
    Health Harmony & Happiness with Cathy

    From learning to use your body’s rhythms and the rhythms around you to optimize productivity and avoid burnout to living sustainably, I give you tools that help you discover how to live and feel your best no matter what season of life you are in. I’m Cathy Struecker and I love to connect others with ways to cultivate health, harmony and happiness in life.

    Join me as I reveal what has worked for me on my path towards more conscious living and talk with other experts about their own personal take on what creates health, harmony and happiness. Through my journey with cyclical living, yoga, anxiety, parenting, and entrepreneurship, I bring you various perspectives that will help you navigate self-care, work-life balance, mindfulness, spirituality and much more.

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    Episodes (95)

    #54: Taking Action and Letting It Go, Energetic Rhythms Phase 3

    #54: Taking Action and Letting It Go, Energetic Rhythms Phase 3

    There is in fact an ideal time to let go of things in life…whether it’s decluttering your home, your mind or your energy, or even simply putting yourself out there into the world and letting that part of you be seen, there is indeed a time for taking action on this sort of thing that aligns with your highest good, even if you embrace the "hustle" mentality.  And it begins to happen in Phase 3 of your Energetic Rhythms Cycle.

    When you learn to anticipate your highest energy times, you can truly get the most stuff done in your personal or work life without feeling like you’re hustling all the time.

    This is part 3of a 4-part episode series defining the phases of your Energetic Rhythms.  This phase aligns with the peak of your cycle and the beginning of a decline in your Energetic Rhythms for the cycle. 

    I'll tell you all about the characteristics of this cycle, why they matter to you and how you can move through the most common challenges of this phase of your Energetic Rhythms. 

    Get the full show notes at here.

    Daily Rhythms Tracker
    Intention-Setting Worksheet

    More Episodes Like This One:
    #50:  Stuck in Motion
    #52:  Intention-setting for Focus in Life, Energetic Rhythms Phase 1
    #53:  How to Work with Growing Energy, Energetic Rhythms Phase 2

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    #53: How to Work with Growing Energy, Energetic Rhythms Phase 2

    #53: How to Work with Growing Energy, Energetic Rhythms Phase 2

    When you feel the shift in energy that comes after feeling an inward pull or lower emotional time, you could be moving into Phase 2 of your Energetic Rhythms Cycle; here's how you can maximize the energy you have so you remain focused and energetic with your time.  This is the second episode in an 4-part series all about the phases of your Energetic Rhythms Cycle in which I'm breaking each phase down so you know what you can likely anticipate to experience in each phase.

    If Phase 1 of your Energetic Rhythms Cycle, or Setting Intentions + Rest + Surrender, is like gathering the seeds of hope for what you want your life to look, sound and feel like, then Phase 2, Preparation + Growth, is the planting of the seeds and emergence that happens as you begin to move towards those intentions you set.

     Your Energetic Rhythms show you exactly when to rest and when to take action so you don’t have to overthink life and work; yet, if you disregard even one phase of these rhythms, burnout, feeling scattered or perpetually stuck in life is bound to happen.  The second phase of your Energetic Rhythms Cycle is often where those feelings originate.


    Get the Intention Setting Meditation Worksheet here.

    To know where you are in your cycle, download the Daily Rhythms Tracker.

    More Episodes Like This One:
    #39: What is Cyclical Living
    #40: Energetic Rhythms and You
    #41: Discovering Your Energetic Rhythms
    #50:  Stuck in Motion

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    #52: Intention-setting for Focus in Life, Energetic Rhythms Phase 1

    #52: Intention-setting for Focus in Life, Energetic Rhythms Phase 1

    Setting intentions is like gathering the seeds of hope for what you want your life to look, sound and feel like.  You consciously gather them all up and decide it's time to plant them, then you put your trust in something greater than yourself to contribute in making them happen, no matter what that might look like.

    This is the first of a 4-part series on the phases of your Energetic Rhythms. Each week I'll give you a little more insight into what happens in each phase and how you can use that phase to help you feel at ease and flow with your time, energy and focus even when unexpected things come up.

    Using your energetic rhythms means you are using your body's rhythms and the moon's cycle to get stuff done so that you are flowing with life instead of feeling like you're constantly living life on the verge of burnout or cycling between burnout and feeling comfortable with life.

