but left feeling like she didn’t fit in because she was getting sober before her drinking had negatively impacted her work or relationships. But, there was no middle ground - it seemed like you either didn’t have a real problem or you had to be a full-blown alcoholic to get help.

    That’s why Kate founded The Sober School, a coaching program that helps women feel inspired and empowered by their decision to quit drinking. She helps women who are ready to start living their best life learn how to do it without a glass of wine in hand. Kate comes on the show today to discuss her story, the challenges of approaching alcohol in our modern-day world, and how people can take inventory and take action on creating a healthier relationship with alcohol. And she's got some great solutions for people!

    Make sure you follow this link to check out her free “Wine O’Clock Survival Guide”! It will help you navigate the tricky time of day between 5-8pm, which tends to be when people feel the most tempted to drink. Enjoy!

    FULL SHOWNOTES HERE: www.elevateyourstate.co/podcast/kate-bee



    • 2:07 - why Kate started exploring sobriety herself
    • 7:50 - how long it’s been since Kate last drank and where she is at with drinking now
    • 11:07 - what really cemented her commitment to go sober
    • 19:41 - what Kate noticed as a change in her life without alcohol
    • 25:57 - the real reasons people drink alcohol
    • 34:58 - mistakes people make when they are trying to change drinking habits
    • 48:30 - what Kate does to elevate her state





    08:40 - “It is possible to stop drinking without feeling as if you are being deprived of something or that you are going to miss out on something for the rest of your days.”

    17:26 - “Its so natural I think, that we get frightened when we make long term plans.”

    26:23 - “Most of us haven’t been taught how to manage our emotions or deal with our feelings so we use substances outside of our selves to manage that. And it might be sugar, it might be gambling… it might be social media, or it might be alcohol.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enNovember 18, 2019

    #031: The Truth About Psychedelics & Their Modern-Day Impact with Filmmaker Ben Stewart

    #031: The Truth About Psychedelics & Their Modern-Day Impact with Filmmaker Ben Stewart

    FULL SHOW NOTES AT: www.elevateyourstate.co/podcast/ben-joseph-stewart


    • 1:58 - how Ben became a filmmaker
    • 8:45 - Ben’s first film
    • 10:00 - the origins of his documentary Psychedelica
    • 15:20 - what are psychedelics and what role do they play in our lives
    • 21:40 - what is the most mindful way to go about trying psychedelics
    • 38:08 - where are psychedelics at legally right now
    • 42:50 - big pharma and what they bring to psychedelics
    • 52:24 - some of the things Ben does for his own personal health hacking
    • 1:02:23 - thoughts on how/why animals show up in your life




    17:45 - “Psychedelics start changing the way you look at things, and that changes your behavior.”

    30:26 - “It’s only sustainable to have the darker side be with the lighter side.”

    31:27 - “Understand fear is a mechanism of communication.”

    45:18 - “We’re on the rise of something and all I want is to hitch a ride on that wave.”

    55:50 - “Play is the most optimal environment for learning.”

    1:07:58 - “I believe that one of the greatest breakdowns and our disconnection from nature and spirit is our inability… don’t blame it on culture… it’s our lack of discipline and moving towards listening better.”

    #030 Holistic Health, Natural Nutrition, and Human Potential with Ronnie Landis

    #030 Holistic Health, Natural Nutrition, and Human Potential with Ronnie Landis

    FULL SHOW NOTES HERE: www.elevateyourstate.co/podcast/ronnie-landis

    Show Notes:

    • 1:59 - what is wholistic health mastery?
    • 17:38 - decision fatigue and making the complex simple
    • 20:45 - hacks for avoiding distraction and decision fatigue
    • 31:42 - quantum collapse process
    • 35:55 - the fundamental flaw in goal setting and habit change
    • 39:39 - spring water and why it’s important
    • 51:25 - skills related to nutrition that you can integrate easily
    • 59:20 - why subscribing to one subculture of diet or health trend is a problem
    • 1:06:06 - tonics and coffee vs. cacao
    • 1:16:10 - what it means for Ronny to elevate his state




    5:06 - “How can I maximize and squeeze out the most that I can in this life because I always realized that life is not guaranteed.”

    7:45 - “I didn’t realize at the time that there were issues within my heart and my soul that was manifesting through my physiology.”

    9:26 - “The subtle energies of our mind come from the subtle energies of our food.”

    15:28 - “I don’t believe that a balanced life really exists.. I believe in dynamic harmony from a quantum physics or a brainwave perspective…”

    22:10 - “Source of suffering is actually these hungry ghosts that live inside of us.”

