
    Healthy 4 Now Podcast

    Healthy 4 Now podcast is a show with relevant information and conversations from two unique professionals. H4N is all about getting you the information you need. Dr. Eric and Coach Chris have two different philosophies on topics of health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness...TUNE IN TO FIND OUT MORE
    enDr. Eric and Coach Chris29 Episodes

    Episodes (29)

    Meal Prep Pt. 1

    Meal Prep Pt. 1
    In this show, we go back and forth with our take on meal prepping. Everyone has a different reason "WHY" and also a different definition of what meal prepping feels like to them. We believe it's going to benefit you because we've experienced it for ourselves. Once you know what you're aiming to accomplish you can practice honing in on new skills each week. If you have any goal related to being more efficient, saving time, boosting energy, and just feeling good then this episode was made for you.


    Are you getting what you really need in order to combat inflammation inside of your body? We tend to lead lives that lean on the "more stressful" side of things. The human body is amazing and it can adapt within reason to whatever you throw at it on a regular basis...until all of a sudden, it can't anymore. Lifestyle choices play a role in how your body is either breaking itself down or building back stronger. Antioxidants help keep you healthy 4 now by limiting free radicals in the system that cause damage down at the cellular level.

    Series Reflection Episode #progressnotperfection

    Series Reflection Episode #progressnotperfection
    In this short episode, we take a few minutes to celebrate the small victories and share what this podcast has taught us. Perspective is everything. We know don’t have the best podcast setup but we make s*** happen and get s*** done :) We don’t make excuses…we make progress and ignore perfection. We live the Healthy 4 Now Vibe and appreciate others who embrace it with us. Learning is living and that’s what we’re both committed to. Cheers to you and your goals (both big and small). The only way to reach your dreams is to start working towards them. Don’t forget to celebrate your success. It’s worth talking about and reflecting upon :)
    Healthy 4 Now Podcast
    enFebruary 11, 2021

    Pre-Workout Supplements

    Pre-Workout Supplements
    One of the biggest issues with supplements these days is that people like you and me are taking them without a second thought. We truly don't know what it is that we are ingesting and what the benefits/consequences might ultimately be (both short and long-term). Shame on you!!! Just kidding ;) Shame on all of us if I’m being truthful. I’m no hypocrite. I’m totally guilty of taking the easy route with supplements too, and I’m committed to investigating the truth behind the claims. Doing the research helps me feel like an educated buyer and gives me more confidence to follow the science. I want this for you too. Both Eric and I want you to feel #Healthy4Now. The marketing has truly evolved into something that can trigger us into being volunteer subjects in the free market of experimenting with pre-workout supplements. These companies know this and will forever take advantage of the uneducated consumer (and that’s the majority). In this episode, we dive in a little deeper into some of the claimed benefits of a few ingredients and also call each other out on bad habits.

    Sleep Supplements

    Sleep Supplements
    Sleep supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry, but are you wasting money when you choose a sleep-aid? You have a ton of choices at your fingertips and they all claim to deliver on the promise of a restful night of sleep. What's worth it and what's not? Effective sleep is all about habit and consistency but there is some value in supplementing in certain cases. What works and what doesn't? Take a listen and find out!

    Micronutrients Pt. 3 (B Vitamins Continued)

    Micronutrients Pt. 3 (B Vitamins Continued)
    Finishing up the B Vitamins discussion and covering B7, B9, and B12 in this short episode. We hope you find some value in paying attention to where you regularly get your dosage of these essential micronutrients. Next up are episodes on Vitamins E and K as we finish up the micronutrients series and move on to more cool stuff. Keep on living Healthy 4 Now and give us a review if you haven't yet :)

    Micronutrients Pt. 2 (B Vitamins)

    Micronutrients Pt. 2 (B Vitamins)
    We thought we could get through all the B vitamins in one episode but that simply wasn't the case. This is part one of two episodes covering the B Vitamin Complex. In this discussion, we cover where you get these in your diet, how they're beneficial to your development, and why it's essential for your energy and metabolism. Stay tuned for the second episode on B Vitamins. We know how excited you are to listen to us talk about vitamins, LOL. Seriously, we appreciate the downloads ;)

    Micronutrients Pt. 1 (Vitamins A, C, & D)

    Micronutrients Pt. 1 (Vitamins A, C, & D)
    The little things in life matter most and that concept applies to your nutrition too! Take a proactive approach and optimize your health by ensuring what you eat on a regular basis is what your body craves (beyond the macros of course). This is part one of a handful of episodes where we discuss vitamins and minerals that are essential to keep you living Healthy 4 Now and functioning at your best!
    Healthy 4 Now Podcast
    enOctober 31, 2020

    America is Overweight: Obesity, Risk Factors, and Unhealthy Nutrition Pt. 2

    America is Overweight: Obesity, Risk Factors, and Unhealthy Nutrition Pt. 2
    "If you're not changing it, you're choosing it". That's the mindset we are applying directly to this problem. With this being such a deep topic with so many details...we can't fit in everything we want to. This is the second episode on unhealthy nutrition where we talk a little more in-depth about how we got to this point in time as a society and culture. When everyone starts to improve their awareness, we can inch our way towards a better future for all.

    America is Overweight: Obesity, Risk Factors, and Unhealthy Nutrition

    America is Overweight: Obesity, Risk Factors, and Unhealthy Nutrition
    With nearly half of all Americans currently obese, this truly is an "everyone-problem". The focus has to be treatment and prevention... everyone plays a part in helping us course-correct our poor eating patterns and our habitual lack of movement. These issues compound over time and so do the costs of preventable diseases. The solutions are not easy but they can be simple. We break down some stats and explain why context is so important when using the words "healthy and unhealthy".

    Nutrition 101

    Nutrition 101
    Our initial thoughts on what nutrition really means and a few of our experiences shared in a non-scientific way. This is an intro podcast to preview our upcoming series on healthy nutrition for life. We want you living Healthy 4 Now :)

    H4N Podcast 014 Goal Setting

    H4N Podcast 014 Goal Setting
    What is more important than mindset? The reason you have the mindset in the first place. You cannont start anywhere without goal setting. Coach Chris and Dr. Eric talk about some goals they have and why it is important ot have different kinds of goals. Check us out and leave us a review.
    Healthy 4 Now Podcast
    enSeptember 01, 2020

    H4N Podcast 011 Mindset is everything

    H4N Podcast 011 Mindset is everything
    Dr. Eric and Coach Chris talk about how important mindset is and how the right mindset has helped them stay on track in life both personally and business. We all can work on ourselves and we talk about how we plan to improve our mindsets. Take a listen.
    Healthy 4 Now Podcast
    enAugust 07, 2020