    Setting intentions is the first step in doing just that...allowing yourself to recognize where you are and where you want to be instead then deciding to live in a way that aligns with that hope or intention.  It is NOT goal-setting or making a to-do list of things to get done, but rather a way of deciding to practice living in a different way.

    Intention-setting Worksheet
    Daily Rhythms Tracker

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    Other Episodes like this one:
    #39:  What is Cyclical Living
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
    #41:  Discovering Your Energetic Rhythms

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    #51: Rhythms that Create Life and Save Life

    #51: Rhythms that Create Life and Save Life

    Your body is a messenger.  At all times in your life, it's giving you cues as to how to live your life.  Although, if you're unaware of this, you likely think that those aches, pains or discomforts are just your body's way of shutting down or aging when really they're signals of something deeper...and when you can tune into them, you may be giving yourself blessings beyond what you'd ever imagine.  As is the case with my guest's story today.

    Stacy Hart's journey with using her rhythms began when she and her husband couldn't get pregnant for the second time.   Upon being prompted by a specialist to just begin tracking her cycle, she became pregnant.  Only 2 years later, while remembering to do her monthly self-breast exam, she discovered a lump that changed her life. 

    In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, listen in to Stacy's story and how knowing intimately her body's signals and rhythms helped her both create life and save her life. 

    Also, find out the best time of your cycle to do your self-breast exam and when the ideal time is to have that regular Pap Test. 

    For recommendations for early detection of breast cancer, check out the American Cancer Society or the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation.

    To know where you are in your cycle, download the Daily Rhythms Tracker.

    For recommendations for regular pap screening, check out the National Cancer Institute.

    Other Episodes Like This One:
    #38:  Welcome Back to the Show
    #40: Energetic Rhythms and You
    #41: Discovering Your Energetic Rhythms

    Grab the show notes and resources at www.cairnyogawellness.com/podcast51 and subscribe and listen wherever you catch your podcasts:
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    #50: Stuck in Motion vs. Taking Action

    #50:  Stuck in Motion vs. Taking Action

    When you get stuck in one energetic rhythms phase and miss the other phases that are necessary to live in flow with life even when unexpected things come up, you find yourself doing all the little things to just get by instead of doing the big things that ultimately help you listen to your inner guidance to take action and make all those little things even easier, or perhaps, make them drift away.

    It's all perception and pat of the solution is choosing the things in life that will help you stop spinning your wheels in motion and get to actually take action on the things that matter.  That's the difference in perpetually being in Phase 2 of your Energetic Rhythms vs. moving into Phase 3 so that you can eventually complete the cycle start over again, feeling as though you're living in flow with life instead of trying to paddle against the current.


    Daily Rhythms Tracker

    More Episodes like this one:

    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
    #41:  Discovering Your Energetic Rhythms
    #48:  Chaos in Life is Inevitable

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    #49: The Best Way to Ground Yourself

    #49: The Best Way to Ground Yourself

    When you feel chaotic, unsettled, or distracted and unable to focus, it’s necessary to have resources that you can call on to settle or ground back into yourself.

    In last week’s episode I gave you permission to be in that space of distraction and chaos, and to just allow yourself to be there. It’s inevitable that there are going to be things in life that make you feel a little bonkers and scattered, but there are resources you have access to that can help so you feel at ease with your time, energy and focus when those unexpected things come up.

    There are so many techniques out there that you can use to feel settled and reconnect with your highest self, but hands down, the best way I believe to do this, is yoga.

    Yoga is the gateway to understanding yourself.  It is the one tool that begins the process of connecting with your energetic rhythms and revealing your true emotional, mental and spiritual self.

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    More Episodes like this one:
    #38:  Welcome Back to the Show
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
    #48:  Chaos in Life is Inevitable

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    #48: Chaos in Life is Inevitable

    #48:  Chaos in Life is Inevitable

    Life is full.  Full, and constantly changing.  When you're on the verge of burnout or already burned out from one thing or another or multiple things and the tools that help ground and center yourself have even been shut out, it's hard to get the motivation to get started with those things that will help you get back to living in your element.   And once you take that first step to getting back to them, it's OK to not be perfect or back to where you were when you stopped them.

    So here's you big giant virtual hug telling you that you’re not a bad person if you’re struggling to get back to a habit that helps ground you.  You're real.  In this episode I share something you can do to help you get that motivation back.