    42:17 - “If you don’t get a filter you become the filter.”

    1:06:54 - “You gotta make this stuff fun… because otherwise it just gets heavy and hard and that’s not a part of vitality.”

    1:17:00 - “An elevation of vitality and my energy is an embodiment of that transformation in the moment.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enNovember 12, 2019

    #029: Creativity, Heart Math & Becoming a Renaissance Human with Bruce Cryer

    #029: Creativity, Heart Math & Becoming a Renaissance Human with Bruce Cryer

    Bruce Cryer has had a diverse career spanning musical theater, biotech, personal development, health and well-being, and executive coaching. He began as a singer/dancer/actor on Broadway, including two years in The Fantasticks, the world’s longest running musical. Since the early 80s, Bruce has been teaching innovative approaches to optimal health, business success, personal balance, and human performance. 

    He was named CEO of HeartMath in 2000, having helped launch the Institute of HeartMath with founder Doc Childre in 1991. Bruce has worked with leaders at Stanford University, Mayo Clinic, Kaiser, NASA, Unilever, Shell, Cisco, Dropbox, Vistage, and many other organizations including the NHS in the UK.

    In our interview we unpack his work as CEO with Heart Math and his recent health scare that helped him reactivate his creative spirit and launch his new platform, The Renaissance Human. Bruce is a new, yet dear friend of mine. And we haven’t even met in person! There are so many golden nuggets in this episode. So after you tune in, check out his work over at www.RenaissanceHuman.Co. Enjoy!


    Show Notes:

    • 3:12 - what it means to be a renaissance human
    • 8:35 - Bruce’s personal story with creativity 
    • 13:55 - accepting and owning our creativity
    • 21:31 - Bruce’s health experience dealing with cancer
    • 23:59 - what HeartMath is and it’s mission
    • 33:22 - what is heart rate variability and coherence 
    • 39:33 - practices that one can implement that both Bruce and HeartMath teaches
    • 45:07 - the ‘neutral’ technique
    • 52:40 - how appreciation and gratitude can actually affect your brain 
    • 57:20 - health hacks Bruce is excited about right now
    • 1:03:40 - why it all comes back to love and gratitude





    5:46 - “The way I look at humanity, of what it means to be human is that we go through a bunch of births throughout our lives.”

    6:38 - “Being human means continuing to birth new parts of ourself.”

     52:59 - “The heart and the brain are talking to each other all the time. It’s not one way communication just brain to the heart.”

    1:04:42 - “If we don’t elevate the state the new ideas won’t come.”



    #028: The Truth About Adrenal Fatigue & Simple Science To Help You Increase Your Energy Levels with Ari Whitten

    #028: The Truth About Adrenal Fatigue & Simple Science To Help You Increase Your Energy Levels with Ari Whitten

    Ari Whitten is a best-selling author and the creator of the Energy Blueprint system. He is an energy and fatigue specialist who focuses on taking an evidence-based approach to energy enhancement. For the last 5 years, he's been working with the world's top fatigue and energy experts to develop the most comprehensive program in the world on the science of overcoming fatigue and increasing energy -- The Energy Blueprint. 

    In this interview we dove deep into understanding the true cause of fatigue, why it’s so much more than having adrenals out of whack, examples of a health approach to circadian rhythms and how you can avoid the trap of ‘becoming a night owl’ just because that’s how society has programmed you. 

    Is it time for you to stop relying on quick-fixes like caffeine, sugar, stimulants and “energy drinks”?? Ari is giving a way a powerful 4-Video Masterclass on how to overcome fatigue and increase your energy levels in a smart, sustainable way. And trust me- his tips and guidance are GOLD and will change the way you look at building real energy in your life! Just follow this link here to start watching today. Enjoy the show!


    Show Notes:

    • 2:03 - how Ari got passionate about exploring the topic of fatigue and energy
    • 4:37 - how the medical system views and deals with adrenal fatigue
    • 9:23 - dispelling the myth around adrenal fatigue
    • 20:59 - what a healthy flow of cortisol looks like with circadian rhythms 
    • 26:49 - main causes of lower cortisol in the morning 
    • 31:55 - info and insight on ‘night owls
    • 36:15 - causes of general fatigue and the science behind it




    32:26 - “In the modern world, that we live in, the typical modern lifestyle shifts basically everybody more toward a night owl rhythm.”

    33:46 - “Most people who think they are night owls are night owls because of a dysfunctional lifestyle that is non-optimal and not connected to nature as you should be.”

