
    Health Hacker Life

    Tune in for simple yet powerful episodes on the best ‘health hacks’ for you to learn...and actually apply in your lifestyle to notice the benefits- improved energy and focus, a better relationship with stress, more confidence in your approach to healthcare and an overall calmer, quieter mind. Use this show as a healthy excuse to ‘take a break and take a breath’ during your workdays as you continue along your quest to becoming a smarter, high performing health hacker. As a holistic health hacker and a behavior change expert, your host, TJ Anderson, is the health hacking coach to many high performing entrepreneurs and executives. He is also a #1 National Bestselling author best known for his book, The Art of Health Hacking, a self-coaching guide that adds the science of sustainable behavior change and the art of taking a holistic approach to our current world of biohacking. He interviews some of the world’s top wellness leaders, health experts and other high performers about the most important modern-day topics in the world of wellness, biohacking and the future of healthcare. Get show notes, TJ’s latest book, The Art of Health Hacking, and submit your questions over at: www.healthhackerlife.com. Or head on over to Facebook to join our free Facebook Group. Just search for ‘Health Hacker Life’ on Facebook. Note: A Portion of all royalties from the sale of TJ’s book, The Art of Health Hacking, book go to A Garden For Every School Project, which provides free, comprehensive training and resources for K-12 school teachers and students to start and maintain a school garden.
    enTJ Anderson44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    #023: Sexual Vitality & Orgasmic Pleasure Potential with Trusted Hot Sex Advisor, Susan Bratton

    #023: Sexual Vitality & Orgasmic Pleasure Potential with Trusted Hot Sex Advisor, Susan Bratton

    “There’s no place you can go to get a sex education. You can get a procreation education. You can get a contraception or abstinence education. But you can’t get a passionate super hot sex life education.” - Susan Bratton

    Susan Bratton is a champion and advocate for all who desire passionate relationships. Considered the “Dear Abby of Sex,” Susan’s fresh approach and original ideas have helped millions of people of all ages and across the gender spectrum transform sex into passion.

    Married to her husband Tim since 1993, Susan is an author, award-winning speaker, and serial entrepreneur who teaches passionate lovemaking techniques to her fans around the world. Susan’s straight-talking, fearless approach is rooted in her personal experience of watching her sex life wither while she and her husband pursued dynamic careers. When their relationship hit a crisis point, the couple made a fierce commitment to do whatever it took to keep their family together and revive the passion in their marriage. Today, she and her husband have the kind of dream relationship most people long-since stopped believing is even possible—until they discover Susan’s teachings.

    She comes on the show to dive into all things sexual vitality! Boy was this interview a doozy. We had a LOT of fun. I'll be honest, having conversations about sex sometimes can be very vulnerable. But the main question is why? Most likely because of historical shame and other emotions playing a role and because we don't often talk about sex! It's often seen as taboo! And specifically in the health world I believe there is not enough quality information and guidance on how to have a healthier and more fulfilled sex life. Hope you enjoy the show!


    And make sure to check out the show notes, as well as Susan's Free Giveaway, The Sexual Soulmate Pact AND her upcoming FREE online event series, The SEXUAL VITALITY SUMMIT!


    ---> YouTube Link to Video on How to Ask For What You Want in Bed. (CLIP FROM OUR INTERVIEW)

     ---> YouTube Link to Video on How to Talk Dirty to a Guy. (CLIP FROM OUR INTERVIEW)


     Show Notes:

    3:44 - how Susan got into working in the sexual vitality space

    12:49 - the shift in Susan’s personal relationship

    17:03 - communication in the bedroom and the 4 keys to sexual seduction

    26:38 - challenges that women experience in communication and role play example

    41:08 - how to lean into dirty talk

    45:30 - genital shame

    50:00 - what Susan is doing to elevate her state and hack her gut health



     ---> The Sexual Soulmate Pack Giveaway


    Other Important Links:


    5:11 - “There’s no place you can go to get a sex education. You can get a procreation education. You can get a contraception or abstinence education. But you can’t get a passionate super hot sex life education.”

    13:00 “Lying is just so endemic to our culture and to our way of relating as human beings.”

    #022: The Quantified Self- Hacking & Tracking Your Health & Performance Data with David Korsunsky

    #022: The Quantified Self- Hacking & Tracking Your Health & Performance Data with David Korsunsky

    David Korsunsky is the CEO & Founder of Heads Up Health, a state-of-the-art health data tracking platform built for the individual consumer to have more awareness and take smarter action in their health. David has fifteen years of experience working for industry leading technology firms and most recently served as Director of Technical Alliances at VMware, Inc. where he led strategic partnerships with global EHR companies including EPIC, Cerner, McKesson, GE, Allscripts and many more. As an avid health enthusiast, he recognized an opportunity to build a software solution that makes it easier for anyone to take control over their health through better use of their data.
    David comes on the show today to explain the mission of Heads Up Health, the value of health data and it's impact on behavior change. With Heads Up Health's data-tracking platform you can easily link your medical records from over 30,000 doctor's offices, compile your complete health history and see the BIG picture as you adopt healthy diet and lifestyle changes. I've been using HUH's platform for the last 6 months and it's led to some powerful realizations and connections in my own health. I would recommend you take David up on their free trail. But no matter what, enjoy the show!