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    Other Episodes like this one:
    #39:  What is Cyclical Living
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You

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    #47: What is Solar Feminine Energy and Why You Need to Know

    #47: What is Solar Feminine Energy and Why You Need to Know

    Action-taking women are often described or judged as having more masculine tendencies that correlate with "doing," strength, being assertive, confidence, having a "take-charge" attitude, and maybe even being a bit tough or hardened; rather than taking on more what is thought of as feminine traits like softness, compassion, emotion, receiving, caretaking, and nurturing.

    Those more masculine qualities are thought to align with the solar energy of the universe, whereas, the feminine qualities have been thought to align with the lunar energy of the universe.  So does that mean that women should try to embody and embrace only lunar energy and men only solar energy?

    Absolutely not!

    We ALL have access to both solar and lunar qualities, and each needs to be nurtured and given space to thrive so that you're not living in the burnout cycle.

    Burnout happens from only operating in the work-produce phases of productivity...only when trying to constantly mimic the solar masculine instead of embody the the idea that we have access to both the solar and lunar qualities...it doesn't have to be one or the other.

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    Other Episodes like this one:
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
    #45: How to Tap into Your Feminine Energy
    #46: Owning Your Power with Solar Feminine Energy

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    #46: Owning Your Power with Your Solar Feminine Energy

    #46: Owning Your Power with Your Solar Feminine Energy

     Have you ever told yourself you needed to be or act a certain way because of choices you've made in your life? Whether it's your career, relationship or place you live, you've likely put yourself into a metaphorical box of some sort at some time or another. You may be there now! 

    But you don't have to remain there. You can indeed take your power back and start living into your full capacity so that you are in fact doing what lights you up in life. 

    Recently I had a realization that I had been giving my power away.

    Which meant that I had not been embodying my full potential.  I had been making myself small in spirit, believe it or not.

    I know this stems from a wounded inner child.  I’ve done work with my inner child and know that there are things she struggles with, just like yours does as well.  And it takes conscious work to go back and help heal that inner child in order to move through some of those mindset patterns and beliefs that we grow accustomed to.

    I also know it is no longer serving me.

    When there's an imbalance in the masculine and feminine energy because of protection mechanisms the inner child developed, it's likely you are giving you power away in ways you may not even be aware of.

    Masculine and feminine energy goes deeper than just the masculine and feminine, though.  Yes, we need both, AND there are smaller elements or phases that make up each.  This is where the solar and lunar qualities of both the feminine and the masculine come in.

    Grab the show notes and resources at www.cairnyogawellness.com/podcast46 and subscribe and listen wherever you catch your podcasts: 

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    More Episodes like this one:

    #21:  EMBODY an Abundant Mindset, Hemalayaa
    #39:  What is Cyclical Living
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
    #45: How to Tap into Your Feminine Energy

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    #45: How to Tap Into Your Feminine Energy

    #45: How to Tap Into Your Feminine Energy

    Just like the positive and negative ends of a battery must be clear and connected in order for the battery to work properly, you have both feminine and masculine energy within you that must be nurtured and balanced in order for you to work at your highest potential. 

    And if both of these qualities aren't acknowledged, and one is perhaps stronger than the other, you'll likely have issues in your physical, mental and emotional bodies. Issues that lead to things like burnout, lack of focus, anxiety, and irritability if your masculine energy is too powerful; and issues like lethargy, co-dependency, anxiety, and inaction if your feminine is the stronger of the two. 

    But sometimes knowing what your feminine and masculine energy each look like is the first challenge.  And once you define them, you can easily tap into one or the other through any number of ways so that when you step into your feminine energy you can still invite the masculine to be a part of you, but in a more balanced way.

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    Other Episodes like this one:
    #26:  Tapping into Your Creative Self
    #37:  Using Nature and Music Therapy for Health
    #39:  What is Cyclical Living
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You

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    #44: So You're Feeling Inadequate

    #44: So You're Feeling Inadequate

    Comparison = Inadequacy {no matter what}.

    When you start down the path of living more intentionally to avoid burnout, it can be tough to shed things that have felt so "normal" for so long. Like the hustle to "keep up with the Jones's."