    47:20 - “To elevate your state means to be conscious of the fact that if you don’t really take charge of your health and make consistent efforts to improve your health and your energy and your brain function, to hack your health…the result is not pretty.”


    #027: Meditation, Manifestation & Mindfulness for Sustainable High Performance with Emily Fletcher

    #027: Meditation, Manifestation & Mindfulness for Sustainable High Performance with Emily Fletcher

    Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Meditation, a powerful trifecta of mindfulness, meditation and manifesting designed to unlock your full potential. It’s benefits include decreased stress, deeper sleep, improved immune function and extraordinary performance.

    I didn’t realize this until our interview, but she’s been named one of the top 100 women in wellness to watch, has taught more than 20,000 students around the world and has spoken on meditation for performance at Apple, Google, Harvard Business School and Barclays Bank. Pretty amazing accolades!

    We had a great time discussing Emily’s personal story, the details behind why the Ziva Technique is so powerful, and the difference between meditation vs. mindfulness. 

    And today, she is giving away a free online “Stress Less Guided Meditation” for you to relax and recharge your system in our modern day world. Just follow this link here.


    Show Notes:

    4:06 - what Emily’s morning routine looks like

    11:43 - how Ziva was born and Emily’s personal health awakening

    19:18 - the Zive technique and why she formed it the way she did

    22:29 - her response to “I don’t have time to meditate.”

    24:33 - mindfulness vs. meditation

    21:25 - time folding and synchronicity and manifestation

    40:02 - thoughts on manifestation



    Stress Less Accomplish More

    Ziva Meditation

    her smoothie recipe

    copper tongue scraper

    brain octane oil (MCT oil from BulletProof)

    habit stacking

    Human Design

    Erin Claire Jones



    22:00 - “I started noticing that meditation alone is not enough. How many ex-meditators do you know? How many people do you know who’ve tried meditation and quit? How many people do you know who’ve downloaded an app and don’t use it? How many people do you know who’ve said they’ve tried to meditate and ‘can’t clear their mind’? How many people do you know who say they want to meditate but they don’t have time?”

    22:24 - “We cannot afford for our species to be stupid, sick and slow.”

    36:24 - “Even though it’s simpler, it’s so foreign for us westerners to understand the idea of surrender.”

    36:40 - “It’s just like you don’t try to fall asleep at night. You just do, you just lay down and your body falls asleep and it runs a whole host of healing mechanisms. The same thing is happening in meditation.”

    43:25 - “Let’s assume the the prison that most of us created, is a prison in your mind.”

    43:59 - “Worry is a waste of perfectly good imagination.”

    All show notes can also be found at: www.elevateyourstate.co/podcast/emilyfletcher

    #026: The Electric Body with Dr. Christine Schaffner

    #026: The Electric Body with Dr. Christine Schaffner

    Is the human body electric? What is the bio-field and how does our body communicate with energy and frequency? Tune in to this show to find out. My next guest, Dr. Christine Schaffner, is a board certified Naturopathic physician who graduated from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.  Prior to Bastyr, she completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.

    She is the Clinic Director of Sophia Health Institute; the clinic she co-created with her mentor Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt in Woodinville, Washington.  With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic illness wherever they may be. She is also co-hosting the Body Electric Summit with Dr. Klinghart, a cutting-edge online event series all about seeing the body as energy.  To learn more about and register for this amazing free series, check out this link here!



    1:59 - when her personal health journey started 

    7:48 - the process of introducing the body as energy as a healing approach

    13:11 - Christine's personal practices/behaviors for producing ideal results

    27:20 - trauma and emotional work - explaining epigenetic and family constellations 

    34:02 - explaining acupuncture

    39:44 - EMFs and EMR (electro magnetic radiation)

    49:35 - what it means for Christine to elevate her state of health and performance in her life



    • Body Electric Summit (Online Event Series- Register for FREE Here!)
    • Healing as voltage - book
    • Dr. Klinghardt
    • The 5 levels of healing
    • Biofield Science and Healing (Pub Med Article)
    • Dr. Beverly Rubik
    • Ionic foot bath — Ion Cleanse by “A Major Difference” and Clayton Energy Systems
    • Sauna Space Infrared Sauna and the Photon Single Light Panel
    • Dr. Mercola
    • Dr. Bruce Lipton
    • Weber Medical Laser - photo dynamic therapy
    • Family Constellations 
    • venogram
    • Zach Vetter and Marie Rodriguez for practitioners of fam constellation
    • Alex Swanson podcast episode with TJ on optimizing genetics
    • James Oschman - Energy Medicine (book)
    • Y EMF Shielding paint

    • Quotes:

      9:41 - “These can sound like esoteric or woo ideas but they are really grounded in science. We know that our heart has a strong electromagnetic field and in conventional medicine we measure that with an EKG. We know that our brain waves can be measured by a technology called EEG.”