    2:43 - about Heads Up Health

    10:49 - the value of Heads up Health and having all their data in one spot

    21:52- why it’s important to take control of your health metrics

    27:26 - integrative functional medicine and it’s roll in David’s life

    29:46 - the rise of the smart patient and practitioner and their relationship

    32:44 - TJ shares his screen on the video and gives a peek at the Heads Up Health platform

    35:35 - the functional glucose tolerance test and why you should do it

    38:25 - monitoring HRV data

    43:52 - the over objectified self and when data can become counter productive

    48:07 - David’s go-to strategies for health creation



    6:14-6:18 - “Data can drive behavior change. Just seeing numbers can drive behavior change.”

    17:54 - 18:07 “People are starting to recognize that conventional medicine is largely an acute solution. And for a lot of the things we are working on you need other types of healthcare expertise.” 

    36:37 - 36:55 “I would say that understanding which foods jack your blood sugar and which foods don’t is probably one of the most important things you can learn.”

    #021: Health Hacking Your Sex Life: How to Boost Libido, Arousal, Hormones & Sensation through Regenerative Medicine with Dr. Katherine Zagone

    #021: Health Hacking Your Sex Life: How to Boost Libido, Arousal, Hormones & Sensation through Regenerative Medicine with Dr. Katherine Zagone

    Dr. Katherine Zagone is a Naturopathic Doctor and Medical Director for Gentera Center for Regenerative Medicine in Los Angeles. She is an expert and advocate for sexual wellness and takes a comprehensive and individualized approach to help each patient uncover root causes and restore optimal health.

    In this episode we dive into all aspects related to sexual health. From libido, arousal, hormones and sensation, Dr. Zagone will help you reflect on your sex life and ask yourself where you want it to be. We also dive into a LOT of the science of our hormones and her favorite health hacks our approach so we can optimize our levels. Katherine also happens to be a great friend, business partner, and my personal Health Hacker Approved Doctor!! To learn more about here work you can visit Gentera’s website here.

    In my men’s high performance health coaching practice I bring Dr. Zagone to each of my clients. Together, Katherine and I help men customize their nutrition, supplement and lifestyle gameplan based on their advanced blood and genetic testing markers.

    Men: If you’re interested in learning more about this work, you can reach out to me at: tj anderson 10 @ gmail. She is accepting some telemedicine clients and patients through my health coaching practice.

    Women: I can also refer you to work with Katherine 1-on-1, but without me as I only coach men.



    2:10 - Katherine’s sexual wellness program at Gentera center for regenerative health

    4:26 - why Katherine started integrating sexual practices in her naturopathic medicine practice

    8:20 - what are the things people can look for in their relationship

    15:14- prescription pre-work gummy (aka- a microdose of cialis)

    16:40 - how much sex do you need to have to get health benefits

    18:45 - examples of what hormones and objective data to look at

    23:06 - the most common types of hormone profiles she sees

    27:05 - the importance of sexual health

    32:12 - simple yet powerful health hacks for better sexual health (heavy leg days for boosting T, exercise in general to improve circulation, and the top two foods for sexual health

    34:30- men: how to create connection with your woman so she feels safe, loved, cherished and adored.

    36:35- why both men and women should slow down (read Slow Sex book)




    • 2:45 - 3:00 - “What’s really cool is seeing how the life affects the sex and the sex affects the life and where we can give a little impetus, a little inspiration into that, to shift the upward spiral of health.”
    • 35:07-35:09 - “If you are wanting more from your woman… then give her more.”
    • 36:38 - 36:50 -  “Slow down. Be present with your breath. Be present with the sensations… it’s really a good way to tune your nervous system into higher perception which translates into more pleasure.


    #020: How to Optimize Mental and Physical Performance through Genetic Testing with Alex Swanson

    #020: How to Optimize Mental and Physical Performance through Genetic Testing with Alex Swanson

    Alex Swanson is the founder of Nutrition Genome and creator of the software Genetrition™. He is a second generation nutritionist and co-owner of Swanson Health Center, a private family clinical nutrition practice that has been in business for over 40 years. He is also the creator of the popular blog The Health Beat. Alex has worked as a personal trainer, private chef, and ran a global clinical nutrition practice for 12 years, with a focus on mental health, athletic performance, cancer, cardiovascular health, hormone optimization, and digestive health. Alex has a post-bacc in Nutrition Sciences from Basytr University in Washington state, an M.S. in Applied Nutrition and Business Entrepreneurship from Northeastern University, a Certificate in Methylation and Clinical Nutrigenomics, and a Certificate in Genetics and Genomics from Stanford University.