    You may have urges to try harder even when you know you know your body wants to slow down. You can feel super inadequate at times because the world around you isn't necessarily slowing down...but you have made the conscious choice, set the intention even, to begin to use another source for informing your life instead of comparison.

    Enter:  your inner guidance--the higher knowing or voice of God within you calling you to act.

    Why comparison and trying to "keep up with the Jones'" is actually one of the fastest ways to burnout, but that it's still part of the journey no matter what phase of it you're on.

    Grab the show notes and resources at www.cairnyogawellness.com/podcast44 and subscribe and listen wherever you catch your podcasts: 

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    More Episodes like this one:
    #39:  What is Cyclical Living
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
    #43:  The Power of Letting Go with Dave Weesner

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    #43: The Power of Letting Go with Dave Weesner

    #43: The Power of Letting Go with Dave Weesner

    Letting go is a necessary part of life; and in fact, it's a necessary part of the Energetic Rhythms cycle.  But it's not always easy.  When you hold onto things in life you don't allow space for the new, the fresh and the vital to enter.

    In today's episode I interview my former pastor, Dave Weesner, to talk letting go during life's transitions and how they impact you.

    There are times when our lives dictate change and it's out of our control that we have to make a change in life. Case in point, the pandemic. 

    Then there are times when we know we need to let go of something, but it seems too hard and painful to do so, so we continue to hold on, remaining in the comfort (or discomfort) of what we know to be familiar. As in the case of remaining in a relationship that may not be serving your best interest anymore.

    Yet with both instances, one factor remains that must be present in order to fully let go and move through the transition. 


    Trust that all things are connected. And the letting go is just as important as the planting of the seed and work to nurture and grow that seed.

    Dave is a retired United Methodist Church pastor, forever learner and much more. 

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    Other Episodes like this one:
    #16:  Transitioning Through Seasons of Life
    #28:  Spiritual Connectedness with Melissa Harris
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You

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    #42: Your Vacation is No Different

    #42: Your Vacation is No Different

    Vacations are meant to be refreshing so that you return to life with a renewed energy. But what about when they are so exhausting it takes you as long as you were gone to recover?  It doesn't have to be the latter.  I want you to be able to return from a vacation or trip without feeling like you need to take a vacation from your vacation.

    Listen in as I share my reflections on what didn't work with a recent vacation we took and what I learned from it so that you can begin to look at vacations in the same way.

    Why this matters to you...

    You were created or designed to be cyclical.  And when you live in alignment with your rhythms and work with them instead of against them, you complete a cycle for everything you do and you move out of distraction, chaos and burnout and into focus, balance and optimal productivity...or play!

    You can begin tracking your own personal rhythms with the Daily Rhythms Tracker so you don't have to overthink life and know exactly when to work and when to rest not only on vacation, but in your daily life as well.

    Grab the show notes and resources at www.cairnyogawellness.com/podcast42 and subscribe and listen wherever you catch your podcasts: 

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    #39: What is Cyclical Living
    #40:  Energetic Rhythms and You

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    #41: Discovering Your Energetic Rhythms

    #41: Discovering Your Energetic Rhythms

    Stop feeling stuck or cycling between burnout and action-taking!  The first step in doing this is to begin tracking your energetic rhythms. 

    Grab your Energetic Rhythms Tracker and a pen because today I'm telling you all about how to use this crucial tool so that you can move away from feeling stuck or burnt out and instead into balance and optimal productivity.  We'll walk step-by-step through the tracker so you know what's most essential to track in terms of your energetic rhythms in the beginning and what can wait til later.

    If you haven't downloaded the Energetic Rhythms Tracker yet, get it here.

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    #39:  What is Cyclical Living

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    #40: Energetic Rhythms and You

    #40: Energetic Rhythms and You

    What exactly are your energetic rhythms?  And how can they help you shift out of distraction, chaos, and burnout and into optimal productivity, balance, and focus, without giving up your action-oriented nature? I answer these questions and more in this episode.

    Resources from episode:
    Daily Rhythms Tracker
    Facebook Live:  What Season of Life are You in?

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    Other Episodes like this one:
    #14:  Circadian Rhythm & Nutrition with Katie Standafer Lopez
    #39: What is Cyclical Living

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    #39: What is Cyclical Living

    #39:  What is Cyclical Living

    Society trains us to think of our lives as a linear...we're born, we set goals, we work to achieve them (or not), then die.  It also trains us to think of productivity in this way...take action, take action, take action...