      11:22 - “ In order to truly heal the physical body we also have to acknowledge and have a language to how we create more coherence or flow or basicly  healthy electromagnetic energy that informs our physical body to do all the chemical things.”

      49:55 -  “Elevating your health is actually how we create more coherence and flow in our energy field so that our bodies can communicate more effectively.”

      50:16 - “As we elevate our vibration and our energy, more health and healing can happen for all of us.”

      Health Hacker Life
      enOctober 21, 2019

      #025: How to Hack Your Own Healing with Frank Mocerino

      #025: How to Hack Your Own Healing with Frank Mocerino


      1:34 - Franks personal backstory related to health and ulcerative colitis

      6:37 - what is ulcerative colitis and effects of drugs and steroids used to treat it

      19:14 - the turning point for Frank and when he decided to take his health and healing into his own hands

      21:08 - what is chronic lyme disease (vs. acute lyme disease) and why it’s not heard of

      23:24 - Herxheimer reaction

      36:00 - sensory deprivation tank

      40:00 - building your own self-care team

      43:21 - hacks Frank began to implement for his health

      50:52 - Frank’s morning routine which includes his top health hacks

      1:05:56 - hot/cold routine and benefits

      1:13:20 - what Vipassana meditation retreat is all about and why Frank does it


      Lorene Cordaine - Paleo Diet Book (2006)
      The Maker’s Diet - Jordan Ruban 
      Ankylosis spondylitis 
      chronic Lyme Disease
      Dr. Horwitz book - Why Can’t I Get Better
      GAPS diet
      Weston A Price diet
      Herxheimer reaction
      Float/Sensory Deprivation Tank
      Anthony D Clementi - biohacking book
      Dr. Klinghardt - Lyme Disease doctor
      Dr. Jack Kruse 
      Bryan Hoyer - EMF Specialist- Founder of Shielded Healing
      the presence process - book
      vipassana meditation
      Wim Hof style breathing- video tutorial



      18:26 - “What I noticed now is that I removed a symptom and didn’t address the root cause - so now I’m starting to symptom hop. I smash down symptoms by removing my colon and all of a sudden it pops back up in a different way.”

      23:18 - “Doctors are doing their best to heal their patients with what available to them.”

      45:26 - “You’re never going to get well in the environment you got sick in.”

      1:01:45 - “What you want is to experience the way you believe you’re going to feel when you get [what you visualize] and you don’t have to wait until some future event to feel those ways, you can feel that way now.”

      1:04:48 - “If you don’t treat health like it’s your most important priority, then it won’t be.”

      1:13:42 - “Craving, aversion and ignorance are ultimately the sole reasons why we suffer emotionally.”

      1:18:44 - “When I think about elevating my state and when I feel most satisfied and fulfilled with my life is when I’m remembering that my life is about the process and being obsessed with the process.”

      Health Hacker Life
      enSeptember 30, 2019

      #024: Dietary Approaches To Preventing & Managing MS Related Symptoms with Dr. Terry Wahls

      #024: Dietary Approaches To Preventing & Managing MS Related Symptoms with Dr. Terry Wahls

      She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles (paperback), and the cookbook The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions.

      Plus, she is a fellow Iowan! She comes on the show to dive deep into the role of nutrition for healing, managing and preventing MS symptoms. It was a very inspiring interview about what's possible when it comes to healing the body through nutrition. And she even shares a few recipes you can get access to if you visit her site right here!

      Show Notes:

      7:16 - Terry’s background and experience with conventional medicine vs. functional medicine

      16:07 - nutrition specific for MS

      18:20 - Terry’s books and protocol for MS

      24:12 - preventing progress MS

      27:04 - why it’s important to work with a primary care doc especially if you are on medications

      31:28 - tips for the microbiome

      33:24 - discussing the benefit of greens for the brain


      Important Links:



      9:09 - “It was very clear that despite taking the very best drugs, from the very best people, from one of the best MS centers in the world…. I was headed toward bedridden, demented and possibly uncontrolled pain.”

      14:03 - “The conventional understanding of progressive MS is incomplete. Who knows how much recovery might be possible.”