    He comes on the show today to discuss all things genetics. Specifically, how can we explore optimizing our mental and physical performance through genetic testing! I've been using Alex's testing company and platform with my clients recently and I'm loving the experience. They have a full back-end of nutrition, lifestyle and supplementation suggestions based on your genetics. If you're wanting actual guidance specific to you and your genes, Nutrition Genome may be your best bet. To learn more and consider ordering your genetic testing today, visit Nutrition Genome here.     Notes:

    3:50 - Alex’s personal health hacking journey
    10:35 - Nutrition Genome - when it was started and how it’s different from other genetic tests out there
    14:30 - genetics related to exercise
    22:46 - magnesium and other minerals and  how it affects genes
    28:04 - the methylation cycle
    33:22 - building an all star health team
    36:06 - Alex Swanson’s online training (that is free)
    41:00 - ApoE gene
    56:14 - fat metabolism genes and genetics
    1:01:20 - nutrition genome and pricing
    1:05:09 - other important genes to highlight
    1:12:13 - nootropics and tips when approaching using them
    1:17:45 - genes and caffeine



    Health Hacker Life
    enJune 14, 2019

    #019: Food Philosophy, Feeding our Children Well & Tapping into the Magic Within with Jess and Jill of SHINE Restaurant & Potion Bar

    #019: Food Philosophy, Feeding our Children Well & Tapping into the Magic Within with Jess and Jill of SHINE Restaurant & Potion Bar

    Jessica, Jill & Jennifer are cofounders of SHINE Restaurant and Potion Bar as well as co-authors of the cookbook, EAT DRINK SHINE. Having made food their lives’ passion, The Shine Triple ‘Blissful Sisters’ as they call themselves, share their food philosophy, healthy living tips, family-­friendly recipes, and stories about sisterhood in their cookbook, EAT DRINK SHINE: Inspiration from Our Kitchen, Gluten-­Free and Paleo ­Friendly Recipes. The relationship you have to food is similar to the relationship you have with yourself and how you connect to the world. So what is your relationship to each of these aspects of life?

    Sisters Jessica and Jill join us on the show today to cover some important topics- how important it is for restaurants to take action on bringing healthier options to the community, how to feed our children well, and how to tap into the magic within each and every one of us. And guess what, our show was filmed in front of a LIVE audience inside of SHINE the Restaurant! (The video version will come out soon.)

     When you’re done with this show, make sure to ask yourself how you are called to look deeper into the power we have to make healthy, magical food choices for ourselves and our family. And if you haven’t been to Boulder or their SHINE Restaurant and Potion Bar, put it on your list to attend very soon! They're leading the way on how restaurants can provide healthy, well-sourced, nourishing food.  You can check out their cookbook here. Enjoy!



    2:50 - how Shine restaurant started

    8:44 - the values and infusion of those in culinary lifestyle

    12:06 - how to choose a health conscious restaurant

    14:30 - the shine potions

    35:05 - how to make smart eating decisions as parents and for kids

    41:40 - how the food kids eats impacts their mood and immune system

    45:50 - tips on relating to your food and getting good intake

    51:24 - what it means for the Shine sisters to elevate their state



    45:52 - 45:58 “Really listening - like deep deep listening to your body. Your body really knows what it needs.”

    46:43 -46:50 “Truly you know what’s best for your body. It’s important that people really listen.”

    48:19- 48:25 “I think we underestimate what we can do in our homes, and how quick and simple it can be.”


    #018: The Hidden Role of Oxygen to Boost Health, Recovery & Performance with Live O2 Founder, Mark Squibb

    #018: The Hidden Role of Oxygen to Boost Health, Recovery & Performance with Live O2 Founder, Mark Squibb

    Mark Squibb is the inventor and CEO of LiveO2. LiveO2 is the first of a kind oxygenation technology that uses Adaptive Contrast to achieve unprecedented oxygenation levels. Mark created LiveO2 in order to free himself and his family from the medical system. Within months of using his oxygenation technology, his health problems were gone. Fast forward to today Live O2 has evolved into an easy and fast system to maximize mental and physical performance and create healing for those who need it.
    He come son the show today to discuss the power of oxygen and specifically how is oxygenation technology system LiveO2, works to accelerate healing, recovery and and overall performance. I first tried out his system at the Bulletproof Biohacking Conference in 2017, and boy was it a game changer! Enjoy the listen, and if you're interested in purchasing your own unit or recommending a local gym/practitioner in your area to acquire this technology, you can visit this link here


    2:22 - the hidden power of oxygen and how Mark discovered it

    7:19 - adaptive contrast and what it means

    14:29 - stress and oxygen

    22:43 - simple action items to increase your oxygen naturally and hacking your oxygen intake

    24:25 - HIIT and how LiveO2 relates

    34:44 - the benefits of LiveO2 vs. Oxygen Bar

    47:50 - contraindications for Live02

    49:59 - fatigue and how it relates to exercise




    11:56 - 12:01 - “It’s nothing but common sense that an oxygenated brain will function better than a less oxygenated brain.”

    12:14 - 12:25 - “Having your body well oxygenated from head to toe is probably one of the most important and also one of the most simple things that anyone can do."

    57:05 - 57:11 "Be all you can be and help everyone around you be all they can be… and maybe more.

    #017: The Ketogenic Diet, Intermittent Fasting & A Healthier Way to Enjoy Wine with Todd White

    #017: The Ketogenic Diet, Intermittent Fasting &  A Healthier Way to Enjoy Wine with Todd White

    Todd White is the founder of Dry Farm Wines, the largest natural wine merchant in the world.  Today, after 15+ years in the wine business his life is dedicated to educating and helping people make better choices about food, nutrition, and how they think about consuming alcohol.  Todd’s passion is unlocking the best way to enjoy alcohol, how to enjoy the benefits of moderate consumption while avoiding the negative outcomes. He is also self described Biohacker who practices daily meditation, Wim Hof breathing, cold thermogenesis, a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting and he is a fitness enthusiast.