    But what if that weren't really the way life worked? What if you had permission to think of life differently...to think of it in a way that actually gives you permission to not live in the work-produce mode of operation that leaves you either feeling burnt out or stuck more often than you care to admit, but rather honors the natural rhythms that are around you in every day life?  That's what cyclical living is all about and it's what I'm talking about in today's episode.

    When you transition to a cyclical living way of thinking and being, these issues of being stuck and burnt out resolve.  Instead you honor the 4 phases of your energetic rhythms, just like nature is doing all around you, and move out of distraction, chaos, and burnout and into optimal productivity, balance, and focus, without giving up their action-oriented nature.

    Begin practicing a cyclical way of living with some easy steps you can take today to change the way you approach projects and life.

    Get Your Energetic Rhythms Tracker Here:

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    Other Episodes like this one:
    #26: Tapping into Your Creative Self
    #22: Revisiting Health Harmony and Happiness
    #28: Spiritual Connectedness with Melissa Harris
    #17: Saying "Yes" to Your Inner Wisdom - Ali Machedon
    #14:  Circadian Rhythm & Nutrition with Katie Standafer Lopez

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    #38 Welcome Back to the Show

    #38 Welcome Back to the Show

    After a 2 year break, I'm back to podcasting and excited to share with you what I've been up to since we last shared this space.

    For  7 years I practiced 1 style of yoga and taught 1 style of yoga, primarily.  And that’s what I taught many of my listeners for years, and what you heard me talk a lot about when I started this podcast.  But for the past 2 years I have been shifting. Shifting the style of yoga I  practice now and shifting the way I serve beautiful souls like you.

    In this episode I tell you all about this transition that I made into teaching my own style of yoga and how I am now helping overachieving women with overcommitting tendencies use their body's rhythms and/or the moon's cycle to shift out of distraction, chaos, and burnout and into optimal productivity, balance, and focus, without giving up their action-oriented nature.

    I primarily do this through 1:1 virtual or in-person sessions, in the Energetic Rhythms for Intentional Living Facebook Community, and through online courses that have a coaching component. And I'd love to work with you! I have a couple openings on my calendar right now for clarity calls to see if any of these would be a good fit for you. So if it's something you'd like to learn more about, email me at cathy@cairnyogawellness.com to schedule a quick clarity call.

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    Grab the show notes and resources at www.cairnyogawellness.com/podcast38 and subscribe and listen wherever you catch your podcasts: 

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    Other Episodes like this one:
    #16: Transitioning Through Seasons of Life
    #21:  EMBODY and Abundant Mindset, Hemalayaa
    #22: Revisiting Health Harmony and Happiness
    #24:  From Working Out to Yoga - How I Transitioned My Life

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    #37: Using Nature and Music Therapy for Health

    #37: Using Nature and Music Therapy for Health

    Science has proven that plants release natural chemicals that can improve immune function, mood + stress levels.  Crystal Berkenes shares what Nature Therapy is and how she combines it with music for health + what to expect from forest bathing.

    You may know from experience that being in nature feels therapeutic, but did you know there is actual scientific evidence that spending time in nature can affect you at a cellular level by helping your immune system and nervous system?

    Taking a walk in nature is not the same as taking a walk down a city street.  There are natural chemicals released by plants that actually have a positive impact on your physical well-being.

    Enter Nature Therapy.  Also called Forest Bathing or Shinrin-Yoku, it’s inspired by a Japanese practice of spending time in nature that “enhances health, wellness and happiness” according to the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides.   

    In today’s episode I’m talking with Certified Nature Therapy Guide Crystal Berkenes who is also a Music Therapist and combines the 2 practices to create an experience for participants that can actually be health-changing. 

    Grab the show notes at www.cairnyogawellness.com/podcast37.