    Todd comes on the show to share his top biohacks, including his approach to nutrition, the ketogenic diet, fasting, and the truth about the wine industry! His company, Dry Farm Wines is the only lab tested, all natural health quantified wine merchant in the world that bio-hacks wine; quantifying organic and natural farming practices, as well as low intervention natural winemaking practices. Dry Farm Wines curates all natural pure real wines from all over the world, working with small family farms that are committed to producing pure natural wines.

    Enjoy the show! And if you feel inspired to try out his healthy and tasty, hangover-free wine, head on over to Dry Farm Wines at this link to enjoy your first bottle for just a penny!



    2:18- Todd’s journey with biohacking

    6:26- what the keto diet is

    8:42- different types of fasting and how to transition into fasting

    16:01- tapping into autophagy- cells eating themselves

    18:03- focus on lowering carb intake/going keto before fasting

    20:17 - why willpower is not the way to fasting, weightless or changing diet

    27:10 - the three methods to measure the ketones in your body

    33:30 - genetic testing for finding how your body metabolizes saturated fat

    35:15 - How Todd’s company, Dry Farm Wines, was born and the difference from other wines

    35:58- How 52% of all the wines manufactured in the U.S. are made by 3 giant marketing conglomerates

    36:22- 76 additives approved by the FDA for the use of wine making and how they kept it a secret

    42:15- how sugar gets into wine and why Dry Farm Wines is sugar free

    46:45- why they only sell wine between 6% and 12.5% alcohol by volume

    52:05- how you can get your first bottle of Dry Farm Wines for only a penny!





    “There’s very few things that you can do that will bring you as instant a change to your neuro-chemicals and your neurochemical regulation than exercise.”

    “Once we understand the science of glucose regulation and insulin sensitivity, this is when we can program nutritional changes.”

    “It’s one thing to tell the story, it’s another thing to experience the magic of the wine.”

    #016: Gut Rebuilding, A Healthy Poop Life, Spooning & The Dangers of ‘Going Keto’ with Summer Bock

    #016: Gut Rebuilding, A Healthy Poop Life, Spooning & The Dangers of ‘Going Keto’ with Summer Bock

    Summer Bock is a leading gut health expert who coined the term “Gut Rebuilding.” She integrates her traditional studies in herbalism with modern research and a background in microbiology. After resolving her own slew of health concerns naturally by focusing on the gut bioterrain, she started teaching others how to do the same. She is certified in Integrative Nutrition through Columbia University and a three-time Good Food Award winner for her sauerkraut recipes. She is the founder of the Better Belly Project and CEO at Guts & Glory, an online business that offers live coaching and natural solutions for digestive problems.

    She comes on the show today to talk all things gut health! We had a lot of fun on this episode, talking about many important topics and myths when it comes to but health. Plus, we also get pretty personal, talking about the four letter “P” word...poop, as well the importance of spooning (or smooshing!) with your partner! If you're not sure what smooshing is, I guess you need to make sure you tune in. ;-) Summer has such a big heart and very smart mind for supporting people with sustainable, effective gut health healing strategies. Enjoy the show my friends! And make sure you click this link to take Summer's FREE Gut Health Quiz! (Will only take a few minutes, and will give you great guidance on your gut health!) You'll be glad you did.



    8:06 - Summer’s personal symptoms that led her to cleanse

    12:23 - building her own healthcare team

    20:23 - top five hacks people can make in lifestyle to track progress on their own systems

    21:19- the role of constipation and what a healthy poop life looks like  

    25:55 - why food is the best way to build your microbiome (not probiotics)

    30:15 - what is resistant starch and why is it important?

    38:40 - not fearing carbs and potential dangers of the keto diet

    46:14- how to make relaxation your mission and cultivate a state of calm

    49:50- why Summer loves “spooning” her boyfriend for benefits of physical contact

    51:01- why everyone should get good at spooning to help others experience a relaxed state

    52:07- TJ’s practice of smooshing for physical touch with his partner, Amanda

    54:15- Summer’s favorite biofeedback lemon ph test to do at home

     57:25- The bitters Summer created and sells on her website (GutRebuilding.com)

    58:25- How to use Stratogene or Genetic Genie to make sense of your raw genetic information

    59:11- The Genova Stool Analysis Test Summer uses with clients




    16:22 “Healing is an all encompassing journey and I can’t say enough about the work that it takes - not just with your food, diet and supplements but also with your emotions and with healing your old trauma and really paying attention to why you do what you do.”

    25:30 - “In general you really want to be feeding your microbiome through food, and it really is a myth that probiotic supplements are a way to build your microbiome.

    28:23 “Every bite of food is your destiny.”

    #015: Better Focus & Energy Through The Power of Green Tea Matcha with Max Fortgang

    #015: Better Focus & Energy Through The Power of Green Tea Matcha with Max Fortgang

    Brothers Graham & Max Fortgang discovered matcha while on the hunt for a better energy as college students and entrepreneurs in NYC. When they found it, they fell in love. They moved on to open America's first specialty matcha cafe, MatchaBar, in Brooklyn in 2014. Flash forward to now and they have 5 flavors in a glass bottled line (the 4th best selling tea at Whole Foods Markets nationwide) as well as their newer Energy Drink style matcha Hustle which comes in a can either sweetened or unsweetened.

    Max comes on the show today to explain the truth about the energy drink industry, explain what matcha is and how it works as a better, healthier form of focused energy. For context, I’ve been working with this company for the past year, serving as a brand ambassador promoting them throughout Boulder, CO.  

    Their mission is to bring matcha to the people, and their motto is good things come to those who hustle. And I couldn’t agree more. Enjoy this episode and I strongly recommend you give their high-quality ceremonial grade matcha try! You’ll be glad you did. Here’s to doing the healthy hustle!


    1:26 - how the brand MatchaBar was born (it’s not a bar you eat)

    6:40 - why matcha over other teas

    11:38 - what is matcha and where does it come from

    15:20 - why it’s a better source of caffeine than some others (hint- L-Theanine)

    21:35- TJ’s past visit to the Emergency Room for too much caffeine

    24:08 - different grades of matcha

    26:09 - how matcha is grown

    32:20 - “The Hustle”

    40:05 - what it means for Max to elevate his state



    “We were fascinated by that cross-section between focus and energy. It’s exactly what we were looking for and is kinda what we want every time we reach for coffee or an energy drink.”

    “Good things come to those that hustle.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enApril 29, 2019

    #014: Neurohacking & Complexity Science for a Smarter Approach to Aging with Dr. Greg Kelly

    #014: Neurohacking & Complexity Science for a Smarter Approach to Aging with Dr. Greg Kelly

    Dr. Gregory Kelly is a naturopathic physician, lead product formulator at Neurohacker Collective and author of the book Shape Shift. He was the editor of the journal Alternative Medicine Review and has been an instructor at the University of Bridgeport in the College of Naturopathic Medicine, where he taught classes in Advanced Clinical Nutrition, Counseling Skills, and Doctor-Patient Relationships. Dr. Kelly has published numerous articles on various aspects of natural medicine and nutrition, contributed three chapters to the Textbook of Natural Medicine, and has more than 30 journal articles indexed on Pubmed. His areas of special interest and expertise include nootropics, anti-aging and regenerative medicine, weight management, and the chronobiology of performance and health.

    Dr. Kelly comes on the show today to discuss some fascinating topics in the world of health optimization and human performance. From nootropic supplements, to complexity science, and what neurohacking really means, Dr. Kelly breaks down his and his teams work at NeuroHacker Collective, a neurotechnology company I wrote about in my book, The Art of Health Hacking.

    They are known for their meticulously formulated Qualia nootropic supplements. If you have not tried Qualia yet, I suggest you start with their Qualia Focus Stack.

    And they recently launched a new supplement stack for better cellular energy and healthy aging called Eternus! To learn more about this exciting new product launch of theirs you can follow this link here. And as a partner of theirs, I've received a special discount code TJA you can use to receive 15% off your orders! Hope you enjoy the episode and their products if you want to give them a risk-free try! (If you don't like your experience for whatever reason, they will give you your money back.) Cheers!



    6:28 - the kruger dunning effect

    8:20 - complexity science

    12:53 - complex adaptive systems

    15:39 - Greg’s position with the company

    16:46 - non-linear variability of the body

    31:05 - task switching

    37:49 - the value of DHA

    42:29 - what they are up to in terms of longevity and anti-aging space

    1:00:00 - his personal health hacks and what it means for him to elevate his state





    6:35 - “The same skills we need to be good at something are the skills we need to realize we aren’t very good at.”

    6:49 - “It’s not until we really start to learn about something, that we learn how much we don’t know.”

    43:01 - “We definitely believe that ‘we’ is smarter than ‘me’ and that there is a lot of people that when together can do better things.”

    #013: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer Prevention & Healing with Dr. Nasha Winters

    #013: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer Prevention & Healing with Dr. Nasha Winters

    Dr. Nasha Winters is a sought-after luminary and a global healthcare authority in integrative cancer research and consults with physicians around the world. She bridges ancient therapies with advancements in modern medicine in the digital era. Dr. Nasha consults with some of the most prestigious cancer centers in the US on projects such as developing the clinical protocol for the current FDA-approved clinical trial using intravenous application of Viscum Album Extract (mistletoe) to treat advanced cancer. She has educated approximately 250 professionals in the clinical use of mistletoe and has created robust educational programs for both healthcare institutions and the public on incorporating vetted integrative therapies in cancer care to enhance outcomes. 

    She comes on The Elevate Your State Show today to shine a bright light on WHAT cancer really is, HOW it works, and WHAT some of the more effective therapies look like in our modern-day world. A personal journey with cancer, overseeing care of tens of thousands of patients worldwide, and training practitioners in her methodology underscores her passion and purpose to be a beacon of hope for thousands. Dr. Nasha is on a mission to educate and empower the nearly fifty percent of the population expected to have cancer in their lifetime. Prevention is the only cure. To learn more about her work go to www.drnasha.com. 


    Show Notes:

    1:20 - her weekly morning breakfast -- FASTING

    3:07 - her personal journey and passion for cancer

    16:50 - what mitochondria is and how it affects our health and body

    18:49 - otto warburg effect

    20:44 - what are the main focuses with the somatic theory of cancer and where has it fallen short

    25:53 - cancer prevention and healing hacks

    36:01 - nutrition’s impact on cancer

    47:17 - good go-to healthy fats

    54:10 - why she doesn’t use 23 and me

    57:45 - the endocannabinoid system and how it relates to healing

    1:04:49 - Dr. Nasha Winters tiered approach




    21:08 - “Our [cancer] survival outcomes have changed very little since the 1950s”

    23:33 - “The terrain…the communication between the cells…the medium in which those cell are brewing in… is actually where disease and health begin.”

    26:56 - “When we are in health, we are respiring, we are breathing, properly”

    32:59 - “You cannot heal the body from the soil in which the disease grew.”

    1:08:23 - “We are very responsive to other people’s energies, and I find that when I surround myself with people who vibrate at a high vibe energy it pushes me to do the same.”

    #012: How to Heal Injuries Through the Power of Regenerative Medicine with Dr. Tim Mazzola

    #012: How to Heal Injuries Through the Power of Regenerative Medicine with Dr. Tim Mazzola

    Dr. Tim Mazzola is triple board-certified in Family Medicine, Primary Care Sports Medicine and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. Dr. Mazzola has been performing Regenerative Orthopedic techniques since 2009 and Ultrasound since 2007. In 2009 he joined an amazing Orthopedic group, Cornerstone Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, and was Certified in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound in 2013. After 8 years with Cornerstone he started ROSM (Regenerative Orthopedics and Sports Medicine) in Boulder, CO in February of 2018. He’s co-authored a chapter in multiple Regenerative Orthopedic textbooks, Regenerative Treatments in Sports and Orthopedic Medicine and The Sports Medicine Resource Manual. He has also taught over a thousand physicians various aspects of Ultrasound in Sports Medicine and Orthopedics through the Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute and the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine.

    He comes on the show today to discuss how the body heals from injuries and how Regenerative Medicine can help support and accelerate proper healing and performance. This is also a special show, because Dr. Mazzola recently helped me work towards healing an ankle injury from 2018. To learn more about Dr. Mazzola’s Regenerative Orthopedic Sports Medicine practice you can visit his website here: http://www.rosm.org/.

    Show Notes: 

    2:14 - Dr. Mazzola’s journey in regenerative orthopedic sports medicine
    9:16 - ultrasound as diagnostic tool
    16:30 - how to build your care team after injury
    24:04 - what creates healing for injuries
    27:50 - how to qualify levels of sprains
    32:32 - the difference between treating a simple fracture and an unstable sprain
    37:28 - suggested approaches using heat and ice for injuries and other health hacks
    41:20 - stages of healing
    54:54 - other regenerative options and the basics of PRP




    21:18 - “We want to be able to be ethical, patient centered, focused on research that is meaningful and based in evidence (and not just hope)… and we all want to be orthopedic experts.”

    25:19 - “The body has innate intelligence and has amazing ability the heal itself.”

    42:18 - “When the body doesn’t heal you can almost always look back to a reason why.”

    Health Hacker Life
    enApril 08, 2019

    #011: The Doctor of the Future is the Patient- Focus on the Fundamentals & The Power of Coaching with Dr. Sachin Patel

    #011: The Doctor of the Future is the Patient- Focus on the Fundamentals & The Power of Coaching  with Dr. Sachin Patel

    Sachin Patel is a guardian of truth and a warrior of light. His superpower is taking complex ideas and distilling them down to their essence with easy to understand analogies. Sachin uses this gift to help transform the lives of thousands of people around the world through his organization, The Living Proof Institute.

    Sachin founded The Living Proof Institute as part of his own personal transformation. When he couldn’t find answers through conventional medicine he began to explore functional and lifestyle medicine and it dramatically changed his life.

    Tune in to learn exactly WHAT is functional medicine, how to approach self-care, and learn how the power of coaching may support your journey. Plus, Sachin shares his own recent personal health hacks he's deploying in his lifestyle! Enjoy the show! 


    4:10 - what is functional medicine?

    12:28 - the doctor of the future is the patient

    17:54 - making a greater change in systems

    20:20 - why hire a coach

    22:19 - the value for self care

    24:52 - the seven step approach to changing all areas of your life

    29:21 - self care strategies

    33:45 - health insurance vs. health assurance

    36:47 - the keys to mastery with your health

    40:18 - Sachin’s personal recent health hack






    8:37 - 8:47 “People create their destiny. They create and organize matter based on the thoughts they are having continuously and the interpretation of what’s going on around them.”

    9:30 -  9:41 “To be healthy is actually the only state that your body knows how to be in. All disease is in fact intelligent adaptation, it’s not a function.”

    16:48 - 16:54 - “Poor health is what grounds us whereas great health is what allows us to ascend to different levels of consciousness.”

    24:44 - 24:45 - “You always want to meet yourself where you are at.”

    34:05 - 34:09 “We have to realize that health insurance is not health assurance.”

    #010: Fad or The Real Deal? The What, How & Why of Kombucha with Hannah Crum

    #010: Fad or The Real Deal? The What, How & Why of Kombucha with Hannah Crum

    Hannah Crum, aka “The Kombucha Mamma”, comes on the show to discuss the what, why and how of Kombucha! Hannah pioneered the Kombucha Kamp educational workshop in 2004 out of her small Los Angeles kitchen. Along with husband Alex LaGory, they created www.KombuchaKamp.com, the top informational site with a mission to “Change the world, one gut at a time,” by providing quality information, quality cultures and quality customer support. Through Kombucha Kamp’s videos, blog posts, online support communities, and award winning, Amazon Best Seller “The Big Book of Kombucha”, they serve as mentors and the leading experts in Kombucha to millions of Kombucha lovers from all corners of the earth.


    Show Notes:

    1:52 - what is Kombucha

    6:35 - making Kombucha at home

    10:57 - the role of sugar and why you need it for making Kombucha

    14:44 - about the scoby and how you can use every piece of the kombucha culture

    15:30 - about the tea and which one to use for Kombucha

    19:29 - biofeedback and how kombucha helps with that

    25:18 - why I (TJ) personally drink kombucha - health benefits and more

    26:16 - why YOU should drink kombucha - health benefits and more

    33:00 - how to know when you are craving something good for you vs. not good for you

    39:07 - how to know that you are choosing the best commercial source when buying kombucha





    19:11  - “Kombucha picked me, I am just the ambassador…”

    20:33 - “This is where kombucha is a gateway into a whole other world of listening to the biofeedback of your body tells you - this is where the slogan of trust YOUR GUT means… when you start listening to how your body responds to nutrients it allows you to trust your instincts.”

    21:53 - “If you can’t see how it’s done it’s magic… and that’s how I think about microbes. Microbes are magic.”

    33:55 - “Your gut has to be to be in order before your brain can be in order.

    49:49 - “Manifest the best version of yourself.”

    #009: Living Beyond 120- The Truth about Heart Health, Injury Prevention & How to Hack Your Genetics for Longevity & Performance with Dr. Jeffrey Gladden

    #009: Living Beyond 120- The Truth about Heart Health, Injury Prevention & How to Hack Your Genetics for Longevity & Performance with Dr. Jeffrey Gladden

    Dr. Jeffrey Gladden, MD, FACC (fellow of the american college of cardiology), reformed interventional cardiologist comes on the show to discuss heart health, longevity and human performance. And as founder of Apex and Co-Founder of Living Beyond 120, he has now dedicated his time towards health, human performance and longevity optimization. We met at a healthcare conference in 2018 and hit it off right away. If you've ever wanted to reverse your own aging process and learn the truth about heart health, this is a must listen. Enjoy the show!


    Show Notes:


    • 2:21 - ‘reformed interventional cardiology’ and Jeffery’s background
    • 7:00 - moving from a sick care system to a well care system
    • 9:04 - individualized tools and wellness paths (root cause analysis)  vs. what the medical system gives you
    • 11:40 - healthcare system and training and how they approach wellness
    • 15:56 - advice for building your personalized healthcare team
    • 19:52 - heart health and disease prevention
    • 23:28 - nutrition for heart health
    • 25:55 - genetics and nutrition
    • 42:25 - Jeff’s favorite health hacks






    6:27 - 6:34: “I got to a point where I was thinking I’ve gotten so much better here… I wonder how good I can be.”

    7:00 - 7:04: “When you’re in a sick care system, you’re really handcuffed to the payers.”

    10:32 -  10:36 “You’re not really trained in the medical profession to look at root cause analysis.”

    16:56 - 17:03 “If you are looking to really optimize the people you are working with [in healthcare], you need to find people that are asking the same questions you are.”

    22:04 - 22:10 “Probably 80% of our health is related to the food we consume”

    #008: Clean Skin From Within- How to Protect Your Largest Organ and Live a Vibrant Life from the Inside Out with Dr. Trevor Cates

    #008: Clean Skin From Within- How to Protect Your Largest Organ and Live a Vibrant Life from the Inside Out with Dr. Trevor Cates

    Dr. Trevor Cates is founder and owner of The Spa Dr. and author of the bestselling book Clean Skin From Within. She was the first woman licensed as a naturopathic doctor in California and currently lives in Park City, Utah where she helps patients from around the world achieve graceful aging and glowing skin. Dr. Cates is host of The Spa Dr. weekly podcast and has her own PBS special, Younger Skin From Within. She believes the key to healthy skin is inner and outer nourishment with non-toxic ingredients. If you want to focus on healthy aging and creating a smarter approach to healthy skin, you'll definitely want to tune in!


    Show Notes:
    • 3:00 - why take a natural approach to skin care and to pay attention to your skin
    • 7:45 - the 6 root causes of skin issues
    • 11:15 - the four angles you can approach skin issues from
    • 13:00 - how personal care products affect your skin and health
    • 18:20 - the association of feeling good and looking good
    • 20:45 - the emotional effect of skin issues
    • 23:45 - most impactful products to make sure you use natural products for
    • 27:11 - skin cancer: potential risks, the reality about sun exposure, 
    • 30:55 - food and recipes for good skin



    12:18 - “there is this misbelief that whatever we put on our skin just stays on the surface of our bodies”

    35:30 - “look at the four boxes [for good skincare] and how you can do those every day”

    36:05 - “it’s those daily practices that we have that count rather than waiting until you feel sick”



    #007: Healthie Selfie- Simple Ways to Track Your Nutrition, Build Accountability and Create a Healthier Relationship with Food with Erica Jain

    #007: Healthie Selfie- Simple Ways to Track Your Nutrition, Build Accountability and Create a Healthier Relationship with Food with Erica Jain

    Erica Jain is the CEO of Healthie, the practice management and telehealth platform for nutrition and wellness professionals. Prior, Erica worked in the healthcare practice of the Boston Consulting Group and on the nutrition team of the Clinton Health Access Initiative in East Africa. Erica completed her undergraduate degree with honors in Health Disparities at Duke University and her MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

    She comes on the show to talk about the evolution of nutritional care in America, the reactive to proactive shift happening and what this means for each individual consumer of the healthcare system. 

    Show notes:


    23:15 - 23:22 - “It’s all about moderation and balance. You don’t have to have it all figured out but have it be something you work toward everyday.”

    27:15 - 27:21 - The importance of nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle cannot be overstated for long-term health and longevity.”

    #006: From Sick-Care to Self-Care- How One Doctor Went From Western Medicine to Integrative Medicine and Never Looked Back with Dr. Andrew Nish

    #006: From Sick-Care to Self-Care- How One Doctor Went From Western Medicine to Integrative Medicine and Never Looked Back with Dr. Andrew Nish

    Ever wonder how our western medicine doctors think about our approach to healthcare in the US? Tune in to hear one doctor's story of how he left Western Medicine for Integrative Medicine after changes he made in his own personal health journey. You'll leave feeling inspired to cultivate your own practices of mindfulness and intention in your own health journey. 

    Dr. Andrew Nish is an Integrative Medicine Specialist, Interventional Radiologist, Medical director of the John Stoddard Cancer Center in Des Moines, Iowa, adjunct clinical professor at Des Moines University and fellow in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.


    Show Notes:

    6:58 - changing the trajectory of a disease someone has and

    10:22 - pathogenesis vs. salutogenesis - what this means and why it’s important

    11:48 - why you need to understand how your healthcare team is trained and what they are doing for you

    18:10 - the corporatization of health

    20:14 - tips for health professionals that want to change the conversation around healthcare

    21:57 - top 3 key lifestyle changes Andrew made and can say from experience make the largest difference in health

    34:45 - productivity goals in healthcare and how the metrics of healthcare systems work

    41:33 - stat on the 3rd leading cause of death that you probably don’t know (medical errors)





    “Health is up to you. You can change the trajectory of your health. Your doctor’s probably not going to do it, their going to manage the disease… but you can change the trajectory of that disease.” - 8:32-8:44

    “Change your reality. Everyone can do it. You can project and you can make the reality you want.” - 29:06 -  29:14

    “It’s so fundamentally important that people understand that the best thing they can do is take control of their own health.” - 40:43-40:52

    “Healthcare as we know it today may not be there for you tomorrow.” - 41:17-41:21

    #005: From Do, Teach & Tell to Ask, Listen & Inspire: How Health Coaching & Self Coaching Inspires Radical Change in Healthcare with Dr. Bill Appelgate

    #005: From Do, Teach & Tell to Ask, Listen & Inspire: How Health Coaching & Self Coaching Inspires Radical Change in Healthcare with Dr. Bill Appelgate

    Bill (William K.) Appelgate believes that inspiring improved personal health behaviors is the change-the-world strategy required for the future of healthcare in America. He is the Executive Director of the Iowa Chronic Care Consortium and Founder of the Clinical Health Coach® training. His professional work has included service as a director of a university research center, a college foundation director, a college president, CEO of two comprehensive, innovative healthcare systems as well as vice-president and clinical professor at a leading graduate health sciences university and medical school.

    Dr. Appelgate also happens to be one of my mentors whom I interviewed for my book, The Art of Health Hacking, and worked with on the Clinical Health Coach Training team or a few years. If you want to understand HOW and WHY people change, and how you might consider approaching behavior change in your life, definitely tune in. You’ll leave feeling more empowered and activated in your own health journey!


    Show Notes:

    3:15 - Bill’s Background in healthcare field and his realization around the link between chronic conditions and the high costs of healthcare

    10:10 - the three things/behaviors his programs focused on to make impactful changes in people’s health

    15:41 - moving from “Do, Teach + Tell” to “Ask Listen + Inspire” to transform the conversation and way communication happens in the field of healthcare

    22:10 - guidance and top tips on ‘self-care’ and how to use health coaching skills in your own life

    35:08 - why prevention and health risk reduction is something to put more focus on and why YOU are an architect for good health





    “If people just took a little more responsibility for their health that has the greatest potential  of anything to change the healthcare in America.” - 12:56-13:06

    “If you are going to take some responsibility for your patients you gotta get to that 98-99% that happens outside your office.” — 17:07-17:13

    “Behaviors are pivotal in the business of healthcare.” — 17:30 - 17:34

    “Our job as individuals and the opportunity we have is to become an architect for good health, and we can’t really rely on others to do that.” - 36:48 - 37:02

    #004: The Science of CBD- How to Calm the Mind, Reduce Pain & Heal the Body with the Ancient Wisdom of Nature with James Sol Radina

    #004: The Science of CBD- How to Calm the Mind, Reduce Pain & Heal the Body with the Ancient Wisdom of Nature with James Sol Radina


    • 1:33 - Jame’s background and growing up on a sustainable farm
    • 7:36 - being an entrepreneur and finding balance to overworking
    • 11:21 - spirit/health/environment/purpose - where is your time and energy and focus going
    • 17:00 - learning about the medicinal benefits of cannabis and case study that changed Jame’s mind on CBD
    • 22:08 - the breakdown of what Cannabis is and what CBD is
    • 26:36 - endocannabinoid system, what it is and how it works
    • 40:00 — the three different ways to take CBD