    {9:15}   What is Music Therapy
    {13:28} What is Forest/Nature Therapy
    {14:49} Lasting Effect of Nature Therapy
    {17:18} Nature Therapy How-to
    {18:22} Nature Therapy Guide Training
    {23:40} What to Expect on a Guided Nature Walk
    {26:51} Music Therapy in Nature
    {32:51} Wild Tending in Nature
    {35:50} Length of a Nature Therapy Session
    {39:42} Dr. Suzanne Bartlett Hackenmiller

    Connect with nature through your own version of a nature therapy walk or by simply heading outdoors and walk barefoot in the grass, practicing a technique called Earthing. Then share what your experience here is in our Cultivating Health Harmony and Happiness Community.  I want to know what you did and if you noticed any differences emotionally or mentally, or perhaps if your sleep was different on the night or nights following your nature therapy. 

    Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs

    The Outdoor Adventurer's Guide to Forest Bathing: Using Shinrin-Yoku to Hike, Bike, Paddle, and Climb Your Way to Health and Happiness - Dr. Suzanne Bartlett Hackenmiller*

    Join the Podcast New Season Launch Team

    Mountain Meditation

    Guest Links:
    Crystal Berkenes  |  musictherapycab@gmail.com  |  @crystal.berkenes

    Other Episodes like this one:
    #30: Herbal Medicine with Spiritus Vitae Botanicals

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    #36: Cultivating Healthy Communication in Relationships

    #36: Cultivating Healthy Communication in Relationships

    We all have different communication styles that we tend to gravitate towards, and even though we may be speaking the same language, sometimes our needs, wants and desires get lost in translation when it comes to our relationships. Katie Rössler gives tips on how to overcome this communication breakdown and instead build positive connections.

    We discuss healthy arguing strategies as well as how to get back into the flow of communicating with your spouse or partner.  Life is always happening around us, and it takes patience and practice to remember to be present for your spouse. And when this intentionality is in place, you can begin to create healthy habits around communicating more effectively while having fun with it.

    Katie and I talk perceived gender roles + how those perceptions come into play with creating communication barriers. Learn how to bring your family together to overcome these barriers so that everyone is on the same page.  Katie shares her outline for a successful family meeting and what a good age is to invite your kids to be a part of those family meetings.  She also introduces us to the concept of the Chief Household Officer and what that means in terms of running a home.

    Grab the show notes and resources at www.cairnyogawellness.com/podcast36.

    {4:51}   Katie’s background with communication
    {6:16}   Healthy Arguing
    {11:08} Physiological responses to arguing
    {12:29} Arguing style, actions and boundaries
    {13:52} Improving communication + helping it flow
    {17:52} Practicing humility in marriage
    {18:38} Healthy communication habits in relationships
    {23:30} Accountability for giving and receiving love
    {27:35} Gender roles + household responsibilities
    {31:58} The unintentional career hierarchy perception
    {35:25} The Family Meeting
    {42:48} The Chief Household Officer

    All of Katie’s resources can be found here:
    Positive Connections Resources

    We mentioned this book in our discussion:  The 5 Love Languages

    Here are some other resources for communicating about shared responsibilities in the home: Tools for Communicating Shared Responsibilities

    Guest Links:
    Katie Rössler  |  www.positiveconnections.com  | Positive-Connections.com (mid-summer 2020)

    Follow Katie on Social:
    Facebook:  @thechiefhouseholdofficerclub  @positiveconnectionsforcouples
    Instagram:  @thechiefhouseholdofficerclub @positiveconnectionsforcouples

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    #35: Loneliness and Your Health

    #35: Loneliness and Your Health

    Loneliness is a signal or indicator that something in life needs to change--it’s a feeling, which can make it hard to detect. And if not addressed, it can potentially have negative health side effects in the way of chronic illness and decreased lifespan.  

    Loneliness actually affects nearly half the U.S. population NOT during a pandemic, so I can imagine that right now these numbers are indeed heightened.  I’m speaking with Amie Zarling today, a Clinical Psychologist and assistant professor at Iowa State University who has done extensive work on social connectedness and how to seek out authentic relationships.

    Grab the show notes and all resource links here.

    {5:34} Loneliness in the U.S.
    {6:42} Loneliness Defined
    {7:56} Social Connectedness
    {9:44} Identifying Loneliness or Social Disconnection
    {11:18}  Interventions for Loneliness
    {13:26} Cultivating Authentic Relationships
    {17:43} Levels of Connectedness
    {19:42} How Mindfulness Fits In
    {32:18} Loneliness During Social Distancing

    More Episodes Like This one:
    #20: Your Attitude Creates Your Mindset, Chris Gordon